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1.You need to be more f__________ (灵活的) and imaginative in your approach.

2.In only 20 years the country has been t____________ (转化) into an advanced industrial power.

3.Rich people wanted to p____________ (拥有)their own paintings, so their could decorate their superb palaces and great houses.

4.At_________ (典型的) picture at this time was full of religious symbols.

5.People began to concentrate less on religious themes and a____________(采用) a more humanistic attitude to life.

6.Who can p_________ (预言) what painting styles there will be in the future?

7.He would not have found a s____________ (赞助人) to help him study abroad.

8.Farmers have a_____________ (求助,呼吁)to the government for help.

9.With so many different form of poetry to choose from, students may e______________ (最终)want to write poems of their own..

10.Art is influenced by the customs and f__________ (信仰)of a people.














试题分析:1.句意:你需要在你的方法方面更加灵活和富有想象力。flexible 灵活的

2.be transformed into 被转化成 句意:在仅仅20年内,这个国家就已经转变成一个先进的工业强国。

3.句意:富人们想要拥有他们自己的图案,以便他们能够自己装饰他们豪华的家。possess 拥有

4.句意:在这个时期典型的图片是充满宗教的象征。typical 典型的、特有的 

5.句意:人们开始更少的注意宗教的主题并且采用一种更加人性化的态度来看待生命。adopt 采取、收养  adapt 适应、改编

6.句意:谁能预言在未来绘画形式将是什么形式呢?  predict 预言

7.句意:他没有找到赞助者来帮助他去国外留学。sponsor 赞助人

8.句意:农民们呼吁得到政府的帮助。appealed  呼吁

9.句意:有很多不同形式的诗可供选择,学生可能最终想要写他们自己的诗。eventually 最终地=finally

10.句意:艺术潜移默化地被人们的习俗和信仰影响着。faith 信仰





科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Chinese characters are the most beautiful, ______(比较)with the

words in other languages.                                                

If you need to look up new words, a ____(字典) is of great use.          

.At the sound of the gun, birds in the trees flew away in all ____(方向).      

You may use_____(面部)expressions, hands movements and

anything to get your meaning across in learning a new language             

If the weather is good,  we’ll eat _____(户外)                          

He was so badly injured that the doctors _____ (做手术)on him at once.

After a good rest, her _____(健康) is gradually improving.           

At present, a large _____(数量) of money is used to buy a bigger house.

It’s interesting to know that ants have two __  (胃)               

The meeting was well ____ (组织)and everyone present felt excited about the topics.


科目:高中英语 来源:2011-2012学年陕西省天津高级中学高一下学期期中考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:填空题

【小题1】He is an        (诚实)boy.
【小题2】We are        (关心)for the future of our company.
【小题3】       (在之前)to the meeting we had discussed the matter among ourselves.
【小题4】         (不幸地),I didn’t pass the exam.
【小题5】This old table is a very valuable piece of        (家具).
【小题6】The road is so         (狭窄的)that two cars can’t pass.
【小题7】 We must devote every effort to helping those        (无家可归的)children.
【小题8】Nowadays the black and white TV set has been        (代替)with the colour TV set.
【小题9】Alexander Bell           (发明)the telephone 100 years ago.
【小题10】In my         (经验),very few people really understand the problem.


科目:高中英语 来源:2013-2014学年陕西省高三上学期第四次适应性训练英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写


1.You can get even better deals if you are prepared to ________(讨价还价).

2.He left a ____ (留言) on the table before he went to explore the cave.

3.They got lost in the desert and______ (挨饿) to death.

4.His devotion to his work is ______ (令人钦佩的).

5.Coca- cola is a household word ______(遍及) the world.

6.The boy is now having his hair cut at the _________ (理发店).

7.It is easy to find out the _________ (大概的) idea of the passage.

8.That Peter hasn't accepted our invitation is __________ (令人失望的).

9.I changed into my sports shoes so that I could walk more ____(舒服地).

10.Old Joe kicked the bucket just two days before his ____ (九十) birthday.



科目:高中英语 来源:2013-2014学年陕西省西安市高三下学期第二次模拟考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写


1.It’s? ______________ ( 正常的 )? to feel nervous before an exam.

2.To build a road in the mountainous area was a real? _____________( 挑战)

3.She had ____________( 安排)? all her business affairs before going on holiday.

4.Nancy is not __________________ ( 乐观的)? about her score of the test.

5.Mother _______________ sugar out of a bag into a pot just now.(倒入)

6.He soon found himself in a _____________________(困境;窘境)

7.He knew his deskmate didn’t want to step on his foot _____________(故意),so he forgave him and said nothing .??

8.She felt she had looked at the problem from every _______________(方面 ).

9.A ______________(代表) of the company will call on you to assess the damage.

10.In fact, he is three years _______________(年长的)? to his friend.



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届陕西省高一上学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写


1.The snow storm was the worst natural        (灾难) to hit the city.

2.Mary is a stubborn girl that no one can       (劝服,劝说) her to do anything.

3.She never forgets the important papers so she is very       (可信赖的,可靠的).

4.The shopping center was in       (废墟,毁灭) after the big fire.

5.The       (东方的) sky was just turning pink.

6.Unluckily, they were       (使陷入困境) in the river.

7.David watched the bus until it disappeared       (逐渐地).

8.He wants to be a       (记者) when he leaves university.

9.Many countries are       (遭受,经历) from air pollution now.

10.Some animals choose to live in       (洞穴) to protect themselves.


