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14.Shaking hands is a part of business life.and while it's a simple gesture,it's important to getit right Here are some tips to follow.
(1)Make eye contact.The handshake is firstly a form of greeting and as such you are looking at the person to make a connection with him or her,beyond the immediate physical handshake.
(2)Introduce your self.A handshake is only part of the graeting process; combine it with an oral introduction or message.
(3)Use your right hand If you have something to do with your right hand,you should explain to him or her and say sorry while showing your left hand to him or her to get the forgiveness.
(4)Be firm and steady.No one likes a dead-fish handshake,but it's not a wrestling contest,either.The pressure you need to apply is about what you'd use to pick up a full drink bottle.
(5)BA few seconds is all that is needed.Your aim is to greet the person,not to trap him.
Here is something that you should not do.
(1)Squeeze lt's called a handshake,not a hand squeeze Squeezing can hurt the other person's hand,especially if he or she is wearing rings.
(2)Use a two-handed shake.Don't do that unless it's a person you know well.Between new acquaintances,the double-handed shake can be considered smarmy(讨好的).This also napplies to using the left hand to touch the person's shoulder.
(3)Use a dirty or sweaty hand.If you're nervous and your palm is sweat,press your palm against your leg to wipe it dry.

36.According to the passage,before a handshake,if you are doing something with your right hand,C.
A.you must stop doing it at once                B.you can ask him or her to wait
C.you should explain and apologize              D.you can use your left hand
37.What's the best title for point 5in the tips-to-follow part?B
A Greet the person                   B.Keep it brief.
C.Make your aim clear.               D.Don't embarrass your hand-shaker.
38.According to the passage,if you shake hands with someone you meet for the first time,which of the following is polite to do?C
A.Use your two hands to show your respect.
B.Put your left hand on his or her shoulder when shaking hands.
C.Make sure that your hand is dry before shaking hands.
D.Use your right hand to squeeze his or her hand.
39.Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?B
A.Where we should look when shaking hands.
B.Who should hold out his or her hand first to shake hands.
C.How much pressure should be used when you shake hands.
D.How long a handshake  should last.
40.We can infer that the writer spurpose in writing this passage is toD.
A.tell us the importance of a great handshake
B.show us what kinds of handshakes are considered impolite
C.give us some tips on how to make a good first impression
D.give us some tips on how to shake harids properly.

分析 本篇文章将给出关于如何握手的建议并告诉我们握手时应该做到的和不该做的注意点.

36.C  细节题.由第四段第二句"If you have something to do with your right hand,you should explain to him or her and say sorry while showing your left hand to him or her to get the forgiveness."可知,右手被占用时,应向对方道歉并取得原谅,所以C项符合题意.故正确答案为C.
37.B 推断题.第五点的意思是:握手只需持续几秒钟就够了,你的手是用来打招呼的,不是用来困住对方的.由此可推断第五点强调握手时间不能太长,简单快速地握手就够了,B项符合题意.故正确答案为B.
38.C 细节题.由最后一段最后一句"If you're nervous and your palm is sweat,press your palm against your leg to wipe it dry."可知C项正确.A项,由倒数第二段前两句"Use a two-handed shake.Don't do that unless it's a person you know well."可知A项错误.B项,由倒数第二段最后两句"Between new acquaintances,the double-handed shake can be considered smarmy(讨好的).This also applies to using the left hand to touch the person's shoulder."可知B项错误.D项,由倒数第三段第二句"Squeezing can hurt the other person's hand,especially if he or she is wearing rings."可知D项错误,故正确答案为C.
39.B 细节题.由第一点中的"you are looking at the person to make a connection with him or her"可知A项文章有提及.由第四点第二句"The pressure you need to apply is about what you'd use to pick up a full drink bottle."可知C项文章有提及.由第五点第一句"A few seconds is all that is needed."可知D项文章有提及.文章没有提到B项所说的内容,所以B项符合题意.故正确答案为B.
40.主旨题.由第一段最后一句"Here are some tips to follow."可知文章将给出关于如何握手的建议.下文给出了握手时应该做到的和不该做的注意点,所以全文主要是为了给出建议.D项符合题意,故正确答案为D.

点评 阅读理解题测试考生在阅读基础上的逻辑推理能力,要求考生根据文章所述事件的逻辑关系,对未说明的趋势或结局作出合理的推断;或根据作者所阐述的观点理论,对文章未涉及的现象、事例给以解释.考生首先要仔细阅读短文,完整了解信息,准确把握作者观点.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

4.According to rules,those who do not take the physical examination _____ apply for the driving license.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

5.Community theatre is a theatre that is run by a local district with the efforts of volunteers.They offer many different kinds of productions,such as musical theatre,dance theatre and children's theatre.Usually,performers are amateurs who receive no pay,but at other times professionals get involved,and they are paid.Community theatres of today are a little different ftom the old"little theatres",as most are simply run by colleges and their theatre departments.Community theatres are a great way to get involved with local actors.Now,most theatres put on shows that will entertain or benefit the community.
In the 1880s,"little theatre"was started in Europe so that poor people could see theatrical productions without having to travel far or pay a lot.In 1910,this idea traveled to the United States.In the early years,community theatres were even funded by the government,but when shows became too political,government funding was stopped.
Community theatres of today are a little different from the old"little theatres",as most simply want to infuse little culture into the lives of the local citizens.In many cases,these theatres are run by colleges and their theatre departments.These productions are often free of charge,or charge very little money to pay for costumes and other incidental expenses.Many also encourage the participation of children and other young people to let them develop theatrical skills,as well as to keep them busy so that they do not choose to get into trouble.Additionally,for those who desire strongly to become professional actors and to one day get a chance to act in a national theatre production,it is an exciting place to learn and develop theatrical skills.

41.Why was"little theatre"started in Europe?C
A.To put on shows for children.
B.To collect money for poor people.
C.To entertain poor people.
D.To get people interested in theatrical productions.
42.From the passage we know that community theatres canB.
A.help young people make more money
B.prevent young people getting into trouble
C.help young people enter the colleges
D.encourage young people to become more responsible
43.Which of the following is TRUE about community theatre?C
A.It is usually funded by the government.
B.It is intended to train professional actors.
C.It benefits the community in many ways.
D.It is quite different from the old"little theatres".
44.Which of the followings is closest in meaning to the underlined word"infuse"in Para.3?B
A.get rid of
B.fill with
C.cut down
D.full of
45.We can infer from the last paragraph thatA.
A.some professional actors may come from the community theatres
B.community theatres only charge for incidental expenses
C.community theatres have lost their attraction today
D.people can live by acting in the community theatres.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

2.How will you celebrate New Year's Eve?By having a party with your classmates?Going to the karaoke for a singing competition?Many people around the world celebrate the day.Let's have a look at what people in other countries do.
In the United States,thousands of people jam into Times Square in New York to welcome in the new year at midnight.The change from New Year's Eve and New Year's Day is very exciting.People count down (倒计时) the seconds to welcome the new day as the New Year ball slowly gets down and lights up the area.
In Spain,when the clock strikes midnight,everyone eats 12grapes.They eat one grape for each toll (钟声) to bring good luck for the next 12months of the new year.
In Scotland,fireworks are set off in front of the Edinburgh Castle.Immediately after midnight,people sing Auld Lang Syne (《友谊地久天长》).The words are in Scottish and mean"days gone by".The famous Scottish poet Robert Burns wrote the song.
In Brazil,most people wear white clothes on New Year's Eve to bring good luck for the new year.If they live near a beach,after midnight,people go there,light candles in the sand,throw flowers in the sea and make a wish.They say that the goddess who protects the sea will make their wishes come true.
Did you know?
The date January 1was picked by the Roman leader Julius Caesar (凯撒大帝) as the change of the year when he established his own calendar in 46BC.The month of January was named after the Roman god,Janus.He is pictured with two heads.One head looks forward and the other back.They represent a break between the old and new.

41.What's the best title of the passage?B.
A.The history of New Year.
B.New Year joy all around the world.
C.Where to celebrate the New Year's Eve.
42.People in the US don'tA when on the New Year's Eve.
A.eat 12grapes   B.go to the Times Square
C.count down the seconds   D.get excited
43.In Scotland,you will probably seeD.
A.the famous poet Robert Burns sings the Auld Lang Syne
B.most people wear white clothes
C.people go for a singing competition
D.fireworks set off in front of the Edinburgh Castle
44.We can learn from the last paragraph thatB.
A.Janus established the calendar
B.Julius Caesar made the month of January the start of a year
C.The calendar before 46BC was the same as the one today
D.Julius Caesar was the Roman god
45.What does the underlined word jam in the second paragraph mean?A.
A.come in a large number   B.walk up and down
C.rush from time to time    D.come now and then.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

9.In the reception hall of the British Royal Acadel11y of Dance are displayed the statues of four outstanding female dancers.The stone sculpture of Dai Ailian is one of them.
  Dai Ailian was born in Trinidad and Tobago,an independent republiC in tlle West Indies-in 1916,with her forefathers living abroad for many years.In 1930,she went to London to study dance.Many famous dancers such as Anton Dolin,Rudolf Laban and Mary Wigman had been her teachers.Though ballet and modem dance'were not well connected at that time,Dai Ailian  leamed both of them.This is of great significance to her later development.
  Dai Ailian returned to her homeland in 1939 after the Anti-Japanese War broke out.She gave benefit.performances in Hong Kong and on the mainland.Major programs such as Homesick
Melody selling.Wheat Gleaning Girl and Story of the Guerrill as showed sympathy for the poorand concern over the nation's face.
 Dai Ailian's art career entered a golden period after the founding of the people's Republic of China.She bccame the first president of the National  Dance Troupe,the first headmistress of the Beijing Dance School and the first president of the Central Ballet Theater.Her representative works at this were a group dance called the Lotus Dance and Flying Spsaras.presented in Berlin and Warsaw in 1953 and 1955 and won awards.
 Dai Ailian always says:"Ballet is my work.while folk dance is my greatest pleasure."Her love for Chinese dance led to her efforts.Meanwhile,she introduced the essence of Western dance to China.For this reason,she was regarded as a qualified person to link up Chinese and Western dance cultures.

41.Why was the stone sculpture of Dai Ailian displayed in the hall of the British Royal Academy of Dance?A
A.Because of her noticeable contributions.
B.Because she was good at sculpture.
C.Because she studied in tlie British Royal Academy of Dance.
D.Because of her love of ller motherland,
42.Paragraph 2 is mainly aboutC.
A.her fair,ily and life
B.her love of dance and contribution
C.her childhood and education
D.her forefathers alld teachers
43.What is vely important to her later development?B
A.The fact that many famous dancers were her teachers.
B.Learning both ballet and modern dance.
C.Her expericnce ofliving abroacl.
D.Her educarion in Lonaon.
44.Which of the following statements is TRUF according to thE passage?B
A.During the Anti-Japanese War slle sold her stories.
B.At the age of 23,she returned to Chifla to give benefit performance.
C.After the founding of the People's Republic China she stoppecl dancing.
D.She was the first headmaster ofthe China Dance School.
45.Which was her representative work after the founding of PRC?A
A.Flying Apsaras
B.Homesick Melody
C.Wheat Gleaning Girl


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

19.Two Christmas traditions have come under attack in recent years from environmentalists:Christmas cards and Christmas trees.
Paper cards are seen as wasteful and,for some people,going card?free is another way of going green.They also argue that in a world of e-mail,Skype,Facebook and Twitter,people are in touch all the time anyway; they no longer need the yearly card that connects them with long lost friends.If you want to send Christmas greetings,there are free e-cards,which get the job done with no postage or wasted paper.
However,especially to people who didn't grow up with e-mail,there is something missing from a Christmas e-mail.The first Christmas cards appeared in London in 1843and were designed by the same man who had introduced the world's first postage stamp three years earlier.His name was Sir Henry Cole.
They rose in popularity throughout the 20th century.Many people sent cards that were sold for charity.The most famous of these are the ones sold for UNICEF.In the UK this year,in the three weeks before Christmas,the post office expects to handle 100million cards every day.Environmental awareness also means that nowadays many people recycle their cards; this helps raise money to plant more trees,as well as recreating more paper.
When we think of trees at Christmas,there is one that immediately springs to mind-the evergreen tree that people decorate with ornaments and place their presents under.The custom dates back almost a thousand years to Germany,Nowadays 33to 36million Christmas trees are produced in America and 50to 60million in Europe each year.Some trees are sold live with roots and soil so people can plant them later and reuse them next year.
Some people prefer artificial trees as they are reusable and much cheaper than their natural alternative.However,environmentalists point out that they are made from petroleum products and they have much pollution.

63.What is the main idea of the article?D
A.To analyze how two Christmas traditions grew in popularity.
B.To introduce the history of two typical Christmas traditions.
C.To point out the problems in some traditional ways of celebrating Christmas,
D.To explain the debate environmentalists and traditionalists about Christmas traditions.
64.Some people suggest getting rid of paper cards becauseC.
a.they can not be recycled and reused
b.they are not environmentally friendly
c.they are mostly sold for charity
d.free e?cards have many advantages over them
e.they are not as necessary as they used to be for people
A.a,b,d         B.a,c,d            C.b,d,e           D.b,c,e
65.What can we conclude from the article?D
A.This year has seen a dramatic drop in Christmas card sales and products.
B.The first Christmas cards were designed three years earlier than the stamps.
C.Environmentalists advise people to buy cards that are sold for charity to help raise money
D.Growing environmental awareness is encouraging people to begin to recycle their cards.
66.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the article?A
A.Some people prefer to buy live trees that can be reused next year.
B.Artificial trees are much better than natural ones in all aspects.
C.The custom of decorating Christmas trees first appeared in Britain.
D.There is a wider Christmas tree market in America than in Europe.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

6.The round-the-clock(24小时不断的) availability that cell phone have brought to people's lives may be taking a toll on family life,a new study suggests.The study,which followed more than 1,300 adults over 2 years,found that those who consistently used a mobile phone throughout die study period were more likely to report negative"spillover"between work and home life-and,in turn,less satisfaction with their family life.
Spillover essenrially(本质上) means that the line between work and home begins to become unclear.Work life may invade home life when a parent ia taking job-related calls at home,for instance-or family issue may start to take up work time.For example,a child may call mom at work,telling her"microwave exploded",explained Noclle Chesley.an assistant professor of sociology at the Univcisity of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and the author of the study.The problem with cell phones seems to be that they are allowing forever more spillover between work and home.
This may be especially true for working women,the study found.Among men,consistent use of mobile phones seemed to allow more work issues to creep(潜入) into family time.But for women,the spillover tended to go in both directions being"connected"meant that work cut into home time,and family issues came into work life.
Cell phones seem to be opening more lines for stressful exchanges among family members.But there may be ways to control the spillover,according to Chesley."Employers",she said,"could look at their policies on contacting employees after hours to make sure their expectations are‘reasonable'"."For their part,employees could decide that cell phones go off during family time,"Chesley said.
61.What does the underlined phrase"taking a toll on"probably mean in Paragraph 1?D
A.Explaining                           B.Protecting.          
C.Extending.                          D.Damaging.
62.What is the purpose of offering the example"microwave exploded"in Paragraph 2?C
A.To show the microwave is of poor quality.
B.To indicate how dependent me child is.
C.To indicate family issues affect work hours.      
D.To show work time creeps into family life.
63.As a result of negative"spillover",people will feelA
A.less satisfied with their family life                
B.less satisfied with their work
C.angry with their troublesome children             
D.unwilling to get married at an early age
64.According to Chesley,what is the best solution to the problem caused by cell phones?B
A.Refuse to use cell phones.                       
B.Separate work hours from family time.
C.Ignore coming calls during family time.          
D.Encourage women to stay at home.
65.We can learn from the passage thatA.
A.spillover makes the line between work and home unclear
B.cell phones seem to be convenient to families
C.cell phones affect men as much as women
D.we can do nothing to solve the problem.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

3.The centerpiece of curling(冰壶)is the curling stone,which has been called a"geometrical masterpiece of tooled geology (地质)."Kays of Scotland has been making curling stones since 1851,when William Kay and his sons Andrew and Thomas set up a workshop in Mauchline,Ayrshire,in southwest Scotland.Kays is still owned by the relatives of the founder,and today it is the only curling stone maker left in Scotland.
Used in a highly competitive sport,the curling stones are made to exact standards.First,stones are sliced and then into round"cheeses".Finally,the cheeses are shaped and polished into curling stones in a series of precise steps.
Each stone must weigh 44pounds.Each must have a maximum diameter (直径) of 36inches.Polishing is done by hand on a wheel using water,diamond-talcum power,and felt.Finishing the stone's"running edge"is done entirely by hand with a special kind of paper and a digital measure and magnifying glass (放大镜).Lastly,a handle is fitted into holes on the top of the stone.Stones are computer-matched into pairs.Sixteen stones-8pairs-are needed for a game,and since curling game field usually have 6lanes,each game field needs 96matched stones!
Kays is a small firm,employing than ten skilled workers.Master craftsman and co-owner James Wyllie is skilled at all phases of curling stone making and is also an enthusiastic curler,as well as active member of Mauchline's Burns Club,which meets regularly to honor well-known Mauchline residents.

59.What IS true about Kays?A
A.It is a family business.    B.It's a brand of curling stones.
C.It's a place in Scotland.  D.It's the name of a curling stone dealer.
60.How many curling stones are needed for two games happening at the same time?C
A.8.    B.16.    C.32.   D.96.
61.Which of the following shows the right process of making a curling stone?D


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

4.I had neither a raincoat nor an umbrella.That's why I ___________ wait until the rain stopped.(  )
A.mightB.had toC.shouldD.ought to

