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  My father often works very hard. And he has 6       to see a film. Here I’ll tell you 7      about him.

One afternoon,when he finished his work and 8       go home,he found a film ticket under the 9       on his desk. He thought he 10       to have not much work to do that day and 11       was quite wonderful to pass the 12       at the cinema. So he came back home and 13       finished his supper. Then he said 14       to us and left.

But to our 15      ,he came back about half an hour later. I 16       him what was the matter. He smiled and told us about 17       funny thing that had happened at the cinema. When my father was sitting in his 18      ,a woman came to my father’s and said that the seat was 19       My father was surprised. He took out the ticket 20       looked at it carefully. It was Row 17, 21       . And then he looked at the seat. It was the same. So he asked her 22       her ticket. She took out the ticket at once and the seat shown in it was Row 17,Seat 3.

23      ? What’s the matter with all this? While they were wondering,suddenly the woman said, “The 24       of the tickets are different. ” So they looked at the ticket more carefully. After a while,my father said, “Oh,25      ,I made a mistake. My ticket is for the film a month ago. Take this seat,please. ” With these words,he left the cinema.

6.  A. little money   B. much money

   C.  little time   D. much time

7. A.  a funny story   B. a good story

   C.  an old story   D. a strange story

8.  A. was to   B. was about to

   C.  had to   D. ought

9. A.  box   B. book

   C.  glass   D. paper

10. A.  happened   B. liked

   C.  pretended   D. wanted

11. A.  it   B. this

   C.  that   D. which

12. A.  morning   B. afternoon

   C.  day   D. evening

13. A.  early   B. quietly

   C.  quickly   D. suddenly

14. A.  hello   B. goodbye

   C.  good evening   D. good night

15. A.  disappointment   B. joy

   C.  sorrow   D. surprise

16. A.  asked   B. explained

   C.  told   D. wanted

17. A.  a   B. one

   C.  some   D. the

18. A.  office   B. seat

   C.  bed   D. desk

19. A.  hers   B. his

   C.  her   D. wrong

20. A.  and   B. but

   C.  or   D. so

21. A.  Seat 1   B. Seat 2

   C.  Seat 3   D. Seat 4

22. A.  to bring   B. to get

   C.  to see   D. to show

23. A.  Why   B. How

   C.  When   D. Where

24. A.  designs   B. colours

   C.  prices   D. owners

25. A.  I’m sad   B. I’m sorry

   C.  I’m wrong   D. I’m worried

6. C根据前一句可知,此句应为“他很少有时间去看电 影”,故选C。

7. A通读全文可看出这是一件可笑的事情,故选A。

8. B父亲下午下班,正要打算回家。be about to do正要 做某事。

9. C如果电影票在箱子、书或纸的下面,就很难被发现,故 选C。

10. A平时工作很忙,那天碰巧有时间,故选A。

11. A

12. D下午下班后的时间应是晚上,故选D。

13. C下午下班回到家再吃饭,时间显然不充裕,故快速地 吃饭。

14. B从家里出去看电影,向家人告别,故选B。

15. D电影不可能这么快就结束,所以“我们”感到吃惊。 选D。

16. A因为吃惊,我问他是怎么回事,选A。

17. D

18. B

19. A

20. A and连接两个先后的动作,故选A。

21. C 由下文“…Row 17, Seat 3.”可知选C。

22. D因为父亲确信他没有错,所以他让那位女士拿出票 让他看一看是否是她错了,故选D。

23. A出现两张同是Row 17, Seat 3的票,父亲很疑惑,故 选A0

24. B两张票座位号相同,只是颜色不同,故选B。电影院 是以票的颜色的不同来方便检查日期的。

25. B因为父亲出了错,故向那位女士道歉,选B。

题目来源:2015全品作业本高中英语必修2新课标外研版 > 单元检测(六)


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3.        (light-heart and optimism) , she is the sort of woman who spreads sunshine to people through her smile.


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1. A Reading Practice s     is added to each unit in Book Two.


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2.The hotel offers its guests a wide v      of amusements.


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9.She spoke English with a slights Irish     (口音) .


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7.The Eiffel Tower is one of the most famous      (structure) in the world.


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7.It is      (标准的) practice for the school to inform the parents whenever a child is punished.

