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4.Travel around the world is the dream of many adventurous people.But very few people can afford a global tour because hotels,food and airplane tickets are too expensive.Some people,however,have thought of some ways to realize their dreams.
    Laura Cody and Tanbay Theune,a couple from Britain,decided to travel around the world.They have found a good way to pay for their trips.They look after pets for rich house owners.In exchange,they can stay in the houses for free.They have looked after horses,cows,cats,dogs and fish.In two years,the couple has been to Australia,Germany,Spain and Italy.They have stayed in big cities and small villages.The home owners are usually very generous and have given them food,wine and day trips.
    Another person who tries to realize her travel dream is photographer Rhiannon Taylor.She travels around the world to visit,review and take photos of the best hotels.She shares the places she stays in and the food she eats on the Internet with tens of thousands of followers.
    With these ways o f making money,traveling around the world is no longer a dream.More and more young people are thinking creatively to make their dream come true.
1.Why do most people feel hard to make their travel dream come true?C
A.Because they can hardly find hotels.
B.Because the food is not healthy.
C.Because the cost of travel is high.
D.Because they are afraid of adventure.
2.The best word to describe the way of realizing the travel dream isB.
A.special    B.creative     C.rich   D.adventurous
3.It is known from the passage that Laura and Tanbay paid for their trips byD.
A.staying in the house for free
B.being given food and day drinks
C.going to Australia and other countries
D.looking after pets for rich house owners
4.According to the passage,Taylor is a photographer who shares her photosA.
A.on the Internet
B.during her travel
C.with hundreds of followers
D.during staying in hotels.

分析 环游世界是许多冒险人士的梦想,但很少有人能够负担得起环球旅行,因为酒店、食物和飞机票太贵了,然而,有些人却想到了实现梦想的方法.本文讲述了 Laura Cody,Tanbay Theune夫妇和摄影师Rhiannon Taylor分别如何环游世界的故事.

解答 1.C细节理解题.根据第一段的But very few people can afford a global tour becausehotels,food and airplane tickets are too expensive.可知很少有人能够负担得起环球旅行,因为酒店、食物和飞机票太贵了.所以大多数人觉得很难实现旅游梦是因为旅游费用太高,故选C.
2.B 推理判断题.根据最后一段的More and more young people are thinking creativelyto make their dream come true.可知越来越多的年轻人创造性地思考使他们的梦想成真.所以描述实现旅游梦最好的词是有创造性的,故选B.
3.D细节理解题.根据第二段的They look after pets for rich house owners.Inexchange,they can stay in the houses for free.可知他们通过为有钱人照看宠物作为交换而免费居住.故选D.
4.A细节理解题.根据倒数第二段的She shares the places she stays in and the food sheeats on the Internet with tens of thousands of followers.可知她在互联网上与数以万计的追随者分享她到过的地方和她吃过的食物.所以她是在网上分享她的照片,故选A.

点评 本文是科教类阅读,主要考查细节理解题和推理判断题.在做细节理解题时,首先根据题目要求迅速在文章里找出相应的段落、句子或短语.认真比较选项和文中细节的区别,在做推理判断题时不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

14.________ his spare time that his English has improved a lot.(  )
A.So good use does he make ofB.Such good use does he make of
C.He makes very good use ofD.He makes so good use of


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

15.He doesn't like vegetables very much,and _____ fruit,he never touched it.(  )
A.as long asB.as forC.as far asD.as well as


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

12._______ the rising birth rate and immigration,the declining death rate also resulted in the population growth.(  )
A.In addition toB.In terms of
C.In consequence ofD.In spite of


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

19.In the United States alone,over 100 million cell-phones are thrown away each year.Cell-phones are part of a growing mountain of electronic waste like computers and personal digital assistants.The electronic waste stream is increasing three times faster than traditional garbage as a whole.
Electronic devices contain valuable metals such as gold and silver.A Swiss study reported that while the weight of electronic goods represented by precious metals was relatively small in comparison to total waste,the concentration (含量) of gold and other precious metals was higher in So-called e-waste than in naturally occurring minerals.
   Electronic wastes also contain many poisonous metals.Even when the machines are recycled and the harmful metals removed,the recycling process often is carried out in poor countries,in practically uncontrolled ways which allow many poisonous substances to escape into the environment.
Creating products out of raw materials creates much more waste material,up to 100 times more,than the material contained in the finished products.Consider again the cell-phone,and imagine the mines that produced those metals,the factories needed to make the box and packaging(包装) it came in.Many wastes produced in the producing process are harmful as well.
  The U.S.Environmental Protection Agency notes that most waste is dangerous in that"the production,distribution,and use of products-as well as management of the resulting waste-all result in greenhouse gas release."Individuals can reduce their contribution by creating less waste at the start-for instance,buying reusable products and recycling.
  In many countries the concept of extended producer responsibility is being considered or has been put in place as an incentive (动机) for reducing waste.If producers are required to take back packaging they use to sell their products,would they reduce the packaging in the first place
Governments'incentive to require producers to take responsibility for the packaging they produce is usually based on money.Why,they ask,should cities or towns be responsible for paying to deal with the bubble wrap (气泡垫) that encased your television
   From the governments'point of view,a primary goal of laws requiring extended producer responsibility is to transfer both the costs and the physical responsibility of waste management from the government and tax-payers back to the producers.
32.Which does NOT belong to electronic waste?C
A.cell-phones    B.computers    C.television    D.personal digital assistant
33.What's the author's purpose to mention the Swiss study?C.
A.the weight of e-goods is rather small
B.natural minerals contain more precious metals
C.E-waste deserves to be made good use of
D.the percentage of precious metals is heavy in e-waste
34.The responsibility of e-waste treatment should be extendedD.
A.from producers to governments      
B.from government to individuals
C.from individuals to distributors      
D.from governments to producers
35.What does the passage mainly talk aboutB
A.how to increase e-waste.
B.how to manage e-waste.
C.what's the result of e-waste.
D.how serious the e-waste is.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

Dear Peter,
I'm glad to receive your letter asking for my advice on how to learn Chinese well.

                                                                Best wishes,
                                                                    L i Hua.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

If you cheat in the exam,you will nevergetawaywithit.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

13.As shocking as the idea of baby birds growing up in a cigarette-filled home sounds,a new study suggests that some birds may benefit from putting the stuff from cigarette butts (烟蒂) into their nests.The nicotine remaining in smoked filters (滤嘴) may serve as a natural insecticide (杀虫剂),driving harmful insects away from the nests and the baby birds living within.Tobacco plants produce nicotine because it defends against insects that would otherwise eat the plants.
The butts are undoubtedly smelly.But birds are actually quite fond of smelly chemicals,such as those found in aromatic (芳香的) plants.Some nest-building species regularly fill their nests with fresh aromatics,possibly because the chemicals are good for the immune system or the development of the chicks.Alternatively,the plant chemicals might act as insecticides.
In the study,researchers at the Autonomous University of Tlaxcala in Mexico set up heat traps,which attract harmful insects,in 55nests around Mexico City.Some traps were lined with the stuff in smoked cigarette filters.The others were lined with the stuff from unsmoked cigarette filters,which did not contain nicotine and other smoking by-products.Whether the nest held eggs,chicks or nothing,the unsmoked cigarette traps collected more harmful insects,suggesting that it is the chemicals that drove harmful insects away.
In a second experiment,the researchers collected 28house sparrow nests and 29house finch (朱雀) nests from Mexico City immediately after the chicks flew out for food.They found that the more smoked filter stuff filled a nest,the fewer harmful insects it had.
The missing piece of the puzzle is whether the reduced number of harmful insects in the nests actually provided any benefit to the chicks.It is also unclear if nicotine or another chemical found in cigarettes may have turned the harmful insects out of the nests.
If the results hold,then this study is an example of wildlife adaptation to urbanization-or at least evidence that birds are smart and can still follow their noses in urban environments.
67.What may be the function of nicotine in cigarette butts for birds?B
A.To provide building materials for bird nests.
B.To drive harmful insects away from bird nests.
C.To protect the plants from being eaten by insects.
D.To attract baby birds to stay in the nests.
68.What is the first experiment aimed at?D
A.Proving that heat traps attract harmful insects in Mexico City.
B.Comparing smoked cigarette filters with unsmoked ones.
C.Analyzing what is produced from smoked cigarette filters.
D.Studying what it is that drives harmful insects away.
69.What can you infer from the passage?C
A.Birds tend to use insecticide to protect the baby birds.
B.Nicotine is the only chemical that drives harmful insects away.
C.Some insects are afraid of smelly chemicals in aromatic plants.
D.Unsmoked cigarette traps attract more harmful insects.
70.Where could you possibly see the passage?A
A.In a science report      
B.In an urbanization essay
C.In a tobacco advertisement   
D.In an anti-smoking brochure.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

14.I insistthat you (should) not give up/on your not giving up(你不应放弃)this chance because I don't think you can find another one like it.(give)

