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【题目】Most drinks stating that they are fruitflavored (水果味道的) contain no fruit at all, while most of the rest contain only a small quantity of fruit, according to a study carried by the British Food Commission.

“Shoppers need to check the labels (标签) before buying drinks, though sometimes the actual content can be nonexistent,” said Food Commission spokesperson Ian Tokelove. “Food production is highly competitive. __【1】__ It will increase profits, and consumers won't always realize they are being tricked.”

Flavorings are focused on the flavors of natural food products such as fruits, meats and vegetables, or creating flavor for food products that do not have the desired flavors. Researchers analyzed the contents of 28 strawberryflavored products sold in stores. __【2】__ Of the 11 products that did contain strawberries, five of them contained less than one percent real fruit. In addition, each juice box contained nearly eight teaspoons of sugar.

__【3】__ Let's take jam as an example. Some strawberryflavored jam was labeled as containing no artificial colors, flavors, or sweeteners, but it contained absolutely no strawberries at all.

__【4】__ Consumers have the rights to know clearly about what they have bought. Under current UK law, food packages do not have to distinguish between natural and artificial flavoring. “Describing a product as strawberry flavor and covering the surface of the packet with pictures of strawberries is misleading. __【5】__ Unfortunately, it is also legal and widespread,” Tokelove said. “It's time to take measures to protect the consumers' rights.”

A. The products which contain real fruit are popular with people.

B. Even products advertised as more natural often contained no fruit.

C. They found that about 60 percent of them didn't contain any fruit at all.

D. If companies can cut their costs by using flavoring, they are likely to do so.

E. It is important and necessary to demand a small amount of flavoring in the products.

F. Actually the product contains just a tiny percentage of strawberry or even no fruit at all.

G. The Food Commission suggested all flavors used in a product should be listed on the packaging.









【1】It will increase profits, and consumers won't always realize they are being tricked.(因为)这样做会增加利润,消费者也不会意识到自己被欺骗了。根据下一段的Flavorings are focused on the flavors of natural food products可知,D如果商家通过使用调味品来降低成本,他们很有可能会这么做符合题意,故选D。

【2】根据Researchers analyzed the contents of 28 strawberryflavored products sold in stores. Of the 11 products that did contain strawberries, five of them contained less than one percent real fruit.可知,28种草莓味的产品中,只有11种含有少量的草莓,C60%的产品都不含任何水果成分符合题意,故选C。

【3】根据Let's take jam as an example. Some strawberryflavored jam was labeled as containing no artificial colors, flavors, or sweeteners, but it contained absolutely no strawberries at all.可知,以口香糖为例,一些标有不含任何人工颜料、添加剂和糖精的草莓味口香糖竟不含草莓成分。即使标有不含人工成分、更天然的产品也不含水果成分。故选B。

【4】Consumers have the rights to know clearly about what they have bought.消费者有知情权,他们有权知道所买商品里面都含有什么,G食品委员会建议把所使用的添加剂都标在包装上符合题意,故选G。

【5】Describing a product as strawberry flavor and covering the surface of the packet with pictures of strawberries is misleading.标榜草莓口味的产品,并在产品包装上贴上草莓图案的行为是在误导消费者。F实际上,这个产品仅含有少量的草莓成分,甚至一点草莓成分也没有符合题意,故选F。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】A Brown University sleep researcher has some advice for people who run high schools: Don't start classes so early in the morning. It may not be that the students who nod off at their desks are lazy. And it may not be that their parents have failed to make sure bedtime. Instead, it may be that biologically these sleepyhead students aren't used to the early hour. "Maybe these kids are being asked to get up at the wrong time for their bodies, " says Mary Carskadon, a professor looking at problems of adolescent sleep at Brown's School of Medicine.

Carskadon is trying to understand more about the effects of early school time in adolescents. And , at a more basic level, she and her team are trying to learn more about how the biological changes of adolescence affect sleep needs and patterns. Carskadon says her work suggests that adolescents may need more sleep than they did at childhood, no less, as commonly thought. Sleep patterns change during adolescence, as any parent of an adolescent can prove. Most adolescents prefer to stay up later at night and sleep later in the morning. But it's not just a matter of choice—their bodies are going through a change of sleep patterns.

All of this makes the change from middle school to high school—which may start one hour earlier in the morning—all the more difficult, Carskadon says. With their increased need for sleep and their biological clocks set on the "sleep late, rise late" pattern, adolescents are up against difficulties when it comes to trying to be up by 5 or 6 a. m. for a 7: 30 a. m. first bell. A short sleep on a desktop may be their bodies' way of saying, "I need a timeout. "

1Carskadon suggests that high schools should not start classes so early in the morning because ________.

A. it is really tough for parents to ensure bedtime

B. students are so lazy that they don't like to go to school early

C. students work so late at night that they can't get up early

D. it is biologically difficult for students to rise early

2The underlined phrase "nod off"(Paragraph l) most probably means "________".

A. turn around B. agree with others

C. fall asleep D. refuse to work

3What might be a reason for the hard change from middle school to high school?

A. Adolescents depend more on their parents.

B. Adolescents need more sleep than they used to.

C. Adolescents sleep better than they did at childhood.

D. Adolescents have to choose their sleep patterns.

4What is the text mainly about?

A. Changes in adolescent sleep needs and patterns.

B. Problems in adolescent learning.

C. Adolescent sleep difficulties.

D. Adolescent heath care.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】How will our continuously growing population affect our way of life, our environment, even our planet? No matter how you look at it, we will face 1extremely serious problem. By the middle of the 21st century, we 2(use) up all the oil that drives our cars if at the rate we’re going. Even if scientists develop some new 3(way)of feeding the human race, the crowded conditions on the earth will make 4necessary for us to look for open space somewhere else. But none of the planets in our solar system are able 5(support) life at present. One possible solution 6the problem, however, has recently been suggested by an American scientist, Professor Carl Sagan. His idea is 7before the earth’s resources are almost exhausted, it will be 8(total)possible to change the atmosphere of Venus(金星)and so create a new world almost as large as earth itself.

However, 9his idea is turned into reality, humans have a long way to go. On the one hand, Venus is much 10(hot)than the earth; on the other hand, there is only a tiny amount of water there.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


There are many Spanish gossip(八卦) magazines being published around the world. If your Spanish is good enough, these magazines will offer a lively look into the private moments of the beautiful, rich and famous, and provide entertainment and at the same time, help you practice your Spanish.

Diez Minutos: The magazine is a classic Spanish gossip feast with daily news based on many stories of love, separation, divorce and death. The two main parts are headlined “love and “partners”. They also have an online version of the magazine for serious gossip addicts.

Hola: It is Spain’s top weekly magazine and the leader of the gossip world. It contains many pictures and a round-up of well-known and less well-known nobles and people in show business. Apart from edited highlights from the present and past issues, there is a report of the week and photo of the week. There is also a French version called OhLa!

Revista CUORE: As the third best-selling gossip magazine in Spain, it is mainly aimed at younger teenage readers who look not only for current celebrity(名流) gossip, but also for fashion and TV news. It uses a lot of oral terms.

Revista SEMANA: It is a Spanish magazine covering the latest news on the famous in Spain and Hollywood. It also offers its readers information on fashion, beauty, cooking and travel.

Revista LECTURAS: Practical, friendly and informal, this magazine is one of the most widely-read gossip magazines on the Spanish market today.

Marujeo.com: It is a blog serving up a daily diet of national gossip news on Spanish and international celebrities and the celebrity world from a particular point of view.

Revista CARAS: It is a magazine published in various countries of Latin America. It is also exported to certain parts of the United States, bringing together strange and wonderful news from around the world and the famous Latin community.

【1】 What does the first paragraph tell us about Spanish gossip magazines?

A. Types. B. Publishers.

C. Functions. D. Origins.

【2】 Which of the following also has a French version?

A. Hola. B. Revista SEMANA.

C. Revista LECTURAS. D. Marujeo.com.

【3】 How many of the magazines mentioned in the text can be read on the Internet?

A. One. B. Two.

C. Three. D. Four.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】阅读下列短文 ,从每题所给的四个选项 (A 、B 、C 和 D )中 ,选出最佳选项。

Scientific experiments can sometimes go wrong and when they do the results may range from the disastrous to the troubling. One such experiment took place in South America about fifty years ago. Whether its final consequences will cause serious damage or nothing more than a small trouble still remains to be seen.

The story began in 1956 when an American scientist working in Brazil decided to solve the problem of increasing the productivity of that country's bees. He imported a very active type of African bee from Tanzania and mated (交配) it with the more easy-going native variety to produce a new kind of bees. The new bees worked harder and produced twice as much honey. It seemed that Professor Kerr, for that was the scientist's name, had a total success on his hands.

Then things began to go wrong. For some reason as yet unseen, but perhaps as a result of something in their environment, the new bees began to develop extremely attacking personalities. They became bad-tempered and easy to be angry, attacked the native bees and drove them from their living places.

But worse was to follow. Having taken over the countryside, the new bees, with their dangerous stings (叮) , began to attack its neighbors -- cats, dogs, horses, chickens and finally man himself. A long period of terror began that has so far killed a great number of animals and about 150 human beings.

This would have been bad enough if the bees had stayed in Brazil. But now they are on the move, heading northwards in countless millions towards Central and North America, and moving at the alarming speed of 200 miles a year. The countries that lie in their path are naturally worried because it looks as if nothing can be done to stop them.

【1】The results of the South American experiment .

A. have caused a serious trouble

B. have proved to be wrong

C. are highly thought of

D. are not yet certain

【2】The experiment mentioned in this passage was designed to .

A. increase the amount of honey in Brazil

B. make Brazilian bees more easy-going

C. increase the number of bees in Brazil

D. make African bees less active

【3】Which of the following may be the cause of the new bees' attacking personalities?

A. Their production of honey. B. Their hard work.

C. Their living environment. D. Their bad temper.

【4】The last paragraph implies that .

A. the bees have been driven to Central and North America

B. the bees may bring about trouble in more countries

C. the bees must be stopped from moving north

D. the bees prefer to live in Brazil


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


规划目的: 美化校园、净化空气;创造良好的学习和生活环境

规划内容: 种植花草树木;建一个植物园,供参观、实践;建一个小花园,供休息、读书;建几座名人雕塑,激励师生



3.参考词汇:雕塑—statue (n.) 植物园—botanical garden (n.)

Dear Peter,

I would like to tell you that our school has worked out a new program.___________________________________.


Welcome to our school if you have any chance.


Xiao Ming


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】When I met Larry, my husband-to-be, he came with an eighteen-month-old daughter, Mckenna, and a four-year-old son, Lorin. I quickly1(fall) in love with Lorin and Mckenna, 2the children’s mother, Dia, was a different story.

There was a feeling of hostility(敌意)between us. Sometimes I wished that she would simply disappear. Then the children could stay with us—3(true) be mine—and we could be a “real” family.

Years4 (pass) by, something changed. I began to enjoy talking to Dia about the Kids. And she realized that there were very few people in the world5were as interested in her children 6I was. One year, Dia sent me a Mother’s Day card thanking me for “co-mothering” her children.

Thank you, Dia, for being kind enough7 (share) your children with me. Thank you for making Christmas morning8exciting and warm time, so the children never had to feel sad on these important days. We all could sit around the tree. There9were, you and your husband, Larry and me, the kids ... and10(surprise), I felt at home.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


注意:1. 100词左右;2. 开头已写好,不计入总词数。3.参考词汇:书法 calligraphy;文房四宝 the Four Treasures of the Study(writing brush, ink stick, paper, ink slab)

Dear friends,

We’d like to share our culture with you by introducing you to the art of Chinese calligraphy ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:













参考词汇:course n. 课程;benefit vt. 对……有益;stressful adj. 有压力的 stress /pressure n. 压力; survey n. 调查

Recently, a survey has been carried out in our school whether the freshmen have adapted to the life in senior high school.









