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7.The headmaster told us         football in the teaching building.(  )
A.not to playB.to not playC.not playingD.not played

分析 班主任告知我们不要在教学楼里踢足球.

解答 答案是A.本题考查动词tell后接宾语补足语的用法.tell后接动词不定式做宾语补足语,即tell sb.to do sth.;动词不定式的否定式在to do前直接加not,所以它的否定结构是tell sb.not to do,答案选择A.

点评 首先判断选项中的动词在句中是以谓语还是非谓语形式出现;然后根据选项在句中的功能结合非谓语的基本用法做出合理的判断.要积累常见非谓语动词的搭配和句型.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:信息匹配

-Where are you going,madam?
-Battery Park,please.But can you make a stop at Union Square?(66)F.
-Of course.
-How long will it take to go there?
-Well,that depends on the traffic,you know.(67)D
-Can you make it in fifteen minutes?(68)C
-OK,I'll try.Where exactly is your friend waiting at that place?
-On 14th Street.Oh,we're already at 16th Street.(69)G
-Oh,you've got it.
-I think she's around here.(70)B Ah,there she is!Just in front of the bookshop.Sally!
A.Oh,my God.
B.Can you slow down?
C.I'm already ten minutes late.
D.It's pretty heavy this afternoon.
E.I'm going to buy some books there.
F.I want to pick up my friend there.
G.Can you make a left at the next corner?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

18.While the rest of his family was happily feasting during Spring Festival,Zu Xinming,a Senior 2student in Shaanxi province,was frowning."Every time my relatives leave after dinner,almost half of the dishes are unfinished,"he said,and we throw away a lot of food.
Nowadays in China,food waste is a widespread problem.Each year,Chinese people throw away the equivalent (相等的量) of about 50million tons of grain,an amount which could feed 200million people,according to Xinhua News Agency.
One reason is that people are unaware of the issue.
"Some of my friends don't care at all when they can't finish the food on their plates,"said Zu,"and they even throw it away if they don't like the taste."
Gong Tao,an official from the Communist Youth League of China Committee of Central South University in Hunan province,is worried about the decreasing awareness of food waste on his campus in recent years.
"Students don't know how much hard work others go through in order to provide their food,"Gao told China Education Daily.
One deeper factor is the Chinese cultural value of"face".In a Chinese banquet (宴会) setting,the host feels great shame when guests'plates are empty."Serving lots of food is the Chinese way of showing respect to guests and displaying generosity,"Yu Changjiang,a sociologist at Peking University,told Xinhua.
Huge public spending on government banquets is also worsening the situation.Government banquets at the taxpayer's expense (纳税人承担费用) have become"a major source of waste",commented People's Daily.
The good news is that people are already beginning to take action.On Jan 16,10restaurants with 749outlets (店) in Beijing joined an"eating up"campaign promoted by Xu Xiake,deputy director of China Land and Resources News.These restaurants have begun serving half-sized meals and small dishes.
So,how can you help reduce food waste?Discuss with your family regularly about your food preferences and how much you want to eat.Eat all of the food on your plate and in your bowl.And each week,help your parents clean the fridge so that all of the food gets eaten before it goes to waste.
56.According to the passage,which of the following is true?D
A.The"eating up"campaign was first promoted by 10restaurants.
B.Eat less so there will be less food wasted in the country.
C.Students all understand well the hard work in producing food.
D.In Chinese culture,people show their welcome by serving lots of food.
57.The underlined word"frown"is most probably to showC.
A.satisfaction        B.Anger      C.dissatisfaction      D.surprise
58.The passage is meant to tell the readersA.
A.everybody should do his bit to help reduce waste
B.everybody must join in the"eating-up"campaign
C.Chinese way of showing generosity is a waste of food
D.some restaurants have begun to serve half-sized meals
59.How many reasons are mentioned in the passage for the food waste problem in China?C
A.5             B.2               C.3               D.4
60.Where is the passage most probably taken from?B
A.Textbook        B.Newspaper          C.Magazine          D.Guidebook.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

Their opinionsconflicted with each other on this matter.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

2.For medical students,real experience begins not in a classroom but at a teaching hospital.These doctors in training are guided.But sometimes accidents happen and the students get injured.
For example,they might stick themselves with a needle while treating patients.Such needle sticks are common.But a recent study found that medical students often fail to report them.Failing to report an injury like this can be dangerous if a patient,or a medical worker,has an infectious disease.
Researchers at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore,Maryland,did the study,which involved a survey answered by almost 700 surgeons in training in the United States.
Almost 60% said they had suffered needle stick injuries when they were in medical school.Many said they were stuck more than once.Yet nearly half of those whose most recent incident happened in school did not report it to a health office.If they had,they would have been tested to see if they needed treatment to prevent an infection like HIV or hepatitis.
Most known cases of HIV or hepatitis are reported,but other possible infections often are not.Martin Makary,the lead author of the study,says medical students who are stuck put themselves and others in danger from infectious diseases.
Doctor Makary said,"A needle that goes through the skin needs to be as sharp as possible."Doctors in training may have to do hundreds of stitches (缝线) in some cases to close the skin after an operation.
Doctor Makary said,"I support using blunt tip needles which are considered safer.This needle is still sharp enough to go through body tissue,but it does have a blunt tip,so that if it accidentally goes into my finger,it's much less likely to hurt me."
How common are needle sticks among health care workers?An estimated 600,000 to 800,000 of these and similar injuries are reported each year in the United States.But Doctor Makary says the real number may be much higher.
The study advises doctors to protect their hands by wearing two sets of gloves.It also urges hospitals to establish a special telephone number for medical workers and students to call if they are injured.The idea is for hospitals to send a clear message that there is no reason not to report this kind of accident.
41.It is dangerous for medical students not to report needle stick injuries becauseC.
A.they don't know how to treat themselves.
B.they may meet more needle sticks
C.it may cause some diseases               
D.it may make patients sad.
42.If they report needle stick injuries,medical students willD.
A.receive treatment                
B.be forbidden to use sharp needles
C.spend more time on training        
D.receive tests
43.The underlined word"blunt"in Paragraph 7 is the closest in meaning to"A".
A.not sharp           B.not safe           C.not long        D.not thick
44.What do we know from the passage?D
A.Doctors who don't report needle stick injuries will be punished.
B.Needle sticks among health care workers will reduce sharply in the future.
C.Most needle stick injuries happen in the United States.
D.Two suggestions are given to protect medical workers and students.
45.Where can this passage most probably be found?B
A.In an entertainment magazine               
B.In a science magazine 
C.In a storybook                          
D.In science fiction.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

19.The site of the ancient Loulan Kingdom has recently attracted a lot of the  world's attention.The kingdom in western China was buried by sand during the  fourth century and disappeared from historical records until it was rediscovered.early nineteenth century by Sven Herdin,a famous Swedish explorer,on the  western bank of Lop Nur Lake.
During the century following the ancient site's discovery,explorers,historians and archeologists(考古学家),from both abroad and China,came to visit  the site.A Loulan  craze(狂热)has begun ln the wake of growth in Xinjiang's tourism over the past few years.
Covering an area of about 100,000square meters,the ancient Loulan city was surrounded by a vast area of splendor(壮观).Inside,there are sites full of  ruins of offices  residential houses as well as Buddhas and teples.ruins of offices,residential houses,as well as Buddhist pagodas and    temples Outside the centre of  the city,there are dried up river-up river tunnels and all kinds of  poplar (白杨) woods.Large quantities of coins,jewelry,and wooden and paper documents are included in the archaeologist finds of the city.
A.well-preserved female mummy with Caucasian (高加索人) features found  at the site was named"Lodlan Beauty"by scholars.Much research has been  done on the origin,deyelopment and fall of ancient Loulan over the past century.
Today,archaeologists and historians worldwide are still working hard to  resolve the mystery of this ancient kingdom.And,without doubt,the ruined  city of the Loulan  Kingdom is also a great place for tourists interested in both  history and adventure.
36.How long was the Loulan Kingdom buried under sand before it was rediscovered?B
A.Less than l,000years.B.About l,500years.
C.More than l,800years.D.More than 2,000years.
37.That many people come to visit the Loulan Kingdom has led to theC
A.pollution of the environment in this area
B.measures of environmental protection in Xinjiang
C.growth of tourism in this area
D.craze of tourism in China
38.What can we infer from the Dassatle?D
A.Many offices and houses still existinside the city.
B.Archaeologists found some rivers outside the city center.
C.Archaeologists and historians will find the mystery of the ancient city.
D.The people in ancient Loulan city used to believe in the Buddhism.
39.Archaeologists found all the following things in the ancient Loulan city EXCEPTA.
A.paper money                          B.jewelry
C.wealth                               D.wooden documents
40.The passage is mairilyA.
A.an introduction to a lost city as a place of interest
B.about how the ancient Loulan city was found
C.about how the ancient Loulan city attracts people throughout the world
D.how archaeologists do research to resolve the mystery of an ancient kingdom.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

16.She asked mewhether/if I had seen her book the night before.(see)


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

17.The doctor suggested he(should)not smoke(not smoke) any longer.

