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Reading by moonlight is tiring to the eyes.




科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

John Steinbeck once said, “All American believe they are born fishermen. For a man to admit to a distaste in fishing would be like speaking publicly against mother-love or hating moonlight”.

I can’t say I’m the biggest John Steinbeck fan. Actually, the only thing I can ever remember reading by him was “The Pearl” when I was in middle school, but I couldn’t agree more with the man when it comes to fishing. When I am on a boat in the middle of the lay Lake, fishing off the shores of the Florida Keys for tarpon or catching rainbow trout in the Shoshone River of Wyoming. Fishing is my life.

According to the American Sports Fishing Association, the fishing industry brings in more than $ 116 billion per year from fishermen across the country.

Though a beautiful picture to imagine, fishing is much more than that. Fishing is a way of life from many people and a way to escape everyday stress. Being a fisherman makes me a member of a wonderful group of people extending to all walks of life. Even President Bush can be found fishing on his farm in Texas with his good friend Roland Martin when the jobs gets too stressful.

I can remember fishing with my grandfather when I was 5 years old on his boat at Lake Michel. Although I didn’t understand what I was doing, I did know that my grandfather was happy and that made me happy. Since then I’ve spent the past 16 years on the rivers and lakes of Alabama.

After days of practice, before and after work, I slowly developed an understanding of fishing. My boss, Ric Horst, took me back to the Shoshone, and I managed to bring in a 19-inch cutthroat trout. Fishing with Ric was a life-changing experience for me. He not only showed me how to fish correctly, but also told me how fishing could be a way to escape your problems.

Since then, prime-time season seems to take forever to arrive.

Now, with the ending of February and beginning of March is sight, the excitement of heading out to Lake Tus caloosa or Lake Lurleen before classes and catching something has finally returned.

What John Steinbeck said in the first paragraph implies that ______

A.American are believed to be the offspring of fishermen.     

B.it is unthinkable for an American to admit his dislike of fishing.

C.all American are expert at fishing.

D.those who dislike fishing would not love their mother.

The writer came to understand the real meaning of fishing ______.

A.when he was reading “The Pearl” by John Steinbeck   

B.when he went fishing with his grandfather at Lake Mitchell

C.after he had spent 16 years on the rivers and lakes of Alabama

D.after he went fishing with his boss, Ric Horst on the Shoshone

According to the author, ______.

A.people can get to know VIPs when fishing   

B.people can smooth away all the troubles by fishing      

C.fishing is a way of communication

D.fishing is a way of life for most American people

What is the purpose of the writing?

A.To describe the writer’s experience and understanding of fishing.      

B.To explain the reason why so many Americans like fishing.

C.To make others understand the industry of fishing.

D.To express his opinions about fishing in different time of the year.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

John Steinbeck once said, “All American believe they are born fishermen. For a man to admit to a distaste in fishing would be like speaking publicly against mother-love or hating moonlight”.

I can’t say I’m the biggest John Steinbeck fan. Actually, the only thing I can ever remember reading by him was “The Pearl” when I was in middle school, but I couldn’t agree more with the man when it comes to fishing. When I am on a boat in the middle of the lay Lake, fishing off the shores of the Florida Keys for tarpon or catching rainbow trout in the Shoshone River of Wyoming. Fishing is my life.

According to the American Sports Fishing Association, the fishing industry brings in more than $ 116 billion per year from fishermen across the country.

Though a beautiful picture to imagine, fishing is much more than that. Fishing is a way of life from many people and a way to escape everyday stress. Being a fisherman makes me a member of a wonderful group of people extending to all walks of life. Even President Bush can be found fishing on his farm in Texas with his good friend Roland Martin when the jobs gets too stressful.

I can remember fishing with my grandfather when I was 5 years old on his boat at Lake Michel. Although I didn’t understand what I was doing, I did know that my grandfather was happy and that made me happy. Since then I’ve spent the past 16 years on the rivers and lakes of Alabama.

After days of practice, before and after work, I slowly developed an understanding of fishing. My boss, Ric Horst, took me back to the Shoshone, and I managed to bring in a 19-inch cutthroat trout. Fishing with Ric was a life-changing experience for me. He not only showed me how to fish correctly, but also told me how fishing could be a way to escape your problems.

Since then, prime-time season seems to take forever to arrive.

Now, with the ending of February and beginning of March is sight, the excitement of heading out to Lake Tus caloosa or Lake Lurleen before classes and catching something has finally returned.

What John Steinbeck said in the first paragraph implies that ______

A.American are believed to be the offspring of fishermen.     

B.it is unthinkable for an American to admit his dislike of fishing.

C.all American are expert at fishing.

D.those who dislike fishing would not love their mother.

The writer came to understand the real meaning of fishing ______.

A.when he was reading “The Pearl” by John Steinbeck   

B.when he went fishing with his grandfather at Lake Mitchell

C.after he had spent 16 years on the rivers and lakes of Alabama

D.after he went fishing with his boss, Ric Horst on the Shoshone

According to the author, ______.

A.people can get to know VIPs when fishing   

B.people can smooth away all the troubles by fishing      

C.fishing is a way of communication

D.fishing is a way of life for most American people

What is the purpose of the writing?

A.To describe the writer’s experience and understanding of fishing.      

B.To explain the reason why so many Americans like fishing.

C.To make others understand the industry of fishing.

D.To express his opinions about fishing in different time of the year.


科目:高中英语 来源:广东省潮州市实验中学2010届高三下学期4月月考 题型:阅读理解

John Steinbeck once said, “All Americans believe they are born fishermen. For a man to admit to a distaste in fishing would be like denouncing (公开指责) mother – love or hating moonlight.”
I can’t say that I’m the biggest John Steinbeck fan. Actually, the only thing I can ever remember reading by him was “The pearl” when I was in middle school, but I couldn’t agree more with the man when it comes to fishing. Whether I am on a boat in the middle of the Lay Lake, fishing off the shores of the Florida Keys for tarpon (大海鲢) or catching rainbow trout (红鲭鱼) in the Shoshone River of Wyoming, fishing is my life.
According to the American Sports Fishing Association, the fishing industry brings in more than $ 116 billion per year from fishermen across the country.
Though a beautiful picture to imagine fishing is much more than that. Fishing is a way of life for many people and a way to escape everyday stress. Being a fisherman makes me a member of a wonderful group of people extending to all walks of life. Even President Bush can be found fishing on his farm in Texas with his good friend Roland Martin when the job gets too stressful.
I can remember fishing with my grandfather when I was 5 years old on his boat at Lake Mitchell. Although I didn’t understand what I doing. I did know that my grandfather was happy and that made me happy. Since then I’ve spent the past 16 years on the rivers and lakes of Alabama.
After days of practice, before and after work, I slowly developed an understanding of fishing. My boss. Ric Horst, took me back to the Shoshone, and I managed to bring in a 19 – inch cutthroat trout. Fishing with Ric was a life – changing experience for me. He not only showed my how to fish correctly, but also told me how fishing could be a way to escape your problems.
Since then, prime – time (黄金时间) season seems to take forever to arrive.
Now, with the ending of February and beginning of March in sight, the excitement of heading out Lake Tuscaloosa or Lake Lurleen before classes and catching something has finally returned.
51.What John Steinbeck said in the first paragraph implies that             .
A.Americans are believed to be the offspring (后代) of fishermen
B.it is unthinkable for an American to admit his dislike of fishing
C.all Americans are expert at fishing
D.those who dislike fishing would not love their mother
52.The writer came to understand the real meaning of fishing            .
A.when he was reading “The pearl” by John Steinbeck
B.when he went fishing with his grandfather at Lake Mitchell
C.after he had spent 16 years on the rivers and lakes of Alabama
D.after he went fishing with his boss, Ric Horst on the Shoshone
53.What can be inferred from the text?
A.The author is at most 21 years old.
B.The author regards fishing as a very important part in his life.
C.The author agreed with John Steinbeck the most when he was in middle school.
D.President Bush often goes fishing in public in order to collect idea for his job.
54.According to the author,             .
A.people can get to know VIPs when fishing.
B.people can smooth away all the troubles by fishing
C.Fishing is a way of communication
D.Fishing is a way to make a living for most American people
55.What is the purpose of the writing?
A.To describe the writer’s experience and understanding of fishing.
B.To explain the reason why so many Americans like fishing.
C.To make others understand the industry of fishing.
D.To express his opinions about fishing in different time of the year.


科目:高中英语 来源:2013-2014学年广西桂林中学高三2月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Write a winning story!

       You could win £1,000 in this year’s Fiction Prize and have your story printed in Keep Writing magazine. Ten other lucky people will win a cheque for £100.

       Once again, we need people who can write good stories. The judges, who include Mary Littlejohn, the novelist, Michael Brown, the television reporter, and Susan Hitchins, the editor of Keep Writing, are looking for interesting and original stories. Detective fiction was extremely popular last year, although the competition winner produced a love story. You can write down about whatever you want but here’s some advice to start your thinking:

       Write about what you know

       This is the advice which every writer should pay attention to and, last year, nearly everyone who wrote for us did exactly that. Love, family, problems with friends ---- these were the main subjects of the stories. However, you need to turn ordinary situations into something interesting that people will want to read about. Make the reader want to continue reading by writing about ordinary things in a new and surprising way.

       Get your facts right

       It’s no good giving a description of a town or explaining how a jet engine works if you get it wrong. So avoid writing anything unless you’re certain about it.

       Hold the reader’s attention

       Make the beginning interesting and the ending a surprise. There is nothing worse than a poor ending. Develop the story carefully and try to think of something unusual happening at the end.

       Think about the characters

       Try to bring the people in your story alive for the reader by using well-chosen words to make them seem real.

       Your story must be your own work, between 2,000 and 2,5000 words and typed, double-spaced, on one side only of each sheet of paper.

       Even if you’re in danger of missing the closing date, we are unable to accept stories by fax or email. You must include the application form with your story. Unfortunately your story cannot be returned, nor can we discuss our decisions.

       You should not have had any fiction printed in any magazine or book in this country ---- a change in the rules by popular request ---- and the story must not have happened in print or in recorded form, for example on radio or TV, anywhere in the world.

       Your fee of £5 will go to the Writers’ Association. Make your cheque payable to Keep Writing and send it with the application form and your story to:

       Keep Writing

       75 Broad Street Birmingham

       B12 4TG

       The closing date is 30 July and we will inform the winner within one month of this date. Please note that if you win, you must agree to have your story printed in our magazine.

1.How should writers deal with ordinary situations while writing?

A. They should make them appealing to readers.  

B. They should copy others’ ideas.

C. They should change some facts to make them interesting. 

D. They should describe them as they are.

2.What shouldn’t a writer do?

 A. Making the contents interesting. 

B. Getting the facts right.

C. Meeting the deadline. 

D. Making the end ordinary.

3.Writers should present their works in the following ways except that ____________.

A. they should write originally

B. they can type their stories as they like

C. they should follow some rules

D. they should hand in their stories in time

4.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Late stories can be faxed if necessary.                            

B. Entry needs no fee.

C. Winners can have their stories printed in other magazines.  

D. All stories should be presented by mail



科目:高中英语 来源:0910学年黑龙江省高二下学期阶段测试 题型:阅读理解


             Little Brother

By Cory Doctorow, 382 pages, $19.95

In the very near future, Marcus Yallow is walking with his friends in San Francisco when a 9/11-sized terrorist attack occurs blocks away. Everyone around is secretly taken away by the Department of Homeland Security to see whether they're terrorists. However, during the investigation, one of his friends dies mysteriously. The friends try to find out the truth. If you read only one science-fiction novel this year, make it this one.

The Flying Troutmans

      By Miriam Toews, 274 pages, $32

     The heart of the book is a road journey in Canada made by Hattie, Thebes and Logan to find Cherkis, the kids' dad. It's rich in dialogue, sometimes funny, sometimes surprisingly sad, always character-true. Toews is an extraordinarily gifted writer, with tough-minded compassion(同情) for her characters.

Reading By Lightning

      By Joan Thomas, 388 pages, $22.95

      We're in 1930s Canada, where Lily's father arrived three decades earlier to be promised fertile agricultural land. But they had been cheated and thrown in the middle of Manitoba. Now William Piper and his wife farm their land and place little hope in this life.

What They Wanted

By Donna Morrissey, 325 pages,$32

A father has a heart attack; a brother and a sister leave Newfoundland and go to Alberta, Canada to work; a tragedy brings reconciliation(和解), but also terrible loss. Primarily a novel of character, it’s also a novel of Canada, of two very specific and vividly drawn places. Donna Morrissey's characters are troubled, sensitive, quick to be moved to anger or pain, and just as quick to laughter and affection.

63.If Jim only has 20 dollars, which book could he buy?

   A. The Flying Troutmans         B. What They Wanted

   C. Little Brother                D. Reading By Lightning

64.According to the text, we know that The Flying Troutmans is_____.

   A. Full of dialogue     B. A sad story     C. About tourism      D. A real story

65.In Reading By Lightning, why did William Piper arrive in Canada?

   A. To carry out his promise.         B. To work in a big city.

   C. To get work experience.         D. To seek his fortune.

66.If you want to know about two different places of Canada, whose novel is the best choice?

   A. Cory Doctorow's         B. Miriam Toews's

   C. Joan Thomas's           D. Donna Morrissey's


