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4.Last year I was put into a lower-level math class at school.The reason I was in this class had(21)Bto do with my intelligence.I am blind.The school(22)Cthat it would be better for me to learn at a lower level because it takes me a great deal longer to complete school tasks.
The only problem with being in this class was that I was(23)Dby"at-risk"students,who did not perform well in school and were(24)Ain trouble with the school and the law.On Monday mornings,the kids talked about what they had done during the past(25)C.I tried not to listen,but it was almost(26)Dnot to.I heard things in that classroom that shocked me.(27)Dthe teacher was in the room,that didn't stop my classmates from(28)Atheir stories of drugs and violence.
(29)BI was tired of their rude words.I even began to(30)Cthe fact that I had to be there.One Tuesday morning,I went to a Christian Student Union meeting before school,where a guest speaker talked to us about praying for our(31)Bno matter how much we hated them.I thought a lot and began to pray for the kids in my class,asking God to(32)Dthem for they weren't bad kids; they were just(33)A.
(34)Cwhat I did was automatic.When I heard their voices in class,I would pray,"Dear God,please bless so-and-so…"But as I continued,something was growing (35)Dmy heart for them.My classmates gradually became more than just annoying kids to me.They began to feel like family,and I was learning to love them in a way I(36)Athought possible.
I now see that praying is such a(37)Bact.When I pray for those around me,it also(38)Dmy life,and it changes my understanding of others.I realized God's blessings enabled me to see the world through(39)Aeyes.The prayers I said for others(40)Cto help me the most.
27.A.Only ifB.Now thatC.As thoughD.Even though
29.A.No wonderB.Without doubtC.Without delayD.No sense
34.A.In generalB.After allC.At firstD.On the whole
40.A.turned upB.turned awayC.turned outD.turned over

分析 本文讲述了自己到了一个非常差的班级后,自己学会用爱的眼光去看待周围的同学,最终感觉身边的同学也没有那么糟糕,同时自己也受益颇多.

解答 21-25  BCDAC            26-30  DDABC           31-35  BDACD        36-40   ABDAC
21.B  根据下文知道不是因为我的智力问题,而是因为我是盲人,而被调入低一级数学班,having nothing to do with 与…无关,故答案为B
22.C  词义辨析题 A.described  描述   B.doubted 怀疑    C.decided 决定,认为   D.defended 防御,防卫,根据句意可知应该是校方认为这样对我有好处…故答案为C
23.D 句意理解  根据下文可知,这些学生在课上表现不好,说明我在这个班被这些学生所包围(surrounded),故答案为D
24.A  因为表现不好,所以经常(constantly)因为校规校纪而惹上麻烦,B.regularly有规则地 C.occasionally  偶尔   D.especially 尤其,故答案为A
25.C  句意是周一的早晨,他们都会谈论上个周末(weekend)所做的事情,故答案为C
26.D  句意是我努力不去听,但是这几乎是不可能(impossible)的事情,故答案为D
27.D  句意是尽管(even though)老师进来了,那也不能阻止他们…,故答案为D
28.A  句意是尽管(even though)老师进来了,那也不能阻止他们分享(share)有关毒品和暴力的故事,故答案为A
29.B 句意是毫无疑问(without doubt),我对这些粗鲁的话很厌倦,故答案为B
30.C 因为前文是厌倦了那样的语言,这里肯定是讨厌(hate)在这个班的事实,下文的hate也是个提示,故答案为C
31.B 根据下文无论我们多么讨厌他们,这里的他们只能是敌人(enemy)一样的人物,故答案为B
32.D 句意是我开始替我们班的孩子祈祷,请求上帝原谅(forgive)他们,故答案为D
33.A 句意是因为他们不是坏孩子,只是一时迷失了(lost)自己,故答案为A
34.C  根据下文的continue可知,此处应该是起初(at first),故答案为C
35.D 根据句意是在(inside)我的内心里,一直在发生变化,故答案为D
36.A 句意是我以一种从来没有(never)想过的方式去爱他们,故答案为A
37.B 句意是我现在明白了祈祷是多么强大(powerful)的行动,故答案为B
38.D 句意是当我为别人祈祷的时候,我也在为自己的生活祝福(bless),故答案为D
39.A 句意是我意识到上帝让我用充满爱的(loving)眼睛去看待这个世界,故答案为A
40.C 句意是我为别人的祈祷结果是(turn out)也非常大的帮助了我,故答案为C

点评 同学们在解答夹叙夹议文体的完形填空时,首先要读懂第一节,尤其是文章的第一句话,这样就可以迅速找到全文的主旨大意.其次要跟着作者的思路读全文,思维要有灵活性,要随着记叙与议论的转换,及时调整思维方式.答题时必须要遵循"整体-部分-整体"的步骤,具体可分为以下三步:1. 通览全文,了解大意.  2. 综合考虑,逐项填空.  3. 复读检验,以防疏漏.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

14.-Mr.Smith,how does my son Tom behave at school?
-Pretty good,though he ______ be absent-minded occasionally.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

15.When he saw all his books _____ here and there on the floor,he knew that something terrible _____.(  )
A.lying; must have happenedB.lie; must happen
C.lay; might have happenedD.had lain; could have happen


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

12.Michelle Obama has just started a campaign against childhood obesity(肥胖)with the admission that she put her girls Malia and Sasha on a diet because they were getting fat.Clearly,childhood obesity must be solved and urgently.But is it a good idea for mothers to put their daughters on diets?
Studies show that the more children diet,the more likely they are to become obese as adults.Research also shows that girls are highly influenced by their mothers when it comes to eating habits and body image.
This was the case for Carly,40,who blames her mother for her lifelong struggle with weight."My mother was on a diet the whole time 1 was growing up,"she says."And she put me on my first diet when 1 was 10.I lost puppy fat,gained her approval and never ate normally  again,America's First Lady clearly has a vital healthy eating message to.convey.But could this be damaging for Malia and Sasha?Could they develop eating disorders because of it?
"It's wrong just to blame mothers for their daughters'eating disorders,"says Susan Ringwood,chief executive of the eating disorders charity,Beat."There is a genetic(基因的)component to eating disorders."However,"We do know that parents have a very strong influ.ence over a child's eating.It's important to realize that you are your daughter's role model.Girls idolize the ir mothers."says Ringwood.
"Nofoodshould ever be‘good'or‘bad',"Ringwood says.Instead,"You have to make it clear that food is a sociable,healthy and fun part of life,not something to be feared."
"Talk to her about body image,"Ringwood says."Talk about how curves are an important and exciting part of being a woman.Show her that anorexic(厌食的)fashion models are not sexy,but i11.The pressure on girls today is immense,"she says."But don't forget that you are the authoritative voice,too."
66.Michelle Obama has started a campaign toA.
  A.solve childhood obesi ty across the country
  B.attract the attention of the world
  C.show her first lady identity
  D.please the public
 67.The author mentions Carly in Paragraph 3 to show thatA.
  A.mothers have a great influence on girls,eating habits
  B.the more you diet,the more weight you will put on
  C.mothers are to blame for the unbalanced diet
  D.side effects of dieting are hard to avoid
 68.According to Ringwood,D.
  A.food is considered something fearful
  B.food can be recognized as"good"or"bad"
  C.only slim mothers are role models of their daughters
  D.eating di sorder has something to do with genetic component
69.The passage tells us thatA.
  A.mothers'lead is of great importance
  B.daughters are victims of mothers'authority
  C.dieting teenagers can't turn into obese adults
D.experts have arguements about eating disorder
70.It can be concluded thatD
  A.eating disorder always goes hand in hand with being slim
  B.girls are more concerned about body shapes than boys
  C.daughters tend to have a lifelong struggle with weight
  D.the author is against children's dieting.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

19."The world's oceans are slowly getting more acidic."say scientists.The researchers from California report that the change is taking place in response to higher levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
         The lowering of the waters'PH value is not great at the moment but could cause a serious threat to current ocean life if it continues,they warn.Ken Caldeira and Michael Wickett,from the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory,report their concerns in the journal Nature.Increasing use of oil fuels means more carbon dioxide is going into the air,and most of it will eventually be absorbed by seawater.Once in the water,it reacts to form carbonic acid.Scientists believe that the oceans have already become slightly more acidic over the last century.
         These researchers have tried to predict what will happen in the future by combining what we know about the history of the oceans with computer models of climate change."This level of acidity will get much more extreme in the future if we continue releasing CO2 into the atmosphere,"said Dr Caldeira.And we predict the amount of future acidity will exceed(超过) anything we have seen over the last several hundred million years,let alone perhaps after rare disastrous events such as asteroid(小行星) impacts
          However,it is not absolutely clear what that means for ocean life.Most organisms live near the surface,where the greatest PH change would be expected to occur,but deep-ocean life forms may be more sensitive to PH changes.Coral reefs(珊瑚礁) and other organisms whose shells contain calcium carbonate(碳酸钙) may be particularly affected if the water's acidity levels keep going up,the team predict.They could find it much more difficult to build these structures in water with a lower PH.
         In recent years some people have suggested storing carbon dioxide from power station in the deep ocean as a way of dealing with global warming.But Dr Caldeira said that such a strategy should now be re-considered."Previously,most experts had looked at ocean absorption of carbon dioxide as a good thing--because in releasing CO2 into the atmosphere we warm the planet,and when CO2 is absorbed by the ocean,it reduces the amount of greenhouse warming."
57.The ocean is becoming more acidic due toC.
A.the lower water PH value                                     
B.the warming atmosphere
C.the higher level of CO2 in the air                         
D.the increasing use of oil fuels
58.According to Dr Caldeira,D.
A.ocean absorption of carbon dioxide is a good thing
B.more oil fuels will be used in the near future
C.scientists may predict climate changes with computer models
D.the future situation of the amount of acidity is extremely serious
59.If the water's acidity level keeps rising,A 
A.ocean life whose structures contain calcium carbonate may be affected
B.the water's PH value will become higher and higher
C.organisms living near the surface are more sensitive to PH changes
D.some disastrous events will occur more often than before
60.Most experts once believed storing carbon dioxide in the ocean would reduceB.
A.the CO2 absorbed by the ocean                          
B.the amount of greenhouse warming
C.the acidity of the ocean                                         
D.the gradual release of CO2.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

9.Dick lived in England.One day in January he said to his wife,"I'm going to fly to New York next week because I've got some work there.""Where are you going to stay there?"his wife asked."I don't know yet."Dick answered."Please send me your address from there in a telegram (电报),"his wife said."OK"Dick answered.
He flew to New York on January 31st and found a nice hotel in the center of the city.He put his things in his room and then he sent his wife a telegram.He put the address of his hotel in it.
In the evening he didn't have any work,so he went to a cinema.He came out at nine o'clock and said,"Now I'm going back to my hotel and have a nice dinner."
He found a taxi (出租车) and the driver said,"Where do you want to go?"But Dick didn't remember the name and address of his hotel.
"Which hotel are my things in?"he said"And what am I going to do tonight?"But the driver of the taxi did not know.So Dick got out and went into a post office.There he sent his wife another telegram,and in it he wrote,"Please send me my address at this post office."

54.Dick flew to New York becauseB.
A.he went there for a holiday              B.he had work there
C.he went there for sightseeing (观光)    D.his home was there
55.Why did his wife want a telegram from him?A
A.Because she didn't know his address yet
B.Because she wanted to go to New York,too
C.Because she might send him another telegram
D.Because she couldn't leave her husband by himself in New York
56.Where did Dick stay in New York?B
A.In the center of the city.     B.In a hotel.
C.In a restaurant.               D.At his friend's house.
57.Who would send him the name and address of his hotel?D
A.The manager(经理)of his hotel.       B.The police office.
C.The taxi driver.                      D.His wife.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

16.Born in 1910,my mother was the first director I ever met.Wearing an apron and teaching tap in the basement of our apartment building,she was a housewife and dance teacher.Even from a young age she was an entertainer who thought performing was not just a hobby or even a profession but a way of living that was as essential as breathing or eating.
Mom was always"on"from her energetic teaching of her dance students to her late-night work when she would type out songs,dance routines,and funny plays for her dance recital.I would be in my bed and still hear her typewriter as I went to sleep at night.Her typing sounded like rain.Always working,she would go to Broadway shows,steal the routines,and come back and type them out for her students to perform.I knew right from the beginning that if I could make my mom laugh,then I could make her love me.
When I grew up and moved to Hollywood as an adult,I would later create 14prime-time TV shows and direct 17movies.During my five decades in show business,I never forgot my mother's advice to find the humor in anything.I wanted to entertain the world and not put people to sleep.If my mom had been born at a different time in history she might have become a stage actress or a performer herself.Instead,she trained my two sisters and I to work in the field of entertainment.She remains to this day my inspiration and creative compass.I will never stop carrying on my mother's message,and I will never stop missing her.In fact,as a  tribute to my mother I built The Marjorie Ward Marshall Dance Center at Northwestern University.Whenever I visit the building it helps remind me that to entertain people and make them laugh is what my own career has been all about.

26.The author's mother worked as aC.
A.movie director       B.stage actress
C.dance instructor     D.businesswoman
27.Why did the author's mother work deep into night even at home?D
A.She wanted to set a good example to her children.
B.She wished to entertain herself after a day's work.
C.She expected to train her students to be top dancers.
D.She thought it was a way of living and tried her best.
28.What did the author learn from Mother?A
A.To entertain people and make them laugh.
B.To teach people to dance elegantly.
C.To steal the routines from Broadway shows.
D.To create TV shows and direct movies.
29.The author's two sisters might beB.
A.also dance teachers as well as housewives
B.entertainers inspired by their mother
C.also typists working late at night
D.performers to enjoy themselves with others'humor
30.Which word may have nearly the same meaning as the underlined word"tribute"?D
A.Charity.     B.Achievement.
C.Welfare.      D.Present.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

13.Daryl set out to watch an overnight sky-watching event on 18th November 2007.He lived on Bainbridge Island,Washington and left home to attend the event to be held 180miles to the Southeast of Trout Lake.He wanted to come back immediately in order not to miss the football game the next day.
As fate would have it,he never reached Trout Lake.He was stuck in a heavy autumn snowstorm.As he was driving along the forest service road,which was thankfully in good condition,he realized that snow was fast piling up.The tires of  his jeep Cherokee sank into soft,deep snow 35miles from his destination.
Luckily,Daryl had filled his jeep with full gallon water and had kept a Wal-Mart sleeping bag.He had a jacket and some food for the night.He settled down in his jeep confident in his hope that someone would find him and save him the next day.
But,no one came and he continued to survive drinking very little water.He had to try hard to keep brushing off the snow on the roof and door of his jeep,or it would be impossible to be found.In order to do this,he slept and woke up in fits and starts (间歇地).He knew that leaving his vehicle in search of help was not a good idea.He managed till day 8,after which he became completely dehydrated(脱水的).Daryl had the presence of mind to fight his hopelessness and reach out for snow but knew that eating snow would lower body temperature after which the body had to spend more energy to keep itself warm.
He finally decided to go in search of water.He discovered water,drank to his heart's content and filled himself with renewed energy.It was not until 14days of struggle for survival that Daryl was discovered by a local snowmobile.Fortunately,he neither suffered from hypothermia or frostbite(体温过低或冻疮)even though he lost ten pounds.
Daryl's survival is amazing,He kept his brain active and continuously surveyed his environment,looking for solutions.Most importantly,he did not panic.

64.How did Daryl feel at first when he was caught in the snow?A
A.Hopeful.    B.Frightened.  
C.Worried.    D.Helpless.
65.Why did Daryl keep brushing off the snow on his jeep's roof and door?D
A.To keep himself warm.  
B.To keep it in good condition.
C.To stop himself falling asleep.   
D.To make it easily discovered.
66.What is the biggest trouble Daryl had to fight against while waiting for help?B
A.Coldness.               B.Lack of water.  
C.The fear of death.      D.Lack of sleep.
67.What message does the passage want to show?D
A.The power of nature is too great at times.
B.One should be prepared for the worst.
C.It is important to leam about first aid.
D.One should be brave in face of natural disasters.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Everyone was born with his own built-in burglar alarm.It's called the sense of sight and sound.Unfortunately,many of us go around with the alarm switched off.
We don't see the stranger wandering outside the house next door.
We don't notice the sounds from the flat upstairs.
(Weren't they supposed to be on holiday?)
The police can only do so much to prevent crime.There never can be enough of them to guard every home in every town.So they need your help in fighting with the burglars(窃贼),the vandals,and the car thieves.
Not,of course,by setting out to have a go every time you see something suspicious.It'll always be the job of the police to arrest criminals.
But by acting as a line of communication between them and your community.For instance,you probably know far more about your immediate neighborhoods than the police ever could.
A stranger in someone's garden would probably be far more obvious to you than it would to even the local police,if,of course,you were on the lookout.
That's the whole idea behind the Neighborhood Watch schemes,springing up around the country to create a spirit of watchfulness within a community,anything suspicious being reported to the police.
It's early days yet,but results so far are very encouraging.The crime figures are already dropping in many of the areas running the scheme.And all due to people like you.
32.The underlined word"them"refers to"B".
A.criminals            B.the police         C.neighbours              D.strangers
33.The advertisement points out that many people.B
A.are not ready to help the police
B.are not as watchful as they could be
C.don't look after their gardens well
D.don't tell their neighbors about their holidays
34.One of the ways we could help prevent crime is to.C
A.turn on the alarm system in our home
B.try to stop criminals from escaping
C.look out for people behaving suspiciously
D.inform the police if we hear noises upstairs
35.The purpose of the advertisement is to in their neighborhood.D
A ask people to join the police force
B advise people how to protect their homes
C warn people about the increasing risk of crime
D  encourage people to be on watch for possible crime.

