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1.It is known to all that a controller’s job is very _________(充满压力的).

2.For_________(各种各样的) reasons I’d prefer not to meet him.

3.They showed great _________(毅力) in the face of difficulty.

4.The heating system in the hotel has a(n) _________(自动的) temperature control.

5.The_________(发言人) said the tone of the letter was very friendly.

6.He is p_________about the future and always expects the worst.

7.The students r________several desks to another classroom yesterday.

8.Though Mary was a little girl, she b________ as if she were an adult.

9.After a heated a________ a decision was finally made.

10.The new evidence proved his i_________and he was set free.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年浙江杭州市五校联盟高三12月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

We should place emphasis on development and security, and develop nuclear energy on the base of security.

A. equal B. central

C. superior D. maximum


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届天津市高三“五校”联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

—Guess what! We’ve got our visas for a short-term visit to the UK this summer.

—How nice! You ____ a different culture then.

A. will be experiencing B. have experienced

C. have been experiencing D. will have experienced


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届内蒙古巴彦淖尔市高三上学期期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空



“Wanted by the FBI.” To the murderer, or the bank robber, these are the most ________ words in the world. When the criminal hears them, he knows that 6,000 ________ persons are after him.

Why should he be so afraid? There are thousands of cities and ________ where he can hide, and forests and deserts, as well. ________, he’s usually rich with stolen money. ________ can make it easier to hide. With money, the criminal can even pay a doctor to ________ on his face and make him hard to recognize. But the criminals know that as public ________, they can be found by the FBI no matter where they hide.

They know every trick the criminal knows and many more. If he makes just one ________ , they’ll get him. That’s why the criminal who is ________ can’t sleep. That’s why he becomes nervous, why he jumps at every ________ .

The FBI began on May 10th, 1924. General Harlan Stone chose Edgar Hoover, a young lawyer, to head the new agency. “What we need is a ________ new kind of police force,”he said,“ ________ today are smart. They use stolen cars and even planes to make their gateways. They have learned to ________ any lock, using advanced technology. We can’t beat them with old methods. We have to train officers to ________ scientifically.”

Edgar Hoover quietly ________ with his plans. He picked his men carefully. They had to be between the ages of 25 and 35. He wanted only men with good manners and good ________ . When working ________his officers, they would have to meet all kinds of people. Hoover wanted men who could ________ a teacup as well as a gun. But the FBI cannot help in ________ police problem. It can look into only certain crimes against the government. Solving all other crimes is the ________ of local police forces.

1.A. excitingB. frighteningC. disappointingD. depressing

2.A. educatedB. selectedC. trainedD. deserted

3.A. housesB. factoriesC. hotelsD. villages

4.A. BesidesB. HoweverC. ThereforeD. Instead

5.A. ForestsB. CitiesC. MoneyD. Food

6.A. judgeB. operateC. drawD. mask

7.A. officialsB. officersC. friendsD. enemies

8.A. mistakeB. movementC. motivationD. murder

9.A. checkedB. wantedC. examinedD. targeted

10.A. stepB. glanceC. soundD. corner

11.A. whollyB. partlyC. brieflyD. simply

12.A. LawyersB. PolicemenC. CitizensD. Criminals

13.A. closeB. openC. makeD. destroy

14.A. workB. studyC. interviewD. develop

15.A. went throughB. went offC. went aheadD. went out

16.A. appearancesB. eyesightC. tonguesD. character

17.A. forB. asC. withD. at

18.A. handleB. getC. blockD. afford

19.A. tinyB. otherC. everyD. special

20.A. rightB. taskC. powerD. duty


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年吉林实验中学高二上学期期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

---How long do you think it’ll be _____ I can go back to work?

--- Well, you’ll be feeling much better by next weekend.

A. before B. when C. until D. that


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年山西晋城一中高二12月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达



有的同学认为没有必要:1. 电脑时代,使用手写的场合很少;

2. 在电脑上打字比书写快。

有的同学认为很有必要:1. 提高学生的汉字书写技巧;

2. 培养学生对书法的兴趣;

3. 增进学生对汉语语言文字的热爱。

你的观点…… (提示词:handwriting)


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年福建师大附中高一上学期期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

People Who Moved China, hosted by CCTV, honors the people _______ the valuable contributions should be remembered by every Chinese.

A.whose B.of whom C. that D. of which


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届浙江省高三上学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Here’s something that might make you feel a little better the next time you have a serious case of hanger - you’re not being irrational or unreasonable, it’s just science.

The concept of being ‘hangry’ - angry because you’re hungry - comes up among ScienceAlert staff.But there’s nothing wrong with being hangry - there’s a scientific reason why having low blood sugar can make some people aggressive.

According to a study published earlier this year, blood sugar levels directly related to how married couples were likely to treat each other.Working with 107 couples over three weeks, the researchers, led by psychologist Brad Bushman from the Ohio State University in the US, found that when individuals experienced lower than usual blood sugar levels, they became increasingly aggressive and mean towards their significant others.

This was measured through the use of a good old-fashioned voodoo doll — the volunteers were each given one, along with 51 pins, to represent their spouse-a partner in marriage.Each person’s aggressive impulses(冲动)were then measured based on how many pins they stuck into their spouse-dolls every night throughout the experiment.

Aggression, on the other hand, was measured by volunteers blasting(炮轰)their spouse with a loud and unpleasant noise in the headphones they had to wear.

Turns out that the volunteers who experienced the lowest blood sugar levels stuck more pins into their voodoo dolls, and forced louder and longer blasts of noise on their spouses than those who had plenty of glucose(葡萄糖) in their system.

"People are often the most aggressive against the people to whom they are closest — intimate partners,” the researchers concluded."Intimate partner violence might be partly a result of poor self-control.Self-control of aggressive impulses requires energy, and much of this energy is provided by glucose from the food we eat."

As Susannah Locke explains at Vox, glucose is the only molecule(分子) that our brains will accept as fuel.This means, quite simply, that when we’re not producing enough glucose, our brains won’t function properly.It also means that we lack the energy we need to maintain self-control, which is why we’re more likely to hit or criticize others suddenly in an uncharacteristic manner when we haven’t eaten in a while.

1.According the passage, what can make you feel better?

A.Knowing that your are being irrational.

B.Knowing that your are being angry

C.Knowing that you are being hungry

D.Knowing that you are angry for a reason.

2.How did the researchers get the final result of the experiments in various ways?

A.By making good use of a doll to represent their spouse.

B.By using voodoo dolls , pins and headphones to measure their aggression.

C.By measuring aggression based on how many pins they stuck into their dolls

D.By measuring aggressive impulses in terms of their blasting their spouse with a noise.

3.Which of the following is right according to Susannah Locke?

A.Glucose is our brain's fuel.

B.We lack energy to control ourselves.

C. Without glucose, our brain will function properly.

D.We are more likely to lose control if we produce enough glucose.

4.From the passage, in which condition will you be more likely to feel angry?

A.At 8:00 a.m, you are driving a car alone after having breakfast.

B.At 11.00 a.m, you are in your office with colleagues waiting for the lunch.

C.At 5:00 p.m, you are cleaning the house at home while your wife is cooking.

D.At 6:00 p.m, you are taking a walk with your family after having dinner.

5.What did researchers conclude from the research?

A.Lower blood sugar level had less pins stuck than higher blood sugar.

B.Poor self-control could cause aggression between intimate partners.

C.People are often the most aggressive against the strangers.

D.People with more glucose force louder blasts of noise

6.What does the underlined word “aggressive” in the second paragraph mean?





