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【题目】假定你是李华,你班同学计划骑共享单车去湖边过端午节( the Dragon Boat Festival)。请给你校外籍英语教师Mike发一封邀请邮件,内容包括:



注意: 1.词数100左右;


参考词汇:粽子 rice dumpling 共享单车 shared bikes








【答案】Dear mike,

I'm honored to invite you to join in our class activity. We have planned to rede shared bikes to the lakeside this Sunday morning for the Dragon Boat Festival, which is in memory of Qu Yuan, a famous Chinese poet.

We'll gather at our school gate and start out at eight. We'll arrive at about 8: 30 and eat rice dumplings at the lakeside. We'll also have an opportunity to watch a dragon boat race, which will make you experience Chinese traditional culture.

If you decide to go, please let me know as soon as possible.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua

【解析】本题是一篇提纲类中应用文书面表达,要求写一篇邀请函。文中的要点有①邀请Mike去湖边过端午节。②告知mike会合地点、出发与返回时③举办一些活动。本篇邀请函应分为三段。第一段应写出邀请Mike的目的。第二段应写和Mike会合的时间地点以及端午节中举办的活动等细节。第三段应写希望Mike接受邀请。时态上:应该以一般将来时为主。称谓上:应该以第一人称为主。注意文中所需要的表达:计划做某事plan to do something 庆祝节日observe/ celebrate 端午节the Dragon Boat Festival 纪念某人be remembered as/ be ordered as/ be in memory of 会晤meet/ gather 汤圆rice dumplings 赛龙舟a dragon boat race experience 体验中国传统文化experience Chinese traditional culture。根据提示词进行遣词造句,要注意主谓一致和时态问题,连句成文。注意使用恰当的连词进行句子之间的衔接与过渡书写一定要规范清晰文章整洁美观的全面是非常重要的。还要注意使用高中所学语法:定语从句,非谓语动词 复合句 强调结构 省略句和倒装句等。

【亮点句】I'm honored to invite you to join in our class activity根据要求学生背诵。句意:我很荣幸的邀请你参加我们班的活动。which will make you experience Chinese traditional culture是一句非限制性定语从句。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】We high school students do have some growing pains, but we can get rid of them1(correct) and wisely.2, some of us are upset 3their body styles and looks. It’s unnecessary and it’s not important at all. We needn't care about it. It is one's inner beauty that 4(matter). Second, we sometimes seem to be misunderstood by our teachers, parents and classmates. 5(face) with this, we can find 6 proper time to have a heart-to-heart talk with them, trying7(remove去除) the misunderstanding. Some of us have fewer friends. I think being open-minded and friendly will do you good. Third, we may fall behind others,8 makes us stressed. Actually we can encourage 9(we) to work efficiently, full of determination. At last, some of us don’t have much pocket money, so they feel unhappy. Isn’t it strange? So long as we have some, that’s enough. And we can learn10 to spend money.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A. The popularity of English. B. The study pressure on students.

C. Attitudes towards learning foreign languages.

2What percentage of students are forced to learn a foreign language?

A. About 21%. B. About 27%. C. About 35%.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

注意:1.词数100左右,信的格式已为你写好。2.可根据内容要点适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。3.参考词汇:环保购物袋—environment-friendly shopping bag;关注—concern。
Dear David,
Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】I was wandering into the small store, when the store owner received a call from a customer. The customer and his wife had shopped there several months before. When noticing that his wife really liked one thing in the store, he wanted to buy it as a surprise. Because time was limited, out 1 (go) the couple without buying it. It was not until several months later that the customer wanted to buy it.

But the customer was in Tennessee, living far away from the store which was in Maine. What was more, he had been to the store several months before, and it was difficult to believe that the store owner would remember him, or 2 it was that he was referring to. There were 3 (diversity) goods in the store. The customer’s question was whether she could do it. She said yes. The store owner advised him to describe the thing for her and so he did.

4 (inform) what the thing was like, the store owner took a few close-up photos with her camera, and e-mailed them to the customer. Having received the photos, then the customer decided which one was the very thing.

Then the customer said, “Now it is time we discussed a price over the phone.” Apart 5 discussing the price, they also decided the time to send it. Then she took care of the credit card transaction(交易) online, and the customer proposed the gift 6 (send) that afternoon. Then the agreement was reached. The customer said. “I live far away from your place now. 7, I would get it myself.”

The store owner was really smart. She wasn’t necessarily 8 (talent) for new technology but she was willing to push herself to find new ways to make the transaction (交易) actually happen. It was not a dramatic thing. It was the first time she had ever done it. Never before had she done such a thing.

9 difficult it was, the store owner discovered a creative solution 10 (contribute) to a new way of doing business. In my view, we should realize that challenge and opportunity go hand in hand.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】On my way back home I was stopped at a traffic light by some people who asked for help. A woman - in her attempt to _______ an ambulance - had driven her car _______ stony obstacles(障碍)that separated the bike line from the street, and had gotten her car _______ as a result. She couldn’t move the car in any _______ without damaging it. A couple of people fried to _______ the car back but the obstacles were too high. Seeing that they couldn’t do much about it, they had no choice but to _______. So the woman in the car tried to call for some service.

While _______ the other people go off, I realized the woman would be on her own and I imagined how _______ that would be if I were in her shoes. After some _______, she invited me to sit inside her car. She called for service and was ________ that it would take about 45 minutes for someone to get there.

I wasn’t ________, so I informed my family about the ________ and that I would get home ________. Then I tried to comfort the woman who seemed to feel ________ about causing others trouble. But ________ it wasn’t too much trouble since they could still ________, and also there wasn’t anything she could do about it anyway. We laughed and ________ that all we needed was some tea for our picnic.

Finally ________ came and helped her hack on the street. She thanked me and asked for my phone number so she could return the ________, but I told her it was okay. She seemed to feel much better when we said our goodbyes. I believe that not having to face a difficult situation ________ can make a great difference.

1A. fit in with B. give way to C. keep track of D. break away from

2A. under B. around C. over D. off

3A. broken B. stuck C. abandoned D. buried

4A. direction B. chance C. case D. place

5A. hold B. lead C. direct D. lift

6A. complain B. leave C. show up D. carry on

7A. watching B. making C. hearing D. feeling

8A. dangerous B. shameful C. competitive D. uncomfortable

9A. bargain B. argument C. talk D. discussion

10A. told B. asked C. advised D. warned

11A. on the spot B. out of trouble C. in the way D. in a hurry

12A. schedule B. adventure C. situation D. appointment

13A. later B. earlier C. on time D. right away

14A. stressed B. seared C. confused D. unlucky

15A. above all B. as usual C. similarly D. actually

16A. wait B. pass C. relax D. follow

17A. believed B. wondered C. promised D. joked

18A. assistance B. the ambulance C. pedestrians D. word

19A. service B. invitation C. favor D. picnic

20A. together B. beforehand C. again D. alone


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Working with Kids - Volunteer in Peru!

Volunteers work with at - risk children in and around the historic city of Cusco, Peru. Placements include working in community centers, orphanages(孤儿院), rural schools, and street children programs. Projects focus on providing boys and girls with shelter, food, and education. Various educational, recreational, and health projects are ongoing to support these unfortunate children. Volunteers work to help keep children off the street and to help provide them with a happy and productive childhood.

Depending on individual skills and interests, volunteers act as mentors(导师), help children with their homework, organize sports and arts and crafts, and teach English. However, your care and support are the most important thing for these disadvantaged children.

This program is available year round and new programs begin every Monday. Volunteer programs are designed to lake place for as little as I week and up to I year.

NOTE: This, program qualifies for 3 - 4 university credits(学分)via our School of Record: California Suite University - Monterey Bay. To qualify, your program must be 4 weeks or longer.

Program Highlights:

1. Earn 3-4 university credits via our School of Record: California State University - Monterey Bay.

2. 2 hours/day of Spanish language classes are included in this program(optional).

3. Cain international volunteer experience.

4. Improve your Spanish language skills.

5. Earn the President’s Volunteer Service Award(U. S. citizens).

1What is the program aimed to do?

A. To improve Cusco’s education.

B. To enrich the people’s life in Peru.

C. To support the poor families in Peru.

D. To ensure a better life for the needy children in Cusco.

2What are volunteers supposed to do in this program?

A. Set up new schools.

B. Clean the orphanages.

C. Give the children academic help.

D. Involve the children in social practice.

3Which of the following is not a benefit for volunteers in the program?

A. Earning university credits. B. Developing more interests.

C. Celling volunteer experience. D. Learning Spanish.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1What importance does the woman want to emphasize(强调)?

A. Inspiration. B. Bravery. C. Honesty.

2How were the frogs traveling?

A. Through the river.

B. Through the road.

C. Through the woods.

3What did the other frogs tell the two unlucky frogs?

A. They should try their best to jump out.

B. They had no choice but to die in the hole.

C. They would try all means to help them out.

4How was the frog who got out?

A. He was deaf.

B. He was blind.

C. He was foolish.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】When I was in middle school, I got mad at my parents because they would never give anything to the homeless that passed by us.

On a family vacation in Washington D.C, there was a______man down the street. My family______with our eyes at our feet. On our final day in the city, when my______went for an evening walk, I ran out of our hotel room______and ran down the street to the homeless man.

He looked at me with curiosity, surely not______anything from a middle school girl. I asked him what he would have for______. He replied he would have hamburgers.

I ran into the grocery store down the block and______five hamburgers and many other foods. I ran back with a grin(咧嘴笑) on my face and______the grocery bags full of food to him. His______has been in my mind ever since.

I ran back to the______as soon as possible. When my parents______, my dad told me he had a______for me. He asked if I still______the homeless man down the street from our hotel and I shyly______. He then told me, with a grin on his face, a story of______as they were returning from their walk the homeless man was______grocery bags full of food with other homeless people around and they were all smiling and laughing as they______. I smiled at my dad but never to this day have told him the______story of that homeless man.

I still haven’t forgotten that man’s smile but I wish I had the______to do this more often. One______fearless act by a middle school girl can begin a series of effect of smiles and dignity(尊严). So please, share a smile and give some dignity to the homeless.

1A. friendly B. homeless C. generous D. thankful

2A. sat down B. walked past C. turned up D. joined in

3A. classmates B. brothers C. students D. parents

4A. secretly B. surely C. hopefully D. luckily

5A. taking B. losing C. expecting D. charging

6A. pleasure B. service C. dinner D. gift

7A. bought B. cooked C. borrowed D. stole

8A. lent B. sold C. posted D. handed

9A. humor B. sorrow C. anger D. smile

10A. hotel B. church C. school D. town

11A. left B. discovered C. returned D. arrived

12A. present B. story C. reward D. book

13A. missed B. hated C. admired D. remembered

14A. nodded B. promised C. described D. explained

15A. how B. why C. when D. where

16A. collecting B. accepting C. sharing D. heating

17A. played B. ate C. begged D. walked

18A. moving B. familiar C. sad D. true

19A. confidence B. courage C. determination D. wisdom

20A. funny B. interesting C. small D. crazy

