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It's so good to have a reliable friend when you are in trouble.




科目:高中英语 来源:2011-2012学年福建省高三模拟考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Every Friday we have a fire alarm test at nine o'clock sharp, and even though the sound is very noisy, I am so happy because when I heard that it reminded me today is Friday and tomorrow is weekend, it is the last working day of the week and I have two days off, it’s so excited!Sometimes we have a fire drill, when you hear the fire alarm, everybody have to run out through the fire exit.

One Monday at nine o’clock, the alarm was sounded and I was working behind the fish house and didn’t hear it. The department manager and staff were looking for me thoroughly, finally they found me and asked me to stop my job and follow them went out.

"I am busy, No problem! You leave, I work." I said.

"No, this is the law, everybody has to leave." The manager said.

I understood that if I insisted not to leave, they must carry me out. I went out with them together finally, no choice.

One afternoon, when I was working outside, the fire alarm cropped up(突然出现) sounding wildly, nobody knew what’s happening, some were standing and looking around, some were asking questions, some were running, I knew this wasn’t a test or drill, must be a real one. At that moment, one lady called me from a distance:"Jinglebell: leave your job, go out quickly."I joined the crowded flow of customers and staff going out. I asked somebody what's happened? And they told me this is a real one as there was some smoke on the shop floor.Finally I found out, actually there was no problem, that it was an electrician who used the equipment for the carpet and made a little smoke.

After that I asked somebody how to deal with the customer’s food in the restaurant in that case, because they went out to leave because of the fire, but hadn't finished their food. They told me that the customers who had bought food or drinks there could get a new one.

I don't understand, if in China, under that situation, everybody must carry a bucket(桶) or some other water containers to the fire spot, to fight the flames.

I agree with the English emphasis the human right, but maybe a very small problem could become a big problem while everybody had withdrawn from the shop, because the fire fighters could not come at once.

I was just thinking.

1.Despite the noise from the fire alarm, the author still feels happy because _____.

A.the noise lasts too long

B.the noise is not too loud

C.the noise reminds the author of the coming of weekend

D.the author often ignores it when working

2.If there is a fire breaking out in a restaurant, what will happen in China?

A.people will go out to leave

B.people will scream and cry in panic

C.people will not leave until they finish their food

D.people will carry a basket or some water containers to help put out the flames

3.What’s the author’s attitude to the human right?




D.Not mentioned

4.Why does the author think that a very small problem may become a big one while everybody had withdrawn from the shop?

A.Because the author thinks the fire is dangerous

B.Because the author thinks the fire spreads fast

C.Because the author thinks the fire fighters could not come at once

D.Because the author thinks the human right is important



科目:高中英语 来源:2011-2012学年河南省高三第二次月考英语试题 题型:单项填空

.—It’s so cloudy. Take an umbrella please.

    —           .

    A.OK, just in case B.Well, no need    C.Yes, take it easy              D.Sure, go ahead



科目:高中英语 来源:2011湖北天门市高考模拟试题二 题型:阅读理解

Most of us long for relationships in which we are loved and accepted. Our hearts’ desire is to give and receive love in relationships that make us feel that even if others disagree with what we do or say, they still love us, accept us, and appreciate what we give to the world. While it would be wonderful to have these types of relationships with all people, we know that’s hard to do. However, we can have such relationships with some others, but only when we first have them with ourselves—and, strangely, this is often the hardest relationship of all.

   Do you love yourself? You may think you do, but do you really? There’s only one way to find out— by taking a close look at what you think, say, and do. You may not like some of what you find, but if you are serious about really loving yourself, you can use this insight to do some positive inner work. Here’re three ways for gaining greater personal insight for deeper love:

Listen Closely to Your Thoughts

   Your thoughts will determine your actions. One thing helping you to listen to your thoughts is keeping a journal. It is not necessary for you to write in it every day, but it helps to record various insights you gain as you go about your life. Instead of using a big notebook, you might use a small notepad that you can keep in your pocket for easy access to record your thoughts as they occur to you. Whichever method you choose, what’s most important is that you write your thoughts down. It will help you know what’s in your heart.

Be Honest with Yourself

   To do this, you should pay attention to your actions. Actions speak louder than words, and they always tell the truth. If you say you love your job, but your actions say otherwise, which do you think is more reliable? On the other hand, if you say you’re not good at a certain job, but your actions say otherwise, that’s also important. What do you do with this insight? You can use it to make more positive choices in your life. By being honest with yourself, you will act according to truth instead of just what you tell yourself.

Take Quiet Time to Listen to Your Inner Voice

   This is similar to the first point, but it takes a step further— beyond the natural mind to the heart that cannot be seen. You may want to use your quiet time to think deeply. However you use this time, the key is to shut out all of the noise around you by focusing deep within yourself. Breathing deeply during quiet time will also help you focus. I know it’s hard to find quiet time during a particularly busy day, but it’s so important— even if it’s just 10 minutes a day and you have to hide somewhere to get it. Quiet time can really make a difference in your life.

   Despite what your mind may be telling you, you can have love with no limits. The key is to unconditionally love yourself first.

1.. By looking deep into what we think, say, and do, we can         .

   A. know whether we really love ourselves

   B. appreciate what we give to the world

   C. realize what type of relationship we long for

   D. know whether we are loved and accepted by others

2..An important way for gaining personal insight is to         .

   A. do some positive inner work

   B. keep a journal wherever you go

   C. look closely at what others say about us

   D. pay attention to our thoughts

3..The insight we gain from our actions can help us         .

   A. focus our attention on our jobs

   B. make more positive choices in our life

   C. act according to the truth

   D. tell the differences between our words and our actions

4..It can be learned from the passage that if we want to have love without limits, we must first of all          .

   A. be honest with ourselves anytime

   B. give our love to others generously 

   C. love ourselves unconditionally

   D. take quiet time and think deeply



科目:高中英语 来源:2010年浙江省高二上学期期中考试英语卷 题型:阅读理解

A young British sailor was missing at sea yesterday in similar circumstances(情况) to the way his father died five years ago.

    The dinghy(救生橡皮船), used to take Richard Smith, 21, to his yacht(快艇), was discovered empty, floating in seas off the Caribbean island. An air and sea search was carried out but he has still not been discovered.

    Richard’s mother, Bicknell, said from her home in Hampshire, “It’s so much coincidence(意外). Richard always carried a photograph of his father attached to a poem, which included the date of his disappearance.”

    “Now, it’s very strange because all they have found is Richard’s dinghy. We need to know this time what has happened one way or another. If you know at least you can go through the grieving process(悲痛的过程).”

    In November 1996, Mr. Smith’s father, Charlie, was sailing in the Tasmen sea between the Australian mainland and the island of Tasmen with his new wife. They lost radio contact with the shore and they, together with their yacht were never seen again, and their disappearance remains a mystery.

    Richard is described as a talented and experienced sailor. He had sailed to the Caribbean in November to help a yacht race for entertainment. He ended the evening drinking in the Abracbabra bar but left after local police closed it for being too noisy.

    About 2 am the following day Richard headed back for his dinghy. He started its motor before giving an elderly woman a lift to her yacht after her dinghy had gone missing. It was the last time he was seen.

65. 1.Richard Smith was ____ in 2000.

  A. ten    B. fifteen    C. twenty    D. eighteen

66. 2.People searched for Richard using ____ .

  A. ship only      B. ship and radio       C. ship and plane      D. yacht and car

67. 3. According to the passage,we know Richard died because ____ .

  A. he was a green hand in sailing

  B. some unknown animal attacked him

  C. there was a fog in the area he was sailing

  D. of something we don’t know

68. 4. Which statement is NOT true according to this passage?

  A. Old Mr. Smith had lost radio contact with the shore before he died.

  B. Richard’s father had married two women at least.

  C. Richard didn’t drink on the evening before he was lost because the policeman closed the bar.

  D. Richard was seen at about 2 am the day he disappeared.



科目:高中英语 来源:20102011学年浙江嘉兴一中高二上学期期中英语试题 题型:阅读理解

A young British sailor was missing at sea yesterday in similar circumstances(情况) to the way his father died five years ago.

    The dinghy(救生橡皮船), used to take Richard Smith, 21, to his yacht(快艇), was discovered empty, floating in seas off the Caribbean island. An air and sea search was carried out but he has still not been discovered.

    Richard’s mother, Bicknell, said from her home in Hampshire, “It’s so much coincidence(意外). Richard always carried a photograph of his father attached to a poem, which included the date of his disappearance.”

    “Now, it’s very strange because all they have found is Richard’s dinghy. We need to know this time what has happened one way or another. If you know at least you can go through the grieving process(悲痛的过程).”

    In November 1996, Mr. Smith’s father, Charlie, was sailing in the Tasmen sea between the Australian mainland and the island of Tasmen with his new wife. They lost radio contact with the shore and they, together with their yacht were never seen again, and their disappearance remains a mystery.

    Richard is described as a talented and experienced sailor. He had sailed to the Caribbean in November to help a yacht race for entertainment. He ended the evening drinking in the Abracbabra bar but left after local police closed it for being too noisy.

    About 2 am the following day Richard headed back for his dinghy. He started its motor before giving an elderly woman a lift to her yacht after her dinghy had gone missing. It was the last time he was seen.


Richard Smith was ____ in 2000.

  A. ten    B. fifteen    C. twenty    D. eighteen


 People searched for Richard using ____ .

  A. ship only      B. ship and radio       C. ship and plane      D. yacht and car


. According to the passage,we know Richard died because ____ .

  A. he was a green hand in sailing

  B. some unknown animal attacked him

  C. there was a fog in the area he was sailing

  D. of something we don’t know


Which statement is NOT true according to this passage?

  A. Old Mr. Smith had lost radio contact with the shore before he died.

  B. Richard’s father had married two women at least.

  C. Richard didn’t drink on the evening before he was lost because the policeman closed the bar.

  D. Richard was seen at about 2 am the day he disappeared.


