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One of the best ways to change your looks and improve your health is to lose excessive weight.There are plenty of tips and various techniques to help you cope with the problem.

Say good-bye to sugar

1..Sugar is added to most products to make themmoreaddictive.People like the sweet taste and get used to eating pretty soon.Do not use sugar at all or minimize its amount while cooking.

Enjoys fruits and vegetables

Eating fruits and veggies is absolutely necessary when you are on a diet and need minerals,vitamins and other nutrients to stay energetic and alert.2.because we tend to snack on fast food instead.In order not to get bored with vegetables and fruits,be creative and invent something new,such as colorful salads or smoothies.

Get enough sleep

It has been scientifically proved that people who do not get enough sleep eat more.3..It is stressful for the whole organism tostay up late at night.Go to bed before midnight.Avoid snacking on fatty and sugary foods before bedtime.Stop drinking caffeinated drinks a few hours before you go to bed so that you could fall asleep easier.

Reduce the amount of meat you consume

Eating less meat is good for a variety of reasons.4..One of the most expected recommendations you might hear from a specialist is that you should reduce the amount of consumed meat if your goal is weight loss.


Being physically active is good for you and not boring at all.It does not require any special skills or equipment.Practice sports for entertainment.Only then will you be able to fully enjoy it and keep on exercising further.

A.They need calories to stay alert

B.We need to burn excessive calories to keep healthy

C.Nowadays it is close to impossible to find foods that would not contain sugar

D.People used to be healthier many years ago only because they could not afford meat

E.Exercise for Fun

F.Exercise regularly

G.Most of us would avoid fruits and vegetables.


科目:高中英语 来源:内蒙古2016-2017学年高二下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:七选五

Although many Chinese students say that their knowledge of English grammar is good, most would admit that their spoken English is poor. Whenever I speak to a Chinese student, they always say, “My spoken English is poor.” 1.

I would like to suggest that there may be some reasons for their problems with spoken English.

First, they fail to find suitable words to express themselves due to a limited vocabulary.

2.However, you can speak with a limited vocabulary, if you choose a positive attitude. Others will follow you as long as you use the words that you know.


Sometimes they make mistakes when they are speaking because they are shy and nervous. Yet students should remember that their goal should be FLUENCY NOT ACCURACY. Your aim in writing is to be accurate following the rules for grammar and using the right words and spelling them correctly. However, in speaking your aim is fluency. You want to get your message across, to talk to someone in English, as quickly and as well as you can, even though sometimes you may use a wrong word or tense , but it doesn’t matter.4.

The third reason is that not enough attention is paid to listening . You have one mouth but two ears !All that hearing is necessary for you to start speaking .

Fourth, most Chinese students are reactive rather than proactive language learners. Instead of actively seeking out opportunities to improve their spoken English they passively wait for speaking opportunities to come to them and wonder why their English always remains poor.5.

A. The person you are speaking to will understand you and make allowances for nay mistakes he hears.

B. They may try to avoid making similar mistakes next time.

C. Obviously the better answer is to expand their vocabulary.

D. If you have this proactive outlook, then you will see English opportunities wherever you go.

E. However, their spoken English does not have to remain “poor”!

F. Second , they are afraid of making mistakes.

G. The second reason lies in the reluctance of using what has just been learned.


科目:高中英语 来源:山西省2016-2017学年高二下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:短文填空

In my free time, I really like surfing the Internet.When I get home from work, I turn on my computer, wait 1.it boots up completely, and then I go online.I usually check my email first and then write a few messages 2. family and friends.I sometimes scan the local news headlines at 3. (me)favorite news Website and read up on the latest local and international news.This Website often provides video news clips that 4.can view online.I sometimes order products or service online to save money and time instead of going to a store and 5. (buy)what I'm looking for.For example, 6. (order)a digital camera online the other day and saved about $50.Whatever I do, I realize that there are problems 7.using the Internet including scams, identify theft, and viruses, so I'm very careful not to give out my 8. (person)information.Furthermore, I don't download or open files I don't recognize.Using the Internet can be fun and 9.convenient way of shopping and finding out new information, 10.you just need to be careful.


科目:高中英语 来源:安徽省蚌埠市2017届高三7月月考英语试卷 题型:短文改错

假定英语课课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10 处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。




2.只允许修改 10 处,多者(从第 11 处起)不计分。

We are aiming to build a peaceful school. I thought it is every student’s duty to work hard to achieve this goal. As high school student, what should we do? First for all, we should love our school. Meanwhile, you should respect our teachers and obeying the rules in our school. Secondly, we should show our respect for our parents and do which we can help them. Besides, we classmates should also try to be kind and friendly. Most important, all of us must believe in each other and been honest in our daily life. And we will study even more harder and try out best to do all.


科目:高中英语 来源:安徽省蚌埠市2017届高三7月月考英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

1.Who do you think the first ad is intended for?

A. Teens who receive their education at home

B. Teens who can’t afford to go to school

C. Teens who have no money to buy books

D. Teens who like reading at home after school

2.What are the likely to do if you go to Children’s Library on March 28?

A. You may borrow some books for children

B. You may donate your old prom dresses

C. You may get a prom dress free of charge

D. You may help to clean the prom dresses

3.Where should you go if you want to give away your dress?

A. Library Room 215 B. Library Room 131

C. Activity Room of Kid’s Corner D. Customer Service De sk


科目:高中英语 来源:黑龙江省2016-2017学年高一下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:书面表达



1. 词数100左右; 书信开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

2. 内容要点:

① 安抚她的情绪,劝她不必过于纠结;

② 提出参考意见:认清自己兴趣和优势,不盲从他人;向高年级的同学请教 ……

③ 提出看法:无论作何选择都要努力才能实现自己的期望。

3. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

可能用到的词汇:焦虑anxiety;理性地 rationally;不辜负 live up to 盲目地 blindly

Dear Lucy,

I’m sorry to learn in your letter that you are upset about the coming choice of arts or science. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


科目:高中英语 来源:黑龙江省2016-2017学年高一下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

When other nine-year-old kids were playing games, she was working at a petrol station. When other teens were studying or going out, she fought to find a place to sleep on the street. But she beat these terrible setbacks(挫折) to win a highly competitive scholarship and gain entry (录入)into Harvard University. And her amazing story has inspired a movie, “Homeless to Harvard: The Liz Murray Story”.

Liz Murray, a 22-year-old American girl, has been writing a real-life story of willpower and determination. Liz grew up with two drug-addicted parents. There was never enough  food or warm clothes in the house. Liz was the only member of the family who had a job. Her mother had AIDS and died when Liz was just l5 years old. The effect of that loss became a turning point in her life. Connecting the environment in which she had grown up with how her mother had died. She decided to do something about it.

Liz went back to school. She threw herself into her studies, never telling her teachers that she was homeless. At night, she lived on the streets. “What drove me to live on had something to do with understanding, and by understanding that there was a whole other way of being. I had only experienced a small part of the society,” she wrote in her book Breaking Night.

She admitted that she used envy (妒忌)to drive herself on. She used the benefits that come easily to others, such as a safe living environment, to encourage herself that “next to nothing could hold me down”. She finished high school in just two years and won a full scholarship to study at Harvard University. But Liz decided to leave her top university a couple of months earlier this year in order to take care of her father, who has also developed AIDS. “I love my parents so much. They are drug addicts. But I never forget that they love me all the time. ”

Liz wants moviegoers(常看电影的人) to come away with the idea that changing your life is “as simple as making a decision”.

1.In which order did the following things happen to Liz?

a. Her mother died of AIDS.

b. She got admitted into Harvad.

c. She worked at a petrol station.

d. The movie about her life was put on.

e. She had trouble finding a place to sleep.

A. c, a, e, b, d B. a, b, c, e, d

C. c, d, b, a, e D. b, e, a, d, c

2.What actually made her go towards her goal?

A. Envy and encouragement.

B. Willpower and determination.

C. Decisions and understanding

D. Love and respect for her parents.

3.What does Liz mean by saying “What drove me to live on...I had only experienced a small part of the society”?

A. She had little experience of social life.

B. She could hardly understand the society.

C. She would do something for her own life.

D. She needed to travel more around the world.

4.What does the passage mainly tell us?

A. Why Liz loved her parents so much.

B. How Liz made efforts to change her life.

C. What a hard time Liz had in her childhood.

D. How Liz managed to enter Harvard University.


科目:高中英语 来源:安徽省巢湖市2016-2017学年高二下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

Social networks are a big part of nearly every teenager's life in this day and age.Many teens have QQ,WeChat, or Weibo but little do a lot of teens know that they can be held responsible for everything they post for the rest of their lives.Everything you post online is part of a digital footprint that can always be traced(追踪)back to you.That includes every post,even like,comment,favorite and forward that you have ever committed.All pictures you've posted or will post have been stored in a digital database,and it is the companies' right to keep all of these documents that you believe to have been deleted or hidden.

With every post comes a consequence;whether it is good or bad,what you post could be seen by anyone.That is why you have to be very careful of what you decide to post or comment.

If you think you are safe from Servite finding out about one funny comment you made six months ago on a meaningless picture,you are probably wrong.Recently,a senior,Aaron,at Servite learned this lesson the hard way this year.He wrote a series of ugly comments towards Connelly girls on a web page,ignoring potential consequences.

This student,however,did have to face consequences from Servite as he was removed from all of his leadership roles in the school.Surprisingly enough,he fully agreed with his punishment handed down by the administration and fully understood why he was given such severe discipline(惩处)."When you agree to come to Servite,you are agreeing to defend what Servite stands for,"the young man said."That continues past the hours of 8 am and 2 pm.It's at all times."

So,next time you're about to post something you think could be received as offensive or inappropriate,think twice,think again,and don't press send.

1.What does the author think the teens should do in the first paragraph?

A. Avoid using social media.

B. Remove their own digital documents.

C. Be responsible for what they put online.

D. Learn to balance their online and offline time.

2.What mistake did Aaron make online?

A. Drawing some meaningless pictures.

B. Making some bad comments.

C. Failing to take his lesson.

D. Breaking down a special web page.

3.What did Servite do with Aaron's case?

A. It reached an agreement with Connelly girls.

B. It helped Aaron get rid of ill effects.

C. It gave Aaron a severe punishment.

D. It stood on Aaron's side.

4.For whom is the text probably intended?

A. Teenagers. B. Teachers.

C. Parents. D. Network engineers.


科目:高中英语 来源:江苏省如皋市2016-2017学年高二选修六 Unit 1 Laughter is good for you 课时练习 题型:单项填空

With many troublesome problems, such as unemployment and crime,     , the new mayor seems to be at a loss.

A. remained to solve B. remaining to be solved

C. remained to be solved D. remaining to solve

