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31. They arrived at a farmhouse, in front of ___________sat a small boy.



科目:高中英语 来源:重庆外国语学校09-10学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题 题型:完型填空

Fight against crime hots up
Forget about tanks, guns, and bombs - India’s latest weapon ___36___ in the garden. The bhut jolokia is the world’s ___37__ chili pepper(胡椒). Now the Indian Army has a plan to turn its seed into powder and use the ___38___ as a kind of natural teargas(催泪弹).
The army says the smoking hot powder - which some people claim can stop a charging(向前冲的) elephant – will help to break ___39___ riots and chase terrorists out of ___40___ spaces. Women might also be able to use the power to chase off (赶走)attackers.
___41___ to RB Srivastava, a director at New Delhi’s Defense Research and Development Organization: “This is ___42___ going to be an effective non-toxic(无毒的) weapon because its ___43___ can choke(使窒息)terrorists and ___44___ them out of their hideouts(藏身处). It would literally(确确实实地) choke them.”
On the other ___45___ of the world, in New York, police ___46___ to track(追踪) down a “vampire(吸血鬼) thief” who tried to steal a taxi driver’s ___47___. Police say that man got into the taxi and asked to ___48___ to a neighborhood in New York City. ___49___ they arrive, he pointed a gun ___50___ the taxi driver and told the driver to give him all his money.
When the taxi driver tried to fight ___51___ the gunman, the man bit(咬) him at least five times ___52___ the neck, arm, and back. After biting the driver, the man ran away ___53___ money.
If only the taxi driver ___54___ some bhut jolokia powder, he might have been able to save himself from ___55___ and to get his money back!
36. A. makes        B. grows       C. is made       D. is grown
37. A. most smelly  B. coldest    C. hottest       D. hardest
38. A. juice        B. taste       C. power         D. powder
39. A. up           B. down        C. through       D. in
40. A. hidden       B. hiding      C. open          D. broad
41. A. According    B. As          C. Based         D. Known
42. A. probably     B. definitely  C. possibly      D. hardly
43. A. smell        B. taste       C. flavor        D. energy
44. A. force        B. take        C. put           D. bring
45. A. way          B. side        C. corner        D. half
46. A. have tried   B. has tried   C. are trying    D. is trying
47. A. car          B. wallet      C. gasoline      D. money
48. A. be taken     B. take        C. be brought    D. bring
49. A. As          B. As soon as  C. Once          D. B and C
50. A. to           B. at          C. from          D. away from
51. A. for          B. back        C. off          D. out
52. A. on           B. from        C. in            D. around
53. A. with the     B. without the   C. with        D. without
54. A. had          B. has had       C. has         D. had had
55. A. biting       B. bitten        C. being bitten D. being biting


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年四川攀枝花米易县米易中学高二上第一次段考英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

Around the World in Eighty Days is a classic Adventure novel by Jules Verne. The story starts in London in 1872. One day in the Reform Club, Phileas Fogg, a wealthy gentleman, accepts a wager(赌注) for £20,000, which he will receive if he travels around the world in 80 days.
Phileas Fogg sets off immediately, with his servant Passepartout. They reach Suez(苏伊士) quickly. While landing in Egypt, he is watched by a British detective named Fix, who is in search of a bank robber. Because Fix mistakes Fogg for the criminal, he follows secretly, as they are getting on a ship to Bombay.
After more than 20-days of travelling, they arrive in San Francisco, and then get on the train to New York. During that trip, the train is attacked by Indians, who take Passepartout away. With some soldiers’ help, Fogg succeeds in freeing his companion. To make up for the lost time, Fogg and his companion hasten on to New York, and catch the steamer for the crossing of the Atlantics. They arrive in Ireland in time to reach London before the deadline. However, once on British soil again, Fix arrests Fogg. Although the misunderstanding is quickly cleared up—the actual bank robber had been caught several days earlier. Fogg has missed the train and returns to London five minutes late, sure that he has lost the wager.
However, the next day Fogg learns from the priest that he is mistaken in the date, which he thinks Sunday but which actually is Saturday, due to the fact that they gained a full day on their journey around the globe, by crossing the International Date Line. Fogg immediately sets off for the Reform Club, where he arrives just in time to win the wager.
【小题1】The reason that Fix wants to arrest Phileas Fogg is that                  .

A.Phileas Fogg is the bank robber whom Fix is trying to catch
B.Phileas Fogg doesn’t have a passport for his travels
C.Fix mistakenly takes Phileas Fogg for the bank robber
D.Fix intends to prevent Fogg from winning the wager
【小题2】During his time in America, Phileas Fogg spends a lot of “unexpected” time             .
A.travelling across the continent of America
B.rescuing his companion from the Indians
C.waiting for the ship back to London
D.getting rid of the pursuing of Fix
【小题3】Does Phileas Fogg win the wager at last? Why?
A.No. Because he doesn’t get to the Reform Club before the deadline.
B.Yes. Because he is not the bank robber; it’s a misunderstanding.
C.No. Because he wastes too much time during his trip.
D.Yes. Because he arrives at the Reform Club before the deadline.


科目:高中英语 来源:2013届云南大理宾川县第四高级中学高二3月月考二英语试题(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Americans with small families own a small car or a large one. If both parents are working, they usually have two cars. When the family is large, one of the cars is sold and they will buy a van(住房汽车)

A small car can hold(容纳)four persons and a large car can hold six persons but it is very crowded(拥挤). A van hold seven persons easily, so a family three children could ask their grandparents to go on a holiday travel. They could all travel together.

Mr. Hagen and his wife had a third child last year. This made them sell a second car and buy a van. Their children sixth and seventh seat are used to put other things, for a family of five must carry many suitcases(衣箱)when they travel. When they arrive at their grandparents’ home , the suitcases are brought into the two seats can then carry the grandparents.

Americans call vans motor homes. A motor home is always used for holidays. When a family are traveling to the mountains or to the seaside, they can live in their motor home for a few days or to the seaside, they can live in their motor home for a few days or weeks. All the members of a big family can enjoy a happier life when they are traveling together. That is why motor homes have become very popular. In America there are many parks for motor homes.

1.From the passage, a van is also called ____________.

A.a motor car

B.a motor home

C.a motorbike

D.a big truck

2.Before Mr. Hagen and his wife bought a van, they__________.

A.sold their old house

B.moved to their grandparents’ house

C.built a new place for a van

D.sold their second car

3.A motor home is usually owned by a family with__________.

A.a baby

B.much money

C.more than two children

D.interest in vans

4.Americans usually use motor homes____________.

A.to travel with all the family members of holiday

B.to do some shopping with all the family members

C.to visit their grandparents at weekends

D.to drive their children to school every day

5.Motor homes have become popular because___________.

A.they can take people to another city when people are free

B.they can let families have a happier life when they go out for their holidays

C.some people think motor homes are cheap

D.big families can put more things in motor homes



科目:高中英语 来源:四川省绵阳市2010届高三热身考试英语试题 题型:阅读理解


Freshmen, eager to get home for the Chinese New Year, queue up at the railway station for hours.Days later, they squeeze into a crowded train and dream of the home-cooked meals and love they'll enjoy once they arrive home.This, they say, makes all the trouble of getting home worthwhile.

However, many freshmen come to find that home is not exactly how they remembered it.Living away from their parents has exposed them to a new life of freedom – one that within hours of arriving some begin to miss.Household chores(家务活)and complaining parents are just a few of the things that can ruin students' winter fantasies.“My parents still treat me like I was in senior high,” Song Ying, a 19-year-old freshman at Shandong University, complained.“I get an earful from them every day.”

During her first term away from her Hubei home, Song missed everything – from her parents cooking to the city bus.She cried and ached to sleep in her own bed.So, upon finishing her exams, she fled home, thinking everything would be just as it used to be.But she was wrong.Now, she spends entire days at a friend's home to “avoid all the restrictions”.She logs online to update friends' profile on SNS, skips meals and sleeps in – just like she did on campus.

Things have been even tenser at home for Luo Ruiqi, a 19-year-old freshman at Beijing Jiaotong University.Instead of moving to a friend's house, though, he has decided to challenge his parents' rules for his right to be an adult at home.When they complained about the amount of time he spent in the toilet, Luo said he decided “enough is enough” and lost his temper.He feels guilty about his attitude, but he still argues that he is grown up enough to live by his own rules.“I just want to live my own way of living, wherever I am,” said Luo.

Recent graduates like Wang Kai know what Song and Luo are going through.But Wang, who graduated in 2008 and now works in Beijing, says students should value the time spent with their family and “just try to be nicer.” Wang says he acted the same way when he first returned home from college, but now, living 1,500 km away from his hometown in Hunan, he regrets his behavior.He realizes that his parents meant well.And, looking back, he says that “the way of living that we got used to on campus is not that healthy anyway”.

Parents, meanwhile, are more understanding than you might think.“Living on their own in a strange place can be hard –we've been there before,” said Luo's father.“We want to make sure that they are healthy and happy.Sometimes maybe we just worry too much.” As for the tension that's arisen between father and son, Luo senior laughed and said, “It's not a problem at all – he's my son; we work things out, always.”

1.Having read the passage, we can infer that home is now a(n) ___________for most freshmen.

         A.birdcage                       B.paradise

         C.temporary station in life         D.open house

2.Why are things even tenser at home for Luo Ruiqi during the Chinese New Year?

         A.He has to spend entire days at a friend's home to “avoid all the restrictions”.

         B.He has decided to go against his parents for his right to be an adult at home.

         C.He feels guilty about his attitude towards his parents.

         D.He has wasted much money his parents gave to him.

3.According to the text, there exists a main problem between parents and children that_______.

         A.parents want to bring their children under control as before.

         B.children look down upon what their parents always do.

         C.their way of life is apparently different now.

         D.they are always misunderstanding each other.

4.Who the text implies is mainly responsible for the bad parent-child relationship?

         A.parents         B.social changes               C.professors           D.freshmen

5.What does the underlined part in the 2nd paragraph probably mean?

         A.learn a lot                B.receive much punishment

         C.get a scolding             D.have a narrow escape



科目:高中英语 来源:2010年高考预测试题英语(六) 题型:短文改错










Every year, students who are eager get home for the Chinese     76.        

New Year, line up at railway station for hours. Then   77.        

they got into a crowded train and dream of the home – cooked 78.        

meals what they’ll enjoy once they arrive home. This, 79.        

they say, make all the trouble of getting home worthwhile .       80.        

Therefore, many of them come to find home is not exactly      81.        

how they remember it. Live away from their parents has    82.       

made them used to a new life of freedom – one that within       83.        

hours of arriving some begin to miss. Endless houseworks  84.        

and complaining parents are just a little of the things that   85.       


