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14.It was quite terrible.It took me some time to calmmyself down.

分析 那相当可怕,我花了一些时间才使自己平静下来.

解答 答案:calm 考查首字母填空.根据句意及句子结构,要填入动词,calm down意为"(使)平静下来",在动词不定式符号to后用动词原形calm.

点评 考查首字母填空.准确地翻译句子、理解句子,然后根据句意及提示完成句子,使句意更通顺.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

4.Linda had her luggage________ an hour before her plane left.(  )
A.checkB.checkingC.to checkD.checked


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

5.I can't tell you the exact time I'll get there,maybe at eight or nine or even later._______,I'll as early as I can.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

2.How I was _______when I heard the _______ news!(  )
A..excited; excitedB..exciting; exciting.
C.excited; excitingD..exciting; excited


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:信息匹配

This social networking website allows the users to make new friends,most often based on their preferences,and communicate with them.It also allows the users to share messages,videos,photos,etc.With more than a hundred million registered (注册的) users to its credit,Friendster is indeed one of the most popular social networking websites in the world.
    Hi5 is a social networking website which is quite popular,especially among youths.Other than helping you stay in touch with your friends,this website also allows you to play online games.More recently,Hi5 has developed into more of a social gaming website,with the intention of providing a platform for game developers.
    Quite popular among travel and tourism enthusiasts,Travellerspoint allows its users to discuss their travel experiences through forums and blogs.Basically a travel guide,this website also allows its users to upload photos and maps of various tourist destinations in the world.
    What started out as microblogging website has quickly grown into a social messaging platform and one of the top social networks in the world.Twitter is a phenomenon that transcends (优于) social networking to provide an outlet for news,the buzz,and chat among many other uses.
    Building itself as a social music site,Last.fm allows members to create their own radio station that learns what the person likes and recommends new music based on those interests.In addition to this,you can listen to the radio stations of friends and other Last.fm members.
    As one of the top social networking sites for business development,LinkedIn invites people to be"connections"instead of"friends".LinkedIn is somewhat similar to a job search website which is built on a social networking platform.The best part of LinkedIn is that it allows people to develop more contacts in the same field,with the intention of spreading their business.
46.Carl is a 40-year-old businessman.Because of the rapid development of his company,he has to hire five more experienced people to work for him.F
47.Edward has a strong curiosity about the current affairs at home and abroad.Also,he likes to make what happens around him public.He is interested in the latest trend as well.D
48.Daisy is a lover of music.For her,nothing is more pleasant than staying home listening to her favorite songs in her spare time.E
49.Joseph is a college student majoring in computer science in New York University.He prefers to play various games on the Internet when he has no class at night.B
50.Lily and her parents intend to visit places of interest in Beijing during the Spring Festival.Because it's the first time for them to come to Beijing,they want to get some information from other travelers.C.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

19.Recently we asked how you feel about calculators in school.We heard from about thirty people in twelve countries,including a large number of Chinese.For example,Turbo Zhang writes,"My brain is rusting (生锈).Why?Because I use calculators everywhere,on my mobile phone,on my computer,etc.New technology makes us use everything except our brain."Yes,calculators can provide us with an answer,but we may not understand it completely.Just as a student at an architectural and engineering college in China,Zhao Jingtao,says,using a calculator is"a kind of laziness".
Critics of using calculators in school,at least until high school or university,outnumbered supporters two to one.In their opinion,calculators affect badly the thinking ways of students because they don't need to make an effort to get a result.They should work out problems with some kind of pain without computers.Then they may come to appreciate the power of these sophisticated (精密的)machines.Also,it is good to use your brain because calculators are not always available.Heroin,a math teacher in Kurdistan--Iraq,says good math skills help in life.So he believes in solving problems with a pencil until high school.
But Wenbo from China says calculators reduce careless mistakes.When they were young they couldn't use calculators.But when entering high school,they have to solve a lot of math problems.They have to use a calculator.It makes their homework easier.So he insists,"The hand-held calculators has been important in my studies and even in my life."
And the education expert,Barnabas Nyaaba in Ghana,advises that"as we enjoy the use of calculators,let's be careful so that it does not have any bad effects on us."
63.What's the disadvantage of using calculators?A
A.Reducing students'math skills.
B.Causing the waste of the computer resources.
C.Doing great harm to brains.
D.Leading to the terrible physical fitness.
64.Students support the calculators using because theyD.
A.can help get higher test grades       
B.can reduce the use of pencil
C.are sophisticated machines          
D.can make the study easier
65.Barnabas Nyaaba seems to believe that students shouldD.
A.try to avoid using calculators         
B.ask their math teachers for help
C.use hand-held calculators instead of computers
D.stay wise while using calculators
66.The best title of the passage can beB.
A.How can students compute without calculators?
B.What do calculators bring?
C.Why do students like using calculators?
D.Why do Chinese students dislike calculators?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

6.这是我们第一次面对面谈论这件事.(first time)This/It is the first time that we have talked about this matter face to face.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

3.A film made for entertainment involves many people,sometimes hundred of people.
The producer is the overall manager of a film.He must decide whether a movie is made or not,raise money and hire the whole team of workers and actors.He also has to make plans to show and distribute the finished film in cinemas around the world.
Before a film is made,a story or an idea has to exist.A screenwriter writes the story,the words that the actors speak and instructions on how the action takes place.Sometimes it's based on a book,a play,a real event or an old movie,and sometimes on original ideas of the screenwriter.
If a producer wants to make a successful movie,he has to hire a good director.A famous director can get good actors to work with him.He is the most important person on the set and in charge of everything.He tells the actors what to do and decides how the scenes are filmed.
There're many other people whom a director must work with.The director of photograph is a person who knows everything about cameras,lenses and lighting and uses them to create the mood and atmosphere of scenes.Costume designers choose clothes and decide what the actors wear.
A successful movie often depends on how good the actors are.They are the only people the audience gets into contact with.They must not only learn the words that characters speak in the screenplay,but must also understand how to move and speak in a natural way.
Music is also an important part of most films.A composer writes music to create mood.Sound editors and producers put the fight music into the correct place of the film.
53.The words that actors speak mainly depend onA.
54.What can we learn from the fourth and fifth paragraphs?•C
A.Only the director has the right to choose actors.
B.A famous director is sure to shoot a good film
C.Teamwork plays a key role on the set.
D.Costume designers are less important
55.What should be the only channel the audience gets into contact with?A
56.Where is the passage most likely taken from?D
A.Science magazine.    
B.Film review.
C.Popular fiction.      
D.Entertainment edition.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

4.Sculptures(雕像) made by a Berlin artist which look like ducks,were set in the shopping malls.

