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66. There is nothing in the world more ___________ (令人满意的) than doing the work you love.

67. ____________ (希望),the cave will be protected and will not be damaged by visitors.

68. This kind of flower is regarded of ____________(药用的) value.

69. Do you know what colors look good __________(衬托) your skin?

70. A storm __________(席卷) the whole country, causing great damage.

71. You are wrong so you should make _____________ (道歉).

72. In the ________(缺席) of the teacher, Li Ping will be in charge.

73. She went to the bookstore and bought two ________(二十) of this kind of books.

74.When they were about to start the last activity, they found that time was too___________(有限).

75. His first speech as president made a strong___________(印象)on his audience.

66.satisfying  67.Hopefully  68.medical    69.against   70.swept

71.apologies   72. absence    73.score    74.limited    75. impression


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:




66.He knew there was a speed limit but he just______(不理睬)it and drove very fast.

67.He has all the_______(品质)of a successful leader..

68.There are certainly ______(文化) differences between the two communities.

69.The whole nation was making rapid progress, with all its people ______( 团结) around the leader.

70.We all______(衷心地) hope you will be well again.

71.You shouldn't go swimming until your food has a chance to ______(消化).

72.He looked at us in_______(惊讶地) .

73.It was too hot; while walking on, the women wiped the sweat off faces

with _________(手帕).

74.What are you _______(耳语) about ?  

75 Our teacher has ________ (提前) the deadline for handing in homework

by one week.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


66.A _______(广泛传播的)flu epidemic affected eighteen western states.
67. There has been serious _______(分歧) between the two political over the question.
68. He couldn’t stand terrible English ________(气候).
69. The population had ________(减少) from about 8,300,000 in 1845 to less than 6,600,000in 1851.
70. The _______(平均数)of 3, 6and 9 is 6.

71. The story ______(使兴奋)the little boy very much.
72. On hot days we often go _____(洗澡) in the river.
73. I can’t _____(评价) his ability without seeing his work.
74. I got into a _____(惊慌) when I found the door was locked.
75. They studied the German market to find the _____(可能性) there for investment


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


66. Some people now believe that British English will ____________ (消失).

67.You will have to be __________(耐心) and wait till I finish it.     

68. It’s agreed that the present _________(制度)of education needs to be improved.

69.He can speak English _______________ (流利) and accurately.

70.Each school year is _____________(划分)into two semesters.

71.I have been ___________(失业) for a year and I need your help.

72.I’m busy ___________(复习)my lessons so I can’t go to the movies with you.  

73.This morning in our class we _____________ (介绍) ourselves to each other.    

74. If you give her a _________(话题),she can talk a long time

75. These scientific _____________(发明) have made our life much easier.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

第一节   单词拼写

66 The island is         (分成) into three parts.

67 Tom is             (不愿意) to give me a hand.

68 If  you study British history you’ll         (澄清) this question.

69 Although this medicine can           (治愈)you of your illness, it has a side effect .

70 The boss have           (安排) everything for our meeting .

71 What’s your                 (印象) of your new English teacher?

72 Wang Li            (递交) her article about this story at last.

73 My friend is            (渴望的) for success after graduation.

74 If you don’t understand this word, you can refer to your               (字典)

75 At first my new surroundings were different to               (容忍)


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


66. Water and salt are a_____________ into our blood stream everyday.

67. Genes determine the c___________ of every living thing.

68. The name sounded vaguely(模糊的) f________ to her.

69. He gave an exact d__________ of what he had seen.

70. He believed that his son was capable of a___________ and solving the problem by himself.

71. If the target is set in a wrong direction, he has to make a timely a___________.

72. The year's harvest is better than any p_______ year's.

73. Once he lost his temper and q_________ with us.

74. Thank you for c__________ generously to the scholarship fund.

75. He didn't feel completely at ease in the new s_____________.

