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17.随着老龄化问题的日趋严重,空巢老人越来越多,有的老人呆在家里无所事事,感到空虚寂寞.请你向"China Daily"报社专栏写一封关于让这些老年人欢度老年时光的建议信.
空巢老人(empty nester)
Dear editor,
Dear editor,
As the aging population is becoming larger and larger,the problem of the empty nesters is getting more and more serious.
I think they had better join in some outdoor activities,such as climbin mountains,playing Taiji.They can also take up some hobbies like gardening or playing chess.Perhaps they can keep a pet like a dog or a cat.And I think that what is the most important for them is to make some friends with the people of their age,so that they can keep each other in company and share their experiences and happiness.(高分句型一) Having friends means that they can have some one to talk to so thatthey won't feel lonely and depressed.(高分句型二)
In my opinion,these suggestions may be helpful to them.I hope all the empty nesters will have a happy old life in future.
Sincerely yours,
Wang Ming
Sincerely yours,
Wan Ming.

分析 高分句型一:
And I think that what is the most important for them is to make some friends with the people of their age,so that they can keep each other in company and share their experiences and happiness.我认为对他们来说最重要的就是结交一些和他们同龄的朋友,那样的话他们可以彼此为伴还可以分享彼此的人生经历和快乐的事.
Having friends means that they can have some one to talk to so that you won't feel lonely and depressed.
句型一 用到了多种从句①that what is the most important for them 这是一个位于that后面由what 引导的宾语从句,what在句中充当主语.②so that they can keep each other in company and share their experiences and happiness.这是由so that引导的目的状语从句,表明交朋友的好处
句型二 该句主语由动名词短语充当,而宾语则是一个由that引导的宾语从句
in my poinion 在我看来

解答 Dear editor,
   As the aging population is becoming larger and larger,the problem of the empty nesters is getting more and more serious.
    I think they had better join in some outdoor activities,such as climbin mountains,playing Taiji.They can also take up some hobbies like gardening or playing chess.Perhaps they can keep a pet like a dog or a cat.And I think that what is the most important for them is to make some friends with the people of their age,so that they can keep each other in company and share their experiences and happiness.(高分句型一) Having friends means that they can have some one to talk to so that they won't feel lonely and depressed.(高分句型二)
    In my opinion,these suggestions may be helpful to them.I hope all the empty nesters will have a happy old life in future.
 Sincerely yours,
 Wang Ming

点评 本书面表达是一篇应用文,应用文写作应注意其语言表达和形式,开头和结尾的套话要运用恰当,符合文体特点.在写作时力求语言准确、简洁.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

20.The talks between the two companies ________ due to some conflicts over their interests.(  )
A.broke outB.broke awayC.broke inD.broke down


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

1.My wife and I like watching plays,so we'll go to the theater whenever we have time.But before we buy tickets,we would like to know if the play is good or bad.When a new play comes,we(61)usually(usual) read the newspaper to get information about it.Last week a new play was put on at he theater.The newspaper said it was very(62)interesting(interest) so we decided to go on Saturday night.My wife took a long time to make her(63)decision(decided)about what to wear and we left our house a little late.(64)Bythe time we got to the theater,the first act had already (65)begun(begin).After the play was over,we met some friends,(66)wholived next to us several years ago.Then we went dancing.By the time we got home,it was about two o'clock in the morning.I'm not accustomed to (67)staying(stay) out so late and I was(68)extremely(extreme) tired.
When I was younger,I didn't have the money to go out for (69)anevening like his.Though I can afford it now,I don't have the energy(70)to enjoy(enjoy) it.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

5.King:Now,Mr.Martin.I've just read your own doctor's report.So you haven't been feeling very well (61)lately( late ),is that right?
Martin:It's…it's my leg,doctor,my right leg.I keep (62)getting( get ) a strange pain in it.
King:Could you tell me (63)whatthe pain is like?
Martin:It's like…Like boiling water running down my leg.It's been getting (64)worse( bad ) recently,too.I've been losing sleep.
King:You mean the pain (65)has been keeping( keep ) you awake?
Martin:Yes,that's right.It's been keeping me awake.
King:Now,tell me,how (66)longhave you had this trouble?
Martin:The pain?For about a year now.
King:Hmm…Have you been getting tired recently (67)afteryou have had a walk?For example,have you been short of (68)breath(breathe),perhaps?
Martin:Why,yes!Yes,I have,doctor!
King:Hmm…I think we'd better give you (69)afew tests here in the hospital.
Martin:Do you think it's serious,doctor?
King:Probably not.
Martin:But…Doctor Cook,my local doctor,thinks it's only (70)because I've been working too hard recently.
King:That could be the reason.Don't worry.We'll soon find out what the reason is.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

12.I have no idea what the acronym"IELTS"______,so I have to turn to the Internet.(  )
A.stand outB.stand byC.stand asideD.stand for


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

2.Thanks to(幸亏,由于) our teachers,who are strict with us,we have made rapid progress in our study so far.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

9.The shoe factory has advertised for employees in a local newspaper.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

6.One day,Jack threw some papers on my desk."What's wrong?"I asked."Next time you want to change anything,ask me first,"he said,and left.I had made just one small change.But it was not that I hadn't been warned.My colleagues had said he was responsible for the resignations(辞职) of the two previous secretaries.As the weeks went by,I came to look down on Jack.
After that another of his episodes(片段) had left me in tears.I stormed into his office."What?"he said suddenly."Jack,the way you've been treating me is wrong.I've never had anyone speak to me that way.As a professional,it's wrong for me to allow it to continue,"I said.Jack smiled nervously,"Susan,I make you a promise that I will be a friend.I will treat you as you deserve to be treated,with respect and kindness."
Jack avoided me the rest of the week,and never questioned my work again.I brought cookies to the office one day and left some on his desk.Another day I left a note,"Hope your day is going great."Over the next few weeks,there were no more Jack episodes.One year later,I discovered I had breast cancer,and was scared.The statistics were not great for my long-term survival.
One day,however,Jack visited me in the hospital and silently handed me a bundle with several bulbs inside."Tulips(郁金香),"he said.I smiled,not understanding."If you plant them when you get home,they'll come up next spring.I think you will be there to see them when they come up.Next spring you will see the colours I picked out for you."Tears clouded my eyes and he left.I have seen those red and white striped(有条纹的)tulips push through the soil every spring for over ten years now.This past September the doctor declared me cured.At a moment when I was praying for just the right word,a man with very few words said all the right things.After all,that's what friends do.

26.Jack became angry that day becauseD.
A.he was feeling unwell
B.Susan had failed to keep his office clean
C.he felt Susan changed too much about the papers
D.Susan had changed something without his permission
27.Susan stormed into Jack's office to tell Jack thatD.
A.he wasn't worthy of respect
B.he should apologize to her right away
C.she would treat him the way he treated her
D.one should show others respect and kindness
28.Which of the following describes Susan?C
A.Moody but firm.
B.Shy and demanding.
C.Confident and friendly.
D.Tough and troublesome.
29.From the passage,we can conclude thatA.
A.Jack cares about his employees
B.Jack gets along well with his employees
C.Jack is always particular about his work
D.Jack doesn't care about the feelings of others
30.We can infer from the passage thatB.
A.a friend in need is a friend indeed
B.a few words can be as meaningful as many
C.a friend who says little must be a good friend
D.we must treat disrespectful people with disrespect.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

7.You willbenefit(受益)a lot from reading.

