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Café Hub
Next to the Castle lies The Hub, home of the Edinburgh International Festival and one of the most talked about spots in town. Our café is open every day for mouth-watering lunches, snacks and fine dining. Come in and enjoy the atmosphere of The Hub or watch the world go by from our beautiful terrace.
The Hub, Castlehill, Royal Mile, Edinburgh. Open every day from 9:30 a. m. till late.
Tel: 0131 473 2067    www. thehub-edinburgh. Com
Farm World
Enjoy being “A Farmer for a Day”. Join in delivering and feeding our spring babies—bottle feeding sessions twice daily. Fun for all family. Horse Rides, BMX Bikes Cross Country Course, Tractor Ride through 600 acres, New Adventure Playground, Nature Trails. Full details on website.
Open: May---Oct Wednesdays to Saturdays and daily during school holidays 11 a. m. ----5 p. m.
Tel: 01797  0260256/260321      www.  Farmworld-rye. co. uk
Enter the Europe-wide student competition!
Are you curious, creative and energetic? Are you interested in the new media? Are you between 12 and 19 years of age? Then Join Multimedia 2010 is for you!
Your challenge will be to build a team and develop a multimedia presentation in English----based on one of three different topics. You can register (报名) between May 1 and Nov. 15, 2010 and will have to turn in your entry before Dec. 15, 2010.
The rewards are wonderful:£150 000in prize for schools and teams and the chance to attend a European student camp ---- plus new experiences, an opportunity to make friends throughout Europe!

  1. 1.

    You’ll have to register first if you want_____.

    1. A.
      to enjoy delicious food
    2. B.
      to try Tractor Ride through 600 acres
    3. C.
      to enter the Europe-wide student competition
    4. D.
      to watch the world go by from the beautiful terrace
  2. 2.

    According to the passage, there will be _____ rewards for the Europe-wide student competition

    1. A.
      only one
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  3. 3.

    You can visit Farm World _____.

    1. A.
      on Monday in May
    2. B.
      any day in October
    3. C.
      at 2 p. m. at Christmas
    4. D.
      at 10 : 30 a. m. during school holidays
  4. 4.

    From the advertisements above, we can learn that_____.

    1. A.
      Café Hub is a popular place in the local area
    2. B.
      families can enjoy Horse Rides on New Adventure Playground
    3. C.
      Farm World provides lunches, snacks and fine dining
    4. D.
      the Europe-wide student competition will be held on Dec. 15, 2010
1.这是细节理解题。根据You can register (报名) between May 1 and Nov. 15, 2010 and will have to turn in your entry before Dec. 15, 2010.故选C。
2.这是细节理解题。根据£150 000in prize for schools and teams 故选B。
3.这是细节理解题。根据daily during school holidays 11 a. m. ----5 p. m.
4.这是细节理解题。根据one of the most talked about spots in town ,故选A。

科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

There is a lot of misunderstanding about studying. Most students have not been taught the principles behind really effective working. Imagine a graph showing the amount a person learns against the number of hours he works in a day. If he doesn’t do any work, he learns nothing (point 0). If he does an hour’s work he learns a certain amount (point 1). If he does two hours’ work he learns about twice as much (point 2). If he does more work he’ll learn still more (point 3). However, if he tries to do twenty-three and a half hours’ work in a day, he will be so tired that he’ll hardly remember anything: what he learns will be very little (point 4). If he did less work he’d learn more (point 5).
Now whatever the exact shape of the graph’s curve(曲线), made by joining these points, it must have a high point. Point “X” is the very maximum anyone can learn in the day. And this represents the optimum(最适度), the best, amount of work to do. It is the best possible compromise between adequate time at the books and fatigue(劳累). Fatigue is an absolutely real thing; one can’t escape it or ignore it. If you try to ignore it and press yourself to work past the optimum, you will only get on this downward slope and achieve less than the best – and then become very tired and lose your power of concentration.
The skill in being a student consists of getting one’s daily study as near the optimum point as possible. I cannot tell you what the optimum is. It differs with the type of work, it differs from person to person, and even in the same person it varies from week to week. You must try to find your own. Every day you study, bear this principle of the optimum in mind. When you feel yourself getting fatigued, if you find yourself reading the same paragraph over and over again and not taking it in, that’s a pretty good sign you’ve reached your highest point for the day and should stop. Most ordinary students find their optimum at five hours a day. Yours may be a little more or a little less – but if you get in five hours’ good work a day, you will be doing well.
Now, what are you doing with yourself when you aren’t working? Before examinations some students do nothing at all except sit in a chair and worry. Here is another misunderstanding. People often think that the mind works like the body; it does not. If one wanted to save one’s physical energy in order to cut the maximum amount of firewood, one would lie flat on a bed and rest when one wasn’t chopping. But the mind cannot rest. Even in sleep you dream, even if you forget your dreams. The mind is always turning. It gets its relaxation only by variety. That is what makes the mind rest.
When you’ve finished your optimum number of hours you must stop. You must not then sit around in the chair thinking about the work – that only tires without any learning. You must get out and do something. It doesn’t matter what – anything so long as you are actively doing something else but work

  1. 1.

    According to the passage, _______

    1. A.
      the longer you study every day, the more you will learn
    2. B.
      you’ll achieve better learning results if you work three hours every day
    3. C.
      the less work you do, the better you will learn
    4. D.
      your work efficiency will decrease once you exceed a certain point of work
  2. 2.

    Fatigue can result in ________

    1. A.
      loss of memory
    2. B.
      a need for relaxation
    3. C.
      a lot of anxiety
    4. D.
      loss of concentration
  3. 3.

    The passage tells us that a person’s optimum number of working hours _______

    1. A.
      follows a regular pattern with each individual
    2. B.
      changes regularly from week to week
    3. C.
      can be partly determined by the sort of work he is doing
    4. D.
      should be determined before he gets too tired
  4. 4.

    The only way the mind can relax is by ________

    1. A.
      doing a variety of things in turn
    2. B.
      not thinking about anything
    3. C.
      turning continuously
    4. D.
      getting oneself in a state of fatigue
  5. 5.

    After you have reached the optimum point of study in a day, you should ________

    1. A.
      lie in bed and rest
    2. B.
      do something else actively
    3. C.
      do some physical labor
    4. D.
      stop thinking about your studies


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Dear Guys,
I’d like to talk to you about the shame you subjected me to last night. Let me first refresh your memory: You, a group of fit, young men, were playing soccer on the field across from my apartment building. I, a better-than-average looking young woman, was walking along the sidewalk with my groceries. That’s when your ball came flying over the fence and landed in front of me.
One of you approached and asked politely if I would throw the ball back to you. Fighting the urge to drop my bags and run screaming down the street, I reluctantly (勉强地) agreed.
Before I continue, let me explain something that I didn’t have a chance to mention last night: I hate sports. More specifically, I hate sports involving balls. This results from my lack of natural ability when it comes to throwing, catching and hitting. I’m bad at aiming too. So you can understand why I’d be nervous at what I’m sure seemed to you like a laughably simple request.
However, wanting to appear agreeable, I put my bags down, picked up the ball and, eyes half-shut, threw it as hard as I could.
It hit the middle of the fence and bounced back to me.
Trying to act casually, I said something about being out of practice, then picked up the ball again. If you’ll remember, at your command, I agreed to try throwing underhand. While outwardly I was smiling, in my head, I was praying, Oh God, oh please oh please oh please. I threw the ball upward with all my strength, terrified by what happened next.
The ball hit slightly higher up on the fence and bounced back to me.
This is the point where I start to take issue with you. Wouldn’t it have been a better use of your time, and mine, if you had just walked around the fence and took the ball then? I was clearly struggling; my smiles were more and more forced. And yet, you all just stood there, motionless.
Seeing that you weren’t going to let me out of the trouble, I became desperate. Memories of middle school softball came flooding back. I tried hard to throw the ball but it only went about eight feet, then I decided to pick it up and dash with ball in hand towards the baseline, while annoyed thirteen-year-old boys screamed at me that I was ruining their lives. Children are cruel.
Being a big girl now, I pushed those memories aside and picked up the soccer ball for the third time. I forced a good-natured laugh while crying inside as you patiently shouted words of support over the fence at me.
“Throw it granny-style!” one of you said.
“Just back up a little and give it all you’ve got!” another offered.
And, most embarrassing of all, “You can do it!”
I know you thought you were being encouraging, but it only served to deepen the shame.
Anyway, I accepted your ball-throwing advice, backed up, rocked back and forth a little, took a deep breath and let it fly.
It hit the edge of the fence and bounced back to me.
I surprised myself-and I’m sure you as well-by letting out a cry, “DAMN IT!!!” I then willed myself to have a heart attack and pass out in front of you just so I’d be put out of my misery.
Alas, the heart attack didn’t happen, and you continued to look at me expectantly, like you were content to do this all night. I had become a sort of exhibition for you. I could feel your collective thoughts drifting through the chain-link: “Can she really not do it? But I mean, really?”
Unfortunately for you, I wasn’t really game to continue your experiment. Three failed attempts at a simple task in front of a group of people in a two-minute period was just enough blow for me for one night. I picked up the ball one last time, approached the fence and grumbled, “Please just come get the damn ball.”
And you did. And thanks to you, I decided at that very moment to never throw anything ever again, except disrespectful glances at people who play sports.
Sincerely, Jen Cordery

  1. 1.

    The writer agreed to throw the ball because ______

    1. A.
      she needed to have a relax carrying the heavy groceries
    2. B.
      she wanted to refresh her childhood memories
    3. C.
      she could not refuse the polite request from the young man
    4. D.
      she had fallen in love with the young man at first sight
  2. 2.

    Why did the writer mention her middle school memory?

    1. A.
      To explain why she failed the attempts to throw the ball back
    2. B.
      To complain that she had not mastered the ball throwing skills
    3. C.
      To show how cruel those 13-year-old boys were
    4. D.
      To express her dislike towards softball
  3. 3.

    What the boys said before the writer’s third attempt actually made the writer _______

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  4. 4.

    What happened to the ball at last?

    1. A.
      The writer managed to throw the ball back
    2. B.
      The boy got the ball back by himself
    3. C.
      The writer threw the ball away out of anger
    4. D.
      The boys got angry and left without the ball


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Has Tiger Mom gone soft? One year after the release of her book, "Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother," Amy Chua is back in the spotlight, reflecting on how overnight infamy(恶名)affected her life, her family and her parenting.
"I've changed a lot," she told The Huffington Post. "In October, we had 30 kids at our house! We've hosted parties with lots of food and music."
Last January, the Wall Street Journal published an excerpt(节选)from Chua's book with the headline "Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior." In the excerpt, Chua described how her daughters were never allowed to have sleepovers(在外过夜的儿童聚会), appear in school plays, earn any grade lower than an A . Chua, an author and professor at Yale Law School, spent much of 2011 on the defensive. In fact, many of her interviews seemed to lend fuel to her critics' fire.
Now, with the book out in paperback(简装),she said, "I put passages in the book and used very harsh words that I regret. Everybody has those moments you wish you could take back." Many of the scenes she described in the book are a far cry from the child-raising methods she advocates.
For those who still read "Battle Hymn" as an advice guide, Chua argues that so-called tiger parenting should be employed mainly during a child's early years, ideally between the ages of 5 and 12. These "super-strict parenting methods" are not meant for all ages. Remaining strict after middle school makes you a helicopter parent, according to Chua. And she is quick to point out how different that is from being a tiger mom.
"By the time kids get to high school, helicopter parents are hiring all these tutors, carrying their kids' sports bags. I never checked older daughter Sophia's papers because I knew she knew how to sit down and focus," Chua said.
As for younger daughter Lulu, 15, the rebel for whom the book waswritten, Chua has really backed off. Instead of forcing Lulu to practice violin for hours a day -- the source of their biggest fights, Chua "let her give that up". "My compromise is that I'm going to still be as strict academically, but in exchange she has a lot of social freedom. Lulu has had four sleepovers in the last two months!" Chua said. "Chua predicts she'll only get more easygoing with age

  1. 1.

    From Paragraph 1 we can know that after the publication of the book_____

    1. A.
      Tiger Mom became stricter with her children
    2. B.
      Tiger Mom was thought highly by the public
    3. C.
      Tiger Mom’s life and family were influenced
    4. D.
      Tiger Mom became wealthy and easygoing
  2. 2.

    What does the passage mainly tell us?

    1. A.
      Tiger Mom has changed and wants to be soft
    2. B.
      Tiger Mom persuaded readers to follow her example
    3. C.
      How Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother came out
    4. D.
      How Tiger Mom became the worldwide spotlight
  3. 3.

    What does the underlined phrase “a far cry from” in Paragraph 4 mean?

    1. A.
      similar to
    2. B.
      just the same as
    3. C.
      very different from
    4. D.
      a cry far from
  4. 4.

    What is the writer’s attitude towards Tiger Mom?

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Diao Weihao, a student who studies business English at the Chengdu campus of Sichuan International Studies University, was in his dormitory when the earthquake struck at 2:30 pm on Monday.
The 22-year-old felt that his chair was shaking. All of a sudden, the textbooks on the bookshelf began to fall to the floor. The glass in the window broke.
“It felt like our dormitory building was being hit by a tractor,” recalled Diao. “I wasn’t afraid.. I was even excited and curious. Now, looking back, it was a scary experience.”
Diao and his roommates kept their calm. They didn’t try to get out of the building until the shaking stopped. They were on the fifth floor and they feared there might be trouble if they didn’t remain calm.
“We’ve watched lots of disaster films, and that helped us keep cool,” he said. “Only one student sprained(扭伤) his ankle. He was escaping in a hurry. Most of us got outside quickly and safely.”
They were surprised to see so many students outside.
“I began to realize then what had happened,” he said. The college had warned them that in the event of an earthquake, they should leave the dormitory immediately. A few did rush in when it was safe to grab some clothes to keep warm.
Without any tents or bedding, the students stayed on the football field for the whole night. Rain started falling in the morning, but the students all kept in good order. They simply chatted and shared their feelings and comforted each other.
“Our students seemed to have self-control,” he said. “I heard that hospitals in Chengdu have lots of injured people who jumped out of buildings.”
Now, Diao is mostly worried about the people in Wenchuan County.
“It seems we won’t be able to have classes in one or two day’s time,” said Diao. “I want to become a volunteer at the damage-hit area, or donate my blood to the injured people in hospital. Also, I will write on my blog to keep people calm and encourage them to protect themselves during emergencies.”
Since the university is close to Dujiangyan, Diao and his classmates are still forbidden to return to their dorms or classrooms. However, they can eat in the canteen and get information about other parts of Sichuan by reading the newspapers

  1. 1.

    Where was Diao Weihao when the earthquake happened?

    1. A.
      He was in the campus
    2. B.
      He was in the football field
    3. C.
      He was in his dormitory
    4. D.
      He was in his classroom
  2. 2.

    What did Diao Weihao feel when he realized what was happening?

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  3. 3.

    When did Diao Weihao and his classmates rushed outside?

    1. A.
      During the quake
    2. B.
      The moment they realized what was happening
    3. C.
      After the quake
    4. D.
      When they got warnings
  4. 4.

    Rearrange the following events in the proper order according to the passage.
    a. They got out of buildings safely.
    b. Diao Weihao was in his dormitory.
    c. Diao Weihao wanted to be a volunteer.
    d. Many classmates went out of the building.
    e. An earthquake happened.
    f. They stayed on the football field for the whole night

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  5. 5.

    From this passage, we know that Diao Weihao and his classmates are_____.

    1. A.
      energetic and strong in will
    2. B.
      wise and caring
    3. C.
      hardworking and learned
    4. D.
      helpful and honest


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Several recent studies have found that being randomly (随机地) assigned to a roommate of another race can lead to increased tolerance but also to a greater likelihood (可能性)of conflict.
Recent reports found that lodging with a student of a different race may decrease prejudice and cause students to engage in more ethnically diverse friendships.
An Ohio State University study also found that black students living with a white roommate saw higher academic success throughout their college careers. Researchers believe this may be caused by social pressure.
In a New York Times article, Sam Boakye – the only black student on his freshman year floor -said that "if you're surrounded by whites, you have something to prove."
Researchers also observed problems resulting from pairing interracial students in residences.
According to two recent studies, randomly assigned roommates of different races are more likely to experience conflicts so strained that one roommate will move out.
An Indiana University study found that interracial roommates were three times as likely as two white roommates to no longer live together by the end of the semester.
Grace Kao, a professor at Penn said she was not surprised by the findings. "This may be the first time that some of these students have interacted, and lived, with someone of a different race," she said.
At Penn, students are not asked to indicate race when applying for housing.
"One of the great things about freshman housing is that, with some exceptions, the process throws you together randomly," said Undergraduate Assembly chairman Alec Webley. "This is the definition of integration."
"I've experienced roommate conflicts between interracial students that have both broken down stereotypes(老一套,模式) and reinforced stereotypes," said one Penn resident advisor (RA). The RA of two years added that while some conflicts "provided more multicultural acceptance and melding (融合)," there were also "jarring(不和谐的)cultural confrontations(对抗)."
The RA said that these conflicts have also occurred among roommates of the same race.
Kao said she cautions against forming any generalizations based on any one of the studies, noting that more background characteristics of the students need to be studied and explained

  1. 1.

    What can we learn from some recent studies?

    1. A.
      Conflicts between students of different races are unavoidable
    2. B.
      Students of different races are prejudiced against each other
    3. C.
      Interracial lodging does more harm than good
    4. D.
      Interracial lodging may have diverse outcomes
  2. 2.

    What does Sam Boakye's remark mean?

    1. A.
      White students tend to look down upon their black peers
    2. B.
      Black students can compete with their white peers academically
    3. C.
      Black students feel somewhat embarrassed among white peers during the freshman year
    4. D.
      Being surrounded by white peers motivates a black student to work harder to succeed
  3. 3.

    What does the Indiana University study show?

    1. A.
      Interracial roommates are more likely to fall out
    2. B.
      Few white students like sharing a room with a black peer
    3. C.
      Roommates of different races just don't get along
    4. D.
      Assigning students' lodging randomly is not a good policy
  4. 4.

    What does Alec Webley consider to be the "definition of integration"?

    1. A.
      Students of different races are required to share a room
    2. B.
      Interracial lodging is arranged by the school for freshmen
    3. C.
      Lodging is assigned to students of different races without exception
    4. D.
      The school randomly assigns roommates without regard to race
  5. 5.

    What does Grace Kao say about interracial lodging?

    1. A.
      It is unscientific to make generalizations about it without further study
    2. B.
      Schools should be cautious when making decisions about student lodging
    3. C.
      Students' racial background should be considered before lodging is assigned
    4. D.
      Experienced resident advisors should be assigned to handle the problems


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

A few years ago I was on a bicycle trip when I got off my bike for a rest. I sat down on the grass. A few seconds later, I was covered in ants. They were swarming all over me so I got up and brushed them off. It was a strange experience but I soon forgot about it.
A couple of years later, I was living in Jordan. I had just moved into a modern flat and was unpacking plates when I saw something move out of the corner of my eye. I looked over at the kitchen drawer and there was a cockroach(蟑螂)crawling out of it. I screamed. Then I grabbed a can of insecticide and sprayed it on the cockroach. He ran under the nearby bathroom door. It took me three days before I found the courage to open the bathroom door to see if he was still alive. He wasn’t.
Why did I react so violently to one lone insect when a closer encounter with hundreds of ants hardly affected me? The answer is easy: because cockroaches are creepy(令人毛骨悚然的) crawlies and ants aren’t. Creepy crawlies are those little bugs which cause feelings such as anxiety - they make your skin crawl.
Did you know that some people feel such a fear of bugs that it becomes a phobia(恐惧症)? Psychologists have offered many explanations. Some say we associate them with dirt and disease. Or that these are life forms that are so alien to us, that we find them disgusting for their dissimilarity.
Insects, however, don’t follow our rules - they just do what they want and invade our space. Unfortunately, although insects and bugs have been a successful animal species up to now, many of them, like many other species nowadays, are under threat of dying out. Entomologistswarn that this could upset entire ecosystems and lead to all kinds of disastrous consequences.
So my advice to you is: the next time you feel the urge to stamp on, splatter or spray a creepy crawly, give a thought to the planet and stop

  1. 1.

    Why did the author mention the ants in the beginning?

    1. A.
      Because the experience with the ants presents a sharp contrast to that with the cockroach later
    2. B.
      Because the author wants to show her preference to the ants and her dislike for the cockroaches
    3. C.
      Because both ants and cockroaches are creepy crawlies that the author dislikes
    4. D.
      Because meeting the ants is an unusual experience that the author can hardly forget
  2. 2.

    The underlined word “insecticide” in Paragraph 2 probably means_____.

    1. A.
      a kind of fruit juice
    2. B.
      a kitchen knife
    3. C.
      liquid for killing insects
    4. D.
      cleanser (洗涤剂)for the bathroom
  3. 3.

    How does the author feel about bugs like cockroaches?

    1. A.
      The author doesn’t mind the contact with those harmless small creatures
    2. B.
      The author prefers cockroaches to ants and feels guilty for killing one
    3. C.
      They invade our space and become a threat to humans
    4. D.
      They still deserve a place for keeping the balance of the nature
  4. 4.

    Which of the following statements about bugs is NOT true according to the passage?

    1. A.
      Some people may be frightened so much by bugs that it leads to a psychological barrier to some degree
    2. B.
      The earth will have a better and cleaner environment if more creepy crawlies are killed
    3. C.
      Many bugs are in danger of dying out so we should not kill them due to fear or disgust
    4. D.
      Some bugs are extremely unpleasant that some people have a strong wish to destroy them


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

Sometimes, people are required to fill in personal information when they register online, which may lead to some unexpected trouble. Recently, the BBC is reporting that a 17-year-old girl in Australia posted a(n)1of her grandmother at home counting a large sum of cash that she2hidden in the house. Just eight hours later, two armed men3the girl’s house. They demanded to speak to her to find out where the grandmother’s house was, 4they could get the money they had seen. 5, the girl was not home at the time, so the robbers6
Because the7is still under investigation, local police aren’t saying8else about it. It’s not known yet whether the girl had used privacy setting on the Facebook profile page, and even whether the robbers9the girl in the past.
Two other10were at home then, a 58-year-old man and a 14-year-old boy, the girl’s father and brother. Luckily, no one was11. The robbers left peacefully after12that the girl was not home and that no one else there knew anything about the13that had appeared in the photo.
Police in both Britain and Australia are using the case to14citizens of the dangers of posting personal information on social networks and to suggest users of websites15doing so. The police say it is16 that the girl posted a comment in the past that gave clues to the address, 17that the robbers knew the girl in another way. 18, they suggest, a posting by a friend on their site could have 19such information. To find it, the robbers would only have had to search for those posting on other pages that20the girl’s name.

  1. 1.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  2. 2.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  3. 3.
    1. A.
      knocked at
    2. B.
      looked at
    3. C.
      broke into
    4. D.
      ran into
  4. 4.
    1. A.
      even if
    2. B.
      so that
    3. C.
      as soon as
    4. D.
      in case
  5. 5.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  6. 6.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  7. 7.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  8. 8.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  9. 9.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  10. 10.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  11. 11.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  12. 12.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  13. 13.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  14. 14.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  15. 15.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  16. 16.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  17. 17.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  18. 18.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  19. 19.
    1. A.
      taken up
    2. B.
      set up
    3. C.
      put away
    4. D.
      given away
  20. 20.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

My mother is a geneticist, and from her I learned that despite our differences in size, shape and color, we humans are 99.9 percent the same. It is in our 1 to see differences: skin, hair and eye color, height, language. But also in our nature, way down in the DNA that 2 us human, we are almost the 3.
I believe there is more that unites us than 4 us.
My mother came to the US from India. She is 5 enough that she got her service 6 in a diner in 1960s Dallas. My father is a white boy from Indiana whose 7 came from Germany in the mid-1800s.
It seems 8 to admit now, but I never 9 that my parents were different colors. One day, I watched my parents walk 10 the street of our church together. They were 11 in the service that day, and as they walked, I saw their hands 12 together in unison(一致地). I noticed for the first time how dark my mother was, and how white my father was. I knew them as my parents 13 I realized their skin color. I'm sorry to say that now when I see a mixed-race 14 walking down the street, I see the "mixed race" first and the "couple" second.
When my parents married in 1966, there were 15 places in this country that had laws  16 mixed marriage. 17, my white grandfather, 18 father had been a typical racist, was not against their marriage.
Some of us are men, some are women. Some are young, some old. Some of us are short and others 19. Some right-handed, some left-handed. We have lots of differences; we are all 20. But deep down inside us, down in our DNA, we are 99.9 percent the same. And I believe we need to remember that.

  1. 1.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  2. 2.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  3. 3.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  4. 4.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  5. 5.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  6. 6.
    1. A.
      turned out
    2. B.
      turned down
    3. C.
      turned over
    4. D.
      turned back
  7. 7.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  8. 8.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  9. 9.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  10. 10.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  11. 11.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  12. 12.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  13. 13.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  14. 14.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  15. 15.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  16. 16.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  17. 17.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  18. 18.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  19. 19.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  20. 20.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.

