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  My eighth grade consisted of 28 classmates. We knew each other so well that most of us could distinguish each other's handwriting at a glance. Although we grew up together,we still had class outcasts. From second grade on,a small group started harassing  two or three of the others. I was one of those two or three,though I didn't know why. In most cases when children get picked on,they aren't good at sports or they read too much or they wear the wrong clothes or they are of a different race. But in my class,we all read too much and didn't know how to play sports. We had also been brought up to carefully respect each other's race. This is what was so strange about my situation. Usually,people are made outcasts because they are in some way different from the larger group. But in my class,large differences did not exist. It was as if the outcasts were invented by the group out of a need for them.

  The harassment came in the form of laughter when I talked,and rolled eyes when I turned around. If I was out on the playground and approached a group of people,they often fell silent. Sometimes,someone would not see me coming and I would catch the tail end of a joke at my expense.

  There was another girl in our class who was perhaps even more rejected than I. She provided the group with a lot of material for jokes. One day one popular girl came up to me to show me something she said I wouldn't want to miss. We walked to a corner of the playground. Three or four girls there were reading aloud from a small book,which I was told was the girl's diary.

  I sat down and,laughing till my sides hurt,heard my voice finally mixed with the others. Often being accepted by others is more satisfying than being accepted by oneself,even though the satisfaction does not last. Looking back,I wonder how I could have participated in making fun of this girl when I knew perfectly well how it felt. If I were in that situation today I would react differently,but I can't honestly be sure. 

(   ) 1. The author was made an outcast because         .

   A. she couldn't play sports as well as others

   B. her family belonged to a minority group

   C. her classmates found her clothes funny

   D. her classmates needed to find an outcast

(   ) 2. How was the author treated as an outcast?

   A. She was often the target of teasing.

   B. No one responded to her talking.

   C. She was refused to approach others.

   D. Her diary was often made public.

(   ) 3. What did the author do to the girl mentioned in Paragraph 3?

   A. She showed great sympathy with the girl.

   B. She joined others in making fun of the girl.

   C. She stopped the others from hurting the girl.

   D. She found more materials about the girl for jokes.

(   ) 4. What does the passage intend to tell us?

   A. Everyone is likely to become an outcast.

   B. We shouldn't hit a person when he is down.

   C. One should pay somebody back in his own way.

   D. Everyone has a desire to be accepted by others.

1. D细节理解题。由文中第1段It was as if the outcasts were invented by the group out of a need for them.可知正确答案为D项。

2. A细节理解题。由文中第2段可A. 大家常常取笑作者,故答案为A项。


3. B细节理解题。由文中第3段可知,作者加人了这群女孩子,私自读她的日记,故答案为B 项。

4. D推理判断题。由最后一段可知,如今作者反思,如果她再处于这样的处境,或许她的反应有所不同。每一个人都渴望被他人接纳,我们要尊重他人。

A项每个人都有可能被排挤,B 项我们不应该打倒情绪低落的人,C项一个人应用自己的方式报复他人,均不符合原文的描述。

题目来源:高考英语组合训练(完形填空 +阅读理解) > 组合训练11-20


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   Net Library is a library that lends out digital books. It treats a digital like a paperback copy. It charges libraries per book per copy and gives publishers a cut of the total income.

  From the consumer's point of view,this means that if more than five people want the latest Danielle Steel romance novel,other people who request that book will get a message saying the title can't be found.

  It's a model many publishers seem to have embraced. More than 350 publishers gave the company rights to hand out their digital works,and McGraw-Hill Corporation and Houghton Mifflin Corporation have put money in to the company. The California public libraries and about 1,800 others across the US are trying out the Net Library service.

  Some librarians criticize the New Library model. Stanford University librarian Michael Keller argues that the company is creating an unnatural fear of digital works,which is contrary to the ideas of the Internet.

  Keller and some other librarians argue for the ebook vision set forth by E-Brary. E-Brary is starting a service that lets us users read books for free.

  But it will charge about 25 cents a page when a person tries to print out material or copy and paste it into a different file or tries to download copy onto a computer.

  Christopher Warnock,chief executive of E-Brary,believes most consumers won't want to buy entire books,only the parts that interest them.

  "There's not really a lot of good in owning an electronic file and having to store it and manage it. It doesn't make sense," he said.

(   ) 1. How do publishers get money from the Net Library?

   A. They get money by cutting the cost of the books.

   B. They share the money with the Net Library.

   C. They get the money from the readers.

   D. They get money from selling their books to the Net Library.

(   ) 2. The underlined word "embraced" in the 3rd paragraph means         .

   A. taken something willingly   B. disliked something badly

   C. tried out something hard   D. held something tightly

(   ) 3. From the 2nd paragraph we can see consumers         .

   A. don't like other people borrowing books

   B. don't care if they are charged money

   C. enjoy the service of the Net Library

   D. complain about the limited number of the new books

(   ) 4. What does the last paragraph mean?

   A. E-Brary is not a good library for the consumers.

   B. There is no need for consumers to have a whole book.

   C. Net Library is not a good way for the consumers.

   D. It's reasonable to charge the consumers money for copying some pages.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

 No one ever saw the Mute Singer at night. Nobody even knew where he 1        But during the day he could be found at the same place,sitting near the church and playing his 2        while his lips moved silently with the music. Everybody liked the Mute Singer,the peasants as much as the 3        People threw their pennies into the cups of the beggars sitting on the ground asking for help. But not so 4        the Mute Singer. Into his cup,they dropped their pennies 5       . He used the shell of a turtle as a cup. He got much more money than the others,but this did not 6        any of the beggars.

  At the 7        of the day,the beggars crowded around the Mute Singer in front of the church. He took a clean white handkerchief from the pocket of his old coat,and put it 8        on the ground. He made it seem like a(n) 9       ceremony. Then,he put all his 10        on the clean white cloth. He made all the beggars do the same. Then,he gave all the beggars an equal share of the money but 11        nothing for himself. Sadly,he looked around at the beggars 12        with dirt and disease.

  The sun was sinking fast and the peasants had all left the 13        area. The Mute Singer 14        his head and started to pray. The beggars were on their 15        joining him in prayer. Then the Mute Singer began to play his guitar,moving his lips with the music. The beggars sat still and listened. The music cut deep into their 16       . It cut through their years of pain and suffering and 17        of hope. It made them feel 18        again. Many of them cried,and with dried old hands wiped away their tears. I heard a beggar say the Mute Singer was not a human being,but God 19        as a beggar. "If that is true," another answered, "he would not come as a beggar,but as a 20      .”

(   ) 1. A. went   B. slept   C. lived   D. lay

(   ) 2. A. saxophone   B. violin   C. flute   D. guitar

(   ) 3. A. beggars   B. villagers   C. officials   D. children

(   ) 4. A. as   B. to   C. with   D. for

(   ) 5. A. gently   B. rudely   C. proudly   D. meanly

(   ) 6. A. trouble   B. scare   C. puzzle   D. strike

(   ) 7. A. break   B. beginning   C. middle   D. end

(   ) 8. A. directly   B. softly   C. smoothly   D. wildly

(   ) 9. A. serious   B. religious   C. exciting   D. encouraging

(   ) 10. A. books   B. food   C. instruments   D. money

(   ) 11. A. shared   B. kept   C. benefited   D. stored

(   ) 12. A. occupied   B. overcome   C. covered   D. filled

(   ) 13. A. begging   B. downtown   C. church   D. working

(   ) 14. A. lowered   B. laid   C. dropped   D. raised

(   ) 15. A. knees   B. hands   C. feet   D. chests

(   ) 16. A. stomachs   B. ears   C. eyes   D. hearts

(   ) 17. A. itch   B. wait   C. gain   D. loss

(   ) 18. A. satisfied   B. alive   C. human   D. rich

(   ) 19. A. served   B. dressed   C. treated   D. pretended

(   ) 20. A. doctor   B. priest   C. teacher   D. musician


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

  Having visited my two children,I left the hospital and headed for the grocery store,truly exhausted. Today I had passed CPR(嬰儿心肺复苏术) exam required before I could take 8-week-old Joel home from the hospital. However,I still worried about performing CPR in a moment of crisis.

  For the past several days,I'd been trying to accept my 6-year-old daughter Jenna's diagnosis,juvenile diabetes (儿童糖尿病) .In addition to the CPR exam,I'd spent the day reviewing how to test Jenna's blood and give her insulin (豉岛素) shots. Now I was buying the food to balance the insulin that would sustain Jenna's life.

  I grabbed my purse,locked the car and went into the store. The first thing I needed to pick up was a grain box,but it had to be "sugar free",so I chose a box of Kellogg's Corn Flakes and continued shopping.

  Eventually,I walked down the canned fruit and juice section looking for apple juice. I wasn't sure how much I would need to keep Jenna's sugar up. I grabbed a couple sixpacks and placed them in my cart. Frustrated by feelings of total inadequacy,I crumpled up (揉铍) my grocery list,and started crying.

  "Honey,are you all right?" a gentle voice asked. Absorbed in my own thoughts,I hadn't even noticed the woman shopping alongside of me. "Honey,are you a little short of cash?" she asked me.

  I slowly dropped my hands from my face and looked into eyes of the silvery haired woman. "I have enough money. I'm here shopping for groceries so that I can bring my children home from the hospital tomorrow. " I said.

"Home from the hospital!What a celebration,you should have a party!”

  This stranger took my grocery list,smoothed it out,and became my personal shopper. She stayed by my side until each item on my list was checked off. Then with a hug and a smile,she sent me on my way.

  While dragging the groceries into my house I realized the lesson this woman had taught me. "My kids are coming home from the hospital!" I shouted with joy. "Joel is off life support. Jenna and I can learn how to manage her diabetes and give her shots properly. " I giggled (唂唂地笑) to myself. "I have a reason to celebrate!"

(   ) 5. Why did the author cry while shopping?

   A. She had no money to buy groceries for her children.

   B. She was so tired that she couldn't continue shopping.

   C. She felt herself unable to meet life's challenges.

   D. With no family to accompany her,she felt extremely lonely.

(   ) 6. Which of the following is true about the author and her family?

   A. Jenna was diagnosed with juvenile diabetes some years ago.

   B. To please Jenna's,she bought a box of Kellogg's Corn Flakes.

   C. Passing the CPR exam,she was totally relieved with nothing to fear.

   D. She feared that she couldn't attend to her children after they came home.

(   ) 7. What did the lady do when she noticed the author was crying?

   A. She provided the author with financial support.

   B. She comforted and inspired the author to think differently.

   C. She gave the author some advice on how to throw a party.

   D. She accompanied the author to do the shopping and drove her home.

(   ) 8. What lesson has the author probably learned from the woman?

   A. Kindness can make a big difference.

   B. Every tear has a smile behind it.

   C. Look at the positive things in life.

   D. Be brave enough to face life's challenges.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

  It was a bitter,cold evening in northern Virginia years ago. An old man was waiting for a ride across the river. The wait seemed endless. His body became stiff from the cold wind.

He heard the faint,steady 1       of approaching hooves (马蹄) coming along the frozen path. 2      ,he watched as several horsemen 3        the bend. He let the first one pass by,then another and another. Finally,the last rider neared the spot where the old man sat like a snow 4       . As this one drew near,the old man 5        the rider's eye and said, "Sir,would you mind giving an old man a 6       to the other side? There appears no passageway by foot."

  Reining (勒住) his horse,the rider replied, "Sure. Hop aboard."Seeing the old man was unable to 7        his halffrozen body from the ground,the horseman got off and helped the old man onto the horse. The horseman took the old man not just across the river,but to his 8       .

  As they neared the cottage,the horseman's 9        caused him to inquire, "Sir,I notice that you let several other riders 10        without making an effort to secure a ride. Then I came up and you 11        asked me for a ride. I'm curious. What if I had 12        and left you there?"

The old man 13        himself slowly down from the horse,looked the rider straight in the eyes,and replied, "I've been around here for some time. I 14       I know people pretty good. " The old man continued, "I looked into the eyes of the other riders and immediately saw there was no 15        for my situation. It would have been 16        even to ask them for a ride. But when I looked into your eyes,kindness and compassion were 17       . I knew,then and there,that your gentle spirit would welcome the opportunity to give me 18        in my time of need."

  Those heartwarming comments 19        the horseman deeply.

  "I'm most grateful for what you have said," he told the old man. "May I never get too 20        in my own affairs that I fail to respond to the needs of others with kindness and compassion."

  With that,Thomas Jefferson turned his horse around and made his way back.

(   ) 1. A. rhythm   B. noise   C. voice   D. singing

(   ) 2. A. Excitedly   B. Anxiously   C. Angrily   D. Desperately

(   ) 3. A. cut   B. rounded   C. traveled   D. repaired

(   ) 4. A. ball   B. wall   C. statue   D. pile

(   ) 5. A. hit   B. attracted   C. cleaned   D. caught

(   ) 6. A. rest   B. ride   C. hand   D. way

(   ) 7. A. raise   B. build   C. expose   D. set

(   ) 8. A. office   B. town   C. place   D. destination

(   ) 9. A. curiosity   B. determination   C. courage   D. confidence

(   ) 10. A. pass by   B. cast away   C. turn around   D. slow down

(   ) 11. A. suddenly   B. occasionally   C. slowly   D. immediately

(   ) 12. A. refused   B. flown   C. escaped   D. remained

(   ) 13. A. put   B. lowered   C. laid   D. supported

(   ) 14. A. admit   B. imagine   C. think   D. hope

(   ) 15. A. warmth   B. kindness   C. concern   D. consideration

(   ) 16. A. useless   B. priceless   C. uninteresting   D. disappointing

(   ) 17. A. hidden   B. evident   C. great   D. strong

(   ) 18. A. money   B. clothes   C. assistance   D. horse

(   ) 19. A. influenced   B. spoilt   C. encouraged   D. touched

(   ) 20. A. lazy   B. tired   C. busy   D. proud


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

  Imagine a people whose language has no word for "marriage" or "husband". Just such a tribe lives in the mountains of southeastern China. Lake Lugu,known as the " Country of Women",is home to the Mosuo. It is one of the few 1        matriarchal (母系的) societies in the world which manage to 2        through thousands of years.

  Mosuo culture goes around women:the women make all the important 3       ,control the family's resources,and pass their 4        onto their children. 5       marrying,a Mosuo woman takes many lovers over her lifetime,and the 6        children will always live with her.

  7       the Mosuo language has a word for "mother",there is 8        word for "father" and Mosuo children 9        all older men as "uncle".

Getting to Lake Lugu isn't easy,which helped the tribe keep their customs and 10       . A generation ago,few outsiders had ever 11        Lake Lugu or the Mosuo.

  But in recent years,word 12       about the value of their culture and the beauty of the lake. These reports attracted travelers and,13       ,this onceisolated paradise seems filled with tourists who've come to see the locals. Along with the visitors 14        stories of the outside world,15       the young to leave home for the 16        in search of new opportunities.

  For better or worse,the unique world of the Mosuo people is 17       . Many of the older Mosuo women 18        the old days,before the outsiders came with their strange clothing and strange 19       . But most agree that change is necessary. And some of the younger Mosuo women are speaking openly about getting 20       a word their grandmothers still don't understand.

(   ) 1. A. lost   B. left   C. remaining   D. imaginable

(   ) 2. A. survive   B. leave   C. prove   D. continue

(   ) 3. A. plans   B. decisions   C. clothes   D. notes

(   ) 4. A. full names   B. middle names   C. nicknames   D. surnames

(   ) 5. A. Rather than   B. Other than   C. More than   D. Better than

(   ) 6. A. intending   B. surviving   C. desiring   D. resulting

(   ) 7. A. Because   B. When   C. Unless   D. While

(   ) 8. A. one   B. some   C. no   D. proper

(   ) 9. A. refer to   B. make for   C. look at   D. turn to

(   ) 10. A. habits   B. culture   C. arts   D. science

(   ) 11. A. thought of   B. speak of   C. heard of   D. admit of

(   ) 12. A. took out   B. broke out   C. went out   D. sent out

(   ) 13. A. at times   B. in no time   C. at a time   D. in time

(   ) 14. A. go   B. take   C. bring   D. come

(   ) 15. A. making   B. forcing   C. attracting   D. advising

(   ) 16. A. villages   B. cities   C. factories   D. schools

(   ) 17. A. changing   B. improving   C. developing   D. remaining

(   ) 18. A. dislike   B. hate   C. enjoy   D. prefer

(   ) 19. A. words   B. styles   C. opinions   D. ideas

(   ) 20. A. paid   B. separated   C. dressed   D. married


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

  The boat was blocked in ice when dawn came. The captain had 1        asleep,so the rest of the crew hurriedly woke him. He took a big axe,and 2       great care,he began to knock the ice so as to 3       a hole in the ice on the deck. From time to time,a wave burst over the boat and swept over him,but he kept working for ten minutes 4        the others looked on 5       . By this time he was so 6        that he could no longer trust whether what he was doing would help.

  Each member of the crew took it in 7        to cut the ice away as long as he could 8        it.

  First,they had to knock off enough ice to get down on their 9       . Standing on that rolling deck meant 10       ,because a man who had fallen into the sea could not have been rescued.

  Then the captain discovered that ice was forming inside the cabin. He called 11        one of the crew and together they managed to get the stove alight,hoping that it would 12        enough heat to warm the cabin above 13        point. Unless the ice in the bottom could be melted enough so that the 14        could be raised,they were in 15       .

  It took an hour's 16        before the boat began to float better. But by this time they had succeeded in 17        most of the ice.

  Throughout the afternoon,the coating of ice began to build up again 18        their work. In the face of this danger,Captain Slater 19        the crew to clear the ice so that the boat would 20        until the next morning. Then they settled down to wait for another day.

(   ) 1. A. gone   B. fallen   C. become   D. grown

(   ) 2. A. at   B. for   C. with   D. by

(   ) 3. A. make   B. drill   C. dig   D. fill

(   ) 4. A. until   B. before   C. after   D. while

(   ) 5. A. excitedly   B. anxiously   C. happily   D. strangely

(   ) 6. A. hungry   B. cold        '   C. tired   D. sleepy

(   ) 7. A. surprise   B. time   C. trouble   D. turn

(   ) 8. A. support   B. help   C. bear   D. make

(   ) 9. A. knees   B. legs   C. feet   D. arms

(   ) 10. A. life   B. pain   C. damage   D. death

(   ) 11. A. to   B. on   C. up   D. at

(   ) 12. A. get out   B. give off   C. get over   D. give in

(   ) 13. A. boiling   B. marking   C. freezing   D. melting

(   ) 14. A. boat   B. deck   C. sail   D. back

(   ) 15. A. ruins   B. excitement   C. danger   D. surprise

(   ) 16. A. delay   B. work   C. break   D. wait

(   ) 17. A. pilling   B. getting   C. greezing   D. removing

(   ) 18. A. thanks to   B. according to   

       C. as a result of   D. in spite of

(   ) 19. A. wished   B. forbad   C. ordered   D. promised

(   ) 20. A. sink   B. appear   C. float   D. flow


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

 Baseball is America's national sport. So it is not unusual that many popular expressions come from baseball. But first,let me explain a little about the game.

Each baseball team has nine players. The pitcher of one team throws the ball to a batter from the other team. The batter attempts to hit the ball. If he misses,it is called a strike. If a batter gets three strikes,he loses his turn at bat and is called out. The batter also is out if he hits the ball in the air and an opposing player catches it. But if the batter hits the ball and it is not caught,the batter tries to run to one or more of the four bases on the field. The batter can run to all four bases if he hits the ball over the fence or out of the ballpark. Such a hit is called a homerun.

  Now,here are some common expressions from baseball. Someone who is "on the ball" is intelligent and able to do a good job. But a person who " threw a curve ball" did something unexpected. Someone who " steps up to the plate" is ready to do his or her job. A "pinch hitter" takes the place of someone else at a job or activity.

  Sometimes I have to give information quickly,without time to think it over. Then I would say something "right off the bat". If someone is doing an extremely good job and is very successful,you might say he or she is " batting one thousand".

  If I say I want to "touch base" with you,I will talk to you from time to time about something we plan to do. I might say I "touched all the bases" if I did what is necessary to complete a job or activity. And if I " covered my bases" I was well prepared. However,someone who is "way off base" did something wrong or maybe even dishonest or immoral. A person with strange ideas might be described as "out in left field".

  Finally,when a situation changes completely,we say "that is a whole new ballgame".

(   ) 1. The text is written mainly         .

   A. to tell baseball is America's national sport

   B. to explain the rules of a sport game

   C. to introduce some useful expressions from sports

   D. to show the connection between expressions and sports

(   ) 2. The passage is the script of a program for         .

   A. sports in America   B. words and their stories

   C. the way to study English   D. the history of idioms

(   ) 3. What does the underlined sentence "The batter also is out" mean?

   A. The batter comes out from his position.

   B. The batter will not continue the game.

   C. The match will be over suddenly.

   D. The batter will change his position.

(   ) 4. Which of the following expressions can show the meaning that someone is ready to something?

   A. Right off the bat.

   B. Throw a curve ball.

   C. Cover his bases.

   D. That is a whole new ballgame.

(   ) 5. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?

   A. The history of baseball.

   B. The rules of baseball.

   C. The connection between baseball and the expressions.

   D. Baseball is popular in America.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

2. It is an experimental lifestyle,Malcolm says,and it was not an easy        to make after the relatively abundant wealth he was accustomed to.

   A. appointment   B. progress   C. adjustment   D. devotion

