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【题目】What Tom’s parents really doubt is ________ he will recover from the serious disease soon.

A. that B. when

C. whether D. how


【解析】考查表语从句。句意:让汤姆的父母真正怀疑的是他是否能很快从重病中康复。分析句子可知C项( whether是否)正确。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】My new classmate told us about his trip to ______ Great Wall. He said it was _______ exciting experience for him.

A. the; an B. 不填; the

C. the;不填 D. 不填; a


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】When did the party begin in fact?

A. At 6:30 p.m. B. At 7 p.m. C. At 7:30 p.m.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】As there is no butter, we must ____ ourselves ____dry bread.

A. content; with B. satisfy; to

C. meet; with D. be content; with


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】The hotel _______ during our holidays stands by the seaside.

A. we stayed at it B. we stayed at

C. we stayed D. where we stayed at


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Though he was ____,he looked down upon those who had a lot of money.

A. well off B. rich

C. badly off D. well-known


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Mandela was generous with his time, Elias was grateful.

A. to which B. for which

C. which D. to whom


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Plays twice a month in that theatre.

A. put on B. are put on

C. was put on D. often put on


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】What does Susan mean?

A. She didn’t have time to prepare the speech.

B. She had a date then.

C. She will put off the meeting.

