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Without most people realizing it, there has been a revolution in office work over the last ten years. Before that time, large computers were only used by large, rich companies that could afford the investment. With the advancement of technology, small computers have come onto the market, which are capable of doing the work that used to be done by much larger and expensive computers, so now most smaller companies can use them
The main development in small computers has been in the field of word processors(处理器), or WPS as they are often called. 60% of British offices are now estimated to have a word processor and this percentage is growing fast.
There are many advantages in using a word processor for both secretary and manager. The secretary is freed from a lot of daily work, such as re-typing letters and storing papers. He or she can use this time to do other more interesting work for the boss. From a manager’s point of view, secretarial time is being made better use of and money can be saved by doing daily jobs automatically outside office hours.
But is it all good? If a lot of daily secretarial work can be done automatically, surely this will mean that fewer secretaries will be needed. Another worry is the increasing medical problems related to work with visual display units(显示器). The case of a slow loss of sight among people using word processors seems to have risen greatly. It is also feared that if a woman works at a VDU for long hours, the unborn child in her body might be killed. Safety screens to put over a VDU have been invented but few companies in England bother to buy them.
Whatever the arguments for and against word processor, they are a key feature of this revolution in office practice.
【小题1】Ten years ago, smaller companies did not use large computers because_________.

A.these companies had not enough money to buy such expensive computers
B.these computers could not do the work that small computers can do today
C.these computers did not come onto the market
D.these companies did not need to use this new technology
【小题2】According to the writer, the main feature of the revolution in office work over the last ten years is __________.
A.the saving of time and money
B.the use of computers in small companies
C.the wide use of word processors
D.the decreasing number of secretaries
【小题3】It is implied in the passage that with the use of word processors _________.
A.some secretaries will lose their jobs
B.daily jobs can be done automatically outside office hours
C.medical problems related to work with a VDU have increased greatly
D.the British companies will make less money
【小题4】Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A.There are both advantages and disadvantages in using a word processor.
B.The British companies care much for the health of the people using word processors.
C.The technology in the field of computers has been greatly advanced over the last ten years.
D.Using word processors, secretaries can get more time to do more interesting work for their bosses.
【小题5】It can be concluded from the passage that ________.
A.safety screens are of poor quality
B.working at a VDU for a long time is good for one’s health
C.more and more British offices will use word processors
D.British companies will need fewer and fewer managers


【小题1】A 推理题。根据第一段2,3行Before that time, large computers were only used by large, rich companies that could afford the investment说明大公司才可以用这样的大型的计算机,是因为他们买得起,而那些小公司没有办法是因为钱的问题,故A正确。
【小题2】C 细节题。根据第二段1,2行The main development in small computers has been in the field of word processors(处理器), or WPS as they are often called.说明文字处理器的使用是最大的发展,故C正确。
【小题3】A 推理题。根据第4段1,2行But is it all good? If a lot of daily secretarial work can be done automatically, surely this will mean that fewer secretaries will be needed说明随着技术的进步,对于文秘工作的人的需要会变少,那么就会有很多人失业了,故A正确。
【小题4】B 细节题。根据文章最后两段说明这样的进步也有一些不利之处。故A项正确。文章中并没有提及英国的公司关注员工的身体健康,故第一段内容中提及的过去十年公司的变化,说明C正确。根据第三段第3行He or she can use this time to do other more interesting work for the boss.说明D项也是正确的,B项符合文章的要求。
【小题5】C 推理题。根据文章最后一段Whatever the arguments for and against word processor, they are a key feature of this revolution in office practice.说明无论缺点还是优点,这都是办公室工作的进步,所以还是会继续发展的。故C说法正确。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:054

   Now I had not thought that I would have to go down into the pit with the snakes in order to   1    them, so I was wearing the wrong sort of clothes. I   2   this to my friend, and he very

3   lent me his trousers and shoes, which were quite thick and strong. So, as I could think of no more excuses, they tied the    4   round my waist and started to   5   me into the pit.

Just before I landed at the bottom I   6   up and told my friends to stop lowering me: I wanted to   7  the ground that I was going to land on, to make sure there were mo snakes on the    8   . The area being clear, I shouted to them to lower away,   9   at that moment two things happened.

First, the light went out; secondly, one of the shoes which I had   10   from my friend and which were too large for me, came off. So there was I standing at the    11 of a ten-foot-deep pit, with no light and one shoe on one foot, surrounded by seven or eight deadly Gaboon snakes. I had never been more    12   . I had to wait in the dark, without daring to move,   13 my friend pulled the lamp out, relit it and lowered it into the pit again.

With plenty of    14   and both shoes on, I felt much    15   ,and set about the task of catching the snakes. This was really    16   enough.

I had a forked stick in my hand, and with this I came near each reptile, pinned it down with the fork and then    17   it up by the bank of the neck, and put it into my snake bag, what I was busy catching one snake, another might move round    19   me and I might step back on it. However, It all passed off without   20   , and at the end of half an hour I had caught eight of the Gaboon snakes.

1A. watch     B. kill     C. catch      D. research

2A. expressed   B. explained     C .said     D. showed

3A. quickly     B. eagerly      C. kindly      D. easily

4A. lamp     B. fork       C. trousers     D. rope

5A. sent       B. drop       C. lower       D. put

6A. looked     B. gave       C. took       D. made

7A. examine      B. check        C. find        D. search

8A. pit        B. water        C. earth          D. way

9A. yet        B. and        C. however      D. therefore

10A. lent      B. borrowed       C. received       D. bought

11A. edge      B. bottom       C. side       D. middle

12A. excited      B. encouraged      C. frightened      D. surprised

13A. when      B. till        C. so        D. while

14A. strength     B. help       C. rest        D. light

15A. braver      B. prouder      C. brighter      D. stronger

16A. safe      B. funny      C. simple      D. difficult

17A. brought     B. picked      C. set          D. took

18A. watch     B. read        C. turn        D. take

19A. at        B. near       C. before        D. behind

20A. accident     B. effort       C. care        D. problem



科目:高中英语 来源:河南省六市2010届高三下学期第一次联合考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解


How does it happen that children learn their mother tongue SO well?When we compare them

With adults learning a foreign language,we often find this interesting fact.A little child without

knowledge or experience often succeeds in a complete mastery of the language.A grown—up person with fully developed mental powers,in most cases,may end up with a faulty and inexact corflllland.What accounts for tllis difference?

Despite other explanations。tlle real answer in my opinion hes partly in the child himself,partly in the  behaviour of the people around him.In the first place,the time of learning the mother tongue  in the most favorable of all,namely,the first years of hfe.A child hears it spoken from morning till night and,what is more important,always in its genuine form,with the right pronunciation,rightIntonation,right use of words and right structure.He drinksin all the words and expressions which come  to him in a hsh.ever—bubbhng spring.There is no resistance:there is perfect assimilation.

Then the child has,as it were,private lessons all the year round,while an adult language—

student has each week a limited number of hours which he generally shares with others.The child

has another advantage:he hears the language in all possible situations,always accompanied by the

right kind of gestures and facial expressions.Here there is nothing unnatural,such as is often found

In  language lessons in schools,when one talks about ice and snow in June or scorching heat in January  And what a child hears is generally what immediately interests him.Again and again,when his attempts at speech a聪successful,his desires are understood and fulfilled.

Finally,though a child’S“teachers”may not have been trained in language teaching,their re-

lations with him are always close and personal.ney take great pains to Inske their lessons easy.

60.’rhe main idea of the passage is——.

A.to tell why the native language is learnt SO well by children

B.to teach children to learn their lllothei"language we

C.to show that children’S teacher should take great p8ins to make their lessons easy

D.to do research into the difference between children and adults

61.What does the underlined phrase“dlq.nks in”in paragraph 2 mean?

A.drinks alcohol    B.has a drink of    C.takes in D.tastes

62.An adult has more difflculties in learning foreign languages well for the reason that_____.

A.children are more indiligent than adults

B.adults pay less attention to learning/anguages than children.

C.children have private lessons all the year around

D.an adult language—student has limited time to share with others

63.Ⅵmo ale the teachers teaching a child to learn his mother language?

A。His parents.    B.His teachers.    C.People around him.D.Himself.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


71. Luckily we brought with us a map, without which we __________________________ in the jungle. (get)


72. Up to now, a large number of old houses in this area _________________________ so that the government can build a wide road. (pull)


73. With each classroom ______________________ a computer, the students have easy access to whatever information they are in want of. (equip)


74. In London the Ferris wheel _____________________________ “London Eye” is a major tourist attraction. (refer)


75. Could you tell me __________________________ that you found the missing photo? (where)


76. Distant education is playing a more and more important role, ______________________for people to be educated wherever they are. (make)


77. Mo Yan, _________________________ school to make a living at the age of 12, became the first Chinese Nobel Prize winner in literature. (drop)


78. I was driving along the street looking for a place to park _________________________. (happen)


79. Small quantities of the so-called “rubber eggs” _____________________________ on the market in dozens of regions across China in January, 2012. (appear)


80. Hardly _________________________ the train when he was surrounded by his fans quickly. (get)



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


How does it happen that children learn their mother tongue SO well?When we compare them

With adults learning a foreign language,we often find this interesting fact.A little child without

knowledge or experience often succeeds in a complete mastery of the language.A grown—up person with fully developed mental powers,in most cases,may end up with a faulty and inexact corflllland.What accounts for tllis difference?

   Despite other explanations。tlle real answer in my opinion hes partly in the child himself,partly in the  behaviour of the people around him.In the first place,the time of learning the mother tongue  in the most favorable of all,namely,the first years of hfe.A child hears it spoken from morning till night and,what is more important,always in its genuine form,with the right pronunciation,rightIntonation,right use of words and right structure.He drinks in all the words and expressions which come  to him in a hsh.ever—bubbhng spring.There is no resistance:there is perfect assimilation.

  Then the child has,as it were,private lessons all the year round,while an adult language—

student has each week a limited number of hours which he generally shares with others.The child

has another advantage:he hears the language in all possible situations,always accompanied by the

right kind of gestures and facial expressions.Here there is nothing unnatural,such as is often found

In  language lessons in schools,when one talks about ice and snow in June or scorching heat in January  And what a child hears is generally what immediately interests him.Again and again,when his attempts at speech a聪successful,his desires are understood and fulfilled.

  Finally,though a child’S“teachers”may not have been trained in language teaching,their re-

lations with him are always close and personal.ney take great pains to Inske their lessons easy.

60.’rhe main idea of the passage is——.

  A.to tell why the native language is learnt SO well by children

  B.to teach children to learn their lllothei"language we

  C.to show that children’S teacher should take great p8ins to make their lessons easy

  D.to do research into the difference between children and adults

61.What does the underlined phrase“dlq.nks in”in paragraph 2 mean?

  A.drinks alcohol    B.has a drink of    C.takes in D.tastes

62.An adult has more difflculties in learning foreign languages well for the reason that_____.

  A.children are more indiligent than adults

  B.adults pay less attention to learning/anguages than children.

  C.children have private lessons all the year around

  D.an adult language—student has limited time to share with others

 63.Ⅵmo ale the teachers teaching a child to learn his mother language?

  A。His parents.    B.His teachers.    C.People around him.D.Himself.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


How does it happen that children learn their mother tongue SO well?When we compare them

With adults learning a foreign language,we often find this interesting fact.A little child without

knowledge or experience often succeeds in a complete mastery of the language.A grown—up person with fully developed mental powers,in most cases,may end up with a faulty and inexact corflllland.What accounts for tllis difference?

   Despite other explanations。tlle real answer in my opinion hes partly in the child himself,partly in the  behaviour of the people around him.In the first place,the time of learning the mother tongue  in the most favorable of all,namely,the first years of hfe.A child hears it spoken from morning till night and,what is more important,always in its genuine form,with the right pronunciation,rightIntonation,right use of words and right structure.He drinks in all the words and expressions which come  to him in a hsh.ever—bubbhng spring.There is no resistance:there is perfect assimilation.

  Then the child has,as it were,private lessons all the year round,while an adult language—

student has each week a limited number of hours which he generally shares with others.The child

has another advantage:he hears the language in all possible situations,always accompanied by the

right kind of gestures and facial expressions.Here there is nothing unnatural,such as is often found

In  language lessons in schools,when one talks about ice and snow in June or scorching heat in January  And what a child hears is generally what immediately interests him.Again and again,when his attempts at speech a聪successful,his desires are understood and fulfilled.

  Finally,though a child’S“teachers”may not have been trained in language teaching,their re-

lations with him are always close and personal.ney take great pains to Inske their lessons easy.

60.’rhe main idea of the passage is——.

  A.to tell why the native language is learnt SO well by children

  B.to teach children to learn their lllothei"language we

  C.to show that children’S teacher should take great p8ins to make their lessons easy

  D.to do research into the difference between children and adults

61.What does the underlined phrase“dlq.nks in”in paragraph 2 mean?

  A.drinks alcohol    B.has a drink of    C.takes in D.tastes

62.An adult has more difflculties in learning foreign languages well for the reason that_____.

  A.children are more indiligent than adults

  B.adults pay less attention to learning/anguages than children.

  C.children have private lessons all the year around

  D.an adult language—student has limited time to share with others

 63.Ⅵmo ale the teachers teaching a child to learn his mother language?

  A。His parents.    B.His teachers.    C.People around him.D.Himself.

