精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情
9.Yesterday I was fortunate enough to find one more person in our world who is kind and caring.It was about 11:00 p.m.(21)Bmy telephone rang.The caller ID showed the number of a Best Western Hotel.(22)D,I would ignore this type of call.For some reason,(23)A,I went ahead and answered.
The man on the other end asked if I knew Samual K.I(24)B,as he is my 91-year-old grandfather.Still not(25)Cwhy I was the one that had been called,the caller went on to tell me that I was the only(26)Blisted in the phone book.He said his name was Mason and that he was the(27)Aat the Best Western Hotel.The(28)C was that grandpa had no money with him,and that he couldn't(29)B any phone numbers,so Mason called all over the state trying to get help.
Grandpa told me that he just wanted me to tell Mason that he is a (n)(30)Dguy and would pay the money once he got home.But the man  in charge there was(31)Abecause my grandfather seemed to be(32)D.He had been going somewhere else when he got on the wrong bus and(33)C100 miles from home.
Not wanting to turn him away and not wanting the police to(34)A him to the police station,Mason,(35)C any normal duty,not only took the time to(36)Ame,but also charged just 39 so that grandpa could(37)Dsafelyandcomfortablyovernight.(The rooms normally rent for about 140!) Besides,he had the staff of that hotel all(38)B him until my uncle was able to drive the 100 miles to pick him up!
So,it's just one more piece of(39)Dthat proves that there are still good people out there; wherever you go,there is always one who(40)B.
33.A.went upB.added upC.ended upD.sent up
38.A.look forB.watch overC.care aboutD.adjust to

分析 本文讲述了作者的祖父走丢到一家旅店,旅店经理不仅没有为难祖父,反而收留他并给作者打电话,由此经历,作者领悟到世界上还是好人多.

解答 21-25 BDABC   26-30 BACBD   31-35 ADCAC   36-40 ADBDB
21、B.根据"It was about 11:00 p.m."可知该句表示在晚上十一点的时候我的电话响了,所以答案为B when.while后跟延续性动词,故A项错误.
22、D.根据"The caller  ID showed the number of a Best Western Hotel."可知这是一个可以忽略的电话,所以答案为D generally"一般的".其他选项的含义为 A、明显的;B、个人的;C、实际上.
23、A.根据上文可知,一般主人公不会接这种电话,可是这次他接了所以答案为A however"可是",其他选项的含义为B、此外;C、否则;D、因此.
24、B.根据"as he is my 91-year-old grandfather"可知它认识对方提到的这个人所以答案为B.
25、C.根据"the caller went on to tell me"可知作者仍旧不明白作者为什么会打电话,所以答案为C.其他选项的意思为:A、承认;B、接受;D、认可.
27、A.根据31题处"But the man  in charge there"可知这个男人管理这个旅店,所以答案为A.
28、C.根据"grandpa had no money with him"可知这是祖父碰到的问题,所以答案为D.
30、D.根据"would pay the money once he got home"可知祖父认为自己是个有诚信的人,所以答案是D.其他选项的含义分别为:A、容易相处的;B、慷慨的;C、容易被忘记的.
31、A.根据31题开头的but可知经理不相信祖父说的,所以答案是A concerned 表示"担心的".其他选项的含义分别是:B、失望的;C、相信的;D、吃惊的.
32、D.根据下文"He had been going somewhere else when he got on the wrong bus",所以经理认为祖父是迷路了,故答案为D.
33、C.根据上文可知祖父坐错了公交,所以他结果离家100英里,故答案选C end up 表示"以…告终",其他选项的含义为:A、向前;B、增加;D、发送.
34、A.根据"Not wanting to turn him away and not wanting the police"可知经理没有把祖父拒之门外或者送到警察局,故答案为A.
35、C.根据上题可知经理承担了不是他应该承担的责任,所以答案为C beyond"超出…的范围".
36、A.根据上文可知经理联系了作者,所以答案为A contact"联系",其他学校的含义分别为:B、说服;C、警告;D、靠近.
37、D.根据上文可知经理收留了祖父,让祖父在旅馆过夜,所以答案选D stay"停留;居住"
38、B.根据"he had the staff of that hotel all"可知经理让员工照看祖父,直到叔叔去接,所以答案是B watch over"看管",其他选项的含义是:A、寻找;C、关心;D、调整
39、D.根据上文可知,经理帮助祖父,这是社会上还有好人的证据,所以答案选D evidence"证据".
40、B.根据上句可知,无论你去哪里都会碰到好人,所以答案选B care"关爱".

点评 考查故事类阅读.完形填空主要测验学生的语言综合运用能力,包括基础知识的掌握和运用,对整个文章逻辑联系的理解,在情景中辨析词义的能力以及词组短语搭配的使用能力,这是大部分考生认为难度最大的考查项目.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

19.[1]Twenty-five years ago in San Diego,Karen Lange was asked by her neighbor,the husband  of a woman who had unknowingly picked up HIV,for help.Everyone else had turned their back  on the couple and the husband was desperate.Despite only knowing them for a short time,Karen agreed.
[2]The woman was in the last stages of a life.By her side,spending time with her and caring for her,was not her family,not her friends,but her next-door neighbor.In those moments,Karen's personal purpose in life became clear as she realized the major difference that we as individuals can have on another person's life.
[3]After her friend passed,Karen became involved in a local grass-roots organization called Mama's Kitchen,delivering meals to the critically ill,and eventually becoming a Board Member.She says that shethrew her energy in volunteering as a way to"help me feel better after her death and all the pain that I had seen."
[4]After a few moves around the country,Karen landed in Baltimore.At that time,some aspects of her life were‘‘difficult,''and she was working hard to get"out of a rut."Despite focusing on eating right,exercising,and trying to surround herself with positive people,she stayed in this rut,until she returned to volunteering.
[5]"It was volunteering at Moveable Feast that finally helped my soul and heart to heal,"Karen recalled.She found in the Bahimore-based nonprofit the same task as Mama's Kitchen in San Diego-to            people living with HIV/AIDS and other life-threatening conditions.
[6]That is Karen's true gift-to be proof that giving of our own resources,especially our time,can have a massive life-changing impact on the lives of others,while also showing that volunteering helps you become a healthier,more positive person.

66.What happened to Karen's neighbor 25years ago?(no more than l0words)He was picked up HIV unknowingly..
67.What effect did volunteering at Moveable Feast have on Karen?(no more than 10words)
It helped hersoul and heart to heal.
68.Explain the underlined expression in Paragraph 3in English.(no more than 5words)
devoted herself to.
69.Fill in the blanks in Paragraph 5with proper words.(no more than 5words)provide food to.
70.List out the benefits of volunteering according to the last paragraph.Volunteering can have a massive life-changing impact on the lives of others/Volunteering helps you become a healthier,more positive person..


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

20.---He was nearly drowned once.
---When was ______?
---_____ was in 2000 _____he was in middle school.(  )
A.that; It; whenB.this;This; that
C.that; This; whenD.that; It; that


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

17.It was a cold December,and Mrs.Bell wanted to do a lot of shopping.She waited until it was Saturday,when her husband was free,and she took him to the shops with her to pay for everything and to carry for her what she had bought.They went to a lot of shops,and Mrs.Bell bought everything she could think of.
She often stopped and said,"Look,Peter!Isn't that beautiful?"
"All right,my dear.How much is it?"answered Mr.Bell,and then he took money out to buy it for her.
It was almost dark when they came out of the last shop,and Mr.Bell was tired.He was thinking about a nice drink by the side of a warm fire home.Suddenly his wife looked up at the sky and said,"Look at that beautiful moon,Peter!"
Without stopping,Mr.Bell answered at once."All right,dear.How much is it?"Then he took his wallet out of his pocket.

56.Mrs.Bell did shoppingB.
A.alone                      B.together with her husband
C.every day                  D.in the morning
57.Mrs.Bell took her husband to the shops becauseC.
A.he liked beautiful things       B.he liked to do shopping too.
C.she wanted him to pay money     D.he was always free
58.Mrs.Bell boughtD in the shops.
A.nothing                    B.a drink
C.the most beautiful thing   D.a number of things
59.Mr.BellC shopping.
A.was addicted to        B.was thinking about
C.was tired of           D.was very interested in
60.According to the last paragraph,we know Mr.BellB.
A.wanted to buy the moon     B.did not really know what his wife was saying
C.was a millionair           D.did not like the idea of buying the moon.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

4.Zhang Lili,a 29-year-old middle school teacher at the No 19middle school in the city of Jiamusi in Northeast China's Heilongjiang province was crossing the road just outside the school's gate when a school bus suddenly came rushing toward nearby students at 8:38pm on May 8,2012.
"There were three buses at the school gate ready to pick up students,but the one in the back suddenly crashed into the second bus and pushed it into the first one.There were several students standing between the first and the second buses and they were about to be crushed,"said Liu Ye,a student of No.19middle school.
"We were waiting to board the bus when suddenly itbegan moving toward the teachers and students.Zhang Lili immediately pushed the students out of the way,but unfortunately she didn't escape.The bus crushed her legs."added Liu.
Zhang Lili was sent to hospital at about 9pm and she was critically injured and her blood pressure was low.The situation was quite serious when rushed to hospital.
After consulting specialists,the doctors decided that the only way to save her life was cut off both of her legs.
Upon learning about the accident,the deputy mayor of the city,Sun Zhe,asked the hospital to"save the young teacher regardless of the cost"
"If necessary,we will invite more specialists from the capital city,even from the whole nation,"said Sun.
Fortunately,after 58hours of emergency medical attention after being transferred to the First Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University,Zhang finally regained consciousness on May 15.
"But it cannot be ruled out that her condition may worsen,and the doctors are still working full out to save the heroic teacher,"said Zhao Mingyan,ICU director at the hospital,where Zhang is now receiving treatment."Her courage moved all of our staff,and we will try our best to help the brave teacher in her future life."said Wang Jianwei,the director of center.
The Ministry of Education has also named her"National Outstanding Teacher"and called on the country's educators to learn from her.

67.What does the underlined word"it"in the third paragraph refers toB.
A.the bus in the back    B.the bus in the middle
C.the bus in the front   D.the third bus
68.What can be inferred from the remark of the deputy Mayor Sun Zhe?A
A.Every possible means is being carried out to save the brave teacher.
B.It's increasingly difficult to save the brave teacher.
C.The only way to save the brave teacher is to cut off her legs.
D.No more experts will be needed in the operation to save the brave teacher.
69.What does the underlined sentence in the ninth paragraph attempt to tell us?D
A.The woman teacher's condition will definitely get worse.
B.It is obvious that the woman teacher will recover shortly after.
C.There is little possibility that the woman teacher's condition will improve.
D.It's likely that the teacher will suffer from a worse medical condition.
70.Which of the following might be the best title for this passage?B
A.National Outstanding Teacher   B.A Heroic Teacher
C.An Example of Top Teachers     D.An bus accident.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

14.Billie Holiday was one of the greatest jazz singers in America.Her life was just a mixture of success and tragedy (悲剧).Her singing expressed her experiences and feelings.
Billie Holiday was born Eleanora Fagan in 1915in Baltimore,Maryland.Her parents were Sadie Fagan and Clarence Holiday.They were young when their daughter was born.Their marriage failed because Clarence Holiday was often out.He traveled as a musician with some of the earliest jazz bands and inspired his daughter.
Sadie Fagan cleaned people's houses to make a living.But she could not support her family with the money she earned.So she moved to New York City where the pay was higher.She left her daughter in Baltimore with one of her distant relatives (亲戚).
The young girl Eleanora Fagan changed her name to Billie,because she liked a movie star,Billie Dove.The talented Billie Holiday loved singing.She sang and listened to music whenever she could.In one place near her home there was a machine that played records.The building was a theater where many famous singers also performed their newly-made songs for free.
Billie cleaned floors and did other jobs for the theater so that she could listen to the records.It was there that young Billie first heard the records of some famous black American blues artists of the 1920s.She heard Bessie Smith sing the blues.And she heard Louis Armstrong play the horn.Both musicians had a great influence (影响) on her.
Billie Holiday once said,"I do not think I'm singing.I feel like I am playing a horn.What comes out is what I feel.I hate straight singing.I have to change a tune to my own way of doing it.That is all I know."

72.Who might be the first to have an influence on Billie Holiday's career in music?B
A.Sadie Fagan        B.Clerence Holiday.
C.Bessie Smith.     D.Louis Armstrong
73.From the passage,we can learn thatD.
A.Sadie Fagan was fond of living in New York
B.Clerence Holiday didn't love his wife at all
C.Billie lived a happy childhood
D.Billie had a gift for music
74.The underlined sentence"What comes out is what I feel"meansD.
A.Billie Holiday doesn't like to sing for others
B.Billie Holiday's songs complain about her unhappy childhood
C.Billie Holiday is fond of the songs written for herself
D.Billie Holiday's music is filled with feeling
75.In order to listen to the records in the theater,Billie HolidayA.
A.cleaned floors for the theater      B.changed her name
C.moved to New York                   D.separated from her parents.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

1.Lisa has always been overweight.She wanted to lose weight,not just because she wanted to look more beautiful and healthier,but also because it would make life easier.For example,it was difficult for Lisa to find ready-made clothes that would fit.She had to ask a tailor to make clothes that were large enough.In school,she needed a special chair which was bigger and stronger than the other chairs.If she went for a walk,she got tired very quickly.She was also unhappy about the way people treated her sometimes."People look at me and even make fun of me.That's unfair!It's true that I'm overweight,but I don't think people should treat me differently because I'm big.I can't enjoy having dinner with my friends because I'm afraid of getting fatter."Her friends and family never made fun of her.They tried to help her instead.They wanted her to be happy and healthy.Sometimes when Lisa was feeling sad,she didn't want to speak to anyone.
But now things are quite different.Last month her classmates were preparing for the School Art Week.Someone advised Lisa to play the lead role of the Proud Queen who was tall and fat.Lisa agreed and practiced a lot.
Soon after the play,Lisa became the star!She did so well that everybody remembered the Proud Queen.They stood around her and said"Congratulations"to her.She even won the School Best Actress Award for her wonderful performance.
Now Lisa doesn't worry about being fat any more.She believes in the English saying"Every dog has its day."
51.How did Lisa feel about her weight at first?B
    A.Proud                B.Worried          C.Happy            D.Strange
52.Why was Lisa chosen to play the role of the queen in the play?B
A.Because she was a star.
B.Because she was fat.
C.Because she was liked by her classmates.
D.Because she was the best student in her class.
53.What does the underlined sentence"Every dog has its day"in the last paragraph mean?D
A.Dogs never have weight problems.
B.Dogs can bring people good luck.
C.Everyone should have good heart.
D.Everyone gets a chance eventually.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

18.A jobless man applied for the position of"office boy"at Microsoft.The HR manager interviewed him and then watched him cleaning the floor as a test.
"You are employed,"he said."Give me your e-mail address and I'll send you the application to fill in,as well as date when you may start."The man replied,"But I don't have a computer,neither an e-mail."
"I'm sorry,"said the HR manager."If you don't have an e-mail,that means you do not exist.And who doesn't exist cannot have the job."
The man left with no hope at all.He didn't know what to do,with only ten dollars in his pocket.He then decided to go to the supermarket and buy 10kg tomatoes.He then sold the tomatoes from door to door.In less than two hours,he succeeded to double his capital.He repeated the operation three times,and returned home happily with 60 dollars.
The man realized that he can survive in this way,and started to go every day earlier,and return late.Thus,his money doubled or tripled every day.Shortly,he bought a cart,then a truck,and then he had his own fleet of delivery vehicles.Five years later,the man is one of the biggest food retailers in the US.
He started to plan his family's future and decided to have a life insurance.He called an insurance broker and chose a protection plan.
When the conversation was concluded the broker asked him his e-mail.The man replied,"I don't have an e-mail."
The broker answered curiously,"You don't have an e-mail,and yet have succeeded to build an empire.Can you imagine what you could have been if you had an e-mail?"The man thought for a while and replied,"Yes,I'd be an office boy at Microsoft!"
51.Why can't the man have the job at Microsoft?C
A.Because he was lazy
B.Because he didn't pass the test.
C.Because he didn't have an e-mail
D.Because he didn't have a computer.
52.The underlined word"triple"can be replaced byB.
A.become large        
B.become 3 times      
C.increase quickly   
D.decrease quickly
53.According to the passage,which of the following is TRUE?B
A.The man is one of the biggest food retailers in the world.
B.The man didn't give up though he failed the interview.
C.He started his career by selling tomatoes in the supermarket.
D.Those who have e-mails can work at Microsoft.
54.The man can be described asC.
A.helpful and considerate            
B.positive and generous
C.smart and hardworking               
D.stubborn and unselfish
55.Which proverb can best describe the story?A
A.Misfortune may be an actual blessing
B.Where there is a will,there is a way.
C.Accidents will happen
D.No pains,no gains.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:短文改错

There are different train ticket for people to choose from when traveled by train.They may want to buy a single ticket and a return ticket.A single ticket allows us to enjoy more freedom at their destinations while a return not only is cheaper but also saves them trouble of buying the ticket when they have decided to return.Some people prefer hard seats to soft ones.Young people would like to have hard seats because enjoying the company of other passengers is exactly when they need during a journey.Businessmen would not like to have soft seats.They wanted to have a good rest.When they get on the train,they are still energetic and can rapid go on to do their jobs.

