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Dear Mr. Wang,








Yours sincerely

Li Hua

【答案】Dear Mr. Wang,

I’m Li Hua, a Senior I student in our school, I’m sorry to disturb you, but I have to write to ask you for help, hoping you will be so kind to help me.

Ever since I came into Senior high, my mother hasn’t allowed me to surf the Internet. In her opinion, it is a waste of time to surf the Internet and it also affects my study. However, I don’t agree with her, the Internet makes it convenient for me to easily find the information I need; besides, if I meet with problems in my study I can solve them through the Internet, which helps me a lot. Also I can share something that worries me with my friends, which reduces my stress. Faced with my mother’s strong attitude. What should I do? I really need your help!

I would appreciate it if you could give me some advice on it. I’m looking forward to your reply.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua



本文是一篇求助信,语气委婉诚恳,表达简单明了。作者清楚地表达了自己的想法并提出了要求。在语言的使用上,使用了一些灵活的句式。①使用了现在分词作状语;②句使用了时间状语从句③句转折连词的使用语气贴切并使用了形式宾语it;④⑤句使用了状语从句和定语从句,不仅让行文有节奏感,也使得信息浓度高。⑦句句型would appreciate it if的使用语气委婉客气。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:







Dear Jenny,

How nice to hear of you! In your letter you asked me how to keep healthy. I would like to give you some advices.

As we all know, foods like fish, fresh fruit and vegetables is necessary for our body. And you should not eat too many meat. Instead of studying all the time, your should take physical exercise as regular as possible. For example, you can play basketball or swim after the school. What’s more, having enough sleep was very important. So I advise you have at least eight hours of sleep every day but not to stay up too late. Only in this way can you keep healthy.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】—I'm going to Venice next week.
—______. Carnival will be held then. Have fun!
A.You're crazy
B.You're lucky
C.You'd better not
D.You never know


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】你们班学生就是否应该开发人工智能机器人展开了讨论。请你根据下列提示, 用英语写一篇短文, 阐明你的观点。

词数: 100 左右。

提示: 1.你赞同开发机器人。














科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Nothing succeeds like confidence. When you are truly confident, it radiates from you like sunlight, and attracts success to you like a magnet(磁铁) 1 And gaining the confidence of others is one of the key ways in which a self-confident person finds success.

So how can we build a sense of self-confidence and prepare ourselves on the way to success? First, do what you believe to be right, even if others laugh at you for it. 2 If you believe you can, then you really will. The belief keeps you searching for answers, which means that pretty soon you will get them.

Second, govern your behavior based on what other people think. What’s more important, be willing to take risks and go the extra miles to achieve better results, in which case mistakes can not be avoided 3 Next, work hard to settle the problems in order to cover up your mistakes before anyone notices. Building self-confidence is readily achievable, as long as you have the focus and determination to carry things through.

With your determination and improvement, you are getting closer to success. At this stage, wait for others to congratulate you on your accomplishments. “Thanks, I really worked hard on the road to success. I’m pleased you recognize my efforts. " 4 Self-confidence is extremely important in almost every aspect of our. lives, and it is no wonder that so many people struggle to find it. 5 Besides, whether you’re working on your own self-confidence or building the confidence of people around you, it’s well worth the effort!

A. Believe in yourself and believe that you can do it under any circumstances.

B. Highly self-confidence person can achieve great results in every field he enters.

C. Besides, those who are self-confident can in turn inspire confidence in others.

D. The congratulations from others will promote you to gain further success.

E. Self-confidence really can be learned and built on.

F. Don’t hesitate to admit your mistakes, and learn from them.

G. A lack of confidence can lead to a lot of sufferings.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Have you promised that you are going to get healthier? Maybe you want to lose weight, get stronger and have more energy. Maybe you are under the doctor’s orders to eat right and take exercise more. 1 But with so many choices, it can be hard to get started. So here are healthy tips that you can follow.

Eat right. Healthy eating is harder than before. Now many supermarkets or restaurants are packed with unhealthy choices that cause weight gain and weaken energy. Over time, making poor food choices can cause illness. 2 Eat natural and organic foods as often as possible. Cut out the junk food.

Keep healthy. 3 So take exercise at once. Once you get started, you will be more likely to stick to it.

Reduce stress. In the US, 77% of people often experience physical stress. 4You can manage stress by taking exercise, getting enough rest and cleaning bad relationships from your life.

5 Sure, some people are naturally happier than others. But there are things you can consciously do to be happier. And guess what they are all free. So if you want to be happier, there are a few things to do, for example, express thanks, help others, or how to meditate.

A. Sleep well.

B. Choose happiness.

C. Well, those all sound great.

D. But you don’t have to be concerned about it

E. That is not a group you want to be a part of.

F. So tell someone you love how you feel about them.

G. People who often take exercise are generally happier and healthier than people who don’t.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】The FBI is investigating the disappearance of a visiting Chinese scholar from a central Illinois university town as a kidnapping(绑架) as her whereabouts(下落) have remained unknown since Friday.

Zhang Yingying, 26, was last seen on June 9 near the north end of the campus of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), wearing a charcoal-colored baseball cap, a pink and white top, jeans and white tennis shoes and carrying a black backpack. She boarded a Champaign-Urbana Mass Transit District bus and exited the West Springfield and North Mathews avenues at 1:52 pm local time (1852 GMT), police said.

The FBI has labeled the case as a kidnapping but isn't ruling out anything, said Campus police spokesman Patrick Wade. The suspect appears to be a white male who was in a car and stopped to talk to Zhang on Friday afternoon, the FBI said. Almost one month into a year long appointment at the UIUC campus, Zhang's friends told police that she was heading to an apartment complex in Urbana to sign a lease(租约).

Security camera footage(连续镜头) on Monday released by university police showed that Zhang talked to the driver of a black Saturn Astra, about five blocks from where she got off a bus in Urbana on Friday afternoon. She entered the car shortly thereafter. Zhang has not been seen or heard from since then and attempts to contact her by phone remain unsuccessful. Authorities have asked the public to help identify that vehicle.

A massive search has been launched in Urbana in the US state of Illinois since Zhang's disappearance. Police are interviewing with her colleagues, checking local hospitals and coordinating with ride hailing(打车) companies as part of their investigative efforts.

In an interview with Xinhua through Wechat on Thursday, Zhang Ronggao, father of the ,missing visiting scholar from china's Fujian Province, expressed gratitude to all the people involved in the search and asked US police to accelerate the search.

1Why did Zhang Yingying leave for an apartment complex?

A. To visit a friend there.

B. To rent a place to live.

C. To apply for a part-time job.

D. To go to her dormitory there.

2The possible meaning of the underlined phrase "rule out" in Para. 3 is “_____________”.

A. exclude B. explain

C. evaluate D. escape

3Which is the correct order of what Zhang Yingying did?

a. She entered the car shortly thereafter.

b. She talked to the driver of a black Saturn Astra,

c. She exited the West Springfield and North Mathews avenues

d. She boarded a Champaign-Urbana Mass Transit District bus.

A. b→a→d→c B. c→b→a→d

C. d→c→b→+a D. a→b→d→c

4What can be the best title for the news report?

A. Suspect appears to be a white male who was in a car

B. Authorities ask public to help identify suspect's vehicle

C. Police are interviewing with Zhang Yingying's colleagues

D. FBI investigates Chinese scholar's disappearance since Friday as kidnapping


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Albert Einstein said, "In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity. Once______, such opportunities are like ____diamonds hidden in the sand.

Several years ago I spoke at church about how we are surrounded by "_______" if we could only______them. A man stopped by to______me. I remembered him______somebody who had______through a painful divorce and was examining his life's priorities (优先). He put out his hand which______a small, plastic gem stone.

"I stepped on this gem stone______I was leaving church last Sunday," he explained.

"It became ______ in the sole() of my shoe. You had spoken about recognizing______---- diamonds.I put the plastic stone in my pocket to_______me to look for those diamonds that I need."

"I have been trying to______my business," he continued. "On Monday morning, a man stopped by______seemed interested in______some of my goods in stock. I thought, here's my diamond ---- don't let it______! I sold the entire stock to him by noon."

"Now," he said through a______smile, "my next diamond is to find a new______!"

Not long afterward, he did find a new ---- and better ---- job. He decided to______his gem stone with him from then on as a reminder to look for diamonds as he digs through the______of life.

1A. realized B. gone C. discovered D. lost

2A. valuable B. cheap C. expensive D. rejected

3A. challenges B. flowers C. friends D. diamonds

4A. pick B. recognize C. meet D. control

5A. see B. greet C. help D. call

6A. on B. for C. with D. as

7A. pushed B. suffered C. moved D. looked

8A. contained B. grasped C. threw D. covered

9A. after B. before C. when D. since

10A. broken B. tied C. stuck D. hidden

11A. differences B. opportunities C. facts D. truths

12A. force B. inform C. warn D. remind

13A. sell B. start C. close D. Improve

14A. which B. who C. he D. me

15A. accepting B. taking C. buying D. joining

16A. go out B. go up C. go down D. go away

17A. broad B. shy C. secret D. go away

18A. business B. home C. wife D. job

19A. own B. keep C. return D. lend

20A. meanings B. pleasures C. difficulties D. possibilities


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

I have been feeling tired these days and often find hard to concentrate on my study. My teacher told me that it was the sign of anxiety. She advised me to read an article about reducing tension and improving brain efficient. I listened to her and found some useful ways in it. I began to form a habit of taking a nap for 15minutes at noon and try to spare 30 minutes a day to get move. A walk on the playground was beneficial. Besides, following the author's advices, I would play words with friends during class break, which made the brain refreshed and worked better. Having fun with friends is really a good way of becoming relaxed.
Being tired may influence our mood though it has positive side. The brain can be the more creative. The author reminds what we should not fall asleep with brush in hand and we had better do something creative.

