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attract, stick, acquire, inform, pour, break down, approve of, leave out, sweep up, consist of

1 Cooperation is vital to the success of a football team c_________________ eleven players.

2 My grandpa reads newspapers every day which keep him ________________ of what has happened at home and abroad.

3Before submitting his report, he checked it over and over again so as not to ________________ any key points.

4 It was on the half way that my car ______________, so I had to call Jerry, a repairman, for help.

5With countless letters of complaint _______________ in, the manager of the company decided to look into the case instantly.

6The cleaner ______________ fallen leaves on the floor when suddenly a car drove towards him.

7 To her delight, her parents have ___________________ her going abroad for further study.

8The magician made the rabbit disappear with a wave of his hand, which a_____________ all the children’s attention.

9All possible means tried, he couldn’t get out the fish bone ________________ in his throat.

10My suggestion is that he ________________ the information he needs by surfing the Internet.


1consisting of


3leave out

4broke down


6was sweeping up

7approved of



10(should) acquire



1consisting of句意:合作对于一个有11个队员的足球队成功来说及其重要。Consistfootball team之间是主动关系,故用consisting of.


3leave out句意:报告提交前,他反复检查为了不遗漏要点。leave out遗漏,故填leave out.

4broke down句意:是在半道上我的车坏了,我不得不马上打电话给修理工Jerry来帮忙。故填broke down.


6was sweeping up句意:这个清洁工正在扫地上的落叶,这时一辆车突然朝他开过来。此处为过去进行时,故填was sweeping up.

7approved of句意:让她高兴的是父母已经赞成她出国深造。approve of赞成,句中有have,要用完成时,故填approved of.

8attracted句意:魔术师把手一挥小兔就不见了,这吸引了孩子们的注意力。attract ones attention吸引某人的注意,句中动词是过去式,所以空白处也用过去式,故填attracted.

9stuck句意:所有可能的方式都试了,他也不能把卡在喉咙的鱼刺弄出来。stick刺,卡住, fish bonestick为被动关系,用过去分词stuck,故填stuck.

10(should) acquire我的建议是:他应该通过上网获得他需要的信息。此处是虚拟语气,动词用(should)+原形,故填(should) acquire.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


【1】The flat is ________the building.


【2】What you said ________the fact.


【3】He ________the accident.


【4】The doctors ________to save the boy.


【5】It's ________to decide who should go first.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 They ______ on the project for almost one month before I joined them, and now we ______ on it as no good results have come out so far.

A. had been working; are still working

B. had worked; were still working

C. have been working; have worked

D. have worked; are still working


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Chances are that you want to develop peak performances in each area of your life. Whether it's relationships, study or career, you want to make your performance best.1Here are four easy tips to help you in your life:l. Imagine the bestImagination is a powerful tool that will help you perform well. You can often think about good and attractive things happening in your daily life._2As you imagine yourself in such a situation, you gain strength and passion to get you inspired2. 3You're bound to face negative thoughts and emotions, but you don't have to allow them to control you. Take some time to see if you primarily have positive or negative thoughts. Then when a negative thought arises, change it into a positive one3. Stay out of your comfort zonesComfort zones keep you safe and will hold back your personal grow that's all right to be in a cozy state at times, but be sure to step out once in a while. 4It's natural to feel anxious to do so. Remember to have courage to rise and push you forward4. Take immediate actionPlenty of people have goals in their mind or even written down, but they don't accomplish them 5You'll soon find out that when you follow these steps one by one, you've achieved your success before you know it

A. Say no to the pessimistic

B. Try something brand new that you've been putting off

C. Such a desire is certainly possible when you grasp some basic skills

D. For example ,often experiencing success from promotions to salary rise

E. Accomplish your task ahead of time

F. Don’t let unfinished tasks wear you out ,but get them done

G. Prepare for the pressure


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】学校的校报征集英语稿件,要求以“My Favorite Invention”为标题,描述你最喜欢的一种发明。在所有的现代发明中,你最喜欢笔记本电脑(laptop),因为它重量轻,体积小,容易携带,随处可用,学习娱乐均可。请根据以上内容写出征文。

注意:1. 根据你自己的情况可以适当增添内容。

2. 字数:100字左右。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Are you facing a situation that looks impossible to fix?

In 1969, the pollution was terrible along the Cuyahoga River near Cleveland, Ohio. It 【1】 (be) unimaginable that it could ever be cleaned up. The river was so polluted that it 2 (actual) caught fire and burned. Now, years later, this river is one of 3 most outstanding examples of environmental cleanup.

4 the river wasn’t changed in a few days or even a few months. It took years of work 5 (reduce) the industrial pollution and clean the water. Finally, that hard work paid off and now the water in the river is 6 (clean) than ever.

Maybe you are facing an impossible situation. Maybe you have a habit 7 is driving your family crazy. Possibly you drink too much or don’t know how to control your credit card use. When you face such an impossible situation, don’t you want a quick fix and something to change immediately?

While there are 8 (amaze) stories of instant transformation, for most of us the 9 (change) are gradual and require a lot of effort and work, like cleaning up a polluted river. Just be【10 (patience).


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Positive Thinking, With a Little Help From Your Phone

Here are some apps (程序)on your phones which can help you think positively or aim at happiness. Examine them, and you can have fun .

Happify is perhaps the most popular positive app available now. By asking some questions about your goals in using the app, it recommends you some tracks.

Each track contains games and activities that guide you to seeing positive aspects of your daily life. It also regularly helps you assess your happiness level, pointing out how you can feel more positive merely by changing your habits. There’s also a community page in the app where you can see inspirational comments by other users and even upload your own .

Happify’s only drawback is that while it’s free to download and use, access to its full range of activities costs $13 a month or $70 a year.

Other apps use a different route to developing positive thinking habits. They simply expose you repeatedly to motivational ideas, quotes and suggestions.

Positive Thinking is a relatively simple attempt at this kind of app. It uses colorful imagery and simple controls, and has a list of motivational quotes and suggestions everything from “do sports” to “stop thinking ... sit there relaxed.” It’s extremely basic, and there’s not a huge amount of content but you may find it has some good ideas and it’s free.

The app Mood Journal, which costs $2, has a great-looking. Through text-entry controls you can make a diary-style note in the app of when you’re feeling positive, and also add a photo. When you’ve accumulated enough entries, the app presents some analytics in the form of graphs that show your positivity over time. This could help you plan strategies to be more positive. , and also add a photo or a selfie.

If you prefer a more meditative approach to positive thinking, check out Smiling Mind, a free iOS and Android app. You enter data on how youre feeling, using a number of slide controls that ask if youre feeling stormy or calm, for example. Then you listen to a meditation-like voice track that talks you through different programs.

【1】How does Happify help you think positive?

A. By playing through games and activities.

B. By exposing you to motivational ideas repeatedly.

C. By controlling your negative thoughts.

D. By analyzing the changes of your emotions.

【2】What does “drawback” in Paragraph 4 refer to?

A .advantage B. mistake

C. benefit D. weakness

【3】Compared with Happify, Positive Thinking _____.

A. has more content. B. is more expensive.

C. is much simpler. D. is more popular.

【4】Who may be interested in this passage?

A. A primary student who is playful.

B.A college student who feels stressed and boring.

C. An office secretary who is optimistic.

D.A retired teacher who lives a meaningful life.

【5】How many apps does the writer introduce?

A. Seven B. Five. C Three. D. Four.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】(Reuters) --- A stampede killed at least 36 people during New Year's Eve celebrations in Shanghai, authorities said, but the police denied reports that it was caused by people rushing to pick up fake money thrown from a building overlooking the city's famous waterfront.

It was the worst disaster in the modern city since 58 died in an apartment building fire in 2010.

The cause of the crush has still to be confirmed, though state media and some witnesses have said it was at least partly aroused when people rushed to pick up coupons that looked like bank notes.

A man named Wu said the fake money had been thrown down from a bar above the street as part of the celebrations.

"This incident happened after the stampede," police said in a brief statement, without saying what the real cause was.

Another witness said there had been a problem away from the area where the fake bills were thrown, with people trying to get on to a raised platform overlooking the river.

Xinhua news agency said that people had been trampled on after falling down on the steps up to the platform.

Authorities had shown some concern about crowd control in the days leading up to New Year's Eve. They recently canceled an annual 3D laser show on the Bund, which last year attracted as many as 300,000 people.

On New Year's Eve, Beijing also canceled a countdown event in the central business district, Chinese media said, due to police fears about overcrowding.

The Shanghai government said on its official microblog that an inquiry had begun, and that all other New Year events had been canceled.

In 2004, 37 people died in a stampede in northern Beijing, on a bridge at a scenic spot, during the Lunar New Year holiday.

【1】According to the passage, why did people go to the Bund?

A. To meet their old friends and relatives.

B. To celebrate the New Year’s Eve.

C. To watch an annual 3D laser show.

D. To pick up bank notes.

【2】What can be inferred according to the passage?

A. Some possible measures had been taken by authorities.

B. People like 3D laser show better than any other events.

C. The local government had shown their worry about overcrowding.

D. The celebrations in Beijing were influenced by this stampede.

3What’s the passage about?

A. A countdown event in Beijing.

B. A laser show on the Bund.

C. An apartment fire in Shanghai.

D. A stampede on New Year’s Eve in Shanghai.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】The new tax policy only affects people on yearly incomes over $120,000, __________, the very rich.

A. by the way B. as a result

C. in other words D. as a manner of

