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A bottle with a letter in it is floating on the sea.




科目:高中英语 来源:必修二训练译林英语 译林版 题型:030


A=airhostess P=passenger

A:What can I do for you, sir?

P:Yes, I(1)w ________ if you could bring me another bottle of beer.

A:Certainly.Would you like anything else?

P:Well, my grandson is(2)s ________ to meet me in London at the airport.Do you think he’ll be able to find me?

A:I’m sure he will.You don’t have to worry about that.Are you going to be(3)v ________ him?

P:Yes, I haven’t seen my grandson for long.

A:I think you will have a(4)w ________ time in London.It’s beautiful.Is this your first time(5)a ________?

P:No, I have seen quite a bit of(6)E ________ before, Rome, Berlin, Paris…places like that, but never London.

A:Oh, then you have(7)f ________ before too.

P:No, that was(8)d ________ the Second World War and I went on a large ship carrying soldiers.

A:Things are quite(9)d ________ in Europe now.

P:I’m sure they are.I’m really(10)e ________ to go there.

A:Well, we’ll be there in two hours.Wait a minute, I’ll go and get your beer.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


W: Hi, Fred.Where have you been?

M: I’ve been to the l____76____ and borrowed some English books.    76.        

What’s wrong?

W: I t___77 ___ you’d been to the post office.                       77.        

       Did you notice the money I left on the desk?

M: Yes, $10 altogether.But I didn’t know what it was f___78____.      78.        

W: Didn’t you see the note I left you with the money?

M: Note? What note? I didn’t see any note.

W: R___79___? That’s very strange.I left the money with a note  79.        

       saying I wanted you to go to the post office and get some

       e___80___ and stamps for me.I also put the ink bottle on           80.        

       them in case they might not draw your a___81____.         81.        

M: I see now.Why can’t you go and get them y__82___?        82.        

       The post office is only about 30 minutes’ walk from here.

       We often walk there after supper.

W: Of course I know how far it is from school.I can’t go there myself because

       I’m very busy doing some chemistry e___83___ in the lab.        83.        

       And what’s more, I have to p___84___ for my English exam.      84.        

       You know I f__85__ the last one.If I can’t pass this time,         85.        

       a hard time will be waiting for me.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


W: Hi, Fred.Where have you been?

M: I’ve been to the l_____76_____ and borrowed some English books.What’s wrong?

W: I t____77______ you’d been to the post office.Did you notice the money I left on the desk?

M: Yes, $10 altogether.But I didn’t know what it was f____78___

W: Didn’t you see the note I left you with the money?

M: Note? What note? I didn’t see any note.

W: R____79______? That’s very strange.I left the money with a note saying I wanted you to go to the post office and get some e____80_______ and stamps for me.I also put the ink bottle on them in case they might not draw your a_____81________.

M: I see now.Why can’t you go and get them y_____82______? The post office is only about 30 minutes’ walk from here.We often walk there after supper.

W: Of course I know how far it is from school.I can’t go there myself because I’m very busy doing some chemistry e______83_________ in the lab.And what’s more, I have to p_____84______ for my English exam.You know I f___85______ the last one.If I can’t pass this time, a hard time will be waiting for me.


科目:高中英语 来源:江西省四校2010届高三下学期第二次联考英语卷 题型:其他题



第一节 对话填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


W: Hi, Ben, Where have you been?

M: I’ve been to the library and (76)b       some English books. Why do you ask?

W: I thought you’d been to the post office. Did you find the money I left on the desk?

M: Yes, 10 dollars (77)a       . But I don’t know what it is for.

W: Didn’t you see the note I left to you with the money?

M: Note? Why note? I don’t see any note.

W: (78)R      ? It’s very strange. I left the money with a note (79)s______ I wanted you to go to the post office and get some (80)e______ and stamps for me. I also put the ink bottle on them in case they might not draw your attention.

M: I see now. Why cant’ you go and get them (81)y______? The post office is only about 30 (82)m      walk from here. We often go for a walk there after having (83)s      .

W: Of course I know how far it is from our school. I can’t go there myself because I’m very (84)b_______ doing some chemical

experiments in the lab. And what’s more, I have to prepare for my English exam. You know I failed the last one. If I can’t pass this time , a hard time will be (85)w       for me. 














科目:高中英语 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

                                                             ANY VOLUNTEERS?
                                                       MORE WAYS TO GET INVOLVED
                                                            WHILE HAVING GREAT FUN
                                                             GLOBAL VOLUNTEERS
What it is: Volunteers can choose from 20 countries yearround. Projects include teaching English, caring
for children, building and repairing community buildings and assisting with health care.
Length of Stay/Cost:l-3 weeks/$ 695 and up, airfare not included.
Living, Conditions : Local  homes , simple  hotels. Comfortable.
Vibe: Famous organization with plenty of media coverage
from People magazine to Oprah.
Web site: globalvolunteers, org
                                                             ENKOSINI ECO EXPERIENCES
What it is: Projects in South Africa. Volunteers work in conservation, rehabilitation and research projects
 with animals ranging from penguins to lions.
Length of Stay/Cost:2-4 weeks/ $ 795- $  2195 w/o airfare.
Living Conditions: Not for the high-maintenance types.
Vibe:Does the idea of feeding baby monkeys from a bottle make you feel excited?
Web site: enkosiniecoexperience. Com
                                                              HABITAT NEW ORLEANS
What it is: Rebuilding/building affordable housing.
Training is done on site; no experience is required.
Length of Stay/Cost: One day or more/Free to participate.
Living Conditions: Up to you. Group living in "Camp Hope, "an elementary- school- turned- volunteer-
housing or stay at the Ritz-Carlton
Vibe:Easygoing. Potential for celeb spotting,for instance.
Web site: habitat-nola. org
                                                               EARTH WATCH INSTITUTE
What it is:A number of environmental volunteer projects, such as the one in The Bahamas where do-
gooders snorkel(潜水) remote islands to survey and document the health of the coral reefs.
Length of Stay/Cost:Eight-day Bahamas trip costs $ 2 446w/o airfare.
Living Conditions:Shared rooms at Cerace Research Center (a former U. S Navy base. )Simple meals
Vibe: Volunteers are definitely there to work. But it's TheBahamas. So how bad can it be?
Web site: earthwatchexpeditions. org
1. All of the volunteers will ________in the four activities.   
A. teach young kids
B. have a lot of fun
C. experience nature
D. beautify the environment
2.If you are short of money, which group would you like to join?     
3. According to the advertisement, which of the following is true?   
A. You have to cook yourself in EARTH WATCH INSTITUTE.
B. You need to have experience to join HABITAT NEW ORLEANS.
C. You may learn to feed a baby in ENKOSINI ECO EXPERIENCES.
D. You have a chance to serve in a community in GLOBAL VOLUNTEERS.

