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                 A ★★★

    I’m sitting down in the second period when the principal comes in bringing a new student with him. He says that the new student called Marco has come from Mexico and doesn’t know English. Suddenly I think of my first day of school when I moved from Mexico to Utah. It was hard to move to a place that had a different language and different ways of doing things. I was a little frightened because I was about to start school but I had trouble understanding the teacher.

    When school started I sat in the back so I Wouldn’t draw any attention. Ms Bolling,my new second-grade teacher,made all of US introduce ourselves to everybody. I went up to a kid named Ivan and told him my name and started talking to him in Spanish. Ivan knew Spanish so he was the only one I could talk to. Ivan helped the teacher translate what she was saying to me.

    During lunch break,I didn't v^ant to go outside but the rule was that I couldn^t stay inside during break. After lunch,one of the teachers took me outside and then I got a soccer ball from the equipment room and started playing by myself. I was kicking the ball at the wall and dribbling (运球) it. I was pretty good at soccer and I could do some tricks (把戏) with the soccer ball,which attracted Ivan. He came over to me and asked me if I wanted to play soccer with him and his friends. I told him ?eah and when the game was over,he introduced me to his friends,after which we all became good friends.

    Suddenly I realize that Marco is sitting next to me. I introduce myself and start helping him with the worksheet (作业单) we have to do. After that,the bell rings and he asks me if he can eat lunch with me and I say yeah.

1. It can be inferred from Paragraph 1 that

   A. Marco is from Utah

   B. Marco has caused problems

    C. the author understands Marco well

   D. the author adapted to his new school quickly

2. How did the author communicate with his teacher at the beginning?

   A. By ?peaking English.

   B. With the help of Marco,

    C. By using body language.

   D. Through Ivan's translations.

3. One teacher took the author outside after lunch because .

   A. he wanted to play soccer

   B. he had done something wrong

    C. he had to follow the school's rule   

    D. the teacher wanted to teach him soccer

4. What helped the author make friends with Ivan’s friends?

   A. His courage.

   B. His soccer ball skills,

    C. His teacher’s respect.

   D. His familiarity with Utah.

1.C 2.D 3.C 4.B


1.C. 推理判断题。根据第一段可知,这位新同学 与作者有着相似的经历,都是来自墨西哥,并且 都不懂英语,所以作者非常理解Marco。

2.D. 细节理解题。根据第二段中的Ivan helped the teacher translate what she was saying to me 可知,作者起初是借助Ivan的翻译与老师交流的。

3.C. 细节理解题。根据第三段中的the rale was that I couldn’ t stay inside during break 可知,学校规定吃完午饭后不能呆在教室里面,所以老 师把他带出去了。

4.B. 推理判断题。根据第三段中的I was pretty good at soccer ... we all became good friends 可知,作者的足球技能吸引了 Ivan的朋友,这成为 他们交友的开端。

题目来源:2016年英语周报高一新课程 > 第32期 2015-2016学年高一新课程


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

On my way to work I would see this old man sitting beside the road and waved at everyone which passed by. I noticed that he had sat there every day even if it was raining or very hot outside.

One day while going to work I remembered that I had a umbrella at my house,but I turned around,got the umbrella,and took it him. He was so happy and for about another six month I saw him sitting beside the road and waving to people from under the umbrella.

I late found out that the man had died but I hope that the umbrella brings him more happiness while she was making everyone else's days were more pleasant.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

             B    ★★★★☆

    Susan Cain was such a shy girl that she did not want Other people to look at her. But when she grew up Susan chose to be a lawyer,which is usually for a bold(大胆的) person. But Susan thinks that her shyness has made her a better lawyer.

    She said, “At first I had the idea that I would be disadvantaged. But I quickly found that was not true.I’m good at listening to people,which helps me build relationships with others. These would also make me very powerful.”

    Almost half of all people say that they are shy. Social scientists studied young adults in eight countries across the world. They found that in Japan 57% of people said that they were shy. The lowest number was in Israel,only 31%. In most countries,bout 40% of the population said they were shy.

    Scientists say that it is because of two things: genetic(遗传) character and life experience. They did a study of two-month-old babies. Of every five babies,one was very active. Some people become shy because of what has happened to them. For example,children who are always blamed (责备)by their family can be shy. But good experiences can help sensitive children become active.

    Shy people may feel that they have a disadvantage in their social life and their work. But shyness can be an advantage. Many shy people have good characters. They are gooasfriends because they listen more than they talk. They are much less likely to cheat or lie even when they think they cannot be caught. Studies show that they are much more likely to show.?ympí?ty (同情) for others.

    Shy people may not have a choice about being shy. But they can learn to use the good qualities they have. In this way they can do something good with their shy character.

5. As an adult,Susan thinks that her shyness .

   A. has made her be afraid of looking at others

   B. has helped her become a powerful lawyer 

    C. has negative effects on her career

   D. means she has fewer new friends

6. The study in Paragraph 3 has found that .

   A. most people are shy

   B. adults are shyer than kids

    C. people in Israel are the shyest   

    D. shyness is common among people

7. What is Paragraph 4 mainly about?

   A. The disadvantages of shyness.

   B. The ways to get rid of shyness.

    C. The reasons why some people are shy.

   D. The influences of shyness on people's life.

8. According to the text,shy people .

   A. are more likely to be honest

   B. seldom show sympathy for others

    C. find it hard to focus on what others say   

    D. often make mistakes that upset their parents


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


    Da Costa was a child of the streets of Fortaleza,Brazil,whose future seemed hopeless. Then she saw a ballet performance by students from a dance school called EDISCA. a irawpe (剧团) that included other poor guys from her street. It was about the lives of Fortaleza's poorest kids who begged at traffic lights and lived on the street. “That really affected me ,” says Da Costa. “The reality in the ballet was just like mine. I hadn’t begged,but the lives I saw were very close to the life I was living."

    Da Costa went to EDISCA. and the school changed her life,as it did the lives of 800 other girls aged 6 to 19 and a few boys from Fortaleza. The school was founded in 1992 by Dora Andrade,42, ? dancer who cut short her career in the ?.S. to come home and teach girls to dance their way out of the.slwms (贫民窟) .Most of the children who enter EDISCA can't read or write. Many have health problems and are close to running away from violent homes or becoming bad children. Andrade and a staff of 36 teach them about health care,art,music,etc. But one course is a must. “Dance is the most important part of the school” says Andrade. Through dance,a seven-year-old leams about vision and order as well as creativity."

    Schools modeled on EDISCA are now open in five other Brazilian cities. Andrade’s students put on shows as far as Italy. They attract funding sources like the Washington-based Ashoka organization,a nonprofit (非营利的) group that supports 1 ,100 “social entrepreneurs” in 41 countries. Last year a $55,000 loan (贷款) from the Brazilian government let EDISCA move into a new building.

“EDISCA doesn’t form dancers; it forms people,” says Da Costa,who is now 19 and heading for college. She plans to open a dance school to pass on everything she leaned from Dora.

5. What made Da Costa decide to go to EDISCA?

   A. A dance performance.

   B. Her concerns about the future,

   C. Her parents,encouragement.

   D. The words of poor guys from her street.

6. Why did Dora Andrade give up her career and come home?

   A. She decided to dance for her own people.

   B. She wanted to help children in poverty,

   C. She was asked to set up a school.

   D. She got tired of her career.

7. What is special about EDI sc A?

   A. It puts health care first.

   B. It is set up for disabled kids,

   C. It teaches students how to live. 

    D. Itwasfoundedbyanonprofitgroup.

8. We can learn from the last two paragraphs that.

   A. EDISCA has many branch schools now

   B. Da Costa started a dance school of her own

   C. EDISCA was given a building by the government

   D. Andrade's students have the chance to perform abroad


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

             B ★★★★☆ !

    It is 7 am and the alarm is going off. You know you have to get out of bed to catch the school bus. But the strong wish to bury yourself in the bed is ever so strong. Does it sound familiar?

    During adolescence(青春期) ,the body goes through many changes including changes in sleep patterns. Researchers have found that though : adolescents need as much as 9.5 hours of sleep a day they go to bed later and later with each passing year.

    In fact,the sleep cycle shifts later by as much as : 12 to 18 minutes each year between the ages of 10 and 20!So by the time a 10-year-old who sleeps at 8 pm ' grows to be 17 or 18,his body naturally wants to stay up till 10:30 or 11 pm.

    According to researchers,this is because of a hormone called melatonin(褪黑素) that is produced by the pineal gland — a tiny structure deep inside the brain. Melatonin controls a body's natural d?y-night patterns. It causes a person tò become sleepy by lowering his body's (体核温度) .It is produced much later in the evening and continues to increase throughout the night. This makes it difficult for teens to fall asleep earlier as they did in their younger years.

    Sleep is food for the brain. During sleep,important bodily functions and brain activities happen. Not sleeping can be harmful and even deadly 一 especially for those 'who drive. A slow brain makes it difficult to concentrafe. and can affect grades at school.

    The American Association of Pediatrics (AAP) suggests that letting teens sleep in during school days can lead to overall b?peí?ts for them,since children who are suffering from a lack of sleep are more likely to suffer from anxiety,have traffic accidents and perform poorly at schools. In fact,AAP advises that middle and high schools should start later 一 not before 8:30 am. But a later Start time means a later end time too. Will that affect after-school activities?

5. Researchers have found that teens .

   A. should go to bed at 10:00 or 11 pm

   B. will fall asleep later as they grow older 

    C. are unwilling to take the school bus

   D. should sleep more than 9;5 hours one day

6. According to Paragraph 4 ,what causes some teens to be sleepy?

   A. Melatonin. 

    B. After-school activities,

    C. Sleep patterns. 

    D. The core temperature.

7. The AAP believes that .

   A. teens,health is threatened by lack of activities

   B. scho?ls should end earlier than before

    C. lack of sleep affects teens’after-school  activities   

    D. schools should put off their start time

8. The text is mainly concerned with

   A. sleep hours and teenagers' brain

   B. sleep hours and class behavior

    C. effective ways to improve teens’ sleep

   D. a comparison of sleeping more and sleeping less


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


增加:缺词处加一个漏词符号(∧) ,并在其下面写出修改后的词。

删除: 把多余的词用斜线( \ )掉。


注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起) 不计分。

    A boy about 20 year old looted out of the train window and shouted excited, Dad,the trees are going behind.M The father smiles. I looked at the big boy's childish behavior in pity.Suddenly,they shouted again, “Dad,the clouds are running with us!” I couldn’t help ask the father, “Why not to take your son to a good doctor,sir?” The old man said, “I did and we had just come from the hospital. My son was blind from birth but he just got his eyes today.” “Oh,I see!” I felt really happy for the big boy and at same time said sorry to the father and his son.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

               A ★★★☆☆

    “Everyone finds a partner,” I say to the kids. We are about to start 8th grade weight training. I say the words to make the kids feel welcome when they come in. When the 8th graders walk in the door,I see the nervousness in their eyes. When I see them,I remember rnyseif years ago when I was doing the same thing.

    I remember coming to Granger High School for 8th grade lifting. I felt nervous coming in thinking I would get lost. I also felt nervous to meet the coach. I did not feel welcome because everyone was bigger tiian me. I did not want to mess up (搞糟) and get laughed at by other people.

    The second time I went there was a lot better than the first time. I was not afraid to walk into the room and see all the big people. I thought to myself, “If other kids can do it,then I can do it." I went to my partner and felt a little bit more confident. I was still nervous but I felt better. As hard as I tried not to mess up,it happened. Then a voice said, “Good job,you are getting better." I started to feel better hearing people saying “good job”, instead of “get out”.

    When I come back to reality,I realize that the kid in front of me is just like me then. When he has finished his warm-up,I tell him “Good job,man,you are getting better." Once I start encouraging him,he starts to feel better. I also feel good about myself for being able to help him feel more confident. I can hear the students praising one another.

1. Why does the author ask everyone to find a partner?

   A. To make them feel at home.

   B. To remind them of their past, 

    C. To let them train with each other.

   D. To give them a chance to make friends.

2. When the author came for 8th grade lifting,he felt nervous because .

   A. someone misled him

   B. others laughed at him

    C. the coach was very strict   

    D. he was at a disadvantage

3. What happened to the author during his second visit to Granger High School?

   A. He succeeded at last.

   B. He got encouragement.

    C. He got over his nervousness.

   D. He was praised by his coach.

4. Why did the author praise the 8th grader?

   A. The student did his best.

   B. The student was confident.

    C. He just wanted the student to feel happy.

   D. He knew encouragement could help the student.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


   While reading the local newspaper in last month,I knew the Z00 in my town d?dn,t have enough money to raising its animals. To call on people to help,I wrote a letter to the newspaper in it I wrote, “Giving some money and you will be able to help an animal." Finally,I sent a letter to the local newspaper as well some money. After a few days,my letter was published. To my delighted,people begin to donate money to the zoo. At school,I told my schoolmate about the poor situation of the animals in the zoo. I hoped they could also do anything to help them.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

    The U.S. high school rate (辍学率) has fallen in recent years,with the number of dropouts decreased from 1 million in 2008 to about 750,000 in 2012,according to a study. The number of dropout factories”,high schools in which fewer than 60% of freshmen graduate in four years,decreased greatly during the same period.

   “Clear progress is being made,” said Bob Wise,a former West Virginia governor. “it's not a total success yet. So we shou?dn’ t,take a victory iap. But we can at least st?rt warming up."

    Education Secretary Ame Duncan has said the improving graduation rate serves as evidence that the nation's public schools are making progress. But there* re many reasons that graduation rates can rise. And not all of the reasons have to do with stronger schools preparing more students for life after high school.

    Alabama,for example,made great progress in 2014. Its graduation rate jumped more than six percentage points,the second-biggest increase in the nation. But the increase agreed with a policy change that took in the same year: Alabama students no longer had to pass ? high school exit exam to earn a diploma  (毕业文凭) .

   It also isn’ t  clear how many students are graduating with the skills they need for the workplace or for college. Graduation requirements vary widely across states,and many states offer different levels of diplomas with different requirements.

    Arizona students can earn a standard diploma that requires four courses in math,four in English and three in science. But they also can earn a “Grand Canyon” diploma,which requires just two courses each in math,science and English — less than many colleges’ requ?ement for admission.

9. The good news about a newly released study is that

A.there’ re few dropouts in u.s. high schools   

B. the U.S. high school dropout rate has fallen 

C. the number of “dropout factories” has increased   

D. the number of high school students is increasing

10. The underlined phrase “take a victory lap” in Paragraph 2 means .

A. lose confidence

B. stop working

C. become too excited  

D. get embarrassed

11. Why does the author mention Alabama?

A. fo prove Alabama's education develops very fast.

B. To show graduation rate doesn't mean everything.

C. To advise students to try to get different diplomas.

D. To warn the U.S. education is not successful.

12. What do we know about the “Grand Canyon”

diploma in Arizona? 一

A. Students need to put more efforts into it.

B. It's much required for colleges in Arizona.

C. Students who get it won’t necessarily be admitted by colleges.

D. It's more difficult to get than a standard diploma.

