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There used to be a factory near my house. The factory manager was blaming by the government because of the pollution had harmed people’s health. But even then, he paid not attention. Then the factory forced to stop production. The manager said angry, “Is there any fact that we had harmed people’s health yet? In fact, we haven’t.” Just then, a doctor came, with the result of a medical examine, saying the manager was suffering from cancer. This is very clear that the pollution has harmed not only other people’s health and also the manager himself. At last, he realized an importance of keeping the air clean.


科目:高中英语 来源:福建省2016-2017学年高一下学期开学考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

Experience the newly opened Grand Canyon West Skywalk in Colorado.Departing from Grand Canyon’s South Rim by Airplane to Grand Canyon’s West Rim,you will land and take a ground tour to the Skywalk! Walk on air for 70 feet over the edge of Grand Canyon West.

This Skywalk has been open since March 28,2007.Daily visitor-ship to the Skywalk has been over 4000 people. Please be patient to enjoy your moment on the Skywalk.

After you have experienced the one and only Grand Canyon Skywalk Glass Bridge from where you can enjoy the scenery better,you will return to the Grand Canyon West airport and take your Airplane for a flight back to the South Rim of the Canyon.This is a tour never to be forgotten as you will have walked on air over the Grand Canyon.

Tour Itinerary

Tour Time

5.7 Hours

The Grand Canyon Skywalk

Flight from


Canyon South

Rim to Grand Canyon West

1 Hour

Experience a bird’s-eye view of the Grand Canyon as you make your way to Grand Canyon West.

Light Lunch at Guano Point at Grand Canyon


2 Hour

You’ll be taken by bus to Guano Point with breathtaking views of the western part of the Grand Canyon where the Colorado River makes its way into Lake Mood.Every table for lunch has a view.

Walk on the

World-famous Skywalk

1.5 Hour

Finally you’ll board your bus to Eagle Point,home of the Grand Canyon Skywalk.Now it is time for you to walk on air for 70 feet over the Grand Canyon.

Flight Back to

Grand Canyon South Rim

1.2 Hour

After time on the Skywalk,you’ll return to the Grand Canyon West Airport and return to Grand Canyon South Rim in time for dinner and sunset.

1.The purpose of the passage is to .

A. attract visitors to America

B. introduce the Skywalk to readers

C. describe the beauty of Grand Canyon

D. speak highly of Grand Canyon South Rim

2.Why is the bridge in the passage made of glass?

A. Because it can differ from others.

B. Because it is cheaper.

C. Because it gives visitors a better view.

D. Because it looks more wonderful.

3.According to the Tour Itinerary,the route is .

A. South Rim →Guano Point →West Airport →Eagle Point →West Airport →South Rim

B. South Rim →West Airport →Guano Point →Eagle Point →West Airport →South Rim

C. South Rim →West Airport →Eagle Point →Guano Point →West Airport →South Rim

D. South Rim →West Airport →Eagle Point →West Airport →Guano Point →South Rim

4.How does the author find the tour over the Grand Canyon?

A. Boring. B. Expensive.

C. Impressive. D. Adventurous.


科目:高中英语 来源:江西省2017届高三第三次模拟考试英语试卷 题型:七选五

Today, some traditional methods are unfashionable, particularly in the fast changing world of technology. A person who relies only on formal education may be cheated.1. Self-learning is still considered the best. You know yourself best, and you can learn at your own pace. self-learner has his own freedom. It is a choice between the things that you may want to learn more and improving your abilities. It can also lead you to great personal satisfaction. 2.

Then, what you should pay attention to when you are teaching yourself? Well, first of all, you must realize what you will do and achieve. 3. Whether it is learning a new language, a new subject or a hobby, it can be a great start in teaching yourself.

4.It can be harder than a typical classroom situation. One should have the ability to keep on trying, especially during time when you want to give up.Learning the basics is very important before starting a new approach. It may become easy if you master the basics and its advanced skills.Give yourself some space when problems are at hand. Timing out may renew your mindset and energies, particularly in solving problems.

Involve yourself in a group of people who have the skills that you want to achieve.5.

A. So ask yourself what you want to do.

B. A person also has to help himself learn.

C. Learning on your own is more enjoyable.

D. Be patient while you are learning on your own.

E. Be brave to turn to others for advice outside class.

F. Forums (论坛) are the best way to get valuable information.

G. Don’t try to spend a lot of time researching learning methods.


科目:高中英语 来源:江苏省如皋市2016-2017学年高二 选修七 Unit 1 Living with technology 课时练习 题型:其他题

1.We must rescue the workers in danger immediately.

We must rescue the workers in danger ________.

2.There are many organizations which could benefit from your efforts.

Your efforts could be ____________many organizations.

3.She was not able to go back to work until her child grew up.

her child grew up ____she able to go back to work.

4.Both of the sisters are not here.

_________of the sisters are here.

5.The government is making every effort to ensure that all people have access to the new medical care.

The government is making every effort to ensure that the new medical care ____________all people.


科目:高中英语 来源:浙江省金华市十校2016-2017学年高二下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:七选五

When home is far away, the sense of ease and belonging that so many people feel can transform into painful feelings of longing, commonly known as homesickness. Along with feelings of insecurity, loss of control and nervousness, physical effects, including sleep issues, tiredness and loss of appetite, are also caused by homesickness. 1.Check them out below:

●Realize that feeling homesick is 100 percent normal.

Almost everyone experiences homesickness when moving to a new place—some people might just be better at hiding it. 2.Homesickness is a normal and evolutionarily healthy reaction.

●Make connections with new people in comfortable settings.

Feeling homesick when separated from loved ones motivates people to be with those supportive people. 3. When making new connections, it's best to stick to the style that works for you in order to ease homesickness.


This point is vital and also one of the hardest to accomplish. Self-compassion is loving yourself just as you love the ones you care about. The most important step in practicing self-compassion is substituting negative, critical and, sometimes, automatic thoughts about yourself with thoughts that are more supportive and kind.

●Keep tabs on your negativity.

It's also useful to ask yourself how much of your homesickness is due to an event, such as being separated from loved ones, and how much is from how you're understanding a situation.5.A positive outlook on a situation can do wonders for your mood, but it often can be hard to practice. You can silence negative thoughts in many ways, including reciting positive mantras(祷文), keeping a journal or even taking a walk in a park.

If you're dealing with feelings of homesickness, remember you're not alone. Even though there's no place like home, give yourself some time and care, and you might find yourself falling in love with a new place.

A. Learn to help others.

B. Practice self-compassion.

C. Being homesick is abnormal.

D. Being homesick is not a sign of personal shortcoming.

E. We gathered a few psychologist-backed tips to help ease homesickness.

F. Taking a step back is recommended, instead of falling into the trap of a negative outlook.

G. But keep in mind that everyone is different when it comes to forming those new relationships.


科目:高中英语 来源:安徽省“皖南五十校”2016-2017学年高一下学期末联考英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

It has been showed that teachers in UK schools are trying the use of body cameras in class to record bad pupil's behavior.

At least two schools in England have introduced the equipment for constant recording with the agreement of local education authorities. The cameras, worn on teachers’ clothing, are set to film all the time but only save encrypted footage(加密镜头)when the record button is pressed, the Times reported.

Teachers are advised to turn on the cameras during incidents in the classroom to deal with “constant low-level interruption”, but must give notice before doing so.

The technology is already used by police and some hospital staff as well as crossing-patrol officers. Footage could also be shared with parents to involve them in addressing their children’s behavior. Feedback from parents and schools was said to be positive, with teachers praising them as an effective deterrent(震慑).

A survey published on Wednesday questioning teachers on the idea found more than a third would be willing to wear a body camera in the classroom, with many wanting the technology available to help fight with bad behavior from pupils.

Of the people who said they were in favor, about 31.6 percent said they were motivated by teacher and student safety. Among those who were not willing to use the technology, reasons included concerns about their own privacy and that of the children, as well as feeling spied on, or the possibility of misuse by management.

Around two-thirds of the teachers, more than 600 in total, said they feel safer in the classroom if they knew there was a camera recording everything, while 10.9 percent said they could foresee a time when bodycams are compulsory.

Mary Bousted, general secretary at the Association of Teachers and Lectures(ATL), said all schools should be safe places for pupils and staff.

1.If a teacher wants to save the record for later use, he should _____________.

A. give first notice

B. press the record button

C. film with the camera all the time

D. ask for the permission of the students

2.What can we learn from the text?

A. Some people agree with the idea.

B. None of the parents support the idea.

C. Students are not worried about their private things.

D. All schools have been safe about for teachers and students.

3.What may be the best title for the text?

A. The Use of Body Cameras in Class

B. Parents’ Reactions to Using Cameras

C. How to Record Students’ Good Behavior

D. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Taking Photos


科目:高中英语 来源:内蒙古2016-2017学年高一下学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

Victor’s hobby was collecting stamps. He had stamps from many countries, like England, Canada and China. On his birthday, can you guess what people gave him? That’s right—stamps.

Victor’s favorite stamps came from France. He had almost every stamp from 1954 to 2004. He only needed one. That was a 1974 special edition*. It was very hard to find.

He looked for it everywhere. He asked his friends and relatives to help him. But nobody could find the stamp. It made Victor very sad.

“Don’t worry. Never give up,” his father said to him. “If you have enough patience, you’ll find it one day.”

“I hope so,” Victor said.

Victor also liked writing. He had a pen friend in France. They wrote to each other every month. Victor’s pen friend, Phillip, usually used new stamps to send letters. Sometimes, his mother gave him stamps to use. Once Phillip’s mother gave him a big, green stamp. It looked old. When Victor received the letter, he was very surprised. On the envelope, he looked carefully at the stamp. It was the 1974 special edition stamp. Victor was so happy. He told his sister, his mother and his father.

“You see,” his father said. “You did find your stamp. So, it’s good to have two things in life. ”

“What are they?” Victor asked.

“Friends and patience.” He answered.

1.It was very difficult for Victor to find a special French stamp of _________.

A. 1954 B. 1974

C. 1994 D. 2004

2.Who owned the special edition stamp at the very beginning?

A. Phillip. B. Phillip’s mother.

C. Victor. D. Victor’s father.

3.The passage mainly tells us that ________ is(are)important to people.

A. a happy family B. a good hobby

C. relatives and friendship D. friends and patience


科目:高中英语 来源:内蒙古2016-2017学年高一下学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:单项填空

Mary found herself looking forward more and more ________ the coming entrance examination.

A. to pass B. to have passed

C. passing D. to passing


科目:高中英语 来源:湖北省、孝感一中等八所重点高中协作体2016-2017学年高二下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:完形填空

Having been walking in the snow for 2 hours, Little Buddy was really tired and frustrated. The way home seemed_______, each step a struggle. For fall every little distance that Buddy gained, he seemed to fall back even further, pushed by the rising wind and his own______ . When Buddy had to go uphill, he looked with_______at the long distance remaining and thought he wasn’t going to make it. His legs had been pushing through almost-waist-high______for hours, and all he wanted to do was to ______down, to end this terrible journey and close his eyes.

Suddenly, there was someone_______him. A large man was looking down at Buddy, smiling at him.________, Buddy, should have heard the sound of the man’s boots crunching(使……发出嘎吱嘎吱声)the snow________he’d walked up from behind. But, there hadn’t been a________.

Buddy stared at the_______. Who was he? There was a scarf hiding most of his face, but______, Buddy felt no fear of him. The man said nothing. He simply picked Buddy up, lifted him over his_________, set Buddy on his shoulders and began to______ .

Buddy told the man where he________. As they approached the house, the stranger _______and looked Buddy in the eye. Buddy_______and the man silently lowered his head and helped Buddy_______off his shoulders. Buddy was so happy that he immediately knocked at the door. When Buddy________the man and wanted to thank him, he had already_______. Buddy could only see________in the snow and a dim(模糊的)view of his back.

1.A. fascinating B. adequate C. endless D. primitive

2.A. worry B. confidence C. exhaustion D. pride

3.A. fear B. relief C. caution D. shame

4.A. bush B. grass C. glue D. snow

5.A. cut B. lie C. go D. turn

6.A. behind B. around C. far away from D. in front of

7.A. Luckily B. Hopefully C. Significantly D. Surely

8.A. as B. and C. but D. or

9.A. man B. sound C. boot D. scarf

10.A. thief B. robber C. stranger D. referee

11.A. firmly B. surprisingly C. consequently D. faithfully

12.A. head B. feet C. legs D. nails

13.A. slip B. ski C. run D. walk

14.A. lay B. studied C. lived D. stood

15.A. shouted B. turned C. listened D. waited

16.A. cried B. fled C. nodded D. reflected

17.A. slide B. walk C. take D. jog

18.A. spoke of B. thought of C. heard of D. dreamed of

19.A. resigned B. disappeared C. slept D. left

20.A. water B. ice C. caves D. footprints

