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(1)They asked her to be (mercy) to the prisoners.
(2)The children waited patiently in (expect) of the magician.
(3)Our conversation ended (abrupt) when George burst into the room.
(4)A woman was singing (merry) in the next room.

【解析】(1)考查形容词。句意:他们要求她对犯人慈悲为怀。be merciful to sb.固定短语,”对......仁慈“,故填merciful。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


by coincidence: on the other hand: be typical of: aim at: in possession of: in one's attempt as well as: a great deal of

(1)She looked through information for the report.
(2) to reach the mountain top, they made preparations for everything.
(3)An old worker was found a painting of the Tang Dynasty.
(4)I'd like to eat out, but , I should be trying to save money.
(5)When the earthquake happened, , about 150 students were having PE lessons on the playground.
(6)Tom his friends is eager to visit China.
(7)The United States a developed country.
(8)Yesterday a person who was caught stealing was and fired to death by the policeman.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】— Mary, I heard there was an explosion in Ningbo on November 26th. Could you tell me how it _______?
—Sorry, I don't know much about it either.
A.came on
B.came about
C.came out
D.came over


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

(1) (我会给你打电话的) when I need your help.
(2)We need to (着手寻找一个解决办法).
(3) (她时而到楼上看看) if he was still asleep.
(4)You should (抓住时机赚一些钱).
(5)David told me to (打开盒子时要小心).


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Life is full of funny moments, and not just for humans.
Over the years, studies by various groups have suggested that monkeys, dogs and even rats love a good laugh. People, meanwhile, have been laughing since before they could talk.
Jaak Panksepp, a professor at Bowling Green State University, US, said he would not be surprised if positive feelings could be produced in some animals. Dolphins, for example, have long attracted animal researchers because of the complex (复杂的) ways in which they communicate: a rich variety of sounds of different rhythms. A decade ago, researchers studying dolphins at the Kolmarden Wildlife Park in Sweden noticed a set of sounds the dolphins made during play-fighting. They concluded that the purpose of the sound was to suggest that the situation was pleasant and to prevent it from a real fight.
Panksepp has even seen evidence of joy in crayfish (小龙虾). When given small amounts of drugs such as cocaine (可卡因) in a certain place, they appear to connect that location with pleasure. “Given the chance, they will always return to that place, perhaps in the hope of getting more,” he says. Panksepp wasn't sure it equals the same happiness that humans get from cocaine, but said it “could be in the same evolutionary category”.
More studies are needed to really understand animals' laughter. Strangely enough, the answers may help with our own desires for cures for mental illnesses. Panksepp's experiments may soon lead to a new antidepressant (抗抑郁) drug that works by using the pathways in the brain behind positive feelings and joy. Perhaps pleasure and laughter in the animal world will help solve the depression in our own species one day.
(1)Scientists are always interested in doing research on dolphins because dolphins ________.
A.understand humans' sounds
B.show positive feeling while playing
C.make different sounds when they communicate
D.make a set of sounds during play-fighting games
(2)What do the underlined words “our own species” in the last paragraph refer to?
(3)From the passage we can learn that ________.
A.people learn to talk before they can laugh.
B.animals have a very good sense of location.
C.humans have known the animals' happiness well.
D.there is still much left to learn about animals' laughter.
(4)Which of the following can be the best title for this passage?
A.Animals Feeling Joy.
B.Man and Nature.
C.Sounds Made by Animals.
D.A Long Way to Go.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

(1)The children stopped.
(2)You if you do more exercises.
(3)She when she heard the exciting news.
(4)What he said and did .
(5)You may have a rest you finish your work in time.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

He was known everywhere as a great artist. People1 from miles around to admire his beautiful2 His name was Pygmalion,and he lived long,long3 in Athens,Greece.
Pygmalion4 his art for many years. His desire 5excellence made him spend months6a single work of art. He would not stop7he felt it was perfect.8the years passed,his work became9 Pygmalion painted flowers which looked 10natural that people tried to11them. He painted fruits which looked so12that people wanted to eat them. Everyone13 looked at the pictures he had painted was14by their beauty.
As the years passed it15only his pictures that made him famous,Pygmalion16 made perfect pieces of sculpture.He could take a plain piece of wood17stone and make it beautiful. He could make a rough stone as18as glass. He worked long and hard to make his statues as real as possible. Often visitors who came to see his work began talking to someone. They were surprised when that person didn't19They were even more surprised20they realized they were talking to a statue. It always gave Pygmalion pleasure when people were surprised this way.
(1)A.went B.came C.wandered D.hung
(2)A.work B.job C.treasure D.person
(3)A.since B.before C.ago D.after
(4)A.practiced B.worked C.exercised D.acted
(5)A.at B.on C.in D.for
(6)A.on B.for C.during D.in
(7)A.since B.when C.after D.until
(8)A.As B.When C.While D.After
(9)A.well B.better C.good D.more
(10)A.very B.so C.as D.really
(11)A.smell B.look C.see D.buy
(12)A.true B.real C.good D.like
(13)A.when B.which C.who D.whom
(14)A.delighted B.amused C.enjoyed D.drawn
(15)A.was B.wasn't C.weren't D.were
(16)A.however B.either C.yet D.also
(17)A.and B.or C.neither D.nor
(18)A.good B.nice C.smooth D.pretty
(19)A.speak B.talk C.answer D.say
(20)A.when B.after C.before D.until


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

My dear elder brother,
Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


