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I have been passionate about sewing and fashion design since I was 12. Two years ago, I de­signed and made a set of outfits from recyclable materials for a charity fashion show. Through this highly meaningful and profound experience, I became aware of the importance of protecting and pre­serving our environment when designing and making fashion items, resulting in my founding an or­ganization to promote eco — friendly, design and fashion.

My interest has led me to research areas of fashion that have environmental implications. For ex­ample , some popular clothing stores have announced marketing policies designed to improve the envi­ronment. For those of us who are eco - conscious, it is responsible for us to evaluate whether such policies are just a marketing promotion, or represent great efforts to protect our environment.

Three chain - stores, H&M, Urban Outfitters and Forever 21 ,have been promoting "green" items. After I examined their products,! have concluded that H&M and Urban Outfitters are truly helping the environment with their efforts, while Forever 21 seems to be using the "go green" trend as a way to sell more products, rather than genuinely help the environment.

Of these three stores, H&M has the most extensive eco -fashion plans. It is already well on its way to carrying out its plans by increasingly mixing organic cotton into their garments, as well as put­ting fully organic cotton items on the market. The store also belongs to the Organic Exchange Organi­zation, which approves of growth of organic cotton. To reduce the harm from non - organic cotton pro­duction, H&M is involved with the Better Cotton Project. Mindful of the unfavorable effects of climate change, the store aims to minimize transportation and energy usage. H&M labels their eco -friendly products with an official symbol, the Flower, to represent a production system that is less harmful than most traditional processes. Because of these actions and policies, H&M is already well on its way to making a difference on the environment.

With its Urban Renewal brand, Urban Outfitter takes a different approach than H&M in promo­ting eco - friendly fashion. The brand features women' s clothes made from strictly environmentally -friendly sources, such as vintage, dead stock, or surplus clothing. Urban Renewal produces fashionable garments, and embraces being eco - friendly through recycling.

Unlike the other two stores above, Forever 21 ' s eco - fashion efforts fall short; some people would say their message is thoroughly misleading. It promotes the "green" image, and yet many of their supposed eco -friendly products do not help the environment. For example, it sells a "Think Green Tote" that, according to the site, is meant to "send an environmentally friendly message. " However it is made of 100% non - organic cotton which is one of the most damaging fabrics to the environment, mostly because it requires greater chemical intervention compared to organic cotton. Al­so, the "I Love My Planet Tote" is supposed to "make a positive statement," but is also made of 100% cotton that is not organic. The only tote that is environmentally - friendly is the "H81 Organic Cotton Tote" from Forever 21' s Heritage brand, made from 100% organic cotton. Now that Forever 21 has portrayed itself as being "green," it should start "walking the walk. "

67. The underlined sentence in the last paragraph means ____.

A. all the customers are trying not to walk into the Forever 21 to buy products

B. the Forever 21 has already been on its way to transform its negative image

C. the writer publicly urges the Forever 21 to put its campaign into practice

D. the environmental problem is so serious that we should pay more attention

68.  Which of the following supports the author's opinion?

A. The author' s environmental awareness comes from his shopping experiences.

B. None of the three stores makes a difference on the ecological protection.

C. Someone uses the "go green" trend just as a trick to make more profit.

D. It is still a very long way before we humans will use real green products.

69. The passage is developed by ____.   

A. showing cause and effect                 B. giving concrete figures

C. making comparison and contrast         D. using time order

70. Which of the following statements can be the best title?

A. Does the Trend of Eco - Friendly Help the Environment?

B. Green Products Are Common in Fashion Stores.

C. A Survey of Eco - Friendly Design on Fashion Markets.

D. Are Chain Stores in Fashion Really Going Green?



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

I know a little bit about Italy as my wife and I ________ there several years ago.

A. are going     B. had been    C. went          D. have bee


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


The weekend is coming again! And I will be as busy                   

as a bee.        Saturday morning, I have to rush to my                                 76. __________

math class. After it is f       , I will have a dance class.                                77. __________

I like dancing        it gives me a chance to shape                                      78. __________

my body and keep me h       . I’ll pay a visit to my                                      79. __________

       (外婆) on Sunday. I’m quite looking forward                                80. __________

to s        her! We haven’t met each other for a long time                          81. __________

and I’m sure we will have a good time t       ! On Sunday                           82. __________

night, I will watch my        (最喜爱的)TV program “Happy                         83. __________

Camp”. I find        really interesting. It always makes me                          84. __________

laugh out loud. Besides, a lot of stars        (出现) in it.                              85. __________


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Bird Feeder

“Don’t Move!” I said to my husband in whisper. He   1  . We were sitting in our backyard   2   a warm summer day. He was reading, as always.

He asked me what was wrong. I told him to slowly look at his right   3  . His response was   4  . “Is it a bee?” He hates bees. “No!” I whispered. “It’s a chickadee.” The next few   5   were breathtaking for us both!

The little wild bird   6   walked down my husband’s arm to his hand. My husband was

  7   a small bowl of peanuts. He loves to eat peanuts. But, now it looked like he was going to have to   8  his treat. The chickadee looked back at him, as if to say, “  9   I have one, or two, please?” When my husband did not make any   10  , the chickadee carefully reached into the bowl and picked out a peanut. When he   11   away with his booty(战利品), I laughed out loud. I was   12   to have witnessed this adventure! Three or four more times that afternoon the little Chickadee   13   to my husband’s shoulder and made his way to the bowl of peanuts, his temporary bird feeder. This little   14   has been a topic of conversation in our family ever since.

I have been feeding the birds in our backyard for many years.   15   he has never been as crazy about bird watching as I have been, my husband   16   me by carrying the heavy bags of seed in from the car. He patiently moved the feeder poles   17   until I was satisfied with the

  18   of a new feeder. But, after his   19   with the little chickadee on his shoulder, he was devoted! He now   20   why backyard bird feeding is such an interesting thing and also addictive hobby.

1.A.quitted                  B.shook                  C.froze                   D.ignored


2.A.saving                   B.wasting               C.preparing             D.enjoying

3.A.foot                      B.leg                      C.shoulder              D.hand

4.A.positive                 B.favorable             C.casual                 D.immediate

5.A.minutes                 B.hours                  C.days                   D.months

6.A.beautifully             B.patiently              C.comfortably         D.carefully

7.A.carrying                B.seizing                 C.holding                D.passing

8.A.serve                    B.share                   C.show                  D.afford

9.A.Need                    B.Should                C.Must                   D.May

10.A.movement           B.arrangement         C.argument             D.announcement

11.A.flew                    B.flowed                C.jumped                D.walked

12.A.satisfied              B.delighted              C.inspired               D.secured

13.A.turned                 B.returned              C.advanced             D.walked

14.A.event                  B.activity                C.phenomenon        D.performance

15.A.Once                  B.Because               C.Although             D.Until

16.A.comforted           B.supported            C.guided                 D.encouraged

17.A.forward              B.around                C.out                     D.up

18.A.shape                  B.style                    C.situation              D.position

19.A.experience           B.work                   C.adventure            D.fight

20.A.doubted    B.obtained    C.understood       D.recognized


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

9.  --I rang you yesterday afternoon. A man answered, but I didn’t recognize the voice.

   --Oh,it____ my uncle. He was in my room then.

     A. should have been   B. should be      C. must have bee       D. must be


科目:高中英语 来源:陕西省西安市四校2010届高三下学期第二次模拟联考 题型:单选题

9.  --I rang you yesterday afternoon. A man answered, but I didn’t recognize the voice.
--Oh,it____ my uncle. He was in my room then.

A.should have beenB.should be C.must have bee D.must be

