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8.Laws that would have ensured pupils from five to 16 received a full financial education got lost in the‘wash up'.An application is calling on the next government to bring it back.
At school the children are taught to add up and subtract(减法) but,extraordinarily,are not routinely shown how to open a bank account-let alone how to manage their finances in an increasingly complex and demanding world.
Today the parenting website Mumsnet and the consumer campaigner Martin Lewis have joined forces to launch an online application to make financial education a compulsory element of the school curriculum in England.Children from five to 16 should be taught about everything from pocket money to pensions,they say.And that was exactly the plan preserved in the Children,Schools and Families bill that was shelved by the government in the so-called"wash-up"earlier this month-the rush to legislation before parliament was dismissed.Consumer and parent groups believe financial education has always been one of the most frustrating omissions of the curriculum(课程).
As the Personal Finance Education Group (Pfeg) points out,the good habits of young children do not last long.Over 75% of seven-to 11-year-olds are savers but by the time they get to 17,over half of them are in debt to family and friends.By this age,26% see a credit card or overdraft(透支) as a way of extending their spending power.Pfeg predicts that these young people will"find it much harder to avoid the serious unexpected dangers that have befallen many of their parents'generation unless they receive good quality financial education while at school."
The UK has been in the worst financial recession(衰退)for generations.It does seem odd that-unless parents step in-young people are left in the dark until they are cruelly introduced to the world of debt when they turn up at university.In a recent poll of over 8,000 people,97% supported financial education in schools,while 3% said it was a job for parents.
71.The passage is mainly aboutC.
A.how to manage school lessons                            
B.how to deal with the financial crisis
C.teaching young people about money                 
D.teaching students how to study effectively
72.It can be inferred from the first two paragraphs thatA.
A.the author complains about the school education
B.pupils should not be taught to add up and subtract
C.students have been taught to manage their finances
D.laws on financial education have been effectively carried out
73.The website and the consumer campaigner joined toD.
A.instruct the pupils to donate their pocket money
B.promote the connection of schools and families
C.ask the government to dismiss the parliament
D.appeal for the curriculum of financial education
74.According to Pfeg,D.
A.it is easy to keep good habits long
B.teenagers spend their money as planned
C.parents are willing to pay the debt for their kids
D.it will be in trouble if the teenagers are left alone
75.A poll is mentioned toA.
A.stress the necessity of the curriculum reform
B.show the seriousness of the financial recession
C.make the readers aware of burden of the parents
D.illustrate some people are strongly against the proposal.

分析 本篇文章呼吁学校里应该开设金融课程来教会孩子理财,放任孩子的理财能力不管会给他们带来严重的经济后果,这一观点也符合绝大多数家长的要求.

解答 71.C.主旨归纳题.本篇文章呼吁学校里应该开设金融课程来教会孩子理财,故选C.
73.D.细节理解题.由第三段Today the parenting website Mumsnet and the consumer campaigner Martin Lewis have joined forces to launch an online application to make financial education a compulsory element of the school curriculum,可知他们的目的是想让学校使金融课程成为必修课程.故选D.

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科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

19.There was a story many years ago of a school teacher-Mrs.Thompson.She told the children on the first day that she loved them all the same.But that was a lie.There in the front row was a little boy named Teddy Stoddard.He didn't play well with the other children and he always needed a bath.She did not like him.
Then Mrs.Thompson got to know that Teddy was actually a very good boy before the death  of his mother.Mrs.Thompson was ashamed of herself.She felt even worse when,like all her other students,Teddy brought her a Christmas present too.It was his mother's perfume (香水).
Teddy said,"Mrs.Thompson,today you smell just like my Mom used to."After the children  left she cried for at least an hour.On that very day,she stopped teaching reading,writing and math.Instead,she began to teach children.
Mrs.Thompson paid particular attention to Teddy.The boy's mind seemed to come alive.The more she encouraged him,the faster he improved.By the end of the sixth grade,Teddy had become one of the smartest children in the class.
Six years went by before she got a note from Teddy.He wrote that he had finished high school,third in his class,and she was still the best teacher he ever had in his whole life.He went  to college.Mrs.Thompson got two more letters from him with the last one signed,Theodore F.Stoddard,M.D.(医学博士).
The story doesn't end there.On his wedding day,Dr.Stoddard whispered in Mrs.Thompson's ear,"Thank you,Mrs.Thompson,for believing in me.You made me feel important  and showed me that I could make a difference."
Mrs.Thompson,with tears in her eyes,whispered back,"Teddy,you have it all wrong.You were the one who taught me that I could make a difference.I didn't know how to teach until I met you."
21.What did Mrs.Thompson do on the first day of school?D
A.She made Teddy feel ashamed.
B.She asked the children to play with Teddy.
C.She changed Teddy's seat to the front row.
D.She told the class something untrue about herself.
22.What did Mrs.Thompson find out about Teddy?C
A.He often told lies.
B.He was good at math.
C.He needed motherly care.
D.He enjoyed playing with others.
23.In what way did Mrs.Thompson change?D
A.She taught fewer school subjects.
B.She became stricter with her students.
C.She no longer liked her job as a teacher.
D.She cared more about educating students.
24.Why did Teddy thank Mrs.Thompson at his wedding?B
A.She had kept in touch with him.
B.She had given him encouragement.
C.She had sent him Christmas presents.
D.She had taught him how to judge people.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

20.A healthy lifestyle is related to physical and mental fitness.Do you think it is time to make changes to lead (41)a healthier life?Nowadays many people say they just don't get much time to look after (42)their (they) health.However,it is what you do and eat every day(43)that guarantees(保证) you a healthy body.So make some little changes in your schedule to improve your lifestyle.It's never too late.
These are some suggestions (44)given (give) by health experts which can help you achieve your goal.First of all,add healthy food items to your diet.For example,eating green vegetables and fruits (45)is (be) a must because they contain lots of vitamins and minerals (46)that/which are necessary to your body.Do remember to exercise (47)regularly (regular) because it will burn extra fats in your body and help you gain control of your (48)weight (weigh).If you can't exercise every day,at least go for a walk every day.Sleep at least 8hours every day(49)to make (make) you feel fresh and energetic.In addition,many people do some activities every day,(50)saying (say) this helps them to develop their mind.There are many things you can do to keep healthy,but exercising will always be at the top.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

16.While many countries in the world have seen a decline in forest resources,China has increased both the area and reserves of its forests and was listed as one of the 15countries preserving the most area of forests by the United Nations Environment Program.Reserved man-made forests in China totaled 53.84million hectares,the forest coverage rate being 18.21percent.
From 1998to 2001,the Central Government invested 42.7billion yuan in central and western China to protect vegetation(植被),support local farmers financially and promote projects for transforming farmland back to forests and grassland.In 2003,the Regulations on Transforming Farmlands to Forest went into official force.The project to reforest farmland has been carried out all over the country.By 2004,13.33million hectares of farmland had been reforested throughout China.Another effective measure of forest protection is the natural forest conservation program started in 1998that stipulated  a nationwide end to the cutting of trees in natural forests.
As stipulated by the Research Report on China's Sustainable(可持续的) Development Strategy on Forestry,China's forest coverage rate is expected to reach 28percent by 2050with an added area of 110million hectares of planted forest.Desertification is one of the most severe environmental problems facing China.The area of desertification,which is 2.62million sq km or about 27percent of China's land area,is far beyond the nation's total farmland.Today,although desertification has been controlled in some areas,it still is expanding at a rate of more than 3,000sq km every year.
The State Forestry Administration has carried out a nationwide sand control program,which has three stages:the first stage aims to get basic control of desertification by 2010; the second stage aims to reduce the area of desertification every year until 2030; and the third stage aims to raise the nation's forest coverage and bring all desertification sources under effective control by the year 2050.

31.We can infer from the second paragraph thatA.
A.the government's measures to enlarge forest coverage worked
B.laws made to protect the natural forests were not so effective
C.measures of protecting forest were not taken in East China
D.the cutting of trees in natural forests was legal before 1998
32.The underlined word"stipulated"in paragraph two meansB.
33.We know from the third paragraph thatD.
A.the desertification has been under control
B.the farmland is much larger than deserts
C.desertification area will be 2.65million sq km in 2050
D.forest coverage rate is lower than 28percent at present
34.Which of the following statements is WRONG according to the passage?D
A.China's progress in preserving forest is appreciated by UN.
B.Lots of farmland and deserts have been reforested up to now.
C.The nationwide sand control program includes three stages.
D.The desertification will be completely ended by the year 2030.
35.The passage mainly talks aboutC.
A.resource and environment problems facing China
B.China's Sustainable Development Strategy on Forestry
C.protection of forests and control of desertification
D.desertification sources under effective control.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

3.The Grapes of Wrath (愤怒的葡萄) ) is an American realist novel written by John Steinbeck and published in 1939.The book won the National Book Award and Pulitzer Prize for fiction shortly after its publication.It is frequently read in American high school and college literature classes due to its historical context and enduring legacy.
Set during the Great Depression,the novel focuses on the Joads,a poor family of tenant farmers (佃农) driven from their Oklahoma home by drought,economic hardship and agricultural industry changes.Due to their nearly hopeless situation,the Joads set out for California.Along with thousands of other"Okies",they sought jobs,land,dignity,and a future.As might be expected,the image created by the title serves as a vital symbol in the development of both the plot and the novel's greater thematic concerns:from the terrible oppression (压迫) will come terrible wrath (愤怒) but also the liberation of workers through their cooperation,which are implied but are not stated directly within the novel.
Steinbeck wrote:"I want to put a tag (标签) of shame on the greedy bastards (杂种) who
are responsible for this."This work won a large following among the working class due to
Steinbeck's sympathy to the workers'movement and his accessible prose style.
At the time of publication,Steinbeck's novel"was a phenomenon on the scale of a national
event.It was publicly banned and burned by citizens,it was debated on national talk radio; but above all,it was read."Part of its impact arose from its passionate (饱含深情的) description of the difficult situations of the poor,and in fact,many of Steinbeck's contemporaries (同代人) attacked his social and political views.Bryan Cordyack writes,"Steinbeck was attacked as a propagandist(鼓动家) from both the left and the right of the political views.The most heated of these attacks came from the Associated Farmers of California; they were displeased with the book's description.of California farmers'attitudes and behaviors toward the migrants (季节工.They blamed the book as a'"pack of lies".Some accused Steinbeck of exaggerating (夸大) camp (工棚) conditions to make a political point.Steinbeck had visited the camps well before publication of the novel and argued that their inhumane nature destroyed the settlers'spirit.
In 1962,the Nobel Prize committee cited Grapes of Wrath as a"great work"and as one of
the committee's main reasons for granting Steinbeck the Nobel Prize for Literature.Time
magazine and BBC respectively included the novel in their"100Best English-language Novels".

62.Which of the following could b'e part of the plot of the novel The Grapes of Wrath?A
A.The Joads family struggled their way through the hardships and harshness of life.
B,The Joads appealed to his fellow migrants to unite in the fight against the greedy farmers.
C.The Joads openly expressed their political dreams for equal rights and better lives.
D.The Joads lived peacefully in Oklahoma farming on their own land.
63.What does the underlined word"this"in Paragraph 4refer to?A
A.The hopeless situation of the poor.
B.The liberation of workers.
C.The impacts of The Grapes of Wrath.
D.The inhuman nature of the camps.
64.As Steinbeck's contemporaries,who might have had the deepest sympathy (共鸣) with the novel?C
A.A bankers who had just gone through a bankruptcy (破产).
B.A publisher who wanted to increase the business of his company.
C.A hardworking worker who had been struggling for a living.
D.A literary critic (评论家) who held the left point of political views.
65.The strength of the novel lies in the fact that itD
A.makes clear some strong political views
B.was blamed as nothing but"pack of lies"
C.was granted the Nobel Prize for Literature
D,exposes the true situation of the working class.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

13.In her outstanding book,"Choose the Happiness Habit",Pam Golden wrote,"Take the story of two twin brothers for example.One grew up and became an alcoholic (酒鬼),while the other became a successful businessman.When the alcoholic was asked why he became an alcoholic,he replied,"Because my father was a drunk."However,the successful businessman's answer was also"Because my father was a drunk."when asked why he succeeded.The same background.The same upbringing (培养).However,the results were quite different.Why?The reason is that they had different choices.The brothers chose different thoughts which formed the situations they found themselves in at last,so they had different experiences.
There was a time in my life when I thought difficulty was due to"bad luck".Have you ever heard the saying"When it rains,it pours"?That was my answer when others asked me how things were going on when I was in trouble.So what do you think I got?"RAIN".More and more"RAIN".I couldn't understand why bad luck was always with me.
Pam Golden says,"You're either living in the problem or you're living in the solution."Now,when I'm faced with what I used to think was a negative (消极的) situation,I use a different way to think about it.I force myself to replace those negative thoughts that make me lose heart in my mind with positive thoughts which encourage me to fight against the difficulty bravely.Sometimes I write down some ideas that may be a solution,which I combine with the lessons I have learned from the bad situations and the difficulties that troubled me in the past,and often,I find a solution to the problem soon.It seems that I should thank the difficulty I met with.The RAIN that poured in my world has become great experiences that provide me with valuable experience,from which I can benefit.
Now,it doesn't"rain"as much in my life as it used to.In fact,most days are beautiful,cloudless and sunny!Sometimes I do get a rain,but I think it makes me stronger just like the rain helps plants grow up.
56.The example of the twin brothers shows thatA.
A.making good choices is the most important  
B.education decides a person's future
C.upbringing makes a big difference          
D.it is luck that leads to success
57.What does"RAIN"mentioned in the second paragraph refer to?D
B.Good luck
58.What is talked about in the third paragraph?B
A.How the author collects useful experience.
B.How the author deals with difficulty now.
C.How the author gets help from others.
D.How the author lives in the problem.
59.Now,the author's attitude towards"RAIN"isC.
A.negative         B.unclear              C.positive              D.unknown
60.Which of the following agrees with the author's attitude in the text?B
A.All things are difficult before they are easy.
B.Meeting with difficulty is not a bad thing.
C.Misfortunes tell us what fortune is.
D.Things at the worst will mend.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

20.-________ of us think the English examination was difficult.
-But I still don't think ________ could pass it.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

17.The children ran out _______ after they finished their homework.(  )
A.of playingB.playingC.to playD.play


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

18.But I am not persuaded that he,or anybody else,offersconvincing(令人信服的)answers.

