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  Will you get a good job? What will you do? Many new graduates feel lost when they consider the endless list of career choices.They've invested a lot of money for their diploma(文凭)and now an important question stares them in the fact.

  I've seen so many now graduates who do not know how to use the degree they have just earned.An example was Dave,who loved sports and had played baseball throughout his college years.He had his heart set on working for Nike.But he had never made clear in his own mind what kind of job he could do for Nike,so nothing ever happened.Another example was Allison,who was a history major.She wanted to work as an event planner,but unfortunately,no one hired her.Why? No experience.

  Failing to do some solid career exploration first(to get a clear idea of the types of jobs you can do)is a big error that many college students make.After our suggestion,Dave and Allison both found their jobs.To ensure a brighter future,follow these effective strategies:

  -Make educated career choices.Identify the job you want.Conduct research.Ask parents to advise you on actual job duties.Consider what your natural talents are,and look for positions where you can use them.

  -Don't rely on the Internet.Networking is an effective tool-be sure it's a job-hunting strategy you use.New studies from the Department of Labor state that only 4% of job-seekers found their job on the Internet.The fact is that 63% of all jobs are filled by contacts.

  Employers are making quick decisions.Most people lose the job in the first minute of the interview.It's deadly to let the employers focus quickly on how well you can perform the job.

  -Practice your interviewing skills.Be ready for the tough questions by first writing out good answers to possible questions and having a role-playing interview with your friend.


What does the author seem to be most probable?

[  ]


A job-hunter.


A magazine editor.


A website owner.


A job-seeking adviser.


In order to be well prepared for the interview, you'd better ________.

[  ]


surf the Internet for contacts


get along well with your workmates


practice the interview for several times


take care of your dress


According to the text it is suggested that Dave should ________.

[  ]


let others know what he can do for them


study further to get a higher degree


give up his interest in playing basketball


take part-time jobs first


For Allison, she should ________.

[  ]


find a job in another field


find some work to gain work experience


not tell the employer her major


offer more personal information


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解










科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

第三部分  阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)



Scars of Love

Some years ago on a hot summer day in south Florida a little boy decided to go for a swim in the old swimming hole behind his house. In a hurry to dive into the cool water, he ran out of the back door, leaving behind shoes, socks and shirt as he went.

He flew into the water, not realizing that as he swam toward the middle of the lake, an alligator(短吻鳄) was getting close. The mother in the house was looking out of the window and saw the two as they got closer and closer together. In great fear, she ran toward the water, yelling to her son as loudly as she could. Hearing her voice, the little boy became alarmed and made a U-turn to swim to his mother. It was too late. Just as he reached her, the alligator reached him. From the dock, the mother grabbed her little boy by the arms just as the alligator snatched (抓住) his legs. That began an unbelievable tug-of-war (拔河比赛) between the two. The alligator was much stronger than the mother, but the mother was much too passionate to let go. A farmer happened to drive by, heard their screams, rushed from his truck, took aim and shot the alligator.

Remarkably, after weeks and weeks in the hospital, the little boy survived. His legs were extremely scarred (留下伤疤) by the terrible attack of the animal. And on his arms, were deep scratches where his mother’s fingernails dug into his flesh in her effort to hang on to the son she loved.

The newspaper reporter, who interviewed the boy after the trauma (外伤), asked if he would show him his scars. The boy lifted the pant legs. And then, with obvious pride, he said to the reporter, “Look at my arms. I have great scars on my arms, too. I have them because my mum wouldn’t let go.”

You and I can identify with (认同) that little boy. We have scars, too. Not from an alligator, but the scars of a painful past. Some of those scars are unsightly and have caused us deep regret. But, some wounds, my friends, are because we have refused to let go.

56. The underlined part “the two” in the second paragraph refers to ______.

   A. the alligator and the mother         B. the mother and the son

C. the driver and the alligator          D. the son and the alligator

57. From the passage we can infer ________.

   A. The mother was unwilling to let the alligator go

   B. The mother was actually stronger than the alligator

   C. The son was proud of his scars on his arms

   D. The son was ashamed of his scars on his legs

58. According to the last paragraph, what is the writer’s real meaning?

   A. To forget the past is to betray.       B. We should forget the scars.

   C. Wounds are different from scars.     D. We should learn to let go sometimes.

