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【题目】Health care is regarded as an important way to improve the health and well-being of people around the world. In many countries of the world, free health care is provided by the government. 1

Clearly, we all have to pay for this service through our taxes.

2 They say that people who lake unnecessary risks should not receive this free health care. For example, people who join in risky activities such as skiing arc more likely to have an accident. It has been suggested that these people should pay for any medical treatment they require.

3 Firmly, it’s difficult to say exactly what is risky and what is not. For example, not doing enough exercise is probably more risky than skiing in the long run. As a result, it isn’t fair to give free health care to an inactive person and make the skier pay.4 Clearly, these people should receive free medical treatment if they are hurt on the job.

Finally, I would like to say that I think free health care is a good thing. I understand that the system is not perfectly fair because some people use it more than others. Besides, not all the medical treatment is really necessary for the health of the patient. The taxpayer should not have to pay the costs of such treatment.5

A. It offers plenty of money to run.

B. Personally, I disagree with this point of view.

C. However, some people think this is basically unjust.

D. This means that everybody has a chance to see a doctor.

E. Free health care will decrease the economy of the country.

F. Besides, firefighters take risks, but they are necessary risks.

G. However, in my opinion, this is in a small price to pay for a healthier society.








1语义理解题。In many countries of the world, free health care is provided by the government.这里提到政府提供免费的医疗保健,选D。(这意味着每个人都有机会看医生。)

2语义理解题。根据They say that people who lake unnecessary risks should not receive this free health care.可知这里意思是然而,有些人认为从根本上说,这是不公平的,选C

3语义理解题。由Firmly, it’s difficult to say exactly what is risky and what is not.可知作者不同意这种观点,选B

4语义理解题。根据Clearly, these people should receive free medical treatment if they are hurt on the job.可知这里意思是此外,消防员冒险,但是他们必须冒险,选F

5语义理解题。根据The taxpayer should not have to pay the costs of such treatment. 可知这里意思是然而依我看来,这是为了拥有一个更健康的社会所支付的很小的一部分代价,选G。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Unfortunately, the little girl was knocked down by a truck and badly _________.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

(1)My parents a of my trying to earn some money during the summer holiday.
(2)My shoes are so dirty that they need to be p.
(3)Please make an a with the dentist to treat your toothache.
(4)There are separate rooms for s and junior officers.
(5)Jim is a reliable person and he always finishes everything a of time.
(6)A pocket (版本) of the dictionary will come out soon.
(7)The (首席的) engineer is the most important of a group of engineers in a job.
(8)Increasing the number of women in top management jobs will be a slow (过程).
(9)We hope to become more (准确的) in reporting earthquakes in advance.
(10)The sales (部门) of our company is having a Christmas party this week.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】One of the two major types of smog - consisting of smoke fog, sulfur dioxide (二氧化硫), sulfuric acid, ash, and soot (煤烟) -is called London smog. Indeed, the word smog is thought to have originated in England in 1905 as a short form of the words “smoke” and “fog.”

Probably the worst case of smog in history started in London on Thursday, 4 December, 1952. 1 A temperature inversion (逆温) placed a blanket of warm air over the cold air. With nightfall, a thick fog and below-freezing temperatures caused the people of London to put coal into their small stoves. Millions of these fires burned throughout the night, pouring sulfur dioxide and smoke into the air. The next day, Friday, the people continued to bum coal when the temperature remained below freezing.2

Saturday was a day of darkness. For twenty miles around London, no light came through the smog. The air was cold and still.3 On Monday, 8 December, more than one hundred people died of heart attacks while trying desperately to breathe.4

By the time a light wind cleared the air on Tuesday, 9 December, more than 4,000 deaths had been caused by the smog. This is more people than were ever killed in any single hurricane, mine disaster, shipwreck, or airplane crash.5 Air pollution events may not seem as serious and shocking as other disasters, but they can be just as deadly.

A. Where does “smog” come from?

B. Soot and ash can be removed in a scientific way.

C. And the coal fires continued to bum throughout the weekend.

D. A large cold air mass moved into the valley of the Thames River.

E. The factories added their smoke and chemical gas to the atmosphere.

F. This is more people than were killed in the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941.

G. The city’s hospitals were overflowing with patients with breathing-related diseases.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Time for a Brainstorm
A brainstorm is a session where a small group of people come together to solve a problem. People voice spontaneous ideas, sometimes just shouting, and a note-taker writes them all down.By getting different ideas out there, ideas are said to bounce off each other and even can help solve the problem at hand. Brainstorming is often a group exercise but individuals can also conduct personal brainstorms.
He defined it as using the brain to storm a creative problem and do so in commando (突击队)fashion, with each stormer attacking the same objective. According to him, it was easier to tone down a wild idea than think up a new one. He placed importance on the collection of as many ideas as possible and dismissed scientific thinking.
Brainstorming has become one of the most popular ways to solve problems and hold discussion in schools and businesses. Many students brainstorm for a group assignment or even for a personal essay. Sarah Grace, 24, is an Australian marketing analyst and uses brainstorming during all her creative duties. She thinks brainstorming is the best way to work as a team. The sessions get everyone on the same page, everyone moving together and with a clear understanding about the foundations of an event or idea..
However, a big problem with brainstorming is creating a mess that leads people further away from a solution.If you don't have a strong moderator or leader of the brainstorm, can go really off track, and people just start discussing something totally different. Brainstorming can sometimes confuse the human brain.If you brainstorm too much and your page is filled up with all the messy links, you can paint yourself into a bit of comer and get trapped with ideas.
You need to move past brainstorming as soon as you have something workable.
A. The ideas can be smart, strange or crazy.
B. It is caused by a lack of direction from a leader.
C. Brainstorming really helps her organize her thoughts.
D. Brainstorming really is the best way to build team spirit.
E. It can open too many doors and not suggest a clear direction.
F. Brainstorms were popularized in the 1940s by American advertising boss Alex Osborn.
G. They can be words; phrases, paragraphs and anything that can help answer the question.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:





Dear Peter,

I am very glad to have the chance to share my opinions about music and my favorite music with you.









Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

(1)It is(灰尘) everywhere in the houses. Can you help me do the housecleaning?
(2)After the terrible hurricane, the whole house was destroyed e.
(3)Judging from his a, he must be from North East of China next to each other.
(4) (交换) your English composition with your partner, which helps to improve it.
(5)Every one of us can understand him well because he speaks s English.
(6)Nobody dared to go against his (命令)that everyone should leave until 8 o'clock.
(7)Nowadays, many tall buildings have efor people to go up and down.
(8)What do you think were some of the more(说服)arguments on the other side?
(9)She found pleasure in sitting b the trees.
(10)He went out the big hall, (下定决心) never to come back again.
(11)For more information c the club, you can contact(联系) Smith.
(12)Why does she always go to(极限)? She is either happy or sad, never in between.
(13)It's time that you(解决)differences between you and your brother.
(14)Walk s, turn right at the second crossing and you will see the underground on your right.
(15) (判断) by her last letter ,they are having a good time.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】I have been living in Toulouse for over four months now and I can safely say that my ability to talk to French people has improved in an unbelievable way. I was told before I came out to France by a man I respected that living abroad would be the making of me.1Here is my four-step guide to living in a foreign country:

1.Integrate(融合) with the culture and the people. It is very easy to go to work and just come straight home but this will lead to periods of huge boredom and loneliness.2Until recently, I did not believe that a friend made on a year abroad is a friend for life but now I do.

2.3I joined a church in Toulouse and as a result I now have a place to go to practice my faith. If you are a religious person this point could really help you. If you enjoy your exercise, joining a gym is also a good idea.

3.Speak the language. Even if you can’t speak the local language well, at least make efforts to try and improve.4

4.Travel.5More importantly, it gives you memories that allow you to tell others of your experiences.

These are four things that allowed me to safely integrate into a totally foreign culture. Trust me, you don’t know how young and inexperienced you are until you live abroad for the first time.

A. Travelling around the country passes the time

B. I can tell you that his words proved to be true

C. Share with others some of the things you have

D. Get into organizations that help you meet people

E. Good luck to anyone who reads this and goes abroad

F. The best thing to do is to go out and meet people everywhere

G. This helps you become a more fluent speaker and more people will talk to you


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

(1)After a brief (停顿) the speaker continued.
(2)The sailor was held up while he was on (海岸).
(3)The society publishes its list of member (每年).
(4)In (合作) EQ is more important than IQ.
(5)Jason told me that he (目睹) his wife kissing another guy.
(6)The children learned about the(关系) between the moon and the tides.
(7)They (拖动,打捞) the canal for the missing child.
(8)This creature lives in the (深处) of the ocean.
(9)Father was admiring the lovely scene (对面) the hotel.
(10)The manager (敦促) older staff to take up early retirement.

