精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情
1. As the ________ (幕布) rises a dead body is seen on the stage.
2. The only ________ (解释) for his behavior is that he is mad.
3. You will find the stone ________ (珍贵).
4 We had only a week to make                 for the wedding. (准备)
5. I came ________ (立即) after I had eaten.
6. Everyone should be _________ (尊敬), whether old or young, rich or poor.
7. You're getting fat; you should ________ (锻炼) more.
8. Dogs ________ (认出) people by their smell.
9. As everyone knows, smoking ________ (影响) health.
10. — May I use your car? — No, I ________ (禁止) you to.
1. curtain  2. explanation  3. valuable  4. preparations  5. immediately
6. respected  7. exercise  8. recognize(d)  9. affects 10. forbid
