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  Roy wasn't the only one to receive his call-up(入伍)papers.Stephen Napier's call-up came at the beginning of February and he was pleased to find that he would be going into the Royal Air Force(RAF).

  His father was not so pleased and made his feelings known as he and Stephen were on their daily walk.It was the first step in his plans for Stephen to take over the estate(地产)when the time came, and although Stephen was well aware of this, he could think of no reason not to accompany him.

  “Thought you’d forgotten that nonsense.Still, I dare say I could pull a few strings to get you to the Army…”

  “No, Father! I have told you I want to learn to fly.What chance would I have to do that in the Army? I'd be better off in the Navy-at least they've got the Fleet Air Arm.But I have been put in the RAF and that's where I want to be, so let’s leave it at that.” His face went red.Sent to his father's school and then to Cambridge, much to his satisfaction, he had never had to defend his own desires and his father was a hard man to oppose.

  The father glared at Stephen, “No, I won't leave it at that.I want to know what other ridiculous ideas are in your head.For a start, what’s all this about America?”


  “Yes.All those books I saw in your room the other day.Brochures about emigration(移民).”

  The big, silvered head lowered, like that of a bull about to charge.“Don’t trouble to deny it.”

  “I won’t, Father.Some men at Cambridge have been talking about it.They want people like us here, mathematicians and scientists, for all kinds of research-the sort of research I could do.It would be a worthwhile life for me.”

  The father responded exactly as his son had known he would.You've got a worthwhile life here! You’ve got an estate to run! ”

  “No, Father.You’ve got an estate to run.I never asked for it.Why not ask Baden to do this stuff? He perhaps can make a good job of it, but I…”

  “If he were here, I might think about this silly idea of yours-only think about it, mind you but…”


If Father wanted Stephen to take over the estate, the first thing he did would ________.

[  ]


take a walk with Stephen as usual


wait till his son graduated from Cambridge


persuade Stephen not to go into RAF


send Stephen to the Army instead of RAF


Which statement is NOT true according to the passage?

[  ]


Stephen preferred to go into the Navy rather than the Army.


Stephen also received his call-up papers as Roy.


The father didn't like Stephen's idea of going to America.


Stephen was eventually forced to stay to run the estate.


After reading this passage, we can infer that ________.

[  ]


Stephen had never had to defend his desires before


Baden might be one of Stephen's family members


Stephen wanted to fly in RAF and become a pilot in America


if somebody took over the estate, Stephen could realize his dream


What do we learn from the underlined sentence?

[  ]


It looked as if the father was angry when mentioning the brochures.


The father was very angry and wanted to beat his son Stephen.


Stephen was annoyed when his father referred to the brochures.


A big red bull was about to charge at Stephen.


Which would be the best title for this passage?

[  ]


RAF-a better choice than the Army


A talk between Father and Son


The dreams of a Cambridge student


Conflict between Father and Son


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:053

阅读理解 The Roy Derby Show

  RDGood evening,lades and gentlemen.I’m Roy Derby,and this is my show.This is a television show for all the family,and I know you’re going to enjoy it.

  Let’t start with a story I heard the other day,about a very proud pig.This pig lived on a farm with a lot of other animals,and of all the animals on the farm,he thought he was the most important.But it was not enough that he himself thought this,he had to be sure that the other animals thought it,too.So he went up to one of the chickens and said:”Who is the most important animal on this farm?”Straight away,the chicken answered:“You are,master.”Then he asked one of the farm dogs,and he received the same reply.

  Next he asked a cow.When the cow seemed uncertain of the right answer,the pig looked angry,and showed his teeth.“Oh,you are of course,master pig,”said the cow.“Of course,”said the pig, “There is no doubt about it.”

  At last the pig asked a big horse. “Who is the most important animal on this farm?” the horse lifted one foot,rolled the pig over,and placed his foot on the pig’s head. “All right”said the pig, “You don’t have to do that,just because you don’t know the answer.”

1The Roy Derby Show is ______ .

[    ]

Aa funny story about a pig.

Bfor ladies and gentlemen only.

Ca show about life on the farm.

Da family show on the television.

2When he put his question to the chicken,the chicken ______ .

[    ]

Agave him the answer that he wanted

Bwent up to him and answer him

Csaid that the master was more important

Dsaid that the pig was as important as the chicken.

3The dog ______ .

[    ]

Aanswered in the same way as the chicken.

Bdid not understood the question

Casked the very same question as the pig

Dreceived the same reply as the chicken

4The pig was angry with the cow because ______ .

[    ]

Athe cow showed her teeth

Bthe cow did not give the right answer straight away

Cthe cow gave him the wrong answer

Dthe pig had to tell the cow the right answer

5When the horse put his foot on the pig’s head ______ .

[    ]

Athe pig could not ask his question

Bthe horse hurt the pig to show that he was more important

Cthe pig knew that the horse was more important than he was

Dthe horse showed the pig what he thought of him


科目:高中英语 来源:101网校同步练习 高一英语 人教社(新课标B 2004年初审通过) 人教实验版 题型:050


  Everyone has good days and bad days.

  Sometimes, you feel as if you are on top of the world.But occasionally you feel horrible, and you lose things and you cannot focus on your schoolwork.

  For more than 20 years, scientists have suggested that high self-esteem(自尊)is the key to success.Now, new research shows that focusing just on building self-esteem may not be helpful.In some cases, having high self-esteem can bring bad results if it makes you less likeable or more upset when you fail at something.

  “Forget about self-esteem,” says Jennifer Crocker, a psychologist(心理学家)at the University of Michigan, US.“It’s not the important thing.”

  Feeling good

  Crocker’s advice may sound a bit strange because it is good to feel good about yourself.

  Studies show that people with high self-esteem are less likely to be depressed, anxious, shy, or lonely than those with low self-esteem.

  But, after reviewing about 18,000 studies on self-esteem, Roy Baumeister, a psychologist at Florida State University, has found that building up your self-esteem will not necessarily make you a better person

  He believes that violent and wicked(邪恶的)people often have the high self-esteem of all.He also said:“There’s no evidence that kids with high self-esteem do better in school.”


  All types of people have problems.People with high self-esteem can have big egos(自我)that can make them less likeable to their peers(同龄人), said Kathleen Vohs, a psychology professor at Columbia University.

  People with high self-esteem tend to think more of themselves, Vohs says.People with low self-esteem are more likely to rely on their friends when they need help.

  What to do

  Researchers say it is best to listen to and support other people.Find positive ways to contribute to society.If you fail at something try to learn from the experience.“The best therapy is to recognize your faults,” Vohs says, “It’s OK to say, ‘I’m not so good at that,’ and then move on.”


The new research comes to the conclusion that high self-esteem ________.

[  ]


is not important at all


has taken on a different meaning


may not be the key to success


does not help you do better at school


One of the conclusions of the new research is that ________.

[  ]


feeling good about oneself doesn’t mean you lead a happier life


people with high esteem usually do not seek other’s help


people with high self-esteem tend to be proud


people with low self-esteem are often more popular


The underlined part “a better person” in the passage probably means a person who is ________.

[  ]


helpful and supportive


gentle and modest


likeable and successful


friendly and kind


From the text, we can infer the best therapy mentioned in the last paragraph is mainly for people ________.

[  ]


with high self-esteem


with low self-esteem


of all kinds


who are focusing on building self-esteem


科目:高中英语 来源:四川南山中学2011届高三入学考试英语试题 题型:050


  Read the following reviews for movies that are showing at the moment.And then answer questions.


  Happiness tells the story of two people(Lisa Turbot and Danny Roy)who work for different advertising companies.They talk on the phone all the time and don't like each other.But then they correspond by email and fall in love.This movie will be very popular with teenagers and people who like romances.It also has beautiful music.

I Scream(Thriller)★★

  In I Scream, Paul(Colin Jacks)is a young man who joins a thriller club.Each of the members tries to frighten the others.Paul is told to stay in an old house for the night.This movie is very frightening but also quite silly.It doesn't make sense for Paul to stay m the house when things start to go wrong.Only for people who like thrillers.

Paul's Heroes(Comedy)★★★

  This is a very funny war movie set in World War Two.Six soldiers(including Sammy Turblow)have to get to Italy to take secret messages to the American army there.During the movie, they dress up as women and fight with Italian workers.You can guess the ending, but it's great fun getting there.


  This is a very good drama with Jack Ross, who pays a hard-working truck driver.His wife becomes ill and he has to find a doctor who can help her.m his travels he meets Dr.Lloyd(Phil Driver)who has found the cure for the illness, but Jack Ross has only twelve hours to get the medicine back to his wife on the other side of America.This is an excellent movie, which is very exciting.


Which of the four movies is the least popular with people?

[  ]


The 1st one.


The 2nd one.


The 3nd one.


The 4th one.


The underlined word“correspond”can be replaced by ________.

[  ]










A thriller is most probably a film which tells something ________.

[  ]










Which of the following is the best title for the fourth film?

[  ]


A Hard-working Truck Driver




A Strange Illness


Twelve Hours

