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         I’m here to say is that a healthy environment and development should be possible at the same time.

A. That         B. Which         C. What          D. /


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


       Recently I gave my adult students homework.It was to "go to someone you love and tell them you love them.It has to be someone you have   25   said those words to before or at least haven't   26   those words with for a long time."

       Since most of the men were over 35 and were raised in the   27   of men that were taught    28   feelings is not "manly", this was very   29   homework for some.

       In our next   30   , I asked if someone wanted to share his story with us.I fully   31  one of the women to volunteer, as was   32   the case, but on this evening one of the men raised his hand.As he   33   out of his chair (all 1.85 metres of him), he began by saying, "Dennis, I was quite   34   with you last week when you gave us this homework.   35   were you to tell me to do something that personal? But as I began driving home my heart started talking to me, telling me that I knew   36   who I needed to say 'I love you' to."

       "My father and I had a severe   37   five years ago, and since then we had  38  seeing each other unless we had to at Christmas.But even then, we hardly   39   to each other.So last Tuesday I drove to my parents' house after work and said, "Dad, I just    40  to tell you that I love you. '"

       "Dad reached out and    41    me and said, 'I love you too, son, but I've never been able to say it.' Two days after my visit, my dad had a heart attack and I don't know if he will  42    it.So, I'm here to tell all of you that my    43    in this is: Don't wait to do the things    44    it is too late.Take the time to do what you need to do and do it now!"

A.ever       B.always      C.never     D.even

A.said       B.shared      C.talked       D.discussed

A.year       B.occasion   C.period      D.generation

A.explaining     B.hurting     C.devoting   D.expressing

A.interesting     B.threateningC.inspiring  D.exciting

A.class      B.term      C.holiday     D.week

A.asked     B.disliked    C.advised     D.expected

A.usually   B.probably   C.not        D.seldom

A.sat  B.rose       C.stood      D.struggle

A.bored   B.amused     C.curious     D.angry

A.How    B.Why      C.Who      D.What

A.exactly B.fully      C.directly     D.simply

A.condition     B.discussion C.disagreement   D.experiment

A.hated   B.avoided    C.reduced    D.continued

A.spoke   B.smiled      C.looked      D.turned

A.dropped in   B.ran across C.came over D.came across

A.touched       B.tested      C.inspired    D.hugged

A.get       B.make     C.deserve     D.overcome

A.sense    B.point     C.thought     D.message

A.until    B.when       C.before      D.as


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

The first day of school our professor introduced himself and challenged us to get to know someone we didn’t know. I stood up to look around when a gentle hand touched my shoulder. I turned around to find a wrinkled, little old lady beaming up at me with a smile that lit up her entire being.

She said, “Hi, girl! My name is Rose. I’m 87 years old. Can I give you a hug?”

I laughed and enthusiastically(热情地)responded, “Of course you may!” and she gave me a giant squeeze.

   “Why are you in college at such a young, innocent age?” I asked. She jokingly replied, “I’m here to meet a rich husband, get married, have a couple of children, and then retire and travel!”

 “No seriously,” I said. I was curious what may have motivated her to be taking on this challenge at her age.

 “I always dreamed of having a college education and now I’m getting one!” she told me.

Over the course of the year, Rose became a campus icon and she easily made friends wherever she went. She loved to dress up and she reveled in the attention bestowed upon her from the other students. She was living it up.

At the end of the semester we invited Rose to speak at our football banquet. I’ll never forget what she taught us.

 “We do not stop playing because we are old; we grow old because we stop playing. There are only two secrets to staying young, being happy, and achieving success. You have to laugh and find humor everyday. You’ve got to have a dream. When you lose your dreams, you die!” she said.

 “There is a huge difference between growing older and growing up. If you are nineteen years old and lie in bed for one full year and don’t do one productive thing, you will turn 20 years older. If I am 87 years old, and stay in bed for a year, and never do anything, I will turn 88. Anybody can grow older. But every minute counts for young men,” she added.

 “The idea is to grow up by always finding the opportunity in change. Have no regrets. The elderly usually don’t have regrets for what we did, but rather for things we did not do. The only people who fear death are those with regrets.”

She concluded her speech by courageously singing “The Song of Rose”. She challenged each of us to study the lyrics(歌词)and live them out in our daily lives.

At the year’s end, Rose finished the college degree she had begun all those years ago. One week after graduation Rose died peacefully in her sleep.

4. Rose made herself known to the author in a ______ manner.

A. serious              B. cold           C. humorous          D. crazy

5. From the information provided in the passage, we know ______.

A. Rose finished the college degree within a year

B. Rose did realize her dream of meeting a rich husband and getting married through college education

C. Rose enjoyed her campus life very much

D. Rose grew so old that she stopped playing

6. Rose delivered the speech ______.

A. at the graduation                          B. which she prepared carefully

C. ended with “The Song of Rose”             D. to challenge all the other speakers

7. According to her speech, ______.

A. whenever you have a dream, you succeed 

B. all people don’t grow up while growing older

C. Rose usually regretted having done something

D. a nine-year-old is as old as a 87-year-old if he doesn’t do anything


科目:高中英语 来源:2010年江西省新余市第一中学高二上学期期中考试英语卷 题型:完型填空

I remember one Thanksgiving when our family had no money and no food, and someone came knocking on our door. A man was __36_____ there with a huge box of food, a giant turkey and even some ___37___to cook it in. I couldn’t ___38_____it. My dad demanded, “Who are you? Where are you from?” The stranger announced, “I’m here because a friend of yours knows you’re in need and that you wouldn’t accept ___39_____help, so I’ve brought this for you. Have a great Thanksgiving.” My father said, “No, no, we ___40_____ accept this.” The stranger replied, “You don’t have ___41_____” , closed the door and left.
Obviously that experience had a profound impact(深刻影响)on my life. I ____42____myself that someday I would do well enough financially ___43____ I could do the same thing for other people. By the time I was eighteen I had created my Thanksgiving ritual(习惯). I would go out __44_____ and buy enough food for one or two __45_____. Then I would dress like a delivery boy, go to the ____46____ neighborhood and just knock on a ___47_____ . I always ___48_____ a note that explained my Thanksgiving experience ____49____a kid. The note said, “All that I ask __50______is that you take good enough care of __51_____ so that someday you can do the same thing for someone else.” I have received more from this annual ritual than I have from any amount of ___52_____ I’ve ever earned.
Years ago I was in New York City with my new wife during Thanksgiving. She was sad because we were not with our family. ___53____she would be home decorating the house for Christmas, but we were ___54_____ in a hotel room. When I told her what I always did on Thanksgiving, she got excited.
We packed enough food for seven families for thirty days and went to buildings where half a dozen people lived in one room with no electricity and no heat in winter surrounded by rats, cockroaches(蟑螂)and the smell of urine(尿). It was both an ___55______realization that people lived in this way and a truly fulfilling experience to make even a small difference.

A.may notB.needn’tC.can’tD.daren’t
A.any moneyB.a choiceC.foodD.a turkey
A.whenB.so thatC.even ifD.as if
A.in returnB.laterC.in futureD.for
A.othersB.yourselfC.your familyD.the presents


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年辽宁省盘锦市高三9月期初考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空

I shall never forget the day when the earthquake took place. It was about 5 o’clock in the afternoon and I was   16   to my daughter’s school. Our plan was to go   17 together. I’d stopped at a   18   to get some fresh fruit. We like to have some fruit to eat   19   our swim. I was driving along a high road on the way.  20   my road was another road which was built like a   21 . I was hungry so I put the bag of apples   22   me and started to eat one.  23   I saw the cars in front of me start to  24   from side to side. Then my car started to shake! I didn’t know what was happening. Perhaps something had   25   wrong with my car. I drove a little more slowly and then I   26   the car and at the same moment the road   27   onto the cars in front of me. I found myself in the __28  . I couldn’t move. My legs and feet were hurting badly and I couldn’t move them. All round me was  29  But above me I could hear shouts and a lot of noise. Then I memorized what had happened. I had been   30   an earthquake. For about two hours nobody came. Luckily I could reach the bag of   31  , so at least I had plenty to eat. Then I heard people   32   towards me. A team of people had come to   33   if anyone was under the   34  road. I called out, “I’m here!” I heard a shout. Soon a stranger climbed to my car. “How are you   35  ?”He asked. “Not too bad,”I said. They didn’t get me out until the next morning.

1.A. driving    B. leading  C. walking      D. running

2.A. shopping       B. dancing    C. swimming   D. sightseeing

3.A. farm           B. shop         C. park        D. school

4.A. after          B. during           C. since        D. once

5.A. Under          B. Along        C. Over         D. Beside

6.A. bridge         B. roof         C. cover       D. top

7.A. under          B. along            C. inside       D. beside

8.A. Finally        B. Actually     C. Suddenly    D. Slowly

9.A. move       B. roll         C. burst       D. jump

10.A. been        B. broken    C. gone     D. done

11.A. parked      B. started    C. moved    D. stopped

12.A. put         B. ran       C. fell       D. jumped

13.A. dark        B. afternoon  C. sun       D. car

14.A. noisy       B. dusty     C. quiet      D. blood

15.A. on        B. at       C. by        D. in

16.A. food       B. sandwiches  C. apples    D. bread

17.A. climbing    B. shouting    C. moving   D. driving

18.A. know      B. tell        C. understand  D. see

19.A. falling      B. broken     C. breaking   D. dirty

20.A. sleeping     B. feeling     C. eating     D. going



科目:高中英语 来源:2010年重庆一中高一上学期10月月考英语卷 题型:阅读理解

The first day of school we were interested to get to know a new classmate.I looked around when a gentle hand touched my shoulder.I found a little old lady with a warm smile.

She said,“Hi ! I’m Rose.I’m 87 years old.Can I give you a hug?”I laughed and I heartily responded,“Of course!”

“Why are you in college at such a young,innocent(天真无邪的)age?”I asked.

She jokingly replied,“I’m here to meet a rich husband,get married,have children, and then travel around.”

“Not seriously,”I asked.I was curious why she took on this challenge at this age.

“I always dreamed of having a college education and now I’m getting one!”she told me.We became instant friends.

Over the year,Rose became a campus icon(偶像) and she easily made friends wherever she went.She loved to dress up and she enjoyed the attention from the other students.

At the end of the semester,we invited Rose to speak at our football banquet. I’ll never forget what she taught us.

“We do not stop playing because we are old; we grow old because we stop playing.Here are the secrets to staying young.You have to laugh and find humor every day.You’ve got to have a dream.When you lose your dreams,you die.Unfortunately we have many people like this walking around?”she said.

“There is a huge difference between growing older and growing up.Anybody can grow older.That doesn’t take any talent or ability,”she added.“But growing up requires finding the opportunity in change.Have no regrets.The elederly usually don’t regret what they did,but rather things they did not do.”

One week after graduation that year,Rose died peacefully in her sleep.She taught us by example that__________________.

1.Why was Rose in college at 87? Because        .

A.she wanted to meet a rich husband

B.she wanted to get married and have children

C.she wanted to travel around

D.she dreamed of having a college education

2.According to the passage,Rose loved to do the following EXCEPT       .

A.dress up

B.enjoy the attention from the other students

C.play football

D.make friends

3.According to what Rose said,we can know that to stay young you must not     .


B.be humorous

C.have a dream

D.lose your dream

4.According to the last paragraph but one we know         .

A.growing older is quite different from growing up

B.growing older needs talent

C.growing up doesn’t require ability

D.the elderly usually have no regrets

5.Which of the following can be used to fill in the blank at the end of the passage?

A.where there is a will, there’s a way

B.never too late to learn

C.Study hard and you will be young

D.never too late to be all you can possibly be


