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4. When she fell ill her daughter the business from her.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


                Valcamonica has one of the largest collections of rock drawings in the world. There have been about 200,000 figures and symbols carved into the rocks over a time period of approximately 8,000 years. Valcamonicas pictures show various scenes and are connected through common themes like magic,war, navigation and agriculture.

                 The rock drawings discovered in Valcamonica were the first prehistoric symbols of their kind recognized anywhere in the world. UNESCO first recognized the drawings in 1979 when about 140,000 were discovered,however,since then many more have been uncovered.

                  These drawings are spread all across the valley. The carvings began to taper off during the Iron Age and fewer appeared after that. The last period has been attributed to(归功于…) the Camunni people. Still there are drawings that have been identified as being from the 19th century. Many of these were created using the technique of engraving (雕刻) .

                  Some of the figures discovered in Valcamonica have been superimposed (叠印) without any order,but in most cases they appear in logical orders and also explain the relationship between each picture or symbol to tell a story.

                  The first known modem report of the rock carvings was in 1909 when Walther Laeng happened upon two decorated rocks in Capo di Ponte. Scholars only took interest in the drawings in the 1920s. More rocks with engravings were soon found in the areas nearby and research into their history began. In the 1930s comprehensive study campaigns were undertaken.

                  It was after the Second World War that the cataloging and mapping of the engravings began. This task was taken up by various teams of experts from Italy and other countries that were led by Laeng. In 1955 preservation work on the rocks began. 

                  In 1968,a large series of conferences were held where scholars from all over the world met to discuss the rock drawings,which give us some idea of what various societies of the past might have been like.

28.What do we know about Valcamonica's pictures?

   A. They tell a long whole story.

   B. They are interrelated in some ways.

   C. They were carved 8,000 years ago.

   D. They were first discovered in 1979.

29. The underlined part “taper off’ in Paragraph 3 can best be replaced by “”.

   A. turn up   B. go up

   C. die out   D. stand out

30.What is Paragraph 5 mainly about?

   A. The history of the rock drawings.

   B. The features of the rock drawings.

   C. The discovery of the rock drawings.

   D. The formation of the rock drawings.

31.Studies of the rock drawings .

   A. show us the development of art

   B. started after the Second World War

   C. were conducted by scholars from UNESCO

   D. help us know something about societies of the past


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D) 中,选出可以填入空白处的 最佳选项。

                               ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆

           Like many 13-month-olds,Byron knows a few simple words: mama,dada,and the sound ba for ball,baby,and bottle. But how can he 1 his mother about the lions at the zoo,or the piano at Grandma's house? 2 for Byron,his mom has helped him find a(n) 3 to describe these interesting 4 . The solution is what we have come to call baby signs.

           Similar to the sign language 5 by the deaf,each baby sign is a simple gesture that 6 an important object,event,or need in a baby's world. Just as children learn to 7  “bye-bye” long before they can say it,Byron has learned to open his mouth 8  for “lions ,” and 9  his fingers up and down on imaginary keys for “piano." With these and 20 other 10 

available for use,Byron is able to be an active partner in 11  with the important people in his life.

           Baby signs make life with a baby 12 and more fun: Children are less likely to become frustrated,for example,13 they can tell you what they want by using signs for “bottle” and “cold." One baby invented a sign for “afraid”-patting(轻拍) on his chest repeatedly. 14 a dog frightened him,he would add the panting (喘气) 15 he had learned for “dog” to make the 16 even clearer and easier to understand. 17,his family could 18 provide exactly the reassurance (安心) he needed: “It's okay,Zack. The doggy is behind the fence.”

            Baby signs make life sweeter in many ways. Among the additional 19: higher self-esteem (自尊) , increased attention ,greater interest in reading,and closer relationships with older brothers or sisters — who seem to find signs extremely 20 .

1. A. tell   B. ask   C. teach   D. show

2. A. Interestingly   B. Surprisingly  C. Fortunately   D. Generally

3. A. word   B. way   C. story   D. occasion

4. A. animals   B. events   C. people   D. objects

5. A. created   B. spoken   C. used   D. discovered

6. A. consists of   B. makes up   C. stands for   D. turns into

7. A. wave   B. kiss   C. shake   D. sing

8. A. slightly   B. normally   C. wide   D. up

9. A. move   B. point   C. put   D. raise

10. A. tools   B. voices   C. behaviors   D. signs

11. A. conversation   B. discussion   C. study   D. play

12. A. longer   B. busier   C. quieter   D. easier

13. A. though   B. because   C. so   D. unless

14. A. As   B. Since. C. If   D. Before

15. A. performance   B. gesture   C. emotion   D. advice

16. A. message   B. lesson   C. idea   D. problem

17. A. For example   B. To begin with   C. In conclusion   D. As a result

18. A. slowly   B. immediately   C. eventually   D. directly

19. A. features   B. results   C. expressions   D. advantages

20. A. difficult   B. entertaining    C. embarassing   D. clear


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

3. 我猜想你那时没想到报警。



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

6. His decision (retire) surprised us all.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

2. The island is experiencing a(n) (繁荣) in tourism.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

3. If we can    (保持这个速度) ,we should arrive there in about two days.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

4. The trouble was they couldn't agree among themselves.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

2. What's the (手续) for opening a bank account?

