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【题目】The news came ______South Korea's Lotte Group has agreed to trade the land needed to host a planned missile shield despite China's recent warning, _________ made the headlines all over the world.
A.that; that
B.that; which
C.which; that
D.when; which

【解析】考查同位语从句和非限制性定语从句。句意:尽管中国警告,韩国的乐天集团已经同意交换一块土地用以布置导弹防御系统的消息还是传来,这成为全世界的头条新闻。第一空是that引导的同位语从句,说明the news的具体内容;第二空是which引导的非限制性定语从句,指代前面整个句子。故选B。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Reading Oktoberfest
Palmer Park is the perfect place to host the first Reading Oktoberfest, which takes place 15—18 September 2017.
You can experience everything that makes Oktoberfest, held in a huge Beer tent. We'll have live music and DJs and thousands of people going crazy.
Opening hours:
Thursday 15 September 17:00-23:30
Friday 16 September 17:00-23:30
Saturday 17 September 12:30-23:30
Sunday 18 September 12:30-19:00
Ramsbottom Festival
With its riverside location, Ramsbottom Festival is one festival which can truly be called beautiful. Here you can enjoy a mix of music, great arts and family shows, as well as a variety of Great British and international food.
Ramsbottom Festival takes place 16—18 September 2017 at Ramsbottom Cricket Club. Bury, easily reachable by public transport from Manchester city centre.
The Willow Festival Dorset
The Willow Festival—the world's largest festival showing new and undiscovered live music bands and artists is coming to Dorset. Fun for all the family, the event also has a shopping area, a world food village, and plenty of activities for kids.
Tickets are just 10.00, which covers a come-and-go attendance (出席) for all three days.
River Cottage Festival
It's our first ever family-friendly music festival, right here at River Cottage HQ in Devon. On 17—18 September 2017, the farm will be filled with live music from popular bands in the UK. In between all that dancing you'll be able to watch shows from local craftspeople (匠人) and make your own piece of jewelry (珠宝).
Tickets will cost you just 35, or l0 for children under 12 (babies under 2 go free).
(1)What can visitors enjoy at Ramsbottom Festival?
A.Family shows.
B.Dancing on the farm.
C.Making beautiful things by hand.
D.International bands' performances.
(2)Both The Willow Festival Dorset and River Cottage Festival ________.
A.are held in 2017 for the first time
B.ask visitors to pay the same price
C.take place near a river
D.are family-friendly
(3)Which festival lasts the most days?
A.River Cottage Festival.
B.Ramsbottom Festival.
C.Reading Oktoberfest.
D.The Willow Festival Dorset.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】不同的人有不同的爱好,有些人爱音乐,有些人好读书。请根据以下提示,以“I Love Reading”为题写一篇英语短文,谈谈读书的好处。
提示:1). 书是我们的好朋友;
2). 读书可以使人放松;
3). 读书可以提高阅读和写作能力;
4). 读书可以增长知识,了解历史、新闻。
要求:1). 涵盖所有要点,可适当发挥;
2). 100词左右,开头已给出,不计人总词数。
I Love Reading
Books are important in our daily life.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Good afternoon,dear friends!My name is Li Hua.I am honoured to have a chance to run for the president of the English Speech Association.
Thank you!


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

On a cold evening with snow floating in the air, I got (stick) on the road because of a flat tire(轮胎). I attempted (seek) help from the passing cars, but no one stopped. As I was about to give up hope, a man (drive) an old dirty car came to my aid. To be honest, I was scared when he first approached me. Eying him up and down, I thought to myself, “There is a very good chance he may rob me,” He seemed to have sensed my discomfort so he tried to ease my (anxious) by introducing himself. His act of kindness made me feel ashamed to have questioned his intentions. was really considerate of him to stop to help a perfect stranger like me, especially in such terrible weather. Thus, after the spare tire was fitted, I asked much I owed him. I wanted to pay him back. (surprising), he did not take my offer but rather told me to pass the act of kindness forward and help more people need. As he said those words, I noticed him wearing a smile of contentment. Helping others seemed a very (nature)thing to him. I witnessed the true beauty of human nature in him.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】It is a truly delightful place, which looks the same as it _______ 100 years ago with its winding streets and pretty cottages.
A.could have done
B.would have done
C.must have done
D.should have done


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Pinyin is a useful tool, which 1 (teach)in China to school kids. It is not merely used by westerners like us. It has proved to be a useful tool for Chinese people 2 (they)to learn standard pronunciation in their early education.

The first step is to learn how 3 (pronounce) each letter in pinyin correctly and the meaning of the tone markers. Then you have to do4 (drill) as many as you can. Turn that into a game. It can be5 (much) fun than you would expect. Start 6single syllables and to that a lot and then syllable(音节)pairs. Slowly move on to larger groups. Understand the initial, final and the tones.

But most importantly, what you need is good feedback. You’d better have someone that can correct your mistakes immediately.

Find a native Chinese, 7 pronunciation is quite perfect to correct you. If you take Chinese classes, the teacher will8 (probable) have you do exercises every class. Do this very seriously.

If you are self-studying, try to meet native Chinese people and ask them to give you some feedback.

Otherwise, try to be self-critical and listen very carefully. Good9 (listen) is more than 50% of 10 it takes to pronounce correctly.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】—Will Uncle Peterson come to my birthday party tomorrow?

—Pity he ______ to Zimbabwe as a volunteer teacher.

A. was sent B. has been sent

C. had been sent D. would be sent


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Tips for Confident Decision Making
Are you a good decision maker? Do you sit on the fence?If you'd like to be more content and confident with your decision making, then these four tips are just the things you need.
Do your “homework”
Make choices based on what is the most important to you.You may even want to speak to someone else who has been through this before. Then when you are ready, just decide.
You are in charge.
By blaming others you give your power away. Just believe you have made the right choice and take responsibility for the result. This will be a real encouragement to your self-confidence.

It's great to stick with your decisions. There are times however when you need to change your mind. Don't worry about making a wrong choice. The good thing about being wrong is that you will know where to correct yourself and when to take action.
You're going to make it.
Sometimes it is going to be hard to be persistent(坚持不懈). You know you are doing the right thing and it's just taking so much time, effort, money and energy. After making bold choice, remember you have a reason why.Say to yourself out loud “No matter how hard it is, I'm going to make it.”
Decision making takes courage and there are many things you can do to decide more confidently. So don't delay, you can start right now by deciding to make this new habit.
A. The more confident, the better decision.
B. This will mean you have to do a research and look at all theavailable options.
C. Whatever result you get, you can't blame others.
D. Confident decision making is of great significance.
E. Or are you constantly changing your mind?
F. It's OK to change your mind.
G. Remember you are taking yourself to the next level.

