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     "It hurts me more than you. "and " This is for your own good. "-these are the statements my mother
used to make years ago when I had to learn Latin,clean my room,stay home and do homework.
      That was before we entered the permissive period in education in which we decided it was all right
not to push our children to achieve their best in school. The schools and the educators made it easy for
us. They thought that it was all
right to be parents who took a let-alone policy.  We stopped making our children do homework.  We
gave them calculators,tumed on the television,left the teaching to the teachers and went on vacation.
     Now teachers, faced with children who have been developing at their own pace for the past 15 years,
are realizing we've made a terrible mistake.  One such teacher is Sharon Klompus who says of her
students-" so passive"-and wonders what has happened.  Nothing is demanded of them.  She believes. 
 Television, says Klompus, contributes to children's passivity (被动性) .  "We're talking about a
generation of kids who've never been hurt or hungry.  They have learned somebody will always do it for
them. Instead of saying 'go and look it up' ,you tell them the answer.  It takes greater energy to say no to
 a kid. "
     Yes,it does. It takes energy and it takes work. It's time for parents to end their vacation and come
back to work.
     It's time to take the car away,to tum the TV off,to tell them it hurts you more than them but it's for their own good. It's time to start telling them no again.
1. By "permissive period in education" the author means a time ________.       
A. when children are allowed to do what they wish to
B. when everything can be taught at school
C. when every child can be educated
D. when chldren are permitted to receive education
 2. The main idea of the passage is that _______ .      

A. parents should leave their children alone
B. kids should have more activities at school
C. it's time to be more strict with our kids
D. parents should always set a good example to their kids

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    科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

    Nowadays, a hospital always manages to keep its beds full. This is good on the one hand, and it’s bad on   36   hand.

    One day, I went to see a sick friend at the hospital. I first went to the   37   desk, where I could get a permit to visit the patient.

          38   I could ask which room my friend was in, the lady set down my name, age, filled out a form and   39   a bell. I was just about to tell her what I was coming for when two men arrived with a wheelchair,   40   me in it and pushed me down the hall.

    “I’m not   41  ,” I shouted. “I’m just looking for a friend.”

    “When he comes,” one man said, “we’ll   42   him up to your room.”

    In a minute I   43   myself in a small room. In no time they undressed me and covered some other things   44   me. One man said “If you need anything, press the button.”

    “I want to get my   45   back.” I begged.

    “Oh, you can   46   us,” a voice said, “Even if the   47   happens, we will see that your wife will get everything.” They left and locked the door   48   them.

    I was trying to think of how to escape by the door when Dr. Ward came in with several of his   49  .

    “Thank God you finally came,” I said.

    “It hurts that badly?” he asked.

    “No, on the contrary, I am not ill   50  .”

    Dr. Ward looked   51  . “If you don’t feel any pain, that means it’s much more   52   than we expected.” Then he turned to his students, “This is the most difficult kind of patient to deal with because he refuses to   53   that he is ill. __54__ he won’t tell us where it hurts, he will never be well again until we find the hurt out for   55   by doing exploratory surgery (手术探查) .”

    A. another            B. other            C. the other        D. others

    A. meeting            B. office          C. information      D. medicine



    科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


    Taking Care

    From a very early age, I knew I wanted to be a nurse. My mother was a nurse and I have always  36  her and the way she took care of everyone. I wanted to be just like her.

    So, here I am, a   37  for the last seven years. I love my work. Now, my father is quite   38  . He is 71 and has heart failure, and a lot of other medical  39  . Up until April of this year, he was able to live alone, drive, and   40  all of his own needs. His health has broken sown swiftly. I’m the only girl out of the five children. Being the only girl and a nurse  41  me at the top of the caregiver list. Taking care of a sick parent is very  42  , not at all like taking care of other patients. I have to   43  my own family to be here with Dad. I know this is   44  I need to be but it is still hard. I   45  abut 12-15 hours day taking care of him. I want to spend all of the time that I can with him because I know that our   46  left together is short.

    At the same time, I find myself  47  that my brothers don’t help more. Sometimes, it is days between their   48  . they all have families of their own and busy lives but…so do I. My eldest brother does help some. He   49  at night. He comes in at 8 or 9pm and lets me go home. But he is up and   50  to hit the road at about 6 am. My   51  brothers pop in for 10-15 minute visits. It is   52  annoying. They say they  53  stand “to see Daddy this way” which I understand. It hurts me to see him so sick  54  weak, too. But …he’s our Dad. He has taken care of us our whole lives. I just  55  like we should all do our part to take care of him now.

    A.missed   B.admired    C.cheered     D.loved

    A.nurse     B.mother     C.doctor      D.daughter

    A.stubborn       B.healthy     C.lonely       D.ill

    A.puzzles  B.difficulties       C.problems  D.matters

    A.give up  B.take care of      C.watch over       D.take up

    A.put B.encouraged      C.obliged     D.showed

    A.necessary      B.easy  C.important  D.difficult

    A.refuse    B.support     C.abandon    D.own

    A.when     B.how  C.where       D.why

    A.waste   B.spend       C.kill    D.pass

    A.money  B.pleasure    C.emotion    D.time

    A.angry   B.calm  C.enthusiastic      D.anxious

    A.trips     B.favours     C.visits D.meals

    A.lives    B.appears     C.sleeps       D.stays

    A.likely   B.ready C.sorry D.glad

    A.other    B.dear  C.busy  D.pitiful

    A.even    B.ever  C.still   D.really

    A.mustn’t       B.needn’t     C.can’t D.shouldn’t

    A.or B.and   C.yet    D.but

    A.feel      B.sound       C.smell D.look


    科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年广东陆丰市碣石中学高二下学期第一次月考英语试卷(带解析) 题型:填空题

    A.First, let' s talk about your boyfriend.If he' s laughing at you about it and won' t stop (even after you've talked to him about the fact that it hurts and annoys you) then you might need to stop being friends with him. If he really doesn't care about how he is hurting you, then he's not good enough to be your boyfriend. Second, if that girl is bothering you and threatening to beat you up you really need to turn to an adult for help. If you can't feel safe at school, you can't concentrate and will get poor grades, which will affect your future.
    B.It' s true that your first year in high school is important. It's a fresh start with your grades and it affects the rest of your high school years, but if you just stay calm, optimistic, and focused, you'll do fine. There's really no need to worry about grades as long as you work hard. Try to stay happy and confident. I think a good way to get an extra confidence boost is to wear your favorite clothes.
    C.You' re already on the right track by knowing what you want to change about yourself and why you feel the way you do. Understanding yourself is a big step! One good thing to do is to hang out with people a lot like you. If you have more in common with someone, then it is much easier to talk to them. Usually when you feel comfortable around a group of people, your confidence increases a lot.
    D.What I've discovered from my years of school changing is that confidence is the key to a good first day. Make sure you're not too threatening to your new classmates in any way, and it usually helps to be twice as nice as usual. Just smile and try to have fun. Also, about the clothes, wear something cute with bright colors. Then you'll look good, but you won' t have too many eyes on you all at once. Good luck and have fun!
    E.Usually it helps your grades if your family life is less of a challenge. If you get better grades and quit running up high phone bills, you would get along better with your parents. Getting along with your parents is pretty important.They've been through a lot and are usually good people to go to for help. So try your best to get along with your family.
    F.If you don't feel pretty, remember that everyone looks different. There are different kinds of "pretty”, believe it or not. Some people have great smiles, some have great hair, and some have nice eyes. Pay more attention to the parts of you that you like and pay less attention to what you don't like.
    【小题1】I am in eighth grade and am about to start high school.I am super nervous about going to high school and afraid that I won' t fit in and get good grades. It is all I think about nowadays and it is ruining my life. What should I do? Please help me!
    【小题2】I had a fight with a girl at school and ended up almost getting forced to leave school. Everybody makes fun of me and now my boyfriend is joining in with them. I have told him that it hurts my feelings, but he says that it is just a joke and that he may do it again. I feel scared to go to school, because I knocked her down at school and she'll get all her friends to beat me up the next time she sees me. I run as fast as I can to attend classes. Please help me!
    【小题3】My dad and mom always get me mad. I have bad grades.My cell phone's bill is quite high. I think it' s because of my anger at my dad and mom. What should I do to get along well with my family?
    【小题4】My family will move to a new city and I will have to start a new school. I'm really nervous about being a new kid. I don' t know what kids wear in a completely new school, how they act, or anything else. I don't want to make a bad impression on my first day. Oh, I will be in 10th grade and I've never changed schools before.
    【小题5】When I was eight my parents divorced(离婚).I used to be willing to do something and talk to someone I didn't know without being nervous. After the divorce I switched(转变) to many different schools and got really shy.My problem is that I'm shy around boys. I have to get to know them a lot to open up more and I think I might have ruined it a couple of times. I want my old self back. How do I open up even more without feeling scared?


    科目:高中英语 来源:2011-2012学年河南省高三英语期中考试试题 题型:完型填空



    Nowadays, a hospital always manages to keep its beds full. This is good on the one hand, and it’s bad on   36  hand.

    One day, I went to see a sick friend at the hospital. I first went to the   37  desk, where I could get a permit to visit the patient.

      38  I could ask which room my friend was in, the lady set down my name, age, filled out a form and   39  a bell. I was just about to tell her what I was coming for when two men arrived with a wheelchair,   40   me in it and pushed me down the hall.

    “I’m not   41 ,” I shouted. “I’m just looking for a friend.”

    “When he comes,” one man said, “we’ll   42  him up to your room.”

    In a minute I   43  myself in a small room. In no time they undressed me and covered some other things   44  me. One man said “If you need anything, press the button.”

    “I want to get my   45   back.” I begged.

    “Oh, you can   46    us,” a voice said, “Even if the   47  happens, we will see that your wife will get everything.” They left and locked the door   48   them.

    I was trying to think of how to escape by the door when Dr. Ward came in with several of his   49 .

    “Thank God you finally came,” I said.

    “It hurts that badly?” he asked.

    “No, on the contrary, I am not ill   50 .”

    Dr. Ward looked   51 . “If you don’t feel any pain, that means it’s much more   52  than we expected.” Then he turned to his students: “This is the most difficult kind of patient to deal with because he refuses to   53  that he is ill. __54__ he won’t tell us where it hurts, he will never be well again until we find the hurt out for   55  by doing exploratory surgery (手术探查) .”



    B.the other



















































































    A.at all

    B.in all

    C.after all

    D.above all
























    D.As soon as









    科目:高中英语 来源:2010年浙江省高一上学期期中考试英语卷 题型:完型填空

    Nowadays, a hospital always manages to keep its beds full. This is good on the one hand, and it’s bad on   36   hand.

    One day, I went to see a sick friend at the hospital. I first went to the   37   desk, where I could get a permit to visit the patient.

          38   I could ask which room my friend was in, the lady set down my name, age, filled out a form and   39   a bell. I was just about to tell her what I was coming for when two men arrived with a wheelchair,   40   me in it and pushed me down the hall.

    “I’m not   41  ,” I shouted. “I’m just looking for a friend.”

    “When he comes,” one man said, “we’ll   42   him up to your room.”

    In a minute I   43   myself in a small room. In no time they undressed me and covered some other things   44   me. One man said “If you need anything, press the button.”

    “I want to get my   45   back.” I begged.

    “Oh, you can   46   us,” a voice said, “Even if the   47   happens, we will see that your wife will get everything.” They left and locked the door   48   them.

    I was trying to think of how to escape by the door when Dr. Ward came in with several of his   49  .

    “Thank God you finally came,” I said.

    “It hurts that badly?” he asked.

    “No, on the contrary, I am not ill   50  .”

    Dr. Ward looked   51  . “If you don’t feel any pain, that means it’s much more   52   than we expected.” Then he turned to his students, “This is the most difficult kind of patient to deal with because he refuses to   53   that he is ill. __54__ he won’t tell us where it hurts, he will never be well again until we find the hurt out for   55   by doing exploratory surgery (手术探查) .”

    1.A. another            B. other            C. the other        D. others

    2.A. meeting           B. office          C. information      D. medicine

    3.A. Before            B. Until          C. While         D. When

    4.A. beat               B. rang          C. struck         D. took

    5.A. pushed            B. placed          C. pulled        D. invited

    6.A. well              B. sick            C. good            D. healthy

    7.A. command          B. carry           C. send          D. order

    8.A. found            B. realized        C. felt            D. understood

    9.A. on               B. from            C. up              D. to

    10.A. money           B. friend            C. clothes               D. form

    11.A. upset            B. expect           C. wonder       D. believe

    12.A. best             B. hardest         C. worst           D. easiest

    13.A. behind           B. before         C. beside         D. by

    14.A. friends           B. students         C. relatives          D. teachers

    15.A. at al             B. in all           C. after all          D. above all

    16.A. excited          B. worried        C. satisfied         D. surprised

    17.A. interesting        B. comfortable    C. serious         D. pleasant

    18.A. add              B. settle            C. concern        D. recognize

    19.A. Before           B. Since            C. When            D. As soon as

    20.A. himself          B. themselves       C. yourselves       D. ourselves


