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What Mary said sounds reasonable, but________ it’s not true.

A. fortunately         B. actually             C. naturally            D. gradually


科目:高中英语 来源:2013届山东省文登市高三3月质量检测英语试卷(带解析) 题型:单选题

He said that what Mary had bought from the supermarket that morning ________ only a     few potatoes, eggs and salt, but I don’t think what he said ________ true.



科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年广东省广州六中高一上学期期末考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:填空题

用短语的适当形式完成下列句子 (1分*15,满分15分)
【小题1】Now we all have known how the Monkees _______________________ (形成).
【小题2】Dinosaurs ________ (灭绝) millions of years ago.
【小题3】I cannot think of ways to __________ (处理) the salesman at the door.
【小题4】More and more students have _________________ (参加) the English contest this year.
【小题5】Groups of people went out _______________ (寻找)the missing child.
【小题6】As is known to all, victory _______________ (属于) the most persevering.
【小题7】We did a survey last month and found that women __________________ (高度评价) themselves compared with men.
【小题8】 __________________(在……的帮助下)the neighbours, the fire was at last brought under control.
【小题9】That medal is just what Mary and Jack have been _______________ (梦想).
【小题10】Some new technology will also bring about some disadvantages which must be _________________ (注意).
【小题11】Mr Smith as well as his two sons ___________________ (对……熟悉) the history of the auto industry at that time because they all worked as car mechanics.
【小题12】He was quite laze. ______________(结果), he fell far behind other students.
【小题13】It is said that this book _________________ (值得读) but I find nothing special with it.
【小题14】They were always arguing so they _____________ (分裂) in the end.
【小题15】Bob is always serious and doesn’t like __________________ (戏弄) others.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014届河北邯郸高三摸底考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Recently I fully understood that a little favor could really make a big difference. My daughter and I were, accidentally, in time to catch a falling heart just before it hit the ground.

It all started when Charlene, one of my co-volunteers at the library, asked if I could do her duty on Tuesday since her doctor appointment had been unexpectedly changed. I agreed, which meant I  was home on Friday instead of volunteering as previously planned.

My daughter, Mary, managers a book store in town. Mid-morning, she called to ask me for help. Would I buy a fifty dollar gift card, birthday card, and cake for one of Mary’s assistant managers, Cindy?

Mary explained she had to call Cindy in to take the place of another assistant manager who was sick, but felt terrible about it when she discovered it was Cindy’s birthday. Cindy insisted that it was just fine. But that was not what Mary thought, so she gathered enough money from other employees to throw a surprise party for Cindy. Since neither Mary, nor any of the other employees, could leave to pick up the goodies, they were turning to me for help. Days later, Mary told me the wonderful rest of the story, “Cindy cried and cried when we surprised her. After the party, Cindy told us that her boyfriend had chosen that morning to break up with her. To top that off, she only had 26 cents left in her bank account.”

We were surprised at the series of unexpected events that took place in order to circle Cindy with love and catch her falling heart just before it hit the ground.

1.Why did Charlene ask a favor of the writer?

A. She had to see the doctor on Friday.    

B. She wanted to celebrate her daughter’s birthday.

C. She had an unexpected appointment on Tuesday.

D. She needed to prepare for her daughter’s birthday.

2.What can we learn about Mary?

A. She was a learned career woman.

B. She had uneasy relationships with her assistants.

C. She knew Cindy’s love story before the surprise party.

D. She played the most important role in this circle of love.

3.Which of the following couldn’t be the reason why Cindy cried?

A. She had to work on her birthday.

B.She had little money in her bank account.

C.She was greatly moved by Mary’s care and kindness.

D.She and her boyfriend parted that very morning.

4.The underlined word “goodies” refers to_________.

A. Gifts for Cindy      B. Good stories      C. Close friends      D. Goods on sale



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届广东省高一上学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写

用短语的适当形式完成下列句子 (1分*15,满分15分)

1.Now we all have known how the Monkees _______________________ (形成).

2.Dinosaurs ________ (灭绝) millions of years ago.

3.I cannot think of ways to __________ (处理) the salesman at the door.

4.More and more students have _________________ (参加) the English contest this year.

5.Groups of people went out _______________ (寻找)the missing child.

6.As is known to all, victory _______________ (属于) the most persevering.

7.We did a survey last month and found that women __________________ (高度评价) themselves compared with men.

8. __________________(在……的帮助下)the neighbours, the fire was at last brought under control.

9.That medal is just what Mary and Jack have been _______________ (梦想).

10.Some new technology will also bring about some disadvantages which must be _________________ (注意).

11.Mr Smith as well as his two sons ___________________ (对……熟悉) the history of the auto industry at that time because they all worked as car mechanics.

12.He was quite laze. ______________(结果), he fell far behind other students.

13.It is said that this book _________________ (值得读) but I find nothing special with it.

14.They were always arguing so they _____________ (分裂) in the end.

15.Bob is always serious and doesn’t like __________________ (戏弄) others.



科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年山东省文登市高三3月质量检测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

He said that what Mary had bought from the supermarket that morning ________ only a     few potatoes, eggs and salt, but I don’t think what he said ________ true.

A.are;are           B.were;is           C.is;is              D.were;are


