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In campus violence cases in Beijing during the last five years, 14 percent of the offenders not only beat others, but also insulted(侮辱)them. They slapped(打耳光)others, made them kneel down, and in some cases took off other people’s clothes.

Violence at schools has been widely reported in media in recent years the violence among teenagers has drawn public and government attention. On Nov 11, the Ministry of Education, along with eight other central sectors, published a guideline on dealing with school violence.

The guideline stressed that students with serious behavioral problems should be handed over to special schools. Or, in more serious cases, they may take criminal responsibility and be sent to prison.

“The common tolerant attitude toward violence should be changed,” wrote Jiaxing Daily. “When teenagers do something wrong, we should tolerate and help them when necessary. But all of this has a limit."




(1)校园暴力存在且越来越严重的原因(至少两点); (2)你认为如何应对校园暴力(至少两点);








【答案】As is shown in the short passage above, campus violence among teenagers has become an increasingly serious problem, but fortunately, the government has realized it and decided to take measures to deal with it.

There are several factors accounting for the situation worrying us, among which people’s tolerant attitude can’t be neglected. When campus violence happens, the absence of severe punishments usually makes matters worse, leading to those bad guys being more offensive and aggressive. In addition, when faced with such violence, teen victims are too afraid to report it to parents or the school, let alone call the police.

In a bid to wrestle with the serious problem, joint forces must be involved. Schools should impose severe punishments upon those offenders, even including removing them from school. Under extreme circumstances, sentencing them to prison is a necessity. As for the individuals of victims, they should be encouraged and guided to face the violence bravely and learn to protect themselves.



本文是一篇提纲式作文,采用三段式,符合要求,内容齐全,同时使用高级句子。As is shown in the short passage above, campus violence among teenagers has become an increasingly serious problem,as引导非限制性定语从句;When campus violence happens, the absence of severe punishments usually makes matters worse, leading to those bad guys being more offensive and aggressive.when引导时间状语从句,现在分词做自然的结果状语;when faced with such violence, teen victims are too afraid to report it to parents or the school, let alone call the police.when加过去分词做时间状语;sentencing them to prison is a necessity.动名词做主语;另外,In addition, let alone ,Under extreme circumstances, As for 等的运用为文章增色添彩。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】1(keep) a diary in English is one of the effective ways to improve our English writing abilities.

Compared with other forms of writing, it is shorter and takes2(little) time. It can help us to develop the habit of thinking in English. If we keep doing this,3(gradual)we'll learn how to express ourselves in English. In keeping a diary in English,we will certainly meet many difficulties. First, it often happens that we have difficulty4(find)proper words and phrases to give expression to our mind.5(two), there are so many idioms(成语)in Chinese6it is extremely hard for us to put them into English properly.

In my opinion,my7(suggest)is that we should always have a notebook and a Chinese-English dictionary within easy reach. Whenever something8(beat)us,we can first put it down in our notebook and then refer 9 our dictionary. We can also turn to our English teacher for help,if necessary. In short,I believe that it is of great use to keep10diary in English for the development of our writing skills.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】We can achieve knowledge either actively or passively. We achieve it actively by direct experience, by testing and proving an idea, or by reasoning.

We achieve knowledge passively by being told by someone else. Most of the learning that takes place in the classroom and the kind that happens when we watch TV or read newspapers or magazines is passive. Conditioned as we are to passive learning, it’s not surprising that we depend on it in our everyday communication with friends and co-workers.

Unfortunately, passive learning has a serious problem. It makes us tend to accept what we are told even when it is little more than hearsay(传闻) and rumor.

Did you ever play the game Rumor? It begins when one person writes down a message but doesn’t show it to anyone. Then the person whispers it, word for word, to another person. That person, in turn, whispers it to still another, and so on, through all the people playing the game. The last person writes down the message word for word as he or she hears it. Then the two written statements are compared. Typically, the original message has changed.

That’s what happens in daily life. The simple fact that people repeat a story in their own words changes the story. Then, too, most people listen imperfectly. And many enjoy adding their own creative touch to a story, trying to improve on it, stamping it with their own personal style. Yet those who hear it think they know.

This process is also found among scholars and authors: A statement of opinion by one writer may be restated as fact by another, who may in turn be quoted by yet another; and this process may continue, unless it occurs to someone to question the facts on which the original writer based his opinion or to challenge the interpretation he placed upon those facts.

1According to the passage, active learning may occur in ________.

A. reading scientific journals

B. listening to the teacher in class

C. doing a chemical experiment

D. watching news programmes on TV

2What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 2 refer to?

A. Classroom. B. Newspapers.

C. Active learning. D. Passive learning.

3The game Rumor is mentioned in Paragraph 4 in order to tell readers that ________.

A. playing games can make people more active

B. people tend to like telling lies when playing games

C. a message may be changed when being passed on

D. people may have problems with their sense of hearing

4What can be inferred from the text?

A. Scholars and authors can’t be trusted.

B. Passive learning may not be reliable.

C. People like spreading rumors in daily life.

D. Active learning is more Important than passive learning.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1After studying many successful people throughout history, I have found that there are a number of common ______(特点) they all shared.

2Swimming helps to get the blood _________(循环) through the muscles, thus considered the most valuable aerobic exercise.

3There was a long ____________(间隔) before he answered the telephone.

4He felt discouraged to find himself _____________(反对) by his own deputy(代表).

5It is dangerous to ________(步行人) to drive on the pavement.

6At that time the train not only c____________ passengers but also goods to different parts of the country.

7In this job, experience counts for more than paper q____________.

8She brought three children up alone, often at great personal s________; she seldom had a chance for relaxation.

9The company has announced that it will u_________ a full investigation into the accident.

10The drug was w_____________ from sale after a number of people suffered serious side effects.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:








Dear Jane,

Glad to hear from you and you're welcome to China in July.______________________________________









I hope what's mentioned above might be helpful and wish you a good journey.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


All over the world mothers and fathers teach their children manners. Other children may have manners that are not like yours. There are all kinds of manners.

Many years ago, children who had good manners were seen and not heard. They kept quite quiet if grownups were talking. Today, wellmannered children have more freedom.

Sometimes good manners in one place are bad manners in other places.

Suppose you are a visitor in the land of Mongolia. Some friends ask you to eat with them. What kind of manners do they want you to have? They want you to give a loud “burp(打嗝)” after you finish eating. Burping would show that you like your food.

In some countries, if you give a loud burp, you are told to say, “Excuse me, please.”

In many places people like to eat together. But in some parts of Polynesia it is bad manners to be seen eating together.People show good manners by turning their backs to others while they eat.

What are manners like in an East African town? People try not to see you.They are being polite.You may see a friend. He may not see you at all.If you are polite, you will sit down beside him.You will wait until he finishes what he is doing. Then he will talk to you.

Suppose you visit a friend in Arabia.You should walk behind the other tents until you come to his tent. If you pass in front of the other tents, you will be asked into each one.People will ask you to eat with them. And it is bad manners if you say no.

Manners are different all over the world. But it is good to know that all manners begin in the same way. People need ways to show that they want to be friends.

【1】People turn their backs to others while they eat in some places in ________.

A.Mongolia B.an East African town

C.Polynesia D.Arabia

2In an East African town, people try not to see you.This is because ________.

A.they are not your friends

B.they don't want to talk with you

C.it is good manners

D.they are waiting for you to talk with them

【3】Sometimes good manners in one place are bad manners in other places.Which should be a supporting paragraph to the idea?

A.The first one. B.The second one.

C.The sixth one. D.The third one.

【4】The best title of the passage should be “________”.

A.Some bad manners

B.Different kinds of manners

C.The importance of manners

D.Some good manners


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Since the 1970s, scientists have been searching for ways to link the brain with computers.Braincomputer interface (BCI) technology could help people with disabilities send commands to machines.

Recently, two researchers, Jose Millan and Michele Tavella from the Federal Polytechnic School in Lausanne, Switzerland, demonstrated(展示) a small robotic wheelchair directed by a person's thoughts.

In the laboratory, Tavella operated the wheelchair just by thinking about moving his left or right hand. He could even talk as he watched the vehicle and guided it with his thoughts.

“Our brain has billions of nerve cells. These send signals through the spinal cord(脊髓) to the muscles to give us the ability to move. But spinal cord injuries or other conditions can prevent these weak electrical signals from reaching the muscles.” Tavella says. “Our system allows disabled people to communicate with external world and also to control devices.”

The researchers designed a special cap for the user. This head cover picks up the signals from the scalp(头皮) and sends them to a computer. The computer interprets the signals and commands the motorized wheelchair.The wheelchair also has two cameras that identify objects in its path. They help the computer react to commands from the brain.

Prof. Millan, the team leader, says scientists keep improving the computer software that interprets brain signals and turns them into simple commands. “The practical possibilities that BCI technology offers to disabled people can be grouped in two categories:communication,and controlling devices.One example is this wheelchair.”

He says his team has set two goals. One is testing with real patients, so as to prove that this is a technology they can benefit from.And the other is to guarantee that they can use the technology over long periods of time.

【1】How did Tavella operate the wheelchair in the laboratory?

A.By controlling his muscles.

B.By talking to the machine.

C.By moving his hand.

D.By using his mind.

【2】Which of the following shows the path of the signals described in Paragraph 5?





【3】The team will test with real patients to________.

A.make profits from them

B.prove the technology useful to them

C.make them live longer

D.learn about their physical condition

【4】Which of the following would be the best title for the text?

A.Switzerland, the BCI Research Center

B.New Findings about How the Human Brain Works

C.BCI Could Mean More Freedom for the Disabled

D.Robotic Vehicles Could Help to Cure Brain Injuries


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】A Step-by-Step guide to Writing Great Papers

Time For Kids

Want to be a better writer? TFK’s “Write Ideas” gives your writing a rise by walking you through every step involved in writing a paper. Using sample papers, idea organizers and checklists, you can write better research papers, persuasive essays, news stories and much more.

Spelling, Grammar and More

English Zone

This is the perfect site for English homework; It has a section on almost every topic you will cover in English class, such as spelling, parts of speech and writing. It does not just give you summary of the topic; rather it makes sure you understand it completely.

Reading Rocks!

Reading Rockets

From this great resource, learn to love reading or to love it even more! Read articles about reading and education, and share them with your teachers and parents. You can even read books by famous authors like Jane Yolen and Patricia MacLachlan.

Definitions, Rhymes and Word Games

Merriam-Webster Word Central

If you want to review words you know and learn new ones, visit this site. Here you’ll visit a school called “Word Central” where you can click on different areas to learn things like definitions and rhymes for different words or play word games.

Help with Foreign Languages

Kidspace @ The Internet Public Library

This is a really cool site if you need help with foreign-language homework. It teaches you how to say hello in many different languages and has a lot of other useful information. It also tells how you can listen to real people saying the words in other languages.

1Which of the following sites can help you remember the new words?

A. Time For Kids. B. English Zone

C. Reading Rockets. D. Merriam-Webster Word Central.

2What can “Help with Forreign Languages” teach you?

A. How to read books by famous authors.

B. How to say hello in many different languages.

C. How to write better research papers.

D. How to use grammar in a right way.

3The ad is mainly intended .

A. to increase the students’ learning skills

B. to offer some useful sites in language study

C. to attract the students to join some learning clubs

D. to help students understand language study better


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】The 2015 World Secondary School Students' Track and Field Championships will be held in Wuhan No.4 Middle School,partially because the cultural relics here such as the Clock Tower and the Church are well ________.

A. preserved B. deserved

C. reserved D. observed

