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In your life, sometimes you may be asked to speak in front of a large group of people. Although it sounds a little scary, even those with stage fright can speak successfully to the group with adequate preparation.

1. Practice your speech before the big day. 1. If possible, practice the speech in front of a friend or family member to get used to saying it to real people. If you feel you must have note cards, limit the amount to about three cards. This will force you to keep your speech concise and help you keep your eyes focused on your audience.

2. Remember why you've been invited to speak. If you're battling fear over speaking to a large group of people, keep your mind on the fact that you were selected for this important role. The speech organizers must have seen something valuable in you or your expertise. 2.

3. Remember that fear of public speaking is very common. 3. Most of the people in the audience would be feeling the same fear and stress that you do in your position. Knowing this may make you feel better.

4. 4. What you say should be tailored to why you're there and who you're speaking to in order to avoid sounding general. If speaking to a charity group, mention the good work certain specific individuals have done for the cause. If speaking at a business conference, briefly state why you want to help these people.

5. Keep eye contact with the crowd. 5. Pick one person in each section and look at him while you're speaking. After each important point in your speech, switch your focus to another section. When you focus only on one person at a time, the size of the crowd isn't as frightening.

A. A good memory is really helpful.

B. Show appreciation to your audience.

C. Mention your audience in your speech.

D. The more you have it memorized, the better.

E. In fact, it's normal to feel nervous or stressed out before a big speech.

F. Separate the crowd into three sections mentally as you get up to speak.

G. The knowledge of other people's respect for you should reduce some of the fear.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年江苏盐城中学高二下期中考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

As is widely __________, whatever small good deeds we do can definitely __________a more harmonious society.

A. realized; result in

B. acknowledged; contribute to

C. recognized; result from

D. expected; distribute to


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016年辽宁沈阳东北育才校高二下第一阶段考英语卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空


In the early 1980s,I interviewed a young man who began to quote(引用) information that agreed with the company he was applying to. He quoted the ______ income figures, the number of employees, and other related information. Needless to say, I was ______,so he got the job. Comparing him with the other candidates, I found his ______ of the company was overall and colorful. My impression was that he had ______ much time researching the company. None of his ______ had done so. Months later, I asked him where he’d done his research to ______ so much about our company. He smiled and said,“ Remember our meeting was ______ at 2 p.m. but that day you were running 15 minutes behind?”I nodded.“Well, ______ I sat in the reception area waiting for you, I ______ among the magazines on the coffee table was a year-end report. It ______ the company’s complete history. Fifteen minutes gave me plenty of time to ‘research’ the company.”This story is very ______ although what he did is simple. He only learned more than others in a short time. As a result, he ______ twenty other candidates.

______,“Little Things” can make “Big Difference”. We need only look at the Olympic athletes. Sometimes the runner who crosses the finish line 1/100th of a second ______ than the next wins Gold. A gold medal can ______ the difference of millions of dollars. One might ask: Is this gold medal ______ ten times faster or better than the second runner? No, he is ______ 1/100th of a second faster. It ______ much training and practice to become a gold medal winner. How ______ it is to pass all the other athletes!So if we want to be successful, we have to ______ more and practice more.

1.A. present B. next C. future D. previous

2.A. puzzled B. bored C. impressed D. disappointed

3.A. understanding B. business C. progress D. instruction

4.A. saved B. killed C. wasted D. spent

5.A. competitors B. friends C. partners D. opposers

6.A. do B. find C. add D. use

7.A. left B. prepared C. scheduled D. made

8.A. since B. though C. if D. as

9.A. imagined B. noticed C. reached D. invented

10.A. contained B. explained C. explored D. published

11.A. wrong B. meaningful C. funny D. strange

12.A. admired B. ignored C. beat D. attacked

13.A. Eventually B. Generally C. Gradually D. Actually

14.A. more casually B. more bravely C. faster D. stronger

15.A. catch B. bring C. offer D. care

16.A. winner B. dreamer C. follower D. helper

17.A. yet B. ever C. just D. even

18.A. exists B. appears C. shares D. takes

19.A. simple B. difficult C. interesting D. famous

20.A. learn B. give C. think D. insist


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届江西南昌市高三第七次(4月)月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错


假设英语课上,老师要求同桌之间互换修改作文,请修改你同桌的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误, 每句中最多有两处, 每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加, 删除或修改。



修改:在错词下划一横线, 并在该词下面写出修改后的词。

注意: 1. 每处错误及其修改均限一词。

2. 只允许修改10处, 多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Last weekend we go mountain climbing. Even the heavy rain in the morning could not prevent us going. Set off very early, we went along an extreme narrow road, all in high spirits.

On every side of the road was green fields and some farm houses. We could hear the sound of the rain and our footsteps mixing with our laughter. At noon we reached the top of the mountain. That surprised us most there was the beauty of scenes. After having short rest there and sharing with the food we had brought, we started going down. It rained even harder. We were wet to the skin, and we still sang and laughed happily.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届江西南昌市高三第七次(4月)月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

If you are a book-lover, you may be interested in the following.

Dietland, by Sarai Walker

If you’re sick of the stick-thin and perfectly slim models of society today, Dietland is for you. The funny novel follows Plum Kettle, an over-weight advice journalist who answers fan mail for a teen girls’ website. She’s convinced that her life won’t really start until she saves up enough money for her weight-loss operation — when she’ll finally look like the “perfect” woman. But after she gets pulled into a series of adventures with a group of women who live life on their own terms, she begins to reconsider her own opinions of what “beauty” really is.

Orhan’s Inheritance, by Aline Ohanesian

After Orhan’s Turkish grandfather dies, he learns that while he’s taken over his grandfather’s successful business, the house that’s been in his family for generations was not left to him. Instead, it went to an 87-year-old woman who lives in L.A. that no one in his family has ever heard of. To get to the bottom of this, Orhan travels to L.A. to meet with the woman. It’s then that he uncovers the secrets of his family.

Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind, by Yuval Noah Harari

If the story of evolution (进化) has always interested you, this book is for you. In it, Dr. Yuval Noah Harari explores how, if 100,000 years ago there were six different kinds of humans on Earth, only one lived through to today: homo sapiens. He takes both an historical and biological approach to his discussion of how humans have evolved over time. He talks about the society created by sapiens and cultural wonders. And perhaps what is most fascinating is the evolution of humans.

1.What does Plum Kettle want before she joins the women in the adventures?

A. Natural beauty.

B. A large sum of money.

C. A healthy lifestyle.

D. A slim shape.

2.What puzzled Orhan after his grandfather’s death?

A.Their house was given to a stranger.

B.His grandfather’s business was such a success.

C.He had to take care of the 87-year-old woman.

D.The 87-year-old woman was one of his relatives.

3. What’s the most interesting in Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind ?

A. The advanced society. B. The rise of humans.

C. The development of biology. D. The cultural wonders.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届广东省肇庆市高三毕业班第三次统一检测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达









Dear John,

I am happy to introduce a Chinese restaurant to you for your birthday.








Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届广东省肇庆市高三毕业班第三次统一检测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

No one can deny China’s efforts to reach for the sky.

At one kilometer high, the two Phoenix Towers planned for Wuhan, the capital of Hubei province in central China, will be the tallest in the world if completed on schedule in 2017.

The towers will also be pink, crazily futuristic and environmentally friendly.

Designed to sit on an island in a lake, the largest of the towers will stand 172 meters taller than Burj Khalifa in Dubai.

“We were asked to create an iconic building for Wuhan, which embodies a strong environmental and social content as well as reflecting Chinese tradition,” Laurie Chetwood of UK-based design firm Chetwoods Architects told CNN.

The design is inspired by dualism(二元论) in Chinese culture-the traditional Chinese phoenix symbol of the two birds, Feng and Huang, as well as the idea of yin and yang.

Feng and Huang, or phoenix, are a pair of mythical birds in Chinese culture traditionally used to denote royalty.

Three large spheres containing restaurants will be accessible via suspended “skywalks” between the two towers.

The spheres “represent planets orbiting the towers”, according to the designers.

The larger building will also have the unlikely boast of housing the world’s tallest kaleidoscope(万花筒) driven by a wind turbine(涡轮机).

A commercial square at the towers’ base will meet China’s growing demand for cultural tourism.

“You’ll have a French street, a Japanese street, a Turkish street, and so forth… to allow people to see the world without necessarily having to leave China,” Chetwood told the Guardian.

The towers are designed to have green features such as pollution-absorbing surfaces to filter the city’s air as well as technology to filter the water.

The towers are designed to be able to produce enough power to fulfill their own needs and those of neighboring areas.

“If you work in the UK, if you come up with anything that’s off the wall ( 有点出格的) or slightly out there, you sort of get kicked back,” Chetwood said. “ In China it goes the other way- they ask for a bit more. That’s a stimulating experience for a designer.”

1.Which of the following about the two Phoenix Towers is TRUE?

A. Their inspiration comes from Chinese culture.

B. At present they are the tallest in the world.

C. They will be surrounded by three ground-level spheres.

D. People will have a taste of foreign flavors inside the spheres.

2.According to Laurie Chetwood in the last paragraph, China’s response to new ideas is _________.

A. doubtful B. negative

C. cautious D. enthusiastic

3.This article focuses on the _________ of the two Phoenix Towers.

A. appearances B. construction

C. features D. height

4. Which would be the best title for the passage?

A. The Phoenix Towers: Pink and controversial.

B. The Phoenix Towers: Super tall and green.

C. The Phoenix Towers: Work of a Great Architect.

D. The Phoenix Towers: Work of China-UK cooperation.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年江西南昌三中度高二上期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Jennifer’s Hurricane Experience

I have evacuated(疏散)lots of times in my life. To make sure everything is safe, my family have to move a lot of things. I usually help my mom and my brothers help my dad. Mom and I take all of the special keepsakes(纪念品)to low safe places. Another thing we have to do is to take our sailboat out into deep water and anchor it really well. When it’s time to anchor the sailboat, Scott, my father’s brother, comes over. I just need to wait in the car with my mom and brothers before we evacuate.

John’s Hurricane Experience

My family evacuated for hurricane Opal in 1995. We left two days early because we were going to my dad’s 35th High School Reunion(聚会). There was a lot of traffic getting out of town. But we didn’t get into trouble as we had arrived at the school. During hurricane Georges, I slept. But there was a lot of lightning, thunder and rain at that night. The next morning, there were a lot of branches, twigs and leaves everywhere.

Catherine’s Hurricane Experience

This year, we experienced two hurricanes, Earl and Georges. We did the same thing in both hurricanes. We would always be watching the news. There was a lot of rain … a whole lot of rain. The hurricane never really got close enough to do very much damage. I have never evacuated, and I don’t think that I ever will.

Ryan’s Hurricane Experience

I am a police officer on an island in the Texas Gulf Coast. I was directly affected by the violent weather throughout the hurricane season. Our department was ordered to stay on the island while all the other citizens were evacuating. I didn’t feel at all prepared for the situation. So I went to the grocery store and purchased some food. I thought a survival kit would have helped ease some of the tension in my mind.

1. Who fixed the sailboat with Jennifer’s father?

A. Jennifer. B. Jennifer’s mother.

C. Jennifer’s uncle. D. Jennifer’s brothers.

2.Which of the following is NOT true about the hurricanes?

A. Hurricane Opal hit in 1995.

B. Hurricane Georges hit at night.

C. Hurricane Opal hit on John’s way to the school.

D. Hurricane Georges blew down many branches.

3.When Catherine’s family heard hurricanes were coming, they ___________.

A. purchased some food

B. paid attention to the hurricanes news

C. took special keepsakes to low safe places

D. moved out of the place where they lived

4.What can we know about Ryan?

A. He was nervous before the hurricane.

B. He did little preparation for the hurricane.

C. He was confident to overcome the hurricane.

D. He was busy helping citizens evacuate before the hurricane.

5.Who didn’t evacuate before the hurricanes?

A. Jennifer and John. B. Catherine and John.

C. Jennifer and Ryan. D. Catherine and Ryan.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年福建长泰县二中高一下期第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写

1.Mr. Zhao is ______ _______ _______ (主管) this company.

2.PRC (代表) the People’s Republic of China .

3.He studied hard,and (结果), he passed the exam.

4.How are you going to (处理) such problems?

5.The children are (在危险中) if they get close to the tiger.

6.Too much sunlight does (对…有害) this plant.

7.You should (注意) your handwriting.

8.The teacher has borrowed the books.(把此句改成被动语态)

The books by the teacher.

