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If you live in Shanghai, you might have taken a “lesson” in sorting (分类) garbage, as the city introduced new garbage-sorting regulations on July 1, 2019.

As China’s first city to carry out strict regulations(规则) on garbage sorting and recycling, Shanghai requires its residents to sort garbage into four categories, namely recyclable, harmful, dry and wet waste. If people fail to sort their garbage properly, they can be fined up to 200 yuan.

Since the regulation took effect, the amount of total daily waste in Shanghai has been reduced by an average of 15,500 tons, dropping 26 percent from the end of 2018, while the average daily weight of recyclables hits 4,500 tons, five times higher than the end of 2018, according to the Shanghai Landscaping and City Appearance Administrative Bureau.

The city also rebuilt 21,000 waste-sorting stations and more than 40,000 waste bins have been updated. The city’s waste collection and transportation system is complete, according to the bureau.

“Proper waste sorting is to protect the environment and save natural resources,” said Deng Jianping, director of the bureau. “Led by the central government, Shanghai is making efforts to develop long-term solutions to garbage management.”

However, there have also been some problems. Some people complained that it is difficult to deal with wet garbage, as they are asked to remove wet garbage from its bag when dumping (倾倒). According to the sorting rules, the wet garbage must go in the wet waste bin and the bag must go in the dry waste bin.

This separation is necessary, as it ensures that the wet garbage will decompose (分解) properly and become useful organic (有机的) waste, the bureau said.

Plastic bags can affect this process. Some people in Shanghai are instead using paper bags that can biodegrade(生物降解)or plastic containers that can be washed and reused, according to Xinhua.

1When did the new garbage-sorting regulations come into effect in Shanghai?(不多于4个单词)

2According to the passage, people in Shanghai are asked to sort their garbage into four categories, and what are they?(不多于8个单词)

3Why should we sort garbage? (不多于11个单词)

4How do people deal with wet garbage when dumping? (不多于7个单词)


1On July 1, 2019.

2They are harmful, recyclable, dry and wet waste./Harmful, recyclable, dry and wet waste.

3To protect the environment and save natural resources./

Because we/ sorting garbage can protect the environment and save natural resources.

4Remove wet garbage from its bag./People remove wet garbage from its bag.




细节理解题。根据文章第一段“If you live in Shanghai, you might have taken a lesson in sorting (分类) garbage, as the city introduced new garbage-sorting regulations on July 1, 2019.( 如果你住在上海,你可能在垃圾分类方面上了一堂“课”,因为上海于201971日出台了新的垃圾分类条例。)”可知,新的垃圾分类条例与201971在上海生效的。故答On July 1, 2019.


细节理解题。根据文章第二段“As Chinas first city to carry out strict regulations(规则) on garbage sorting and recycling, Shanghai requires its residents to sort garbage into four categories, namely recyclable, harmful, dry and wet waste.( 作为中国第一个对垃圾分类回收实施严格规定的城市,上海要求居民将垃圾分为可回收、有害、干、湿四类。)”可知,垃圾被要求分为可回收、有害、干、湿四类。故答They are harmful, recyclable, dry and wet waste./Harmful, recyclable, dry and wet waste.


细节理解题。根据文章第五段““Proper waste sorting is to protect the environment and save natural resources,” said Deng Jianping, director of the bureau. (该局局长邓建平说:“正确的垃圾分类是为了保护环境和节约自然资源。”)”可知,垃圾分类是为了保护环境和节约自然资源。故答To protect the environment and save natural resources./Because we/ sorting garbage can protect the environment and save natural resources.


细节理解题。根据文章第六段“Some people complained that it is difficult to deal with wet garbage, as they are asked to remove wet garbage from its bag when dumping (倾倒).( 有些人抱怨说处理湿垃圾很困难,因为他们被要求在倾倒时把湿垃圾从袋子里拿出来。)”可知,人们在倾倒湿垃圾时,要把湿垃圾从袋子里拿出来。故答Remove wet garbage from its bag./People remove wet garbage from its bag.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



Dear Li Hua,

I’m glad to hear from you. I’m honored to be believed.


As far as I’m concerned, if you do like this, I believe you will make great progress.

Best wishes!


Mr Black


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


The canteen was crowded with summer campers from high schools across the city, all extremely hungry after a day's activities. I spotted an empty place and walked there. Just as I put my tray(餐盘) down, I felt a bump against my hip. The tray dropped on the table and the soup spilt all over my camp shirt and jeans. And I heard a burst of laughter.

"Can’t you look where you are going, you clumsy fool!" I shouted, glaring at the troublemaker, a tall boy with wild hair.

"Sorry! Can't help laughing! You look so funny!" said the boy, bending over with laughter. I was too annoyed to respond and just walked away to change my clothes.

The next morning, we were all assembled for roll call(点名), when I saw the same boy come running out of the dorm, his unbuttoned shirt flying behind him. Before he could slide into place, he was spotted by the Camp Commandant. As a punishment for being late, he was made to do a hundred pushups. As I walked past him later, I let out a loud laugh, saying "Sorry. I can't help laughing. You look so funny."

So the war of words continued in the following three days with the wild-haired boy, whose name, I found out, was Ben.

A mountain hike(远足) marked the last day of the camp. On the way back, I found myself left far behind my team. Soon, they were out of sight. The camp site was a long way away and I was getting anxious as evening fell. I risked taking a shortcut(近路) clung to the mountain side, but suddenly, I tripped off the path and slid right down the slope(斜坡).

Fortunately, my fall was stopped by a bunch of bamboo. I saw I was about ten meters below the track. There was no way I could climb up the slope as evidently I had my ankle broken. After making several vain attempts, I waited hopelessly. It got dark and I became afraid.






Paragraph 1:

Then, I saw a faint light, and heard a voice calling out my name.


Paragraph 2:

The next day, as we were boarding the buses which would take us back to our own homes, Ben came up to me.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Nao, the first robot able to show feelings, has been created by a European research team. When Nao is sad, he lowers his head and looks down. When he’s happy, he raises his arms for a hug. Nothing is out of the ordinary, except that Nao is a robot.

“We’re modeling the first years of life,” says Lola Canamero, a computer scientist at the University of Hertforshire. “The feelings are shown through physical gestures and body movements rather than facial or verbal (言语的) expressions.”

In the future, says the scientist, robots are likely to act as companions, provide support for old people, and help people shop online. In such uses, the display of feeling will be important in making the interactions (交往) more natural and comfortable.

Nao has been programmed to copy the emotional skills of a one-year-old child. It can memorize faces, and knows the basic rules of good and bad. Based on these it can decide how to react to what is going on. The actions going with each feeling are pre-programmed, but Nao decides for itself when to display them.

Nao is also programmed to have different personalities. A more independent robot is less likely to call for help when exploring a room, while a more fearful robot will show distress if it finds something in the room that may be harmful.

Canamero’s team will take its emotional programming forward into medical applications. Part of the project will look at ways to use robots in hospitals to support the roles of doctors, nurses and parents. Children might find that a small, friendly-looking robot that can understand their emotional states makes them less anxious. “We want to explore different roles—the robots will help the children to understand their treatment and explain what they have to do. We want to help the children to control their anxiety.” she says.

1According to the text Nao_______.

A.displays different feelings in different situations

B.is able to copy adult emotional displays

C.can remember people’s feelings

D.learns feelings from facial expressions

2What can we learn from the text?

A.Scientists worked on facial and spoken expressions to create Nao’s emotions.

B.The time when Nao displays feelings has been pre-programmed.

C.Emotional programming is used in medicine production.

D.Robots with emotional skills can help children feel more comfortable.

3What can’t robots do in the future according to the scientist?

A.They can work as your companion.

B.They can aid old people .

C.They can shop with you.

D.They can show their feelings.

4What is the text mainly about?

A.The relationship between humans and robots.

B.The roles that robots play in different fields.

C.The first robot able to show feelings.

D.The long history of robots.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Why does Tim apologize?

A.He made Helen embarrassed.

B.He asked for a public apology.

C.He took the dictionary without asking.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1What does the woman often do in her free time?

A. Listen to music. B. Go camping. C. Visit beautiful places.

2Why are the two speakers going out together this weekend?

A. For a photo class. B. For a photography exhibit. C. For taking some pictures.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】How to be a good roommate

Roommate horror stories are pretty popular topics of conversation at school. Follow a few simple tips to ensure you’re not the awful roommate everyone’s talking about.

Respect each other

First and foremost, you need to respect your roommate.

1If your roommate is sleeping, keep the noise and light levels down. If your roommate is studying, don’t have loud conversations in the same room. If in doubt, ask yourself whether you would be annoyed if your roommate didn’t do the above things for you.

Keep it clean. 2Hair in the shower or bathrooms littered with magazines or dirty clothes. Respect means keeping your side of the room clean. And hopefully, if your roommate sees you keeping your side clean, they’ll be more likely to keep theirs clean.

Keep your hands off their stuff. 3If you really need to borrow something of theirs, always ask before you do. If they say no, don’t get angry. Some people just don’t like other people using their stuff.

Set basic rules

You and your roommate should establish some basic rules. For instance, I really don’t like it when people have phone conversations in the room while I am studying. 4I’d rather be writing my paper than listening to you tell your best friend about your weekend. So discuss that with your roommate. Make a compromise, but the tie should go to the person studying. Another example is to discuss cleaning duties. Dividing cleaning duties will make your room cleaner and it will help ease roommate tensions. 5

A. Be considerate.

B. Talk on the phone.

C. Don’t use your roommate’s items without asking.

D. I’m not good at doing several things at the same time.

E. I have heard many horror stories about dirty roommates.

F. Taking out the trash and tidying the room are just a few things to consider.

G. It is amazing how people don’t understand what it means to be considerate.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 The mayor of Flint offered Miss Michigan Emily Sioma high praise on Tuesday for speaking out at this weekend's Miss America conference about the city's water crisis.

“I was really excited for her to do that," Mayor Karen Weaver told TMZ. “I think she was very brave because so many times you say who you are and where you're from and just general information. For her to take that opportunity and use her platform and use her voice to speak up about what‘s going on in Michigan and in Flint, in particular, was just amazing. ”

Emily Sioma,24,introduced herself on stage on Sunday by saying,“From the state with 84 percent of the U. S. fresh water but none for its residents to drink. I am Miss Michigan Emily Sioma.” The brief ‘speech was a reference to Flint, a town with lead-filled drinking water.

Weaver said Sioma's decision to speak about the Flint water crisis demonstrated her impressive character. “I applaud her for being a brave young woman. And it also shows you that she’s not a selfish person," Weaver said. “She could have talked only about herself, but she chose to use this opportunity to bring attention to, and keep attention on, what’s going on in Flint, what’s going on with water quality standards what's going on with this broken infrastructure(基础设施) that we have across the country. "

Ratings showed that 4. 3 million viewers watched the ABC program. Although Miss New York Nia Imani Franklin ultimately won the competition, many Twitter users quickly got behind Sioma, who did not make the final 15, after her introduction.

“Emily Sioma wanted to make an impact,” one Twitter user wrote on Sunday. Regardless of whether you agree with what she said or not- she is shining light on a pressing issue that we have in our state and that is still not solved. That, is a Miss America."

1What does the underlined word “water crisis' refer to in Paragraph 1?

A.Water transportation.B.Water shortage.

C.Water reservation.D.Water quality.

2How does the mayor find Emily Sioma?

A.Curious and cautious.B.Brave and unselfish.

C.Proud and admirable.D.Talkative and outgoing.

3What does the author intend to do in Paragraph 5?

A.Summarize the previous paragraphs.B.Introduce the ABC program.

C.Emphasize Sioma's influence.D.Add some background information.

4Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

A.The Mayor of FlintB.A Twitter Voice

C.The ABC CompetitionD.A Miss America


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】请认真阅读下列各个小题,并根据所给首字母或中文提示,写出下列各句空格中的单词, 注意保持语义和形式的一致。请将答案的完整形式写在答题卡上相应题号的横线上。每空 只填1个单词。

1This TV series is ________ (针对)specially at teenagers aged 13 to 18.

2The manager got promoted as he completed the project well within ________ (预算).

3As you know, sales of your Snowman ice cream have ________ (成倍增加)since we gave it a new package.

4It was a close game in which the Kangaroos ________ (打平)with the Eagles in the first half final.

5Police officers have been closely ________ (监控)the organization's activity.

6They felt lucky to have won the free trip to Europe, o ________ they'd never have been able to afford it.

7Before I consulted you, I had no c ________ that a company might try to fool people into buying a product or service.

8However, the cost of building a VR studio is quite high, and this seems like a real d ________ .

9The judge concluded from the evidence that Jack was i ________ of the murder and should be set free.

10Hackers gained complete a ________ to Tom's mobile phones, stealing all the money on WeChat.

