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Some colors people see late at night could cause signs of the condition mental health experts call clinical depression(临床抑郁症). That was the finding of a study that builds on earlier study findings. They show that individuals who live or work in low levels of light overnight can develop clinical depression.

Doctors use the word clinical depression to describe severe form of depression. Signs may include loss of interest or pleasure in most activities, low energy levels and thoughts of death or suicide.

In the new study, American investigators designed an experiment that exposed hamsters(仓鼠)to different colors. The researchers chose hamsters because they are nocturnal, which means they sleep during the day and are active at night. The animals were separated into four groups. One group of hamsters was kept in the dark during their night-time period. Another group was placed in front of a blue light, a third group slept in front of a white light, while a fourth was put in front of a red light. After four weeks, the researchers noted how much sugary water the hamsters drank. They found that the most depressed animals drank the least amount of water.

Randy Nelson, at Ohio State University, says animals that slept in blue and white light appeared to be the most depressed. “What we saw is that these animals didn’t show any sleep interruptions at all but they did mess up biological clock (生物钟) genes and they did show depressive sign but if they were in the dim red light, they did not.” He says there’s a lot of blue in white light. This explains why the blue light and white light hamsters appear to be more depressed than the hamsters seeing red light or darkness.

1. From the text we know that ________ made the hamster feel depressed.

A. the amount of the water

B. the colour of the light

C. the loss of pleasure

D. the level of energy

2.What was the purpose of the experiment on hamsters?

A. To show how well they slept.

B. To see how much sugary water they drank.

C. To explain why they liked dark colours.

D. To find out what caused the depression on them.

3. The author explains the clinical depression by _________.

A. reporting an experiment process

B. presenting research data

C. setting down general rules

D. giving his own experience

4.Where can we probably find the text?

A. In a science magazine.

B. In a physics textbook

C. In a tourist guidebook.

D. In an official announcement.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年河南许昌三校高一上学期期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Are there any foreigners in your city? How do you address(称呼) them in English when you want to talk to these foreigners? The following may be some simple rules the beginners should follow.

1. When talking to strangers there is often no special form of address in English. In most cases, if you want to catch the attention of a stranger it is necessary to use such phrases as “Excuse me”.

2. In British English “Sir” and “Madam” are considered to be too formal for most situations. They are used mostly to customers in shops or restaurants .While in American English “Sir” and “Madam” are not so formal and are commonly used between strangers, especially with older people whose names you don’t know.

3. When you talk to some people you know, you can use their names directly. If you are friends, use their first names; if your relationship is more formal, use “Mr.”, “Mrs.”, “Ms.”, etc, before their family names.

4. There are many other forms of address which can be used between friends and strangers. However, many of these are limited in use. For example, “pal” and “mate” can be used between strangers, but are usually only used by men talking to other men.

If you meet foreigners, do remember not to address them in wrong ways.

1.According to the passage, “Excuse me” is mainly used to _______.

A. address a person you don’t know

B. apologize to others

C. catch the attention of a stranger

D. suggest good manners

2. If John Smith is your best friend, according to the passage you should often call him______.

A. John B. Smith

C. Mr. John D. Mr. Smith

3.What is the title of this passage?

A. Foreigners in Your City

B. How to Introduce Others

C. Politeness Education

D. How to Address Foreigners


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年辽宁东北育才学校高一上第二阶段考英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

People like different kinds of vacations. Some go camping. They swim, fish, cook over a fire and sleep outside. Others like to stay at a hotel in an exciting city. They go shopping all day and go dancing all night. Or maybe they go sightseeing to places such as Disneyland, the Tai Mahal or the Louvre.

Some people are bored with sightseeing trips. They don’t want to be “tourists”. They want to have an adventure— a surprising and exciting trip. They want to learn something and maybe help people too. How can they do this ? Some travel companies and environmental groups are planning special adventures. Sometimes these trips are difficult and full of the world. Some volunteers spend two weeks and study the environment. Others work with animals. Others learn about people of the past.

Would you like an adventure in the Far North ? A team of volunteers is leaving from Murmansk, Russia. The leader of this trip is a professor from Alaska. He’s worried about chemicals from factories. He and the volunteers will study this pollution in the environment. If you like exercise and cold weather, this is a good trip for you. Volunteers need ski sixteen kilometers every day.

Do you enjoy ocean animals ? You can spend two to four weeks in Hawaii. There, you can teach language to dolphins. Dolphins can follow orders such as “Bring me the large ball”. They also understand opposites. How much more can they understand ? It will be exciting to learn about these intelligent animals. Another study trip goes to Washington State and follows orcas. We call orcas “Killer Whale” , but they’ re really dolphins—the largest kind of dolphin. These beautiful animals travel together in family groups. They move through the ocean with their mothers, grandmothers and great-grandmothers. Ocean pollution is chasing their lives. Earthwatch is studying how this happens.

Are you interested in history ? Then Greece is the place for your adventure. Thirty-five hundred years ago a volcano exploded there, on Santorini. This explosion was more terrible than Krakatoa or Mount Saint Helens. But today we know a lot about the way of life of the people from that time. There are houses, kitchens, and paintings as interesting as those in Pompei. Today teams of volunteers are learning more about people from the past.

Do you want a very different vacation ? Do you want to travel far, work hard and learn a lot? Then an Earthwatch vacation is for you.

1.According to the passage, on an adventure trip, people ______________.

A. may not spend much time on sightseeing

B. won’ t meet some difficulties or hardships

C. can’t enjoy themselves .

D. can’t learn anything

2.If you want to learn something about people of the past, you can ___________

A. join the team to Hawaii

B. join the team to the Far North

C. join the team to Washington

D. join the team to Greece

3.The word “intelligent” in paragraph 4 means __________________.

A. exciting B. beautiful C. large D. clever

4.Which of the following is false ?

A. Some people find sightseeing trips boring.

B. Earthwatch is planning various special adventures

C. The life of orcas is under threat.

D. Many volcano explosions broke out 3, 500 years ago in Greece.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年山西大同第一中学高二上学期期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空


A successful scientist is generally a good observer who 1. (make) full use of the facts he observes. He doesn’t accept ideas not 2. (base) on obvious facts, and he refuses to accept authority (权威) 3. the only reason for truth. He always checks ideas carefully and carries out experiments 4. (prove) them.

Galileo, however, 5. lived between 1564 and 1642, was 6. (great) of the great men. Before him, 7. (learn) men believed that larger bodies fell more 8. _(quick) towards the earth than smaller ones. But Galileo, going to the top of the leaning Tower of Pisa, let fall two solid stones and proved it was wrong. It is his spirit 9. has led _10. all the discoveries of modern science.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年湖北武汉二中高一上学期期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空


阅读下面短文, 从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

Tony set off for home again without having eaten since, as usual, one of the older boys had taken his packed lunch. Angry and , Tony rushed to the park, when he suddenly saw a wasp (黄蜂) flying about among the rose bushes. It him, making him get away from the roses immediately. Then, a came into his head: how is it that something so much than himself could frighten him like that?

Having the insects for a while, he had a good understanding of the wasp’s ; it was fear. A wasp could never a person, but everyone was so afraid of its sting that they left the wasp . So Tony spent that night what his “sting” could be.

The next day, Tony seemed like a boy. No longer did he walk with his eyes fixed on the ground, nor did he nervously when people spoke to him. Instead, he became brave and , ready to face up to anyone. The boy who stole his packed lunch that day ate so spicy a sausage sandwich that he crying and coughing. Never again did he rob Tony of his lunches. Another older boy to hit Tony, but this time tony looked at the boy and bravely. From memory, he told him the of his parents, his teacher, and the boy’s own mother, “ you hit me I’ll call them, and you’ll be severely punished.” The boy turned around and from the scene.

The strategy . So, in the end, Tony became like the wasp he’d seen. Without even having to sting anyone, he frightened them, and that no one would mess with him.

1.A. excited B. dissatisfied C. frustrated D. relaxed

2.A. scared B. thought C. rescued D. comforted

3.A. guess B. thought C. belief D. view

4.A. smaller B. bigger C. smarter D. fiercer

5.A. collected B. tested C. watched D. counted

6.A. challenge B. trick C. choice D. method

7.A. bite B. warn C. fight D. please

8.A. in peace B. in silence C. by comparison D. on end

9.A. remembering B. doubting C. regretting D. wondering

10.A. different B. common C. strange D. rare

11.A. turn back B. look into C. turn down D. look away

12.A. confident B. reliable C. cheerful D. sensitive

13.A. picked up B. brought out C. ended up D. cut down

14.A. promised B. threatened C. decided D. started

15.A. cruelly B. proudly C. determinedly D. proudly

16.A. numbers B. feelings C. names D. changes

17.A. As B. If C. Though D. Unless

18.A. withdrew B. recovered C. sheltered D. suffered

19.A. improved B. failed C. survived D. worked

20.A. proved B. guaranteed C. concluded D. foresaw


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年广东佛山一中高一上学期期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空



A long time ago, there was a huge apple tree. A little boy loved to play around 1. every day. He loved the tree and the tree loved to play 2. him.

3. time went by, the little boy had grown up and he no longer came to visit the tree every day. One day, the boy came back and picked all the apples on the tree and left 4. (happy). The boy no longer came back 5. he picked the apples. The tree was sad.

One day, the boy 6. (return) and the tree was so excited. “Come and play with me,” the tree said. But the boy cut all the branches off the tree 7. (build) his house. The tree was glad to see him happy but the boy never came back again. The tree was again full of 8. (sad).

One hot summer day, the boy came and the tree was delighted. “Come and play with me!” the tree said. This time the boy cut the tree trunk to make a boat. He went 9. (sail) and never showed up again. The tree was heartbroken, 10. the boy never knew.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年河北正定中学高一上学期期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空


Good morning, everyone. I am Li Hua from Xinhua Middle School. The topic of my speech today is “Let’s Ride Bicycles”.

1. is known to us all, 2. the development of society, cars have become 3. popular means of transport, 4. brings great convenience (便捷) to our life. 5. (lucky), they have also caused some problems such as air pollution and traffic jams.

6. can we solve the problems ? As far as I 7. (concern), riding bicycles is a good solution 8. them. For one thing, bicycles don’t need any petrol(汽油) and they are energy-saving. For another, bicycles are environmentally friendly 9. they won’t give off waste gases. What’s more, riding bicycles is a good way of exercising and it is good to our health.

Therefore, it is worth 10. (try). Let’s take the responsibility to build up a beautiful city by riding bicycles. Come on and join us.

That’s all. Thank you!


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届江西省高三上学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Sunshine Sports Center One of the most modern sports centers in town, the Sunshine Sports Center is not just a sports club but much more!

With a swimming pool for adults and teens, and a smaller one for children, our center has something for all the members of the family.Parents can relax while children play in the water.For anybody who is interested in competitive sports, football and basketball courts are the ideal places to work off stress.

Whether you just want to keep in shape, lose some weight or build your strength, there's the super-modern equipment and three personal trainers to look after you and answer your questions.They can also give you general advice about healthy eating and dieting.


It doesn’t matter if you’re five or eighty-five, there’s something for you at the Sunshine Sports Center! We offer personal training in all sports if you want it, but there are also group lessons for all sports if you prefer teamwork.

Kids and teenagers

Take advantage of our special offer for younger members.For members between five and sixteen years old, there are special lessons in water polo, competitive swimming and diving.There are many classes for all levels of swimmers, with a lifeguard on duty from 9:00 am when the pool opens until it closes at 7:00 pm.

Social events

Sunshine Sports Center is not only for sport! You can enjoy a delicious meal at our restaurant or have a milkshake(奶昔)with your friends on the balcony overlooking the swimming pool and the courts.In addition, there are lovely gardens where families or friends can have a picnic! To celebrate a birthday, there is no better place than the Sunshine Sports Center.

So, come on Sign up for Sunshine Sports Center today!

1.In Sunshine Sports Center

A.children are not allowed to swim alone

B.lifeguards are on duty 24 hours a day

C.people can have birthday parties

D.special lessons in diving are offered to adults

2.People can ask personal trainers for advice when they

A.build strength

B.sign up

C.learn to swim

D.play basketball

3.The main purpose of the passage is to

A.explain the rules of the sports center

B.show the benefits of sports

C.persuade people to play sports

D.attract people to the sports center


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年湖南省怀化市高三一模考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达

Directions: Write an English composition according to the instructions given below in Chinese.




3.文章开头已给出, 不计入字数。

A graduate of Fudan University didn’t get on well with his roommates for trivial.So he put some poison in the drinking water, killing one of his roommates.







