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Dear Editor,
I am a hardworking girl and want to be the number one in my class. But in the exams, I always make mistakes that I should have avoided. I really worry about it. What can I do to improve my performance in exams?
Wang Li
Dear Wang Li,
It's good that you know what prevents you achieving satisfying scores in exams.

【答案】Dear Wang Li,
It's good that you know what prevents you achieving satisfying scores in exams. But remember, even the very best can make mistakes sometimes. Therefore, don't put too much pressure on yourself.
Learning from the errors you've made in the past exams is an effective way to avoid making the same mistakes next time. If you have problems you cannot solve, turn to your teacher or classmates for advice.
When you attend the exam, plan how to distribute your time according to the number of questions. Spare a few minutes to review your work in order that you can spot the silly mistakes.
Enjoy the challenge each new exam brings. I believe a good learning habit can eventually help you gain success.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Jennifer Fish, a weather forecaster may soon be replaced by something truly fishier---the shark.

Research by a British biology student suggests that sharks could be used to predict storms.

Laura Smith, 24, is close to completing her study on shark’s ability to sense pressure.

If her studies prove the theory, scientists may be able to monitor the behaviour of sharks to predict bad weather.

Miss Smith had previously studied the behaviour of lemon sharks in the Bahamas.

She then used their close relatives, lesser spotted dogfish (猫鲨), for further research at Aberdeen University.

Her work---thought to be the first of its kind to test the pressure theory---resulted from the observation that juvenile blacktip sharks off Florida moved into deeper water ahead of a violent storm in 2001.

Miss Smith said: “I’ve always been crazy about traveling and diving and this led me to an interest in sharks.”

“I was delighted to have been able to research in the area for my degree. I know there’s so much more we need to understand---but it certainly opens the way to more research.”

It has been discovered that a shark senses pressure using hair cells in its balance system.

At the Bimini Shark Lab in the Bahamas, Miss Smith fixed hi-tech sensors to sharks to record pressure and temperature, while also tracking them using GPS (Global Positioning System) technology.

In Aberdeen, she was able to study the effects of tidal (潮汐的) and temperature changes on dogfish---none of which were harmed. She also used a special lab which can mimic (模拟) oceanic pressure changes caused by weather fronts.

She is due to complete her study and graduate later this year. She says she will be looking for a job which will give her the chance to enrich her experience of shark research.

1The passage is most probably taken from .

A. a short-story collection B. a personal diary

C. a research paper D. a popular science magazine

2What do we learn from the first four paragraphs of the passage?

A. Jennifer Fish is not fit for her job.

B. Sharks’ behaviour can be controlled.

C. Sharks may be used to predict bad weather.

D. Laura Smith will become a weather forecaster.

3Laura Smith conducted her research by .

A. monitoring sharks’ reaction to weather changes

B. measuring the air pressure of weather fronts

C. recording sharks’ body temperature

D. removing hair cells from a shark’s balance system

4What is the passage mainly about?

A. A popular way of forecasting weather.

B. Biologists, interest in the secrets of sharks.

C. A new research effort in predicting storms.

D. Laura Smith’s devotion to scientific research.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Beijing Opera roles require performers to paint1(they) faces in patterns and colours to represent different character types and2(quality).

In Beijing Opera, facial painting can be quite complex. However, in the3(begin), only three colours were used-red, white, and black. Now, many other colours, such4yellow, purple, blue and green, are used for facial painting.

Red is a colour for brave and loyal characters. Guan Yu, a general from the Three Kingdoms Period (AD 220-280), is a good example of this kind of character. He is famous5being very loyal to his emperor, Liu Bei.

White highlights all6is bad in human nature. It7(suggest) dishonesty and betrayal(背叛). One of the typical white-faced characters is Cao Cao, a8(power) and cruel prime minister from the Three Kingdoms Period.

Black face paint is9(usual) used for someone who is fierce and violent. One typical example is General Zhang Fei from the classic novel, The Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

All these different colours are used in Beijing Opera facial painting 10(provide) a clear picture of each character.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:







I love camping. It is my favouritest way to spend the summer vacation. Last year, my families and I went camping in the countryside. It was one of the excited experiences I had never had. We slept in a tent and took a long walk every day. We cooked over a fire and the food always tasted wonderfully. For a whole week, I saw lovely mountain views or breathed fresh air. At night, I heard the gentle wind blowing in the trees, and I feel so peaceful. It doesn’t cost many to camp. What I believe it’s the best way to get close nature and enjoy its beauty.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】I am a 21-year-old boy, and this is my story.

One month after I graduated from high school in 2009, I was coming home from swim practice and was involved in a car accident. I was so seriously injured that I was in a coma(昏迷) for over two months at Prince Georges Hospital.

I died eight times during my coma and I couldn’t talk or communicate when I woke up. Walking was never going to happen again due to all the extreme injuries. Just like my body, my dreams were almost shattered. But I was not going to let my injuries prevent me from living my dreams.

After 14 operations and blood transfusions, I had to learn how to talk, eat, walk, shower and live independently again. When I was out of hospital, I still had to go to outpatient therapy in Waldorf, Maryland. After spending a few months in a wheelchair, I took baby steps to walk on my own. It was a miracle that I could walk again, but I wanted to prove that I could not only walk, but run. When it came true, I wanted to get back in the pool again. After a few lung tests, I was able to go in the pool a little bit each week. After a few months of swim training, I began my freshman year at St. Mary’s College of Maryland and became a proud member of the swim team.

By telling my story, I want to make a positive influence on the world. I am just trying to live each day to the fullest and inspire other people never to give up their dreams no matter how bad a situation is. I remember when I was still in my hospital bed, I would have my mom and dad push me around in my wheelchair to the other rooms to see the other patients and talk to them and their families. I wanted to let them know that everything was going to be okay. Somehow, things would work out for the best.

1When the car accident happened, the author ________.

A. was a high school student B. had finished his high school education

C. was a college student D. was returning home from a swim competition

2What does the underlined word “shattered” in Paragraph 3 mean?

A. Begun B. Destroyed C. Shared D. Taken

3It can be inferred that the author ________ after he woke up from his coma.

A. was out of hospital B. was in surprise

C. faced physical and mental challenges D. was worried about his lung

4What does the author mainly want to show in the last paragraph?

A. His purpose of sharing his story. B. His painful experiences.

C. His influence on students. D. His great achievements.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

There are 132 rooms, 32 bathrooms, and 6 floors to accommodate all the people who live in, work in, and visit the White House. There are also 412 doors, 147 windows, 28 fireplaces, 7 staircases, and 3 lifts.
At various times in history, the White House has been known as the “President’s Palace”, the “President's House”, and the “Executive Mansion”. President Theodore Roosevelt officially gave the White House its current name in 1901.
The White House receives approximately 6,000 visitors a day.
With five full-time chefs, the White House kitchen is able to serve as many as 140 guests and hors d'oeuvres (开胃菜) to more than 1,000 people.
The White House requires 570 gallons of paint to cover its outside surface.
For recreation, the White House has a variety of facilities available to people who live in, including a tennis court, a jogging track, a swimming pool, a movie theater and a bowling lane.
The first US President to live in the White House was John Adams. Adams and his family moved to the White House in 1800, when the decoration of the building was not finished. And it was not until during Thomas Jefferson's term (1801-1809) that the decoration was finally completed.
President John Tyler (1841-1845) was the first president to have his photo taken. President Theodore Roosevelt (1901-1909) was not only the first president to ride in an automobile, but also the first president to travel outside the country when he visited Panama (巴拿马). President Franklin Roosevelt (1933-1945) was the first president to ride in an airplane.
(1)In normal cases, how many people visit the White House per day?
(2)Which President was in office when the decoration of the White House was completed?
A.John Adams.
B.John Tyler.
C.Thomas Jefferson.
D.Theodore Roosevelt.
(3)According to the passage, when did American President first visit a foreign country?
A.Between 1801 and 1809.
B.Between 1901 and 1909.
C.Between 1841 and 1845.
D.Between 1933 and 1945.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Qiang Shuping was so busy making cloth shoes1 she didn’t even rest during the Dragon Boat Festival holiday. The woman from Baipu county, Jiangsu province,2 (make) shoes since she was 19 years old, and this year marks her 31st year making cloth shoes.

She spends the entire day in her tiny studio, which 3 (measure) less than 10 square meters altogether, filled with cloth shoes in 4 (variety) stages of completion.

Nowadays, many stores make cloth shoes 5 (use) machines, but Qiang sticks to the technique of making shoes entirely6 hand. She says the shoes7 (produce) by machine are not of the same quality as handmade ones. The handmade cloth shoes are more durable (耐用的) and comfortable, 8 (soft), and absorb sweat better.

Some people buy cloth shoes out of nostalgia (怀旧), while others trust 9 (they) quality. Making shoes isn't a profitable job, but Qiang still insists as she wants to preserve the craft and pass it down to the younger generation.

Handmade cloth shoes are also called qian ceng di (shoes with a thousand layers), 10 can date back to the ancient Zhou Dynasty (1050—221 BC). In 2009, the making technique of qian ceng di was listed as a national intangible cultural heritage.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】人们完成工作的方式通常由两种:独立完成和合作完成。两种方式各有特点。请你以“Working Individually or Working in a team”为题,按照以下要点写一篇英语短文:1. 独立完成: 自行安排,自己解决问题。2. 合作完成: 一起讨论,相互学习。3. 我喜欢的方式和理由。
Working Individually or Working in a team
There are basically two ways to get work done.……


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Whatis the most popular communication tool today? your answer is QQ or MSN, I must sayyou're a bit oldfashioned. Today, a new form of communication “WeChat”,
which(own) a Chinese name Weixin,is becoming the most influential text and voicing tool all over the world.
Whatadvantages do WeChat have? First, WeChat is relatively cheap way of communication; that isto say, it uses network traffic instead of telephone fare.
Next,we can know is going on at any time. And we can have (easy) access to information availablethan other messaging tools.
Whatroles does it play our daily life? According to the latestreport, the registered users on WeChat platform have topped 200 million andWeChat has expanded its business to overseas market. Can you imagine that amobile phone ‘app’ is so (appeal)that it reaches 200 million users within 8 months? WeChat itself has become themost popular mobile chat application in the world. A large of people have become “WeChataholic”, which means they keep staring at the mobile phone all thetime and can't live without .However, while enjoying its great convenience, people should not ignore thedanger of (cheat), forinformation on Wechat is publicly known.

