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  Successful people in international business understand the cultures of other countries and learn to change their practices in different culturesThey understand the importance of avoiding business decisions based on misconceptions–mistaken ideas

  One cause of misconceptions is ethnocentrism,the belief that one’s own culture’s way of doing things is better than the way of other culturesIt’s ethnocentrism that leads to failure in international businessTo avoid ethnocentrism, it’s necessary to study the different elements(组成部分)of culturelanguage,values and attitudes, and customs and mammers


  A knowledge of the local language can help international business people in four waysFirst, people can communicate directlySecond, people are usually more open in their communication with someone who speaks their languageThird, an understanding of the language allows people to infer meanings that are not said directlyFinally, konwing the language helps people to understand the culture better

  Values are people’s basic beliefs about the difference between right and wrong, good and badAn attitude is a way of thinking or actingValues and attitudes influence international businessFor example, many people in the United States believe that chocolate lrom Switzerland is better than chocolate from other countrics, and they buy a lot of ot

  Customs and manners

  Customs are common social practicesManners are ways of acting that the society believes are politeFor example, in the United States, it is the custom to have salad(色拉)before the main course at dinner, not afterIt’s not acceptable to talk with food in mouth at tableGailure to understand the customs and menners of other countries will bring difficulty selling their productsOrange juice as a breakfast drink of an American company in France doesn’t sell well because the French don’t usually drink juice with breakfast


A knowledge of the local language allows international business people ________

[  ]


to be more open with their customers


to communicate without outside help


to express their thoughts indirectly


to have a better idea of their own culture


The act of many people buying chocolate of Switzerland shows the role of ________

[  ]










What would be the best title for the text?

[  ]


Misconceptions in Business


Basic Beliefs in Business


International Business Culture


Successful International Business


The author’s purpose of writing this article is to tell people ________

[  ]


how to take a right attitude in business


how to avoid misunderstandings in busness


how to use a local language in business


how to act politely and properly in business


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:054


Alfred Hitchcock is one of the best-known film-makers in the world. This gentle-looking and overweight Englishman has connected the   1   audiences with most of the mysterious and frightening films   2   made.

The 37 Stepsmade in 1939 was the  3  which made him famous outside  4  . He received many  5  from Hollywood, where he went to makeRebecca. This was the most expensive film he had made,   6   over a million dollars. This was  7  in Britain,  8  the budget(预算)was very small. But as soon as he started onRebecca, the Second World War started. Like many  9  film people, Hitchcock decided to  10  in America, and was sometimes  11  a traitor(叛徒)at home. But he was too old to  12  , and the British film industry had  13  down. He finishedRebeccaand got  14  first Oscar, for the best film of the year.

He was  15  the first film director to  16  a TV  17  which showed mysterious and frightening stories, calledAlfred Hitchcock presents…”. This was a new   18   , for most of the Hollywood people hated television and didn’t think it was worth trying at all. The audience loved Hitchcock, however, and he made more shows. These shows gave him more   19   to try a new idea and produce more and more mysterious and frightening   20   .

1. A. theatre        B. cinema   C. sports          D. music

2. A. ever         B. never    C. still           D. yet

3. A. book        B. story        C. play         D. film

4. A. America         B. France      C. Britain        D. Australia

5. A. offers        B. congratulations     C. letters       D. telegrams

6. A. spending       B. costing      C. talking      D. wasting

7. A. possible        B. easy     C. impossible       D. interesting

8. A. why          B. where        C. there          D. here

9. A. another        B. the other      C. the same        D. other

10. A. leave            B. stay      C. fight          D. love

11. A. made          B. forced      C. called        D. destroyed

12. A. fight          B. eat        C. talk       D. sleep

13. A. started         B. begun      C. closed        D. put

14. A. her        B. their        C. his         D. its

15. A. also          B. both       C. all         D. neither

16. A. become       B. remain      C. get          D. stay

17. A. station        B. show        C. factory       D. farm

18. A. idea          B. nation      C. shape          D. attention

19. A. chances       B. time      C. money       D. directions

20. A. plays       B. stories       C. films         D. problems



科目:高中英语 来源:英语教研室 题型:054



    One afternoon just before Christmas, an old gentleman was wandering through the city center. The    1    were all filled with good things and crowded with    2  shoppers. The children were    3    all the toys on display in windows, and the old man suddenly saw a dirty boy sitting on the pavement    4    bitterly. When the    5  old man asked him    6    he was crying, the little boy told him that he had    7  a ten penny piece that his uncle had given him. At once the old man    8    a handful of coins. He   9   out a shiny new    10    penny piece and handed it to the child. “Thank you very much,” said the little boy, and    11    his eyes, he cheered up at once.

    An hour or so    12    the old man was    13    his way back home    14    the same road. To his    15    he saw the little boy in the same    16    , crying just as bitterly as before. He went up to the boy and asked him if he had lost the ten penny piece he had just given him as    17   . The boy told him that    18    he had not lost the second coin, but he still could not    19    the first one. “If I could find my own piece,” he said tearfully. “I'd have twenty    20    now.”


A. streets              B. road

C. houses              D. shops


A. cheerful            B. angry

C. worried            D. surprised


A. looking for          B. looking at

C. looking after          D. looking on


A. singing             B. shouting

C. laughing            D. crying


A. cruel              B. polite

C. kind               D. angry


A. why               B. what

C. how               D. as


A. left               B. spent

C. missed              D. lost


A. pulled out            B. pulled on

C. put out             D. pushed on


A. selected            B. chose

C. picked              D. elected


A. one                B. two

C. twenty              D. ten


A. opening            B. drying

C. cleaning            D. washing


A. later               B. after

C. before              D. earlier


A. leaving             B. walking

C. making             D. giving


A. on                B. in

C. by                D. at


A. delight              B. surprise

C. disappointed          D. satisfaction


A. spot               B. street

C. road               D. shop


A. good              B. well

C. before              D. ago


A. actually             B. finally

C. exactly             D. really


A. see               B. get

C. have               D. find


A. pence             B. penny

C. pieces             D. coins



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解



  Summer is the best time on the Island of the Blue Dolphins (海豚). The sun is warm then and the winds blow out of the west,   16   out of the south.

    It was   17   these days that the ship might return and now I   18  most of my time on the rock,   19   out from the headland(水中凸起的陆地) into the east, towards the country   20   my people had gone, across the   21   that was never-ending.

    Once   22   I watched, I saw a small object which I took to be the ship, but a stream of water   23   from it and I knew that it was whale (鲸鱼)spouting (喷水). During those summer days I saw nothing   24  .

    The first storm of winter   25   my hopes. If the white men's ship were   26      for me it would have come during the time of good   27  . Now I would have to wait   28   winter was gone, maybe longer.

The thought of being   29   on the island while so many suns rose   30   the sea and went   31  back into the sea   32   my heart with loneliness. I had not felt so   33  before because I was sure   34   the ship would return as Matasaip had said   35   would. Now my hopes were dead.

A. totally           B. already          C. entirely      D. sometimes

A. during           B. for              C. after         D. between

A. spent            B. shared           C. paid          D. devoted

A. look             B. to look           C. looking       D. looked

A. when            B. where            C. which         D. until

A. island            B. sea              C. lake          D. ocean

A. since             B. though           C. while         D. till

A. rose              B. raised           C. grew          D. set

A. different          B. ordinary          C. else           D. valuable

A. encouraged        B. ended            C. spared        D. limited

A. leading           B. moving           C. coming        D. following

A. weather           B. pattern           C. rain           D. fog

A. after              B. as               C. until          D. while

A. quiet              B. alone             C. calm          D. alive

A. of                B. in               C. to            D. from

A. rapidly            B. quickly           C. slowly         D. fully

A. pumped          B. set               C. filled          D. full

A. lonely            B. strict             C. boring         D. empty

A. whether           B. and              C. that           D. when

A. it                B. he               C. that            D. this


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解



The human nose is an underestimated tool. Humans are often thought to be  1___ smellers compared with animals, but this is largely because, unlike animals, we stand upright. This means that our noses are  2  to detecting those smells which float through the air,  3  the majority of smells which stick to surfaces. In fact though, we are extremely sensitive to smells, even if we do not generally realize it. Our noses are capable of  4  human smells even when these are  5  to far below one part in one million.

    6     , some people find that they can smell one type of flower but not another, while others are sensitive to the smells of both flowers. This may be because some people do not have the genes necessary to generate  7     smell receptors in the nose. These receptors are the cells which sense smells and send  8    to the brain. However, it has been found that even people insensitive to a certain smell at first can suddenly become sensitive to it when  9     to it often enough.

  The  10   for insensitivity to smell seems to be that brain finds it  11    to keep all smell receptors working all the time but can  12   new receptors if necessary. This may also explain why we are not usually sensitive to our own smells we simply do not need to be. We are not  13     of the usual smell of our own house but we  14     new smells when we visit someone else's. The brain finds it best to keep smell receptors _ 15    for unfamiliar and emergency signals such as the smell of smoke, which might indicate the danger of fire.

1. A. sensitive

B. outstanding

C. insensitive

D. awkward

2. A. limited

B. committed

C. devoted

D. conducted

3. A. catching

B. ignoring

C. missing

D. tracking

4. A. distinguishing

B. discovering

C. determining

D. detecting

5. A. reduced

B. reserved

C. rescued

D. refused

6. A. Fortunately

B. Strangely

C Happily

D. Amazingly

7. A. unusual

B. particular

C. unique

D. typical

8. A. signs

B. information

C. messages

D. signals

9. A. subjected

B. left

C. drawn

D. exposed

10A. expectation

B. expression

C. extension

D. explanation

11.A convenient

B. competitive

C. inefficient

D. adequate

12.A introduce

B. gather

C. develop

D. produce

13.A sure

B. sick

C. aware

D tired

14.A tolerate

B. resist

C. neglect

D. notice

15.A available

B. reliable

C. valuable

D. suitable


科目:高中英语 来源:2009年全国各省市高考命题动态信息卷(辽宁专用)英语(四) 题型:完型填空



  Columnist Dave Barry says this about his father:"My dad would try anything - carpentry(木匠活),electrical wiring,roofing and so on.From watching him,I learned a lesson that still 36 to my life today:no matter how difficult a task may seem, 37 you're not afraid to try it,you can do it."

  I learned from my parents the value of "going for it"." 38 ventured(冒险),nothing lost" is the motto of too many of us.Many people are so afraid to 39 that they never venture beyond the familiar."Better to be safe than sorry",has 40 too many people in the cocoon(保护膜) of their 41 zones.

  A delightful 42 tells that Col.Robert Johnson of Salem,New Jersey,announced that he would take a 43 risk.He let the town know that he would 44 a wolf peach on the steps of the country courthouse at noon on September 26,1820. "Why would he take such a chance?" asked the 45 people.

  Scientists and doctors had long declared the wolf peach to be 46 .If the wolf peach was too ripe and warmed by the sun,they told him he would be exposing himself to brain fever.Should he somehow 47 the experience,the skin of the 48 would stick to the lining of his stomach(他的胃黏膜) and 49 cause cancer.

  Nearly 2,000 people 50 the square to see Col.Johnson eat the "poisonous" peach - now known as the tomato.

  Col.Johnson believed his 51 was small,but it must be take if the 52 about the peach were to be 53 .Who has accompished anything worthwhile 54 taking a risk?

  Much like the tortoise it makes 55 only when it sticks its neck out.

  36.A.refers         B.applies       C.tends          D.leads

  37.A.if            B.since         C.although       D.unless

  38.A.Anything      B.Something    C.Nothing        D.Everything

  39.A.fail           B.win          C.succeed        D.leave

  40.A.turned        B.trapped       C.forbidden      D.orced

  41.A.comfortable    B.miserable     C.surprising     D.unimportant

  42.A.novel         B.message      C.joke          D.story

  43.A.private        B.public       C.secret        D.national

  44.A.buy          B.sell          C.eat           D.cut

  45.A.puzzled       B.disappointed   C.angry        D.happy

  46.A.delicious       B.smelly        C.salty        D.poisonous

  47.A.enjoy         B.survive         C.understand  D.know

  48.A.wolf         B.seed           C.peach      D.body

  49.A.eventually     B.firstly          C.lately       D.hardly

  50.A.reached      B.decorated         C.surrounded  D.crowded

  51.A.audience     B.risk            C.fruit        D.size

  52.A.myths        B.ingredients    C.truths         D.prices

  53.A.changed      B.adopted        C.removed      D.grasped

  54.A.without      B.for            C.with         D.except

  55.A.sense        B.trouble         C.room        D.progress


