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BOGOTA (Reuters) ― Colombian mobile telephone users are being tricked by criminals who pretend to be phone operators and instruct them to turn off their cellphones just long enough to demand a large amount of money from their families.

Colombia has seen a large number of cases in which mobile phone customers receive messages telling them to turn off their cellphones for two hours because their telephones havebeen cloned, police say.

The criminals then contact family members of the phone user to say that he or she has been taken hostage (人质). Families who have no way of contacting their relative are directed where to drop off money before the two hours are up.

"If you get a call telling you to turn off your cellphone, contact the official department." Local television channel Caracol told viewers during a Tuesday news program.

BERLIN (Reuters) ― A Berlin court has sentenced a man known as "Schnitzel Stephan" to 18 months in prison for cheating 64 restaurants in the past year.

The man of 160 kg, with a thin grey beard, would regularly order lamb chops, steak or Viennese schnitzel along with several beers. When the bill came, he either ran for the door or told the waiter he had no money.

Iris Berger, a spokeswoman for the Berlin Justice Department, said on Thursday the 43-year-old jobless truck driver had been convicted (判罪 ) on 64 counts of fraud (欺诈 ). The total damage to restaurants was $4,100.


56. According to the first piece of news, which of the following happens first?

A. Cellphone users turn off their mobile telephones.

B. Cellphone users receive messages from criminals.

C. Criminals contact family members of the phone user.

D. Criminals get lots of money from the victims.

57. If cellphone users are told to turn off their phones, what are they advised to do?

A. Contact TV stations.                   B. Keep in touch with their family members.

C. Report it to the police.                 D. Think twice before doing something.

58. The man in the second piece of news was accused of____.

A. murder        B. robbery            C. theft          D. fraud

59. We can learn from the passage that Viennese schnitzel is.___.

A. the name of a kind of food              B. the name of a restaurant

C. the name of a person                      D. the name of a truck


科目:高中英语 来源:2013-2014学年山西重点中学大同第一中学高一第一学期期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

More than half of the world’s population live in cities. Traffic and pollution are becoming big problems in big cities all over the world. In cities like Mexico City, Shanghai or Cairo the quality of air is getting worse every day. In the United States, people spend more time sitting in traffic jams.

Some of the world’s cities have already found the answer to the problem. In Bogota, the capital of Columbia, the government has taken measures to improve the quality of life for the city’s 8 million people. They created over a thousand new parks, a new public transport system, and built hundreds of cycling and walking paths. People who live in the city also joined in making their city one of the most livable (适合居住的) places in South America.

Today city planners around the world are looking for ways to provide more room for living and less room for cars. In America, public transport has increased over 2 % since the mid 1990s — not much but a start. More and more people leave their cars at home and get on buses, trains or even ride a bike to work. Some cities are far better at planning than others. In Amsterdam, for example, only 40 % of the population use their cars to get to work, 35 % ride bikes while 25% use public transport. In Paris, about half of the city’s workers drive their cars to work.

For cities in developing countries, the problems have just started. Traffic is getting worse as more and more people can afford to buy a car.

1.The writer listed Mexico City, Shanghai and Cairo as examples of cities of ______.

A. heavy traffic          B. air pollution

C. rapid development        D. large population

2.What did Bogota do to improve the quality of life for its people?

A. It shut down some factories in the city.

B. It introduced a foreign public transport system.

C. It encouraged people to plant trees in the city.

D. It built new parks and a new public transport system.

3.From the third paragraph, we can learn that ______.

A. 35% of the population in Paris ride bikes to work

B. half of the people in Amsterdam drive their cars to work

C. a quarter of the people in Amsterdam use public transport

D. American public transport has increased much since the 1990s

4.What would be the best title of the text?

A. Ways to solve traffic jams     

B. New changes in transport systems

C. People’s new choice in big cities

D. Parks instead of cars for cities



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Recently we asked for people’s opinions about paying students to encourage them to come to class and get higher scores on tests. Some American schools are doing this.

More of the people were against the idea than were for it.

Some people said paying students sends a message that money is the only reason they should study for. Steven from China says students should study for knowledge. Money may make a difference in the short term, he says, but we should think about the long term.

Zhao Jing Tao, a college student in China, thought of an old saying. Paying students is like “drinking poison to end thirst”― trying to solve a problem without thinking of the bad effects.

Dinh Minh Tuan from Vietnam says rewards are important because they prepare students for the future life. But young children should get things they value more than money, like funny books, pens and film tickets.

There was a suggestion from South Korea that if rewards are necessary for learning,they could be gathered like a charity fund. This money could be used for a project designed by the students.

Francisco Mora from Colombia says the city of Bogota pays parents, so children do not have to work until they finish their basic education. This, he says, has increased the number of students who come to public schools.

Teresa Finamore wrote: “I am an Italian teacher of math and science for students from eleven to fourteen. I think that it is wrong to pay students. Each student has to understand that going to school, he gets a wonderful chance to live better in the future and also at present.”

Nelly Constant in France wonders, if young people get paid for studying, what will they expect from a job ―a rocket to the moon?

Sergio Fernandes from Brazil says paying students is not realistic. But Camillus Chiemela, a Nigerian living in Germany, feels it will help to make the education system better. Students’ expectations will be much higher.

Naval from Russia also says yes to the idea: “We should at least get something for our time wasted. Because in my country students pay money to go to school or get good grades from teachers.”

And Lucy Ding from China says most Chinese students work hard for two reasons: their parents’ expectations and pressure from teachers. She says getting rewards will become a good thing that will get students to work hard for themselves, for the things they hope to get.


77. Zhao Jing Tao thought paying students              .

A. is like drinking water to end thirst

B. couldn’t make a difference in the short term

C. is good for the students’ future life

D. couldn’t help the students with their study

78. Who of the following says yes to the idea of paying students?

A. Dinh Minh Tuan

B. Camillus Chiemela

C. Nelly Comstant

D. Teresa Finamore

79. What do Chinese students work hard for according to Lucy Ding?

A. For their parents and teachers.

B. For the things they hope to get.

C. For themselves.

D. For money.

80. The passage mainly talks about              .

A. it is right for some American schools to pay students

B. paying students is trying to solve a problem without thinking of the effects

C. people’s different opinions about paying students

D. paying students helps to improve the education system


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

What’s in the news? Here are some articles from the Winfield Daily News.

Engaged to be married

Mr. and Mrs. Eduardo Silva of Bogota, Colombia, are happy to announce that engagement of their daughter Cristina Ana Silva to Gino Antonio Leone. Miss Silva is studying art history at Winfield Community College and Mr. Leone is working at the Roma Restaurant. The wedding will take place at St. Mark’s Church in Winfield on October 5th. The reception(接待) will be at the Roma.

Black History Month

Winfield Public Library is please to announce a special program to celebrate Black History Month. The well-known actor Albert Eaton will perform a one-man show named MLK: His life and Times. In the show, Eaton recreates(重现) the life and times of the late civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr., through music and drama. Performances are at 3:30 and 7:30, Thursday through Saturday. Admission free. Telephone:5365400.

Benjamins have a daughter

Mr. and Mrs. Leon Benjamin are proud to announce the birth of their first child, Andrea Jean. She was born at Winfield Hospital on June 9 at 11:10 PM.


High School—Parents Beat Students

The parents’ football team beat the students 4 to 2 in a wild and exciting match yesterday at Winfield Stadium. It was the first win for the parents since the yearly event started five years ago. Adela Logan led the parents to victory with three goals. Her son, Bob Logan, scored the only two goals for the losing team, it was both a happy and a sad day for the Logan family!

College—Winfield Community College Senior Wins State Tournament

Ginny Lewis took the title away from defending state tennis winner, Susan Murray, yesterday in three straight sets, 6-1, 6-3, 6-4. This was the first time a Winfield student has played in the state finals. Ginny brought home a trophy(奖杯) and a $1000 prize for her studies at college.

64. What is the Benjiamins’ announcement about?

       A. Their engagement.                          B. A new-born Baby.

       C. Black History Month.               D. A newly married couple.

65. Who’s going to perform at Winfield Public Library?

       A. Albert Eaton             B. Eduardo Silva    C. Adela Logan      D. Martin Luther King Jr.

66. What do we know about the high school football game?

       A. It was held very five years.                    B. It had a parent team for the first time.     

       C. The parents team won by 2 goals.  D. The Logans were very happy after the game.

67. Why is Ginny Lewis in the newspaper?

       A. She fought to the state final again.           B. She lost one of the 3 sets in the game.

       C. She failed to get a college scholarship.     D. She won a game against Susan Murray.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

A huge tunnel was discovered under construction outside Bogota's La Picota prison; it is believed it was part of an escape plan for prisoned billionaire cocaine(可卡因) merchants.

"This is the most sophisticated(复杂的) tunnel ever built in the history of Colombia's prison system," a police statement said. It referred to it as a wonder of modern engineering.

The tunnel had a good air supply and was reinforced(加固) with wood paneling(镶板) to prevent a collapse(倒塌). It was nearly 200 meters long and high enough for an average adult to walk through with a slight stoop(弯腰), police said.

Running nearly 15 meters below ground, the tunnel ended suddenly just 130 meters short of the prison walls, added police. Twenty-two workers were

arrested after police stormed the wood yard overlooking La Picota, where the tunnel began.

One of them admitted receiving US$120, more than three times the monthly wage, to get the tunnel finished before Christmas. He said the pay was good "because the job was for the jail's rich men."

1. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A. The tunnel was high enough for an average adult to walk without a slight stoop.

B. The tunnel was the most sophisticated tunnel ever built in the history of American prison system.

C. The tunnel ran nearly 25 metres below ground.

D. The tunnel was nearly 200 metres long.

2. Which of the following statements is the best title for this passage?

A. Escape Hope Ends

B. Many Workers Arrested

C. Police's Work

D. Known Wonderful Tunnel

