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6.1'11show you a store____you may buy all______you need.(  )
A.in which,thatB.where,whichC.which,thatD.that,that

分析 我带你去一家商店,你可以在里面买到你需要的任何东西.

解答 答案:A
分析句式可知____you may buy all是一个定语从句,修饰先行词a store,定语从句中缺少状语,store表示地点,所以用where引导,关系副词=介词+which,根据句意判断需要用介词in,表示在…里面;______you need是定语从句修饰先行词all,从句中need缺少宾语,当先行词为all时,关系代词用that,故答案为A.

点评 考查定语从句,考生需掌握该从句的特点并在具体语境中灵活使用.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:解答题

 Friendship falls apart for many reasons-a huge fight,distance,loss of interest,and some other personal reasons.But if both parties are interested to be friends still,there is no reason why die friendship shouldn't be saved.If you want to breathe life on a dying friendship,here are some tips.
 Find ways to communicate.Whether you are miles apart or living in the same building,make sure to have an open line of communication.These days,almost all modes of communication are widely available.Cell phone.Email.Chat.Snail mail.In fact,the means of communication is not an issue at all; the time to communicate is.So if you are serious about bridging the gap,make time and use all possible ways to keep in touch.
 Forgive the offense.If an offense broke the friendship apart,it is time to forgive,forget,and move forward.If you were the offended party,openly tell your friend that he has already been forgiven.Of course,do this only if you really have forgiven the person.
 Apologize.If_______,let go of your pride and ask for forgiveness.Remember that reconciliation (和解) starts with a word of apology.Make sure to apologize in person,but if that it is not possible,like when you are living in a different country or state,you can do it by some other means.
 Show your concern.Even if you are not as close as you once had been,show your friend that you still care for him.You can show your concern in different ways.If one of his family members is sick,you can send him a short thoughtful note.Send him a gift on his birthday.And wish him well if he is starting a new project.
76.What is the text mainly about?(no more than 8 words)
How to save a friendship
77.Which sentence in the text is closest in meaning to the following one?
But as long as both of you are still longing to keep the friendship,you should try to make it up.But if both parties are interested to be friends still,there is no reason why die friendship shouldn't be saved.
78.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 4 with proper words.(no more than 6 words)
you were/are the offended party
79.List three modes of communication that are available nowadays.(no more than 6 words)
①Cell phone②Email③Snail mail
80.Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 5 into Chinese.如果一个家庭成员病了,那么你可以给他寄一个简短的深思熟虑的便条..


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

17.The police announced that they had       a psychologist to communicate with the criminals in the hope that they could cease fire and reduce the damage.(  )
A.appealed toB.arranged forC.brought outD.set aside


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

14.We are glad to see the suggestions _____ by the Students'Union have turned out to be working rather well.(  )
A.put outB.put upC.put forwardD.put down


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

1.The teacher didn't like ______composition written by the new student because it didn't make_______ sense.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

11.-When did Bob leave?
-I have no idea.I ______ a shower upstairs.(  )
A.tookB.have takenC.was takingD.would take


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

18.Nowadays media can draw public attention to situationswhere help is needed.( need )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

15._____ the whole cost of travelling and see how much money I should share.(  )
A.Add upB.Adding toC.Add up toD.Adding up


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

16.I don't think the old man saw me-he _____ a newspaper.(  )
A.is readingB.had readC.readD.was reading

