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5. Even though he has lived in China for many years,Mark still cannot himself to Chinese customs.

   A. adopt   B. agree   C. adapt   D. accept


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1. 长江三峡闻名于全世界;

2. 沿三峡有许多美丽的名胜;

3. 在三峡的人口处建有葛洲坝水电站;

4. 改革开放以来,长江三峡发生了巨大变化,呈现 出新面貌;

5. 现在长江三峡上正在建设一座大型水利枢纽工程;

6. 三峡的建设将会更加有益于人民,为中国做出 更大贡献。

提示词:三峡the Xiling Gorge (西陵峡) ,Wu Gorge (巫峡) and Qutang Gorge (瞿塘峡) ;葛洲琐 the Gezhouba Dam; —座大型水利枢纽工程a large multipurpose water conservancy project;对 有益

benefit;对......做出贡献 make contributions to

要求:1. 可适当添加细节;

2. 词数:100左右。





科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

4. We do believe that he (不可能忘) the time for the meeting.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

10. The Red Army 25,000 li during the Long March.

   A. adapted   B. covered

   C. evolved   D. surrounded


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

8. —I can't find my purse anywhere.

—You have lost it while shopping.

   A. may   B. can   C. should   D. would


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   A king once went to a master. He wanted to become more powerful than other 16 kings. He sat in front of the master and 17 telling him the purpose of his 18 . The master listened 19 to the king.

He then told the king to go to the 20 where a rose plant and a cypress (柏树) plant were growing side by side. He told the king, “They are your 21 They can teach you what you want to 22 . ”

The king went into the garden,and 23 the two plants but could not 24 what he could learn from them. He went back to the master and asked,u What do you 25 , master? I am not able to understand what and how these plants will teach me. ”

The master took the king to the plants and 26 ,

“ This cypress plant has been next to the rose plant for so many years. Never once has it wanted to become a rose plant. 27 , the rose plant has never wanted to be- come a cypress plant. If man had been the cypress plant,he would have 28 himself with the rose and felt jealous (忌妒的) at the 29 that the beautiful rose plant was getting from all the people. 30 , if man was the rose plant,he would have 31 the cypress plant envi-ously (羡慕地) thinking how 32 the plant was without the 33 of being disturbed by people all day!Both of the plants grew very well because they 34 all their energy for their own 35 instead of using it to compete with the other. ”

16. A. rich   B. handsome

   C. western   D. neighbouring

17. A. forgot   B. continued

   C. started   D. suggested

18. A. transport   B. visit

   C. study   D. test

19. A. patiently   B. angrily

   C. happily   D. worriedly

20. A. valley   B. bank

   C. garden   D. forest

21. A. enemies   B. families

   C. friends   D. teachers

22. A. design   B. learn

   C. build   D. notice

23. A. saw   B. planted

   C. cut   D. watered

24. A. provide   B. show

   C. understand   D. remember

25. A. hear   B. find   C. say   D. mean

26. A. ordered   B. explained

   C. asked   D. requested

27. A. Similarly   B. Frequently

   C. Finally   D. Luckily

28. A. covered   B. compared

   C. marked   D. dressed

29. A. pack   B. pay

   C. attention   D. message

30. A. Besides   B. However

   C. Therefore   D. Or

31. A. looked at   B. waited for

   C. called on   D. listened to

32. A. heavy   B. useful

   C. peaceful   D. poor

33. A. duty   B. mistake

   C. interest   D. trouble

34. A. lost   B. used   C. lent   D. received

35. A. growth   B. opinion

   C. fun   D. victory


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

7. The mountain (被 覆盖着) trees.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

4. Why should the dragon have a different character according to the passage?

   A. Because it is believed that they were from different myths.

   B. Because in the west the idea of the dragon might have come from snake.

   C. Because in China the idea of the dragon might have come from the alligator.

   D. All of the above.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

5. According to your words,you have known about it.

