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In the camp, we’ll teach you ________ skills. (生存)


科目:高中英语 来源:湖北省2016-2017学年高二2月联考英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

The Summer Program

Program Highlights:

(1)More outdoor Chinese study: All trips and activities focus on developing language skills in Chinese, as well as building up self-confidence and teamwork ability. Campers would get a clear awareness of the program theme---- “Observe-Think-Act”.

(2) One-to-one Chinese tutoring; One hour per day, we have college students majoring in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language work as tutors.

(3) Breakfast is upgraded to western buffet style and offered by the host four-star hotel.

Discount Policy:

●¥1,000 off per student for early bird applications on or before March 31st;

●¥1,000 off per student for returning students;

●¥500 off per student for 2 family siblings;

●¥1,000 off per student for a group of 3 or above (siblings/friends).

Contact information: Ms Summer

E-mail : summer@richblcu . com

Tel: (+86) 10 8230-3067

1.What will campers do if they join in the program?

A. Study together with some college teachers.

B. Have a chance to improve their confidence.

C. Spend more time learning Chinese.

D. Have each meal in four-star hotels every day.

2.When should all the applications be submitted at the latest?

A. By late July. B. By late August. C. By late March. D. By late June.

3.What should we do to save some money according to the discount policy?

A. Attend the program with three or more students.

B. Hand in our applications as early as we can.

C. Make a trip with all our family members.

D. Come back to the program in a limited time.


科目:高中英语 来源:山东省2017届高三9月质量检测英语试卷 题型:完形填空

I have recently been reflecting on the secret of our online success. This website has now been in _______ for over twelve years and when my eldest son Jeremy _______ the idea, I wasn’t sure that at the age of 69, I would be able to _______ sufficient interest, or maintain the output of readable material _______to fill the pages!

Now I am delighted to say that at 80, my enthusiasm remains and with the _______ from a number of friends in the storytelling and magic communities, I am now _______ the next level. I must at this point say a big “Thank you!” to our web host Ken Evoy at Site Build it! He has supported us from the very beginning with _______ help and advice and much of the _______ for our success goes to him.

My intention from the start was to _______ a magazine style presentation that was entertaining, and user-friendly. The name ‘The Storytelling Resource Centre’ has kept me ________ and on my toes!

Out of curiosity, we ________ the Alexa Traffic Ratings website. We discovered to our amazement and ________ that we were among the top 1%of websites ________ worldwide! This was almost ________due to Site Build It! and the advice we receive from them.

Those of you who have been ________ visitors over the last few years will have noticed that were-organised the pages with the web host’s ________. The success was immediate! We ________ to receive up-to-the-minute advice from them and we are now one of the most visited storytelling websites! ________, Site Built it! hosts a wonderful forum where everyone is welcomed.

YOUR OWN website, then give yourself a real chance to If you are looking to create or ________, make ________ money! You won’t be disappointed!

1.A. danger B. existence C. dilemma D. power

2.A. considered B. confused C. followed D. suggested

3.A. grow B. arouse C. keep D. catch

4.A. required B. designed C. passed D. supported

5.A. advertisement B. attraction C. promotion D. encouragement

6.A. coming up with B. getting away with C. looking forward to D. holding fast to

7.A. voluntary B. valuable C. individual D. medical

8.A. focus B. reason C. credit D. part

9.A. produce B. direct C. communicate D. ensure

10.A. disappointed B. discouraged C. amused D. motivated

11.A. approached B. accessed C. received D. connected

12.A. delight B. surprise C. sorrow D. anger

13.A. troubled B. built C. visited D. hosted

14.A. heavily B. entirely C. slightly D. seriously

15.A. seasonal B. casual C. rare D. regular

16.A. information B. direction C. intention D. education

17.A. start B. refuse C. continue D. offer

18.A. In addition B. In advance C. For free D. For example

19.A. edit B. comfort C. transform D. improve

20.A. easy B. pocket C. serious D. business


科目:高中英语 来源:河北省石家庄市2017届高三下学期模拟联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空

Life is to be lived. No excuses. No reservations (保留). No holding back.

A story about the violinist Fritz Kreisler tells how he once _________ a beautiful instrument he wanted to acquire. When he _________ raised the money for the violin, he returned to_________ it and learned that it had already been sold to a(n) _________.

He went to the new owner’s home in order to try to _________ him to sell the violin. _________, the collector said it was one of his prized possessions and he could not let it go. Kreisler felt _________ and turned to leave, but then asked a favor, “May I play the instrument once more _______ it is put away?”

_________ was given and the great musician began to play. The __________ sang out a quality of music which was so beautiful that the collector himself could only listen in __________. “I have no __________ to keep that to myself,” he said after the musician finished. “The violin is yours, Mr. Kreisler. Take it into world, and let people __________ it.”

You and I are excellent violins—our __________ is meant to be heard.

I want to live my ________ that way—to take it into the world and live it fully. I’d rather burn out than rust out. I’d rather be__________ than die not having done whatever I could.

I’m not talking about __________ ourselves by doing too much. Happiness is never found in overmuch busyness. But it is found in investing our lives in others. Say yes when asked for a hand. __________ to work for a worthwhile organization. Spend an hour with a ________ relative.

In the end, I know that my happiness is not about by my ability or my inability. It is about how much I ________ to others.

1.A. found out B. came across C. came to D. picked out

2.A. slowly B. actually C. eventually D. regularly

3.A. buy B. play C. pick D. get

4.A. musician B. performer C. player D. collector

5.A. force B. persuade C. advise D. ask

6.A. Therefore B. Besides C. However D. Otherwise

7.A. disappointed B. angry C. helpless D. desperate

8.A. unless B. after C. until D. before

9.A. Judgment B. Permission C. Award D. Appreciation

10.A. violin B. musician C. singer D. collector

11.A. amazement B. agreement C. puzzlement D. embarrassment

12.A. freedom B. right C. interest D. money

13.A. play B. know C. feel D. hear

14.A. story B. sound C. music D. message

15.A. life B. dream C. hobby D. reality

16.A. hung up B. put up C. used up D. dressed up

17.A. exhausting B. requesting C. fighting D. changing

18.A. Struggle B. Volunteer C. Manage D. Promise

19.A. special B. close C. tired D. lonely

20.A. turn B. treat C. give D. adapt


科目:高中英语 来源:广东省佛山市2017届高三上学期第二次大考英语试卷 题型:短文改错







In the past, teachers always kept on to explaining the points in class. Our students just listened and take notes. But now we often discuss and try to solve the problems raising by the teachers or ourselves. After class, we enjoy different kind of activities instead of doing endless homework. For example, we can read that we are interested. We can go to the library and surf the Internet for variously kinds of information. In my opinion, exploring study does not only help us learn much, but also make us to enjoy study and become masters of study.


科目:高中英语 来源:广东省佛山市2017届高三上学期第二次大考英语试卷 题型:单词拼写

We try to provide a very homely ___________.(氛围)


科目:高中英语 来源:广东省佛山市2017届高三上学期第二次大考英语试卷 题型:完形填空

The first thing Sue said to her new therapist was, “I know you can’t help me, Doctor. I'm a total mess. I keep messing up at _______, and I'm sure I'm going to be _______. Just yesterday my boss told me I was being _______. He called it a promotion. But if I was doing a _______ job, why transfer me?"

Then gradually, Sue's story moved past the put-downs. She had received her M.B.A. two years _______ and was making an excellent salary. That didn't sound like _______. At the end of their first meeting, Sue's therapist told her to _______ down her thoughts, particularly at _______ if she was having trouble falling asleep.

At her next _______ Sue’s list included: “I’m not really smart. I ____________ ahead by a bunch of lucky things. “Tomorrow will be a disaster. I've never ____________ a meeting before." "My boss looked angry this morning. What did I do?" She ____________, "In one day alone, I listed 26 negative thoughts. No wonder I'm always tired and ____________. ” Hearing her own ____________ and a strong feeling that something bad will happen soon made Sue realize how much energy she was wasting on ____________ catastrophes.

If you have been feeling down, it could be you are sending yourself ____________ messages too. Listen to the words ringing inside your head. Repeat them aloud or write them down. With practice, being aware of your ____________ will become your natural state. As you’re walking, you can ____________ the constant stream of thoughts that flow through your mind. Soon you will gain some ____________ over this undisciplined thinking, rather than the other way around. And when that happens, your feelings and actions will ____________ too.

1.A. school B. exam C. home D. work

2.A. fired B. fined C. punished D. accused

3.A. transported B. transform C. transferred D. translated

4.A. chief B. good C. steady D. satisfied

5.A. later B. after C. ago D. before

6.A. failure B. loss C. misery D. disaster

7.A. calm B. cast C. set D. settle

8.A. dusk B. night C. times D. weekends

9.A. treatment B. movement C. appointment D. assignment

10.A. went B. got C. worked D. lived

11.A. chaired B. charged C. held . D. attended

12.A. announced B. admitted C. annoyed D. assumed

13.A. exhausted B. alarmed C. heartbroken D. depressed

14.A. complaints B. regret C. fears D. sorrows

15.A. imagined B. impossible C. insignificant D. imaginative

16.A. false B. scary C. absurd D. negative

17.A. emotions B. attitude C. thinking D. disadvantage

18.A. hear B. see C. note D. feel

19.A. control B. knowledge C. experience D. benefit

20.A. take B. understand C. change D. adapt


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年山西省校高二3月月考(月考六)英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文填空


Hello Kitty,one of the most famous imaginary 1. (character) in the world,greets us everywhere. Since she was born,she 2. (gain) impressive popularity — she is 3. international fashion queen.

2015 was the character's 40th birthday. Fans from around the world gathered4. (cheerful) to celebrate their love of Hello Kitty.

Hello Kitty was 5. (design) as a character to attract pre-teenage girls. The designers could not 66. (dream) that she would become such a 7. (globe) star as she is today.

Helen McCarthy,an author and expert on Japanese cartoons,explained 8. the character is so popular. “Because Hello Kitty is all about happiness and friendship and fun.

Women and girls all over the world are happy 9. (buy) the image of the trusting,loving childhood represented by Hello Kitty. ”

And the imaginary character does not only appeal 10. females. There are also Hello Kitty products for boys and men,such as neckties and golf bags.


科目:高中英语 来源:广东省广州市2017届高三下学期第一次模拟考试英语试卷 题型:书面表达

假定你是李华。你是学生会主席。你校将于5月25—30日在广州沙面举行龙舟赛 (Dragon Boat Race)。请根据以下内容给姐妹学校剑桥中学(Cambridge High School)写一封邀请信。






2.可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯;


