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18.He made a publicapology(道歉) for the team's bad performance.

分析 他为球队糟糕的表现公开道歉.

解答 答案:apology

点评 翻译题在解题是首先要确定好句子的时态,然后要把握好短语表达,最后要注意句子结构.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

9.--My daughter has been studying English for some years.But I find it is very difficult for her to speak.
--About five years.
--She takes her English lessons at school.
--Yes,I see…,I always think that learning a language is rather like learning to drive.Now,you need a lot of practice.(63)C
--Yes,I understand the problem.But even if you live in the country where the language is spoken,you have to reach a certain standard before you are able to have conversations with the natives(64)B.
--Well,again,she needs practice in listening to the language spoken by native speakers.There are many English speakers in Chengdu.She could go up to them and talk with them.Then her English listening comprehension will be greatly improved.
--My pleasure.
A.I'm so grateful that you can help me with my English.
B.And I find her listening comprehension is poor.
C.That's all very well if you live in the country where they speak English but she lives here in China.
D.Yes,how exactly?Teaching herself,learning a book,or…?
E.How long has she been at school?
F.Thank you for your suggestion!
G.Yes,it is a problem.How long has your daughter been studying English?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

9.While taking pictures of a curious five-month-old fox,photographer Simbn Czapp soon realized his subject had quite an interest in photography herself.The clever fox was so curious about the camera equipment that she climbed it on top of it.And while she was supposed to be the subject of the shoot,the fox stood on the shutter release button (快门按钮)and took her own frames.
Mr Czapp visited the New Forest Wildlife Park to capture images of new arrival Jessie.She has been at the animal park in Ashjurst,Hampshire-home to wolves,deer and other animals in 25 acres of ancient woodland-after being abandoned by her mother.
Mr Czapp said,"Jessie was very playful and curious and not at all camera shy.Soon after I arrived she was chewing my shoes and everything seemed to be a game to her.Then she started exploring the camera I had set up on a tripod (三脚架).She stood on her back legs to look at the back of the camera.She balanced her front paws on it and at one point knocked it over."
He put the camera back on the tripod and Jessie soon jumped back up.At one point she had all four paws on the camera and was keeping her balance.Mr Czapp added,"She jumped up there several times and I realized it could make a good picture.As I was leaving with the public's viewing window behind me,I thought I heard the camera go off but didn't think much of it.But when I checked the memory card afterwards,I was amazed to see Jessie had actually taken two pictures of me photographing her.I couldn't believe a fox had gained an advantage over me!Jessie is a lovely little fox.There were some lovely photos of her but she obviously thought the photographer was worthy of a picture too!,
44.The underlined word"frames"in Paragraph 1 probably means"B".
A.photographers    B.pictures        C.buttons        D.advantages.
45.What do we know about Jessie from the passage?C
A.She arrived at the park five months ago.
B.She lives at the park together with some wolves.
C.She was sent to the park because her mother left her.
D.She loved the life in the park so much that she left her mother,
46.What is the RIGHT time order of the following steps in Jessie taking a photo?A
a.Jessie pressed the shutter release button.
b.Mr Czapp left the camera to take a photo.
c.Jessie climbed onto the camera and balanced herself.
d.Mr Czapp set up his camera on a tripod.
e.Jseeie stood up to look at the back of the camera.
A.d,e,c,b,a    B.a,b,c,d,e    C.c,b,e,a,d      D.d,e,b,c,a
47.From the passage we can infer thatC.
A.sometimes foxes are better at photographing than men
B.some foxes are more friendly than humans
C.Mr Czapp felt ashamed that the fox gained an advantage over him
D.Mr Czapp and Jessie took photos for each other.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

6.motto(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

13.He rrarely(极少) catches a cold as he takes regular exercise.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

3.Up to now,we haveorganized(组织) three group evenings and a concert.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

10.You can't complain of being lonely          you don't make an effort to meet people and make friends with them.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

9.We used to _____ contact with each other by writing but now we've got used to ______ online.(  )
A.keeping in; chattingB.keep in; chatting
C.keeping in; chatD.keep in; chat


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

10.From the health point of view we are living in an amazing age.We are free from many of the most dangerous diseases.A large number of once deadly illnesses can now be cured by modem medicine.It is almost certain that one clay medicines will be found for the most stubborn remaining diseases,The expectation of life has increased greatly.But though the possibility of living a long and happy life is greater than ever before,every day we witness the unbelievable killing of men,women and children on the roads.Man vs the motor-cart It is a never-ending battle which man is losing.Thousands of people the world over are killed or horribly killed each year and we are quietly sitting back and letting it happen.
It has been rightly said that when a man is sitting behind a steering wheel (方向盘),his car becomes the extension of his personality.There is no doubt that the motor-car often brings out a man's very worst qualities.People who are normally quiet and pleasant may become unrecognizable when they are behind a steering-wheel They say,they are ill-mannered and aggressive,willful as two-year-olds and completely selfish.All their hidden angers and disappointments seem to be brought to die surface by the act of driving.
The surprising thing is that society smiles so gently on the motorist and seems to forgive his behavior.Everything is done for his convenience.Cities are allowed to become almost uninhabitable because of heavy traffic; towns are made ugly by huge car parks; the countryside is ruined by road networks; and the deaths become nothing more than a number every year,to be easily forgotten.
It is high time a world rule was created to reduce this senseless waste of human life.With regard to driving,the laws of some countries are unbelievably lax (不严格) and even the strictest are not strict enough.A rule which was universally accepted could only have an obviously beneficial effect on the accident rate.Here are a few examples of some of the things that might be done.The driving test should be standardized and made far more difficult than it is; all the drivers should be made to take a test every three years or so; the age at which young people are allowed to drive any vehicle should be raised to at least 21; all vehicles should tie put through strict tests for safety each year.Even the smallest amount of alcohol in the blood can damage a person's driving ability.Present drinking and driving laws ( where they exist) should be nude much stricter.Speed limits should be required on all roads.Governments should lay down safety specifications for car factories,as has been done in the USA.All advertising stressing power and performance should be banned.These measures may not sound good enough.But surely nothing should be considered as too severe if it results in reducing the number of deaths.After all,the world is for human beings,not motor-cars.

45.What is the main idea of this passage?D
A.Traffic accidents are mainly caused by motorists.
B.Thousands of people the world over are killed each year.
C.The laws of some countries about driving are too lax.
D.Only stricter traffic laws can prevent accidents.
46.What does the author think of society toward motorists?D
A.Society laughs at the motorists.
B.Huge car parks are built in the cities and towns.
C.Victims of accidents are nothing.
D.Society forgives their rude driving.
47.What does the author mean by saying"his car becomes the extension of his personality"in paragraph 2?A
A.Driving can show his hidden qualities.
B.Driving can show the other part of his personality.
C.Driving can bring out his character.
D.Driving can represent his manners.
48.Which of the followings is NOT mentioned as a way against traffic accidents?A
A.Build more highways.
B.Stricter driving tests.
C.Test drivers every three years.
D.Raise age limit and lay down safety specifications.
49.The author's attitude towards the traffic situation isB.
A.positive  B.unsatisfied   C.appealing   D.unclear.

