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Commuters (上下班往返的人) who drive to work will face a parking charge of up to £350 a year.Ministers are backing a workplace parking charge which will come into force in Nottingham in 2013 and is likely to be adopted across the country.The scheme will see firms with more than ten parking places for staff charged £350 a year for each space in two years.

Employers would be free to pass on the charge to their staff—meaning it would effectively be a tax on driving to work.The scheme aims to reduce traffic by preventing unnecessary car journeys and raise funds to improve public transport,but critics say it is just an excuse for councils to fill their coffers (金库).

Some ten million Britons drive to work each day,and the British Chambers of Commerce says the new charge could total £3.4 billion a year if rolled out nationwide.

Already some firms in Nottingham have threatened to leave the city,where 40,000 commuters use their cars to get to work.A spokesman said the scheme was nothing more than a tax on jobs.“It is very unfair to discriminate against those employers who have parking spaces,which get vehicles off the streets,” he said.“And these charges apply around the clock,which is especially unfair on shift workers who rely on their cars because public transport is not available.This is more about increasing the government’s income than reducing traffic.”

However,Transport Minister Sadiq Khan gave the plan an official approval during a visit to Nottingham. The council says the tax will raise as much as £100 million over ten years—one fifth of the cost of a new transport system for the city.

Another transport spokesman Theresa Villiers said the tax would have a devastating impact on businesses struggling to cope with the economic decline.

But Richard Hebditch of the Campaign for Better Transport said the tax would raise money to invest in better transport.“We put forward the idea of workplace parking taxes as a fairer way to raise money to invest in the future local transport services.We are pleased that the people of Nottingham will be the first to benefit.”

1.Supporters argue that the scheme________.

A.can help improve the parking conditions for the staff

B.should be applied to ail commuters driving to work

C.is certain to be carried out despite the objections

D.will relieve traffic pressure and improve public transport

2.According to the objectors,the scheme is unfair for________.

A.the firms with parking lots

B.the workforce without cars

C.the employees parking their cars on the streets

D.the staff driving to work in the daytime

3.Which word can best describe Theresa Villiers’s attitude towards the scheme?

A.Neutral. B.Negative.

C.Understanding. D.Positive.

4.It can be inferred from the passage that________.

A.many firms are willing to pay the charges for their staff

B.the public transport in Nottingham is in great need of improvement

C.the author believes Britons will benefit from the scheme

D.those firms with more commuters will leave Nottingham







1.细节理解题。根据第二段中的“The scheme aims to reduce traffic by preventing unnecessary car journeys and raise funds to improve public transport,but critics say it is just an excuse for councils to fill their coffers (金库).”可知,支持者认为这个方案能够缓解交通压力,改善公共交通。


3.态度推断题。根据第六段内容可知,Theresa Villiers对这个方案持否定态度。

4.推理判断题。根据倒数第三段中的“The council says the tax will raise as much as £100 million over ten years—one fifth of the cost of a new transport system for the city.”以及最后一段内容可推知,Nottingham的公共交通急需改善。


科目:高中英语 来源:2014年外研版高中英语选修十一模块6练习卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Among the many dangers_-- sailors have to face , probably the greatest of all is fog .

A. which B. what C. where D. when



科目:高中英语 来源:2014年外研版高中英语选修九模块7练习卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

A famous doctor once received a little child who was badly ill. Thanks to his skill and care, his young patient got well and was soon able to get up and run about again.

The child’s mother was very much obliged to the doctor, and she called on him to thank him for what he had done for her child. “Doctor,” she said, “you have saved my little son. I don’t know how to thank you enough. I feel that money alone cannot repay you, so I have made this little purse with my own hands, as a sign of my gratitude. I hope you will accept it.” The doctor stood up and said coldly, “Madam, a little present like that is very nice between friends, but a doctor needs to be paid properly for what he has done.” The lady was so surprised and hurt so much that she could not reply for a moment. Then she said quietly, “Perhaps you will tell me how much your fee is?”

“Fifty pounds”, he answered.

The lady opened the little purse and took out four fifty-pound bank notes. She handed one of them to the doctor, and put the other three back into the purse. She put the purse into her handbag and, saying good bye to the doctor, went out of the room.

1.The lady was thankful to the doctor because ________.

A. he had saved her life B. he had saved her son’s life

C. he had lent her some money D. he often called on her

2.The doctor refused the lady’s purse because he thought ______.

A. the purse should be given between friends

B. the purse was too small

C. the lady was not kind to him

D. the lady just gave him that purse and wouldn’t give him the medical fee

3.What the doctor said ______ the lady.

A. worried B. interested C. frightened D. hurt

4.The money in the purse _______.

A. was only 150 pounds

B. was less than 200 pounds

C. was much more than the medical fee

D. was not enough for the medical fee

5.How do you think the doctor would feel in the end?

A. Sorry and worried B. Regret and proud

C. Excited and proud D. Sorry and regret



科目:高中英语 来源:2014年外研版高中英语必修五模块7练习卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

His best known work that is _____ all praise can be seen in the museum.

A. with B. beyond C. without D. within



科目:高中英语 来源:2014年外研版高中英语必修二模块7练习卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

考--Jenny took the 8:00 bus to Guangzhou this morning.

--Really? She _________ the 9:00 train. It’s much more comfortable and safer to travel by train.

A. could have taken B. should take

C. must have taken D. can take



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届湖南娄底高中名校高三9月联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题

When you consider what subject to study in college, chances are 1.you and your parents will think what you can make out of it 2. graduation. You will likely ask the question:“Can I find a well-paid job or find simply a job with a degree in this in the future?”

This consideration also influences students when they come to choose 3. science and humanities(人文学科) at college. People generally believe that the humanities, 4. include literature, history, cultural studies and philosophy, do not prepare students for a specific profession. Science subjects, 5., are considered professional courses that produce scientists, engineers and economists.

“I’ve decided to take finance as 6. college major. My parents and I think this subject will help me get a good job or start a business, ”said Huachen Yueru, 17, 7. science student at Wuxi No. 1 Senior High School.

Even 8. who choose a liberal arts college often pick the humanities that they think will best help them find a job later.



科目:高中英语 来源:2014年外研版高中英语选修十模块3练习卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

We believe ________ we can find out the wonder drugs to H7N9 bird flu.

A.when B.whether C.what D.that



科目:高中英语 来源:2014年外研版高中英语选修十模块2练习卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Hiking by oneself can be fun and good for health.It may also be good for________building.

A.respect B.friendship C.reputation D.character



科目:高中英语 来源:2014年外研版高中英语选修十一模块7练习卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

The house is dirty because it ________ since they moved out.

A.doesn't clean B.isn't cleaned

C.hasn't cleaned D.hasn't been cleaned


